
I'm currently trying to upgrade the Saxon dependency in XmlBeans and found a 
few bugs in the XmlBeans-Dom implementation.
To find out where the error was/is, I'm comparing the calls with the Xerces Dom.
As I was struggling solely with the debugger, I've looked for a method on 
tracing the calls and I'm using btrace [1] now.

So in my IntelliJ config, I'm simply adding the VM paramters [2] and before 
running you need to compile the btrace script [3] with btracec.
There are some limitations with btrace and not all methods can be instrumented, 
e.g. methods with synchronizations, but overall I get a good idea, when the 
call chain differs when comparing the btrace output with Xerces/Jaxp.

That's all for now.


[1] https://github.com/btraceio/btrace/blob/master/docs/BTraceTutorial.md



package xmlbeans; import org.openjdk.btrace.core.annotations.*; import static 
org.openjdk.btrace.core.BTraceUtils.*; @BTrace public class Saxon {

        clazz="/net\\.sf\\.saxon\\.dom\\..*/", method="/.*/" )
    public static void m(@ProbeClassName String probeClass, @ProbeMethodName 
String probeMethod) {
        print(Strings.strcat("entered ", probeClass)); 
println(Strings.strcat(".", probeMethod)); }

// @OnMethod( // 
) // public static void m2(@ProbeClassName String probeClass, @ProbeMethodName 
String probeMethod) { // print(Strings.strcat("entered ", probeClass)); // 
println(Strings.strcat(".", probeMethod)); // } @OnMethod(
 method="/getNodeType|compareDocumentPosition/", location=@Location(Kind.RETURN)
    public static void retShort(@ProbeMethodName String probeMethod, @Return 
short result) {
        print(Strings.strcat(probeMethod, ": ")); println(result); }

 method="/hasChildNodes|isSameNode/", location=@Location(Kind.RETURN)
    public static void retBoolean(@ProbeMethodName String probeMethod, @Return 
boolean result) {
        print(Strings.strcat(probeMethod, ": ")); println(result); }

method="/getNodeKind|getSiblingPosition/", location=@Location(Kind.RETURN)
    public static void retInt(@ProbeMethodName String probeMethod, @Return int 
result) {
        print(Strings.strcat(probeMethod, ": ")); println(result); }

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