Re: Future of River

2016-10-08 Thread Peter
Patricia, you may be right, it's time to grow the project with external 
interest, but we'll need to work on the website and documentation, or 
we'll lose them.  I'm hoping to rengage our existing developers at this 

My vision is pretty similar to the vision that the original Jini team 
had, but with the lessons of time and hindsight.

To dynamically discover and search software and devices and to be able 
to interact with them dynamically using a downloaded service UI or 
service api.

We know that River's very useful for building large systems, but we also 
know that ClassLoading and versioning create problems, refer to Orbitz.  
We know that Dennis' work with Rio solves some of these problems with 
Maven and Rio also solves other problems with quality of service.  We 
also know that River / Jini is still being used today in projects such 
as Blazegraph for scale out (thank you Bryan).

Jini sort of was the first IoT framework, but the underlying IPv4 
network requires configuration to support multicast, requires firewalls 
and NAT for security and doesn't auto configure itself (IPv6 can and 
does) and small devices don't run Java SE jvm, due to battery power 
limitations, these devices use C.

We find ourselves in fortunate times, there's IoT, which is being 
enabled by IPv6's restoration of end to end connectivity.  There's Java 
Serialization security vulnerabilities and RMI in the enterprise space.  
The Java team will not take all necessary steps required to secure 
serialization and many other serialization schemes are subject to 
similar vulnerabilities.  The simple answer is to use secure sockets, to 
protect serialization and RMI, but it doesn't solve the problem of 
validating data, so you're limited to trusted endpoints only with RMI 
and Java serialization.  We can offer a solution to that problem.

People may have forgotten the security benefits of type safety and the 
absence of memory errors due to buffer overruns as these are being 
overshadowed by serialization and applet vulnerabilties.  The former due 
to a lack of input validation and the latter due to vulnerabilities in 
the java sandbox.

River does need to be easier to use, that doesn't mean throwing out 
what's been done and starting again, but it does mean building tools to 
simplify use, such as tools to assist setting up policy files and 
certificates etc, or a modular build, or graphical tools to display more 
information about jini services.  It doesn't mean we can ignore the 
underlying problems in the code either though, such as security issues 
or network connectivity.

I think by demonstrating that we can solve some of the most difficult 
problems (as others have done eg Dennis Reedy and Gregg Wonderly), we 
provide hope that these problems can be solved.  If a problem that 
discouraged the adoption of Jini can be solved then that makes River 
more useable.  We have many years of mail list history that demonstrate 
the problems, the divide between the original goal of Jini and the 
actual experiences users had.



On 8/10/2016 10:58 PM, Patricia Shanahan wrote:
To get the feedback you need, you have to reach a far wider audience 
than dev@

Including the user@ list is necessary, but far from sufficient.

You need to identify the potential users for your vision, find out 
where they discuss things, and meet with them there. Is there a gap 
that a reworked River would fill well?

Think in terms of a business plan. You will be asking people to invest 
time and energy, not money, but it is still an investment that can 
only be motivated by an unmet need.

On 10/8/2016 5:35 AM, Peter wrote:

Thanks Patricia.

It would be nice if we could hear a little about what people want for
River going forward.



On 7/10/2016 5:08 PM, Patricia Shanahan wrote:

This message is to change the subject line. These comments are far too
important to be mistaken for being part of wrapping up the 3.0 release.

On 10/6/2016 10:57 PM, Peter wrote:

To answer my own question, a list of items that require attention:
1. Modular build.
2. Improved IPv6 support
3. Update to TLS v1.2 and update constraints.
4. Investigate Maven codebase provisioning, do we need to use the
Maven ClassWorlds ClassLoaders, what about proxy identity?
5. Fix security.
6. Update website.
7. Development guide for River devs.
8. Redundancy?
9. Update user docs, perhaps update Jan Newmarch's book?



Sent from my Samsung device.

  Include original message
 Original message 
From: Peter 
Sent: 07/10/2016 12:25:01 pm
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Release Apache River 3.0.0

The question is of course where to next?

As people are aware I've been working on addressing security issues 

how to make River better and more secure.  I've been working on this
outside the 

Re: Future of River

2016-10-08 Thread Peter

Who can guess what the appended tests are testing?

If you said ServiceDiscoveryManager, you'd be half right.

These are the ServiceDiscoveryManager conformance tests, they are 
testing SDM and LookupCache using a new ServiceRegistrar lookup method 
which allows the following:

  1. Delayed Unmarshalling.
  2. Authentication before attribute, codebase and service download.
  3. Local filtering based on attributes prior to service download
 (don't download services you don't need).
  4. Dynamic granting of DownloadPermission and
 DeserializationPermission to a service, prior to downloading that
  5. Input validation of deserialized data.



ant -f C:\\Users\\peter\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\river-internet\\qa 

Deleting directory 
Created dir: 





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   Adding test: 
   Adding test: 
   Adding test: 
   Adding test: 
   Adding test: 
   Adding test: 
   Adding test: 
   Adding test: 
   Adding test: 
   Adding test: 
   Adding test: 
   Adding test: 
   Adding test: 
   Adding test: 
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   Adding test: 
   Adding test: 
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   Adding test: 
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   Adding test: 
   Adding test: 



Re: Future of River

2016-10-08 Thread Patricia Shanahan
To get the feedback you need, you have to reach a far wider audience 
than dev@

Including the user@ list is necessary, but far from sufficient.

You need to identify the potential users for your vision, find out where 
they discuss things, and meet with them there. Is there a gap that a 
reworked River would fill well?

Think in terms of a business plan. You will be asking people to invest 
time and energy, not money, but it is still an investment that can only 
be motivated by an unmet need.

On 10/8/2016 5:35 AM, Peter wrote:

Thanks Patricia.

It would be nice if we could hear a little about what people want for
River going forward.



On 7/10/2016 5:08 PM, Patricia Shanahan wrote:

This message is to change the subject line. These comments are far too
important to be mistaken for being part of wrapping up the 3.0 release.

On 10/6/2016 10:57 PM, Peter wrote:

To answer my own question, a list of items that require attention:
1. Modular build.
2. Improved IPv6 support
3. Update to TLS v1.2 and update constraints.
4. Investigate Maven codebase provisioning, do we need to use the
Maven ClassWorlds ClassLoaders, what about proxy identity?
5. Fix security.
6. Update website.
7. Development guide for River devs.
8. Redundancy?
9. Update user docs, perhaps update Jan Newmarch's book?



Sent from my Samsung device.

  Include original message
 Original message 
From: Peter 
Sent: 07/10/2016 12:25:01 pm
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Release Apache River 3.0.0

The question is of course where to next?

As people are aware I've been working on addressing security issues and
how to make River better and more secure.  I've been working on this
outside the project because my attempts to discuss it caused heated
arguments.  I figured that if I could demonstrate a working example that
people could try out, it could allevieate any misunderstandings that may
have developed due to language or culture differences.

River's approach to security (a result of the Jini Davis project) is
quite complex and contains a flaw borne out of two limitations around
the time it was developed:

   1. The assumption that the Java sandbox and java serialization was
  secure (we know today this isn't the case).
   2. Interfaces cannot be changed (no longer true with java 8), in this
  case ServiceRegistrar was designed prior to the later added on
  security features.

What's wrong with River's approach?

Answer:  It validates and authenticates after downloading code and
deserializing untrusted data, using the proxy trust framework, by asking
an already downloaded and deserialized service proxy for a bootstrap
proxy, the client code then uses the boostrap proxy to determine if the
service proxy can be trusted.  Too little too late.  Why not instead
recieve a bootstrap proxy, deserialized using input validation, without
code download, authenticate the remote endpoint, then ask the bootstrap
proxy for the service proxy?

The trouble with the existing approach today is an attacker has
opportunity to take control of a computer using deserialization alone.
For those who think a network firewall is sufficient protection and the
flawed security design isn't an issue on local networks, even in air
gapped networks, an attacker can leave a USB key in a car park
containing malware that looks for network transmissions that contain
java serialized data, hoping that someone will pick it up and plug it
into their pc, the malware will send serial data containing a gadget
attack to a listening network port that accepts java serial data and
take over the infected computer.

All network communications using standard java serialization must be
both authenticated and encrypted, prior to reading in any data to ensure
that the data is trusted.

I think we can all accept that these vulnerabilities exist and googling
java serialization gadget attacks should convince even the most doubtful

Relevant links:

I would like the opportunity to explain more, and go through working
examples of solutions before we start arguing about whether we should
solve these problems.  Anyone reading the Apache Way will realise that
security is a mandatory feature of Apache Software and therefore we
should consider how we should fix existing security issues in River and
while doing so, take the opportunity to make security simpler to
implement.  Arguments should not be about the relevance of security
issues, but rather the suitablility of solutions.



On 6/10/2016 2:04 PM, Bryan Thompson wrote:

 Excellent.  A great step.

 On Wednesday, October 5, 2016, Peter


 3 binding votes
 1 non binding

 None against.

 The artifacts have been published, we need to wait 24 hours before
