need help with build and usage

2023-02-22 Thread Mihai DEMIAN

I tried to install the plc4x with the command sudo mvn -P 
with-c,with-sandbox install within the plc4x folder, where I cloned the 
repository from GitHub (if I try to start the installation in a 
different directory I get an error that the project is not found). I get 
the error message "Failed to execute goal 
org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:report (report) on project 
plc4j-driver-eip: An error has occurred in JaCoCo report generation.: 
Error while creating report: Unknown block type 0. -> [Help 1]".
I tried the command sudo mvn -P with-c,with-sandbox clean install. I get 
the error message "Failed to execute goal 
(cmake-generate-test-compile) on project plc4c: Return code: 1 -> [Help 1]".
I tried the command sudo mvn -P with-c clean install. The computer shut 

What am I doing wrong?
I then tried the command sudo mvn install. The build succeeded. Can I 
use the "hello-world-s7.c"?

Thank you.

Configuring and using plc4x

2022-11-05 Thread Mihai Demian
My name is Mihai Demian, I am from Romania and I own an automation firm (with 
activity yet, unfortunately).
Looking for ways to make a plc communicate with a pc, I came across plc4x. 
I have an old laptop at home, running as a small home server (the best I could, 
I am very 
new to Linux world), and I downloaded and installed (with ./mvnw install). It 
took me a 
while, the distribution had some bugs in it with missing licences in header 
() and then some wrong references, but I cannot remember the files. I managed 
>to correct 
the issues and install it.
I also have 2 plcs Siemens S7-1200 connected on the same network as the server. 
my understanding of OPC Server, the server takes care about the communication 
with the 
plc and the client (user's computer) connects to the server and reads and 
writes data 
from/to the plc. At my current employer, OPC Server and a custom app developed 
is the default way of doing things.
Can you help me figuring out how to make them "talk" to each other? I want to 
be able to 
offer this option to companies.

Thank you very much.
Cu stima, / Best regards,
Mihai Demian
Administrator & PLC Programmer
Easy Engineering and Automation SRL[1]
