Hello Whiskers.

I'm started to work through the issue list on this repo (
https://github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk-client-js/issues) at the
moment. I've added some items I'm hoping to complete before a new release
using the 3.20 tag on GitHub (
https://github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk-client-js/milestone/1). If
anyone has anything else they'd like to add - let me know and I can have a

As the platform API is very stable, most of the issues relate to test fixes
and CI/CD suggestions. There's also on-going issue of the (small) project
dependencies needing regular updating (as NPM libraries publish at a
constant rate....).

I've pushed a fix for the recent problem with package size:

I'd like to add some checks to the CI/CD pipeline to catch this kind of
issue again.

This is in addition to starting to ship a "compiled" version of the library
to NPM (https://github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk-client-js/issues/160).
This is really important as the library is pre-installed in every openwhisk
JS runtime and smaller code-size is important for performance.

*If anyone could help with code reviews on the upcoming PRs this would be
really helpful! It's just simple Node.js code changes - none of that
complex Scala stuff ;) If you're interested in helping out here - let me
know and I can add you a a reviewer on the PRs. *
James Thomas

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