Re: [racket-dev] build memory use (was: internal error during gc)

2015-01-29 Thread Philippe Meunier
Matthew Flatt wrote:
>We've so far cut the peak memory use of a build by about 1/4 compared
>to a v6.1.1 build.

Yes, peak memory use for me has now dropped from about 900MB to just
below 700MB.  Veeery nice :-)


  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] internal error during gc

2014-12-30 Thread Philippe Meunier
Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado wrote:
>Sincerely, I don't know if the bug is in racket or in openbsd.

Okay...  Well, is anyone interested in trying to locate the cause of
the problem?  I can recompile the GC with debugging options turned
on, etc., if more information is needed, but I don't know how the GC's
code actually works and I don't have the time to dive into that...


  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] internal error during gc

2014-12-29 Thread Philippe Meunier
Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado wrote:
>Works fine on my machine.

I've re-built the whole thing several times over the past few days and
it does not fail every time.  It has failed once out of the last three
builds I did.

>Try with "ulimit -d 100".

My limit was already set at 1048576 :-) The racket process never
reaches that size anyway.  Here are two graphs showing the size of the
process over time, for two different successful builds:
There's one data point every second.  The top and right edges of the
graphs are the 1048576 KB limit.  The maximum size reached (in the
second build) was 900116 KB.

Interestingly, even tough these two builds succeeded and finished
normally, I noticed that they both gave this error message:

raco setup: rendering: /images-doc/images/scribblings/images.scrbl
unmap failed: 814000, 278528, 22
raco setup: rendering: /racket-doc/scribblings/inside/inside.scrbl

In both builds the racket process was about 630 MB in size at the time
this error message showed up.  The place where this error message
showed up is the exact same place in the build where racket failed in
my original email...

Now here is a graph for a build that failed:
It failed again while processing images.scrbl, but during the
"running" part of the build this time, not the "rendering" part:

raco setup: running: /images-doc/images/scribblings/images.scrbl
Seg fault (internal error during gc) at 0xd98004
*** Signal SIGABRT in . (Makefile:62 'plain-in-place')
*** Error 1 in /home/meunier/lang/ (Makefile:44 'in-place')

The "running: /.../images.scrbl" is always the point in the build
where the racket process reaches its maximum size (883864 KB in this case),
but the process was already back down to about 584 MB when the "internal
error during gc" message showed up.

Here is the backtrace from gdb on the core file:

(gdb) bt
#0  0x04a78b01 in kill () at :2
#1  0x04ae37f6 in raise (s=6) at /usr/src/lib/libc/gen/raise.c:39
#2  0x04ae3740 in abort () at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdlib/abort.c:53
#3  0x16e9fc3c in fault_handler () from 
#5  memcpy () at /usr/src/lib/libc/arch/i386/string/bcopy.S:66
#6  0x16ea64b9 in GC_mark2 () from 
#7  0x16e7de1f in scheme_register_traversers () from 
#8  0x16ea6b54 in GC_mark_variable_stack () from 
#9  0x16ea6c5d in GC_mark_variable_stack () from 
#10 0x16ea37a6 in GC_register_new_thread () from 
#11 0x16ea5df4 in GC_dump () from 
#12 0x16ea83ca in GC_malloc_atomic () from 
#13 0x16ce7649 in scheme_generate_alloc_retry () from 
#14 0x00236c9b in ?? ()
#15 0x in ?? ()


  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] internal error during gc

2014-12-20 Thread Philippe Meunier
Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado wrote:
>Hi, OpenBSD -current or -stable? amd64 or i386?

Stable i386.


  Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] internal error during gc

2014-12-17 Thread Philippe Meunier

I just tried building racket from scratch on OpenBSD 5.6 after cloning
the github repository, and raco setup failed:

raco setup: rendering: /html-doc/html/html.scrbl
raco setup: rendering: /images-doc/images/scribblings/images.scrbl
unmap failed: d94000, 278528, 22
unmap failed: d94000, 278528, 22
Seg fault (internal error during gc) at 0xd94004
*** Signal SIGABRT in . (Makefile:62 'plain-in-place')
*** Error 1 in /home/meunier/lang/ (Makefile:44 'in-place')

Running gdb on the core file gives:

(gdb) bt
#0  0x04c5bb01 in kill () at :2
#1  0x04cc67f6 in raise (s=6) at /usr/src/lib/libc/gen/raise.c:39
#2  0x04cc6740 in abort () at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdlib/abort.c:53
#3  0x17a72afc in fault_handler () from 
#5  memcpy () at /usr/src/lib/libc/arch/i386/string/bcopy.S:66
#6  0x17a79379 in GC_mark2 () from 
#7  0x17a49c5e in scheme_init_thread () from 
#8  0x17a79a14 in GC_mark_variable_stack () from 
#9  0x17a79b1d in GC_mark_variable_stack () from 
#10 0x17a7 in GC_register_new_thread () from 
#11 0x17a78cb4 in GC_dump () from 
#12 0x17a79cca in GC_mark_variable_stack () from 
#13 0x17a79df2 in GC_mark_variable_stack () from 
#14 0x17a7b810 in GC_malloc_one_tagged () from 
#15 0x1784acc8 in scheme_malloc_fail_ok () from 
#16 0x17953875 in scheme_alloc_flvector () from 
#17 0x179544ee in scheme_integer_length () from 
#18 0x09800fe7 in ?? ()
#19 0x9794ed58 in ?? ()
#20 0x9794ed58 in ?? ()
#21 0x7dff6308 in ?? ()
#22 0xbc34be90 in ?? ()
#23 0x9794ed84 in ?? ()
#24 0x0373e1b4 in ?? ()
#25 0x9794ed84 in ?? ()
#26 0xbc34be68 in ?? ()
#27 0x000d in ?? ()
#28 0x9794ee14 in ?? ()
#29 0xb81537a8 in ?? ()
#30 0x9794ed74 in ?? ()
#31 0xcfbdf450 in ?? ()
#32 0x0d46dc40 in ?? ()
#33 0x0cdcefa8 in ?? ()
#34 0x9fbfa530 in ?? ()
#35 0x0004 in ?? ()
#36 0x050049cf in ?? ()
#37 0xa0b12d78 in ?? ()
#38 0x9794edbc in ?? ()
#39 0x11073456 in ?? ()
#40 0x4074ce41 in ?? ()
#41 0x in ?? ()


  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] How to translate DrRacket GUI to another (human) language?

2014-09-04 Thread Philippe Meunier
Jay McCarthy wrote:
>I also believe (and Robby can confirm this)
>that any string translations you leave out will just remain in
>English, even if you don't include them in your constants file.

Yes.  See also

There's also a (very low traffic) mailing list for translators:
You can subscribe to this mailing list if you want to be kept up to
date with changes made to english-string-constants.rkt.

Note that these translation files only cover the DrRacket GUI and some
of the tools, not error messages that result from evaluating code.


  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Apple today

2014-06-03 Thread Philippe Meunier
Matthias Felleisen wrote:
>I should keep it around as a bad example.

Speaking of bad examples, here's another one I randomly heard about
today.  It's about some floating point function written in C that
didn't compute the correct result in some cases.  When some people
tried to figure out the reason for the problem, they found the
following comment in the code:

"The double case was intentionally left broken as an optimization"

The original sentence is in the first paragraph, here:


  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] racket segfaults during raco setup on OpenBSD

2013-09-18 Thread Philippe Meunier
Philippe Meunier wrote:
>I just tried it and it failed the same way as before.
>I'll install the devel/libffi package tomorrow and see how that goes.

It turns out that devel/libffi was already installed on my computer
(as a dependency of other stuff I had installed before) but it was
still an old version from February, before the bug in it was fixed.
So I just ran configure with --disable-libffi and after that raco
setup was able to make /drracket/gui-debugger without problem.
So the patch seems to work.

Now raco setup just crashes later:

raco setup: making: /racket-test/tests/racket/stress
raco setup:  in /racket-test/tests/racket/stress
*** Signal SIGILL in . (Makefile:53 'plain-in-place')
*** Error 1 in /home/meunier/lang/plt (Makefile:41 'in-place')

GDB gives:

(gdb) bt
#0  0x1c06d3c0 in scheme_eqv_hash_key2 ()
#1  0x1c06e2bb in scheme_equal_hash_key ()
#2  0x1c06e4ba in scheme_hash_tree_get ()
#3  0x1c06e66c in scheme_hash_tree_equal_rec ()
#4  0x1c023ee8 in scheme_eqv ()
#5  0x1c024601 in scheme_equal ()
#6  0x1c0c9bc8 in scheme_hash_table_iterate_start ()
#7  0x1c06eaa5 in scheme_hash_key ()
#8  0x1c06f1af in scheme_bucket_or_null_from_table ()
#9  0x1c06f1e0 in scheme_bucket_from_table ()
#10 0x1c1b231c in scheme_stx_phase_shift_as_rename ()
#11 0x1c1bea6c in scheme_stx_extract_marks ()
#12 0x1c1c51b7 in scheme_syntax_to_datum ()
#13 0x1c1c549a in scheme_stx_module_eq3 ()
#14 0x1c1c5610 in scheme_stx_module_eq3 ()
#15 0x03ac2f9c in ?? ()
#16 0x8044497c in ?? ()
#17 0x8044497c in ?? ()
#18 0xcf7fe7ac in ?? ()
#19 0xcf7fe790 in ?? ()
#20 0xcf7fe784 in ?? ()
#21 0x01f13b76 in ?? ()
#22 0x0030 in ?? ()
#23 0x in ?? ()


  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] racket segfaults during raco setup on OpenBSD

2013-09-17 Thread Philippe Meunier
Matthew Flatt wrote:
>Thanks! The pull request is now merged.

I just tried it and it failed the same way as before.
I'll install the devel/libffi package tomorrow and see how that goes.


  Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] racket segfaults during raco setup on OpenBSD

2013-09-16 Thread Philippe Meunier

Starting from a clean clone of the git repository, racket3m segfaults
on OpenBSD 5.3 while in the middle of doing the raco setup:

$ pwd
$ make
Adding xrepl-test* as pkgs/xrepl-pkgs/xrepl-test
Writing racket/etc/config.rktd
racket/bin/racket -N raco -l- raco setup  
raco setup: version: [3m]
raco setup: installation name: development
raco setup: variants: 3m
raco setup: main collects: /home/meunier/lang/plt/racket/collects
raco setup: making: /drracket/gui-debugger
raco setup:  in /drracket/gui-debugger
Seg fault (internal error) at 0xa866246
*** Signal SIGABRT in . (Makefile:53 'plain-in-place')
*** Error 1 in /home/meunier/lang/plt (Makefile:41 'in-place')

GDB gives:

$ gdb racket/bin/racket racket.core 
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0341bc2d in kill () at :2
#1  0x03487826 in raise (s=6) at /usr/src/lib/libc/gen/raise.c:39
#2  0x0348774c in abort () at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdlib/abort.c:70
#3  0x1c1fb8b5 in fault_handler ()
#5  0x0a866246 in sse2_composite_over_n_8_ () from 
#6  0x0a844c41 in pixman_composite_glyphs_no_mask () from 
#7  0x1001bb48 in composite_glyphs () from /usr/local/lib/
#8  0x10064978 in composite_glyphs () from /usr/local/lib/
#9  0x100662ea in clip_and_composite () from /usr/local/lib/
#10 0x100665b3 in _cairo_traps_compositor_glyphs () from 
#11 0x1000da12 in _cairo_compositor_glyphs () from 
#12 0x1001fed5 in _cairo_image_surface_glyphs () from 
#13 0x100551d2 in _cairo_surface_show_text_glyphs () from 
#14 0x100164ca in _cairo_gstate_show_text_glyphs () from 
#15 0x1000727e in cairo_show_glyphs () from /usr/local/lib/
#16 0x0846b419 in pango_cairo_renderer_show_text_glyphs () from 
#17 0x0846b815 in pango_cairo_renderer_draw_glyphs () from 
#18 0x0ea2204a in pango_renderer_draw_glyphs () from 
#19 0x0ea2215d in pango_renderer_draw_glyph_item () from 
#20 0x0ea2280a in pango_renderer_draw_layout_line () from 
#21 0x0846a028 in _pango_cairo_do_layout_line () from 
#22 0x08090d73 in ffi_call_SYSV () from /usr/local/lib/
#23 0x08090b7a in ffi_call (cif=0x7e8134a0, fn=0x7d415c20, rvalue=0xcfbe2cf0, 
avalue=0xcfbe2cb0) at src/x86/ffi.c:326
#24 0x1c1eeb8a in do_ptr_finalizer ()
#25 0x1c1eedb1 in do_ptr_finalizer ()
#26 0x033243f2 in ?? ()
#27 0x0002 in ?? ()
#28 0x81610754 in ?? ()
#29 0x89d764a0 in ?? ()
#30 0xcfbe2d98 in ?? ()
#31 0x0c4e30ef in ?? ()
#32 0x8162dc30 in ?? ()
#33 0x0c4e4074 in ?? ()
#34 0x in ?? ()


  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] proposal for moving to packages

2013-05-21 Thread Philippe Meunier
Jay McCarthy wrote:
>If you have the source, then you need all the phase >= 1 dependencies,
>but if you just have the binary then you only need the phase = 0 deps.

That's assuming that you want to run the source, but I think that the
people who are arguing about still having the source available in the
distribution are mostly interested in reading the source, in which
case having only the source for the phase = 0 dependencies would
probably be a good enough approximation...


  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Migrating the bug database to GitHub

2012-03-17 Thread Philippe Meunier
Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
>1. You'll be able to enter a GitHub username and password in DrRacket to
>   post bugs as your GitHub user.  For people who don't do this (mostly
>   for people who don't have a GitHub account), the bug will be
>   submitted using a GitHub account that is specifically set up for this
>   purpose.

So the username and password for that special GitHub account will be
hard-coded in DrRacket?  Won't users (and potentially spammers) be
able to use that username and password to mess with the bug database


  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] new logo

2012-02-13 Thread Philippe Meunier
How about combining the ideas of (the one in the upper right) and (forgetting about an explicit
parenthesis) into a single, simple, new symbol like the one attached?
(okay, it looks more like a lambda merged with a P rather than with an
R but I think the trick would "just" be to find a font where lambdas
and italic Rs combine more nicely than in my quick example).

For some reason it slightly reminds me of a symbol for some religious
cult or political party, which might or might not be a good thing.

And that's all I'll say on the topic...  Goodnight.


  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] up-to-date libgtk for drracket on debian stable?

2011-01-04 Thread Philippe Meunier
Matthew Flatt wrote:
>If you configure with `--enable-pthreads', does it fix the problem?
>If so, we can make `--enable-pthreads' the default for OpenBSD.


Yes, it works.  Note that I still get a warning when running

=== configuring in foreign/libffi 
configure: running /bin/sh ../../../foreign/libffi/configure 
'--prefix=/home/meunier/lang/plt'  '--enable-pthread' --cache-file=/dev/null 
configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --enable-pthread

but otherwise it works fine.  Interestingly, the errors I also used to
get from drracket about saving preferences are now all gone too,
though I don't know whether it's directly related or not.

Anyway, thanks a lot!


  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket-dev] up-to-date libgtk for drracket on debian stable?

2011-01-03 Thread Philippe Meunier
Matthew Flatt wrote:
>The main change seems to be dropping the "0" version. Does replacing
>'("0") with '("0" "") also work, so that a versionless name is tried
>when the versioned name fails?

That part seems to work.  See the error message below.  It looks a bit
strange though because the error message from ffi-lib points to when in fact the library that ffi-lib ends up trying to
load is

>> Just to make things more annoying, libcairo needs libpthread:
>> [...]
>> so I also had to change the define-runtime-lib macro from
>> collects/racket/draw/private/libs.rkt so that the unix case of the
>> macro accepts multiple libraries.  I'm not sure that's the best way to
>> go about adding libpthread though, and I'm definitely not sure that my
>> simple change to collects/racket/draw/unsafe/cairo.rkt to add
>> libpthread works on other platforms...
>Won't "libpthread" get loaded auomatically when "libcairo" is loaded?

Apparently not:

$ ldd /usr/local/lib/ | grep pthread
0318a000 2318e000 rlib 011   0

So it looks like it has to be done explicitely.  This is what
currently happens with the latest version (without any of my patches):

$ gracket/gracket3m 
gracket/gracket3m:/usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol 
gracket/gracket3m:/usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol 
gracket/gracket3m:/usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol 
ffi-lib: couldn't open "" (File not found)

 === context ===
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/racket/draw/unsafe/cairo.rkt: [running body]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/racket/draw/private/font.rkt: [traversing 
[traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/racket/draw.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/mred/private/kernel.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/mred/private/const.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/mred/private/check.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/mred/mred.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/mred/main.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/scheme/gui/base.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/scheme/gui.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/racket/gui/init.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/scheme/gui/init.rkt: [traversing imports]

gracket/gracket3m:/usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol 
gracket/gracket3m:/usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol 
gracket/gracket3m:/usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol 
[... 20 more lines like this ...]
gracket/gracket3m:/usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol 
gracket/gracket3m:/usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol 
link: reference (phase 0) to a variable in module 
"/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/racket/draw/unsafe/cairo.rkt" that is 
uninitialized (phase level 0); reference appears in module: 
"/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/racket/draw/unsafe/pango.rkt" in: _cairo_t

 === context ===
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/racket/draw/unsafe/pango.rkt: [running body]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/racket/draw/private/font.rkt: [traversing 
[traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/racket/draw.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/mred/private/kernel.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/mred/private/const.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/mred/private/check.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/mred/mred.rkt: [traversing imports]


  For list-related administrative tasks:

Re: [racket-dev] up-to-date libgtk for drracket on debian stable?

2011-01-01 Thread Philippe Meunier
John Clements wrote:
>Debian is a slow-moving distribution, and it looks to me like the
>version of libgtk in the stable version of Debian Lenny isn't new
>enough for DrRacket. Here's what I get on startup:

On a related note, I just tried to compile DrRacket on a week-old
OpenBSD 4.8-current and got the following error when starting

ffi-lib: couldn't open "" (File not found)
 === context ===
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/racket/draw/unsafe/cairo.rkt: [running body]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/racket/draw/private/font.rkt: [traversing 
[traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/racket/draw.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/mred/private/kernel.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/mred/private/const.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/mred/private/check.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/mred/mred.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/mred/main.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/scheme/gui/base.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/scheme/gui.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/racket/gui/init.rkt: [traversing imports]
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/scheme/gui/init.rkt: [traversing imports]

(the same error also shows up here and there during the setup phase of
the build)

I had to change a bunch of files in collects/racket/draw/unsafe to get
it to work (see the attached diff).  For reference, on OpenBSD the
library versions are currently as follows:

Just to make things more annoying, libcairo needs libpthread:

$ nm /usr/local/lib/ | egrep -i pthread
 U pthread_mutex_destroy
 U pthread_mutex_init
 U pthread_mutex_lock
 U pthread_mutex_unlock
 U pthread_mutexattr_destroy
 U pthread_mutexattr_init
 U pthread_mutexattr_settype

so I also had to change the define-runtime-lib macro from
collects/racket/draw/private/libs.rkt so that the unix case of the
macro accepts multiple libraries.  I'm not sure that's the best way to
go about adding libpthread though, and I'm definitely not sure that my
simple change to collects/racket/draw/unsafe/cairo.rkt to add
libpthread works on other platforms...

For reference, the current version of libpthread on OpenBSD is

With theses changes I was able to run drracket, except that:

- I got the following error at startup while the steep tool is being

Error invoking tool 
xml-box: bitmap scheme-box.jpg failed to load
 === context ===
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/drracket/drracket.rkt: [running body]

(I have no problem looking at the jpg file using xv or gimp)

- at startup I also got a good half dozen popup windows with error
  messages about preference files.  These were gray popup windows with
  a triangular red-white icon with a black question mark in it.  I
  tried to use the "copy message" mouse menu of these popup windows
  but it didn't work.  One popup window was different though (it
  seemed to use a text% editor rather than being just a basic frame
  with a gray background, and had a round red-white "no entry" icon)
  so I could copy from it the error message (which was similar to all
  the previous ones, and was also printed to the console):

copy-file: read or write failed; cannot copy: 
/home/meunier/.racket/racket-prefs.rktd to: 
 === context ===
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/framework/splash.rkt:172:0: close-splash
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/drracket/private/drracket-normal.rkt: [running 
/home/meunier/lang/plt/collects/drracket/drracket.rkt: [running body]

internal error: wrong eventspace for constrained event handling


internal error: wrong eventspace for constrained event handling
