Re: [racket-dev] DrRacket display bug

2013-09-26 Thread Evgeny Odegov
In addition: v5.3.6 and 'Show line numbers' is switched on.

  Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] DrRacket display bug

2013-09-26 Thread Evgeny Odegov
To reproduce:
Generate file with the following script (filepath doesn't matter) and open
in DrRacket.

#lang racket/base

(require racket/file math/number-theory)

(with-output-to-file "d:/big-numbers.rkt"
  (λ ()
(define x (factorial 5000))
(displayln "#lang racket")
(displayln "(define bignumber-list (list ")
(for ([n 2])
  (displayln x))
(display "))")

Result on my machine:

'Reindent All' (Ctrl+I) makes view normal.

  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Building HEAD today

2013-09-26 Thread John Clements

On Jul 17, 2013, at 2:23 PM, Matthew Flatt wrote:

> At Wed, 17 Jul 2013 16:48:06 -0400, Greg Hendershott wrote:
>> I did my first fetch and build of HEAD today, using the new layout. A
>> few surprises; I wanted to ask if they're as-expected (at least at
>> this point in the change to the new approach).


>> 5. At the end, I got many, many lines about dependency checking for
>> packages with dev links:
>> raco setup: found undeclared dependency:
>> raco setup:   mode: run
>> raco setup:   for package: "frog"
>> raco setup:   on package: core
>> raco setup:   dependent source: config_rkt.zo
>> raco setup:   used module: (lib "racket/syntax.rkt")
>> [...]
>> Is this normal (or normal for the time being, and OK to ignore)?
> Now that the Racket distribution is composed of many packages, your
> package depends on many packages. Ideally, you'd add in all those
> dependencies.
> Unfortunately, if you add in the dependencies, then your package won't
> work with v5.3.6 and earlier, because the packages don't exist for that
> distribution.
> We need to sort this out, and I'll bump it to the top of the list.
> (Probably, we need to add "main-distribution" as a package for v5.3.6
> and earlier, or something like that.) Meanwhile, you can ignore the
> errors.

I don't see any related follow-ups, based on my 5-minute search. What's the 
current best-practice for dependencies for packages that are to be compatible 
with 5.3.5/6 ? I'm guessing that just leaving the dependency line off and 
tolerating the undeclared dependency warnings is best for now?



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