Re: [racket-dev] new package system collections and conflicts

2014-12-03 Thread Jay McCarthy
Your frustration is understandable given the lack of charity I've
shown in this thread. I apologize and promise to try to be better.

I know I'm repeating myself annoyingly, but I think the most
productive way to move forward is if you could identify problems that
you're trying to solve where the package system is getting in the way.
We can then work together to figure out a solution.

I suspect that the majority of the problems you see now are due to my
failure to explain the purpose of the package system and its relation
to Planet.

I hope to write a blog post in the very near future that explains the
relationship between Planet and the package system. I intend to sketch
how the latter can emulate the former in a near-perfect manner. My
hope is that this post will help explain the package system and show
that it does not prevent you from doing anything that Planet let you
do, it only allows you to do more.

I'm very sorry for my annoyed responses earlier. I'm grateful for your
contributions to the Racket ecosystem.

Love always,


On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 7:12 AM, Neil Van Dyke wrote:
 I think this what's the matter with conflicts, and an arbitrary package
 putting things wherever it wants, and not having a notion of
 non-backward-compatibility is similar to what's the matter with using eval
 for everything or what's the matter with defmacro or what's the big deal
 about having subroutines in a language.

 The questioner's position works for them, some other person thinks it's a
 very bad idea, and you can trot out hypothetical scenarios and anecdotes,
 but -- since it can be argued to reduce to pragmatic tradeoffs involving
 unknowns -- you can't (at least I can't) persuade someone who thinks they
 know better.

 How about we just say that the module system was originally designed as
 something that core Racket developers would like to use, having a low
 friction to moving an individual core developer's side projects into the
 tidy-looking core, or to doing other kinds of shifting they would like to do
 in core Racket?  Without an acknowledgement that not all third-party package
 developers will be working like that, nor that everyone wants to make the
 substantial compromises to facilitate that low friction.

 For third-party developers like me, I can layer something to work around
 some of the drawbacks, and, pragmatically, that's what I'll have to do.

 Neil V.

Jay McCarthy

   Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing,
  for ye are laying the foundation of a great work.
And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.
  - DC 64:33
  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] new package system collections and conflicts

2014-12-03 Thread Neil Van Dyke

I don't think I need charity.

I thought the vision for the new package system had already been 
explained adequately.  I would be very interested to learn how the model 
is well-suited to third-party developers like me.

But -- I mean this constructively -- I'd be happy if someone simply came 
out and said this model is great for core developers, we still have to 
figure out everyone else, and maybe the model isn't great for everyone 
else.  The reason is that I've looked at the new package system 
seriously 5-6 times since it was announced, and I keep being told that 
the model is intended for non-core people like me, and that someone else 
knows my needs better than me.  Open source reuse was an especial area 
of interest to me, the package system is very important, and I've given 
the benefit of the doubt 5-6 times now.  (This has actually stalled most 
of my public Racket work, one way or another, for about 2 years.)

I'm not harshing on Racket; just on how the new package system was 
sprung on non-core people, and the narrative.  It doesn't look typical 
of Racket.  Racket is usually in the position that it could say we have 
a better idea (on, e.g., module system sophistication, various syntax 
extension mechanisms and mixed languages support, various aspects of 
DrRacket, the related pedagogic projects, etc.), and usually that 
doesn't have to be said, because the superiority of Racket is 
immediately apparent.  That's why I've been a Racketeer for 13 years and 

Neil V.

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] new package system collections and conflicts

2014-12-03 Thread Robby Findler
I think there is perhaps a misunderstanding.

The design of the pkg system is (partly) driven by the observations
the core team has about what gives us special privilege and then
working to lift those restrictions so we don't need to operate under
that special privilege. And I'll note that this theme is one that has
long been part of the design of Racket, going back at least as far as
Matthew's MrEd as OS (aka 'the revenge of the son of the Lisp
machine' paper).

So: it isn't about you at all, really. I don't think anyone claims to
know what you want or need. It's about putting ourselves on the same
footing (in terms of access) as everyone else. We see this an
important step in making more effective use of the community and
driving Racket forward in a more distributed, global way.

As far as charity goes, I generally think the world needs more of it,
even if you don't, so I'm glad to see a little of balance being
restored to this particular thread.


On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 10:32 AM, Neil Van Dyke wrote:
 I don't think I need charity.

 I thought the vision for the new package system had already been explained
 adequately.  I would be very interested to learn how the model is
 well-suited to third-party developers like me.

 But -- I mean this constructively -- I'd be happy if someone simply came out
 and said this model is great for core developers, we still have to figure
 out everyone else, and maybe the model isn't great for everyone else.  The
 reason is that I've looked at the new package system seriously 5-6 times
 since it was announced, and I keep being told that the model is intended for
 non-core people like me, and that someone else knows my needs better than
 me.  Open source reuse was an especial area of interest to me, the package
 system is very important, and I've given the benefit of the doubt 5-6 times
 now.  (This has actually stalled most of my public Racket work, one way or
 another, for about 2 years.)

 I'm not harshing on Racket; just on how the new package system was sprung on
 non-core people, and the narrative.  It doesn't look typical of Racket.
 Racket is usually in the position that it could say we have a better idea
 (on, e.g., module system sophistication, various syntax extension mechanisms
 and mixed languages support, various aspects of DrRacket, the related
 pedagogic projects, etc.), and usually that doesn't have to be said, because
 the superiority of Racket is immediately apparent.  That's why I've been a
 Racketeer for 13 years and counting.

 Neil V.

  Racket Developers list:
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Re: [racket-dev] new package system collections and conflicts

2014-12-03 Thread Matthias Felleisen

Thanks for being with with us for so long. 

I think you misunderstood the word 'charity' here and perhaps Jay could have 
used a different, a more appropriate word than 'charity', which I now realize 
can have a negative connotation. 

Otherwise, I think that the package system design is about reducing power for 
core developers so that we put ourselves into the position of contributors. Our 
hope is that this step will eventually improve the overall social/eco system 
surrounding Racket. Please stay with us, and please do give constructive 
feedback. The most constructive feedback is of the form I would like to solve 
the problem ... describe problem ... 

We have been thinking for a long, long time about breaking up the core so that 
more people can become core and we realize that this is a nontrivial step. We 
need your helps and everyone's help. 

Thanks! -- Matthias

On Dec 3, 2014, at 11:32 AM, Neil Van Dyke wrote:

 I don't think I need charity.
 I thought the vision for the new package system had already been explained 
 adequately.  I would be very interested to learn how the model is well-suited 
 to third-party developers like me.
 But -- I mean this constructively -- I'd be happy if someone simply came out 
 and said this model is great for core developers, we still have to figure 
 out everyone else, and maybe the model isn't great for everyone else.  The 
 reason is that I've looked at the new package system seriously 5-6 times 
 since it was announced, and I keep being told that the model is intended for 
 non-core people like me, and that someone else knows my needs better than me. 
  Open source reuse was an especial area of interest to me, the package system 
 is very important, and I've given the benefit of the doubt 5-6 times now.  
 (This has actually stalled most of my public Racket work, one way or another, 
 for about 2 years.)
 I'm not harshing on Racket; just on how the new package system was sprung on 
 non-core people, and the narrative.  It doesn't look typical of Racket.  
 Racket is usually in the position that it could say we have a better idea 
 (on, e.g., module system sophistication, various syntax extension mechanisms 
 and mixed languages support, various aspects of DrRacket, the related 
 pedagogic projects, etc.), and usually that doesn't have to be said, because 
 the superiority of Racket is immediately apparent.  That's why I've been a 
 Racketeer for 13 years and counting.
 Neil V.
 Racket Developers list:

  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Line editing in the default REPL

2014-12-03 Thread Leif Andersen
 My goal was not to replace xrepl, but to provide basic line editing
support to the default repl without licensing violations or massively
increasing the distribution size.

 If you're talking about implementing line editing yourself, then my
personal reaction to that would be wonderful, but doing it properly is
something that is difficult and easy to underestimate

I've already done this (admittedly it only works on OS X, but most Linux
terminals work exactly the same with a few different constants). You can
see what I have so far here:

 Then you need to deal with the trickyness of a proper editor, with
features like blinking a matching paren...

While these features are cool, they are things that can be added on later
(by extending the line editor I linked to above).

~Leif Andersen

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 2:55 AM, Neil Van Dyke wrote:

 Eli Barzilay wrote on 12/02/2014 09:31 PM:

 On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 1:29 PM, Leif Andersen

 Just to clarify a bit, we were more thinking of extending the default
 repl to have line editing features, rather then making xrepl the

 If you're talking about implementing line editing yourself, then my
 personal reaction to that would be wonderful, but doing it properly is
 something that is difficult and easy to underestimate

 I agree fully with Eli.

 Also, separate from practical benefit of having basic `readline`-like line
 editing in pure Racket, you could go gratuitously coolness factor on this.
 For example, I don't think I've seen a non-full-screen character-terminal
 REPL do syntax coloring, matching paren highlighting, and full up/down
 cursor navigation within a single REPL input.  That's labor-of-love
 coolness, and all who behold it will respect your name.

 (; would help with some
 primitives and device portability, but you'd still have to layer a lot of
 work atop that.  Offhand, the most nonobvious tricky part I can think of is
 not getting program confused about where text and your cursor are on the
 screen.  Different terminals will have different behavior when cursor is in
 the last column, or cursor is in the last row and column, or you're
 inserting/deleting characters or lines (which some terminals will support
 differently, and others not at all).  You also have to decide how you want
 to handle the user experience of some kind of Ctrl-L redraw, since terminal
 screens get corrupted often by text written by other processes, Ctrl-L also
 helps mitigate terminal quirks you don't yet handle, and terminal-savvy
 people will expect a Ctrl-L.  It's possible to make a self-healing
 character terminal display, on those terminals that permit reading screen
 addresses and that have sufficient idle bandwidth, but I haven't heard of
 anyone doing that yet, and everyone just has a Ctrl-L.)

 Neil V.

  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Line editing in the default REPL

2014-12-03 Thread Eli Barzilay
On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 2:45 PM, Leif Andersen wrote:
 My goal was not to replace xrepl, but to provide basic line editing
 support to the default repl without licensing violations or massively
 increasing the distribution size.

Yes, that's exactly what I was talking about.  I hope that you know what
you're doing, though so far the easy to underestimate seem to be the

 If you're talking about implementing line editing yourself, then my
 personal reaction to that would be wonderful, but doing it properly
 is something that is difficult and easy to underestimate

 I've already done this (admittedly it only works on OS X, but most
 Linux terminals work exactly the same with a few different
 constants). You can see what I have so far here:

If this works, I'd be thoroughly impressed -- so I tried it.  I ran
through a bunch of configurations that I use:

- plain xterm,
- ssh in xterm,
- linux text console,
- ssh in a linux console,
- `term' in Emacs (a terminal emulator, not the more popular inferior
- ssh from windows on a mintty,
- ssh from windows in a cmd box (Win7, much better than past versions)
  and in a powershell window,
- putty from windows.

(The racket process is always running in a linux machine, there's no
need for it on Windows.)  In each of these I first tried readline (a
basic test: start racket, move around, go back in history to a multiline
entry) -- it worked fine in all cases.

I then tried your code -- took your file as-is, and added

(module+ main (line-editor rkt ))

in the end.  It failed in all cases.  The failures varied, but in pretty
much all cases it just spits out an escape sequence (which is not the
right one for the terminal, otherwise it wouldn't be shown), a different
one in each case.  I then tried some navigation keys, and none of them
worked either.  In some cases they'd move the cursor where it shouldn't
go (the cmd-based cases, as expected), in other cases keys behaved in
various broken ways: spitting uncaught escapes, moveing two lines up for
each keypress, the end key moved down a line in one case, the return
key spits out a ^M.  Using C-j twice (in some cases; I'm too tired to
try them all) seem to give your code what it wants to start reading so
it displays the prompt when I do that -- then, the navigation keys are
still broken, unsurprisingly (and random escape sequences still garble
what I see).  Another weirdness is that it looks like your code waits
for a ^M, sometime later followed by a ^J, and then it returns a string:
this is very broken since a ^J is ignored before the ^M, and there can
be any number of characters between the ^M and the ^J.  (But that might
be bogus, since things are very garbled anyway, so it's hard to guess
what's going on.)

But it's actually looking at the code that makes me conclude that you're
underestimating how complicated getting this right can be.  Some various
comments in no particular order:

* Looks like there is no querying of the terminal for capabilities, and
  there's no form of database of terminals.  See the man pages for
  *termcap and *terminfo for libraries that implement these things, and
  you can also check the Emacs source code which still has a lot of code
  that deals with that in the term directory.

* These are needed to know what you can spit out, and what you can
  expect to read in.  Assuming that the rest of the terminal world
  behaves like the random one you're using is a good recipe for getting
  something completely broken.

* Looking at the code in `edit', the little that it does have is very
  very broken.  (If this is a translation of linenoise, then feel free
  to forward it to whoever does that...)
  - You should generally prefer `write-bytes' and `read-byte' to avoid
getting bogus character encoding in the way.  (But see above: you
need to consult the terminal to know if it can give you 8-bit or
even wide characters.)
  - There is no form of abstraction here, resulting in a monolithic
piece of code that is going to be a maintenance disaster.  You
should separate out the code that reads a key to a different
function, and make it return some proper symbolic name (combined
with characters for simple keys with an ascii equivalent).  This way
you can also hook more functionality on more keys.
  - Some of these escape sequences look like they could work, but there
are a ton of variations.  For example: I have seen the up key
generate at least \e[A, \eOA, and \e1;1A.
  - The last form is interesting, since it's a new-ish way to represent
keys with modifiers, so you get \e1;NA with N being 1 to 8
indicating no-modifiers, shift, alt/meta, shift-meta, control, etc.
The are similar generic escapes for most keys, and that's one case
that is easy to parse.  As a different example, my xterm generates
\e[27;6;85~ for shift-control-U: 

Re: [racket-dev] Line editing in the default REPL

2014-12-03 Thread Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 6:10 PM, Eli Barzilay wrote:

 If you're talking about implementing line editing yourself, then my
 personal reaction to that would be wonderful, but doing it properly
 is something that is difficult and easy to underestimate

 I've already done this (admittedly it only works on OS X, but most
 Linux terminals work exactly the same with a few different
 constants). You can see what I have so far here:

 If this works, I'd be thoroughly impressed -- so I tried it.  I ran
 through a bunch of configurations that I use:

None of which was OS X, which was what Leif's email explicitly said it
_only works on_.

I think we should wait till he has a version which he says works
before telling people to avoid making contributions.

  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Line editing in the default REPL

2014-12-03 Thread Eli Barzilay
On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 6:22 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 6:10 PM, Eli Barzilay wrote:

 If you're talking about implementing line editing yourself, then my
 personal reaction to that would be wonderful, but doing it properly
 is something that is difficult and easy to underestimate

 I've already done this (admittedly it only works on OS X, but most
 Linux terminals work exactly the same with a few different
 constants). You can see what I have so far here:

 If this works, I'd be thoroughly impressed -- so I tried it.  I ran
 through a bunch of configurations that I use:

 None of which was OS X, which was what Leif's email explicitly said it
 _only works on_.

My point wasn't it doesn't work outside of OSX, I was talking about a
few different constants being a bad underestimation: they're not few,
they're not constant, and the interfaces for getting them is what you'd
expect from something that started to grow in the 70s.

 I think we should wait till he has a version which he says works
 before telling people to avoid making contributions.

You should re-read my email: if there's anything that I'm telling, it's
the exact opposite.  A point that I repeated more than once.

The thing is that it would be easy to not say anything, and watch this
approach of try a few escapes and see what works fail.  And it will
fail, because, again, they're not constant, and you can't just get some
magic combination that works for 90% of the people -- even just xterm on
just linux is something that can (and often is) configured in many
different ways.  So what I'm doing is the opposite: I point at how such
a thing should be written for it to survive -- but I appreciate Leif's
time enough to warn him that this is a much bigger thing than what he
seems to think.

(And to be clear, the reason for this is that I've seen probably around
3 to 5 serious attempts that got dumped; and I have encountered these
issues multiple times, so I know that it's hard enough that even getting
simple code to work, code that I intended only for my own use, even that
was pretty hard, enough to go chase old VT references and obscure man

  ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))  Eli Barzilay:   Maze is Life!
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