AW: [DISCUSS] How about a new release some time soon?

2018-11-15 Thread Julian Feinauer
Hi Chris,

I cannot answer questions 1 and 2.

But perhaps it would be good to "pimp" our documentation a bit.

Currently we do (I did) documentation in the modules. But I think it would be 
good to make most of the documentation in root so that it is in the sitemap on 
the "main" site.

Is this fine for everybody?


Von: Christofer Dutz 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 15. November 2018 11:28:58
Betreff: Re: [DISCUSS] How about a new release some time soon?

Hi all,

so I just added the RELEASE_NOTES for the new release. Hope I didn't miss 
anything essential. Please double-check everything needed is in there and 
nothing is wrong.

Also I re-evaluated the findings of the last release:
I do have 1 or 2 questions:
1) In the last release we included code from the reflow maven skin and 
therefore added attributions to the NOTICE file. I did some changes and 
contributed things back to the original skin and now no longer need the forked 
code and therefore removed that. Can I now remove all the stuff from the 
src/remote-resources/NOTICE file?

2) Do we have to add anything for Netty in our LICENSE or NOTICE or wherever as 
mentioned in PLC4X-60? Are we good the way it is now?


Am 14.11.18, 17:46 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" :


so now the release branch is created ... please do the pre-release 
candidate checking on this (At least building and testing would be a first step)
I guess I could start creating an RC1 in a few days ... perhaps this 

(Sorry for yelling ... but this is important ;-) )


Am 13.11.18, 20:16 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" :

Hi all,

coming back from yet another conference, I am planning on using the day 
tomorrow to create the new branches and adjust our tooling accordingly as well 
as our documentation.

So if you want anything special in the next release, you should speed 
up or you'll have to manually cherry pick commits.


Am 11.11.18, 15:55 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" 

Oh and thank you soo much for all the refactoring!! This makes 
things really stable.


From: Julian Feinauer 
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2018 3:53:51 PM
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] How about a new release some time soon?

Full ack, +1

From: Sebastian Rühl 
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2018 1:50:41 PM
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] How about a new release some time soon?

Hi Chris,

Sounds good to me +1


> Am 11.11.2018 um 13:31 schrieb Christofer Dutz 
> Hi all,
> so after 2 full weeks of testing, refactoring etc. now also the 
driver-base module is above the 80% coverage threshold.
> So I think we should now start the process for releasing 0.2.0 
... what do you think?
> I would also like to also start a more mature branching strategy.
> Till now we have been working on "master", I think we should 
change that.
> So my proposal would be, that we spawn a "rel/0.2" branch and 
"develop" branch form the current "master" branch.
> So we would do the release hardening on "rel/0.2" and continue 
the normal development on "develop". As soon as we do a release, we merge the 
stat of the "rel/0.2" release commit to master.
> So anyone checking out the repo would get the latest release 
> This procedure is quite the normal procedure for most open-source 
> Chris
> Am 07.11.18, 14:37 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
>Hi all,
>so in the past few weeks I have been implementing tests and it 
was definitively worth the effort.
>As now almost all of the important modules are reaching the 
threshold of "no issues and vulnerabilities" and "test coverage x >= 80%"
>I think we should start the next release process soon.
>So if you got something you want in the 0.2.0, step up, make 
yourself noticed and make sure it's in master soon.
>Am 29.10.18, 21:28 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" 
>+1 from my side as well.
>Am 29.10.18, 16:29 schrieb "Bahamada" 

AW: [DISCUSS] How about a new release some time soon?

2018-10-29 Thread Bahamada
+1 from my side

Von: Christofer Dutz
Gesendet: Montag, 29. Oktober 2018 15:17
Betreff: [DISCUSS] How about a new release some time soon?

Hi all,

after I think we addressed all the open issues reported during the last release 
and us doing some more refactoring, cleaning up, fixing things.
I would propose us to do a new release some time soon.

I did encounter and fix quite a number of bugs that will under guarantee affect 
people trying out PLC4X.

And just yesterday I managed to fix the last reported bug in Sonar and address 
a lot of Code-Smells.

However I would feel better if we managed to increase the test-coverage a 
little more.
I guess as soon as we pass the quality gate of at least 80%, we should initiate 
the release process.

Also I guess we shouldn’t all blindly start working on the same parts, we 
should coordinate a little more here.
So I, for myself will be concentrating on the S7 module.

What do you think?
