Hi All

About 10 years after someone first asked for it, we've finally gotten in-place-write and write-to-file available for HSSF! (And HSLF too)

This means that if you open a HSSFWorkbook or HSLFSlideShowImpl from a File, in read-write mode (not read-only, which is the default), you can write your changes back to the same open file without issue or error. You can also write out to a brand new file, without having to mess with OutputStreams (should be faster)

The main two methods for this, available for HSSF and HSLF, are:

So, two requests:
 * Please test this for HSLF + HSSF!
 * Please help us document this on the site, have examples etc

Assuming feedback from HSSF + HSLF suggests we've gone about it the right way, we can then roll it out to HWPF and the OPC / X??F classes too


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