Hi everyone: I think Quickstep has come along nicely and it would be great to 
explore if we can push further into potential adoption of this technology. 
There are two things here: 


#1: Can we create compelling use cases for it that differentiate it from other 
products? One key sweet spot for Quickstep is whenever one needs 
high-performance analytic query processing on a multi-processor box. So, one 
can think of putting together demo scenarios to show case this. Can you think 
of specific use cases that we can put together in a demo? One idea that I have 
is to take the air quality data from EPA and build a Jupyter notebook with 
analysis and visualization on that data, powered by Quickstep. 


#2: We should consider making presentation/talks at appropriate places. I know 
Harshad did that over the summer. Is there is list of high-profile conferences 
that we should target?


Other thoughts on this issue of pushing for adoption? 






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