Re: OSGi NP Complete Was: OSGi - deserialization remote invocation strategy

2017-02-12 Thread Peter
Also see the OSGi Enterprise specification, v6, Chapter 136, page 691, 
there's some discussion about the NP-complete nature of dependency 
resolution there as well.

On 13/02/2017 5:19 PM, Peter wrote:

OSGi Dependency resolution is. 

Which means if we want to support an OSGi environment properly, we may 
need some time to resolve the dependencies for a smart proxy, before 
deserializing the proxy, rather than downloading the proxy dynamically 
during unmarshalling, it's better to delay unmarshalling until the 
dependencies are resolved, so the client isn't impacted by delays.



On 13/02/2017 4:50 PM, Michał Kłeczek wrote:

Sorry, NP Completness of what?
I have been the first to mention NP hardness of constraint 
satisfaction problem

but I am not sure if this is what you are asking about.


Patricia Shanahan wrote:
Are you literally claiming NP Completeness, or just using that as an 
analogy for really, really difficult?

Re: OSGi NP Complete Was: OSGi - deserialization remote invocation strategy

2017-02-12 Thread Peter

OSGi Dependency resolution is.

Which means if we want to support an OSGi environment properly, we may 
need some time to resolve the dependencies for a smart proxy, before 
deserializing the proxy, rather than downloading the proxy dynamically 
during unmarshalling, it's better to delay unmarshalling until the 
dependencies are resolved, so the client isn't impacted by delays.



On 13/02/2017 4:50 PM, Michał Kłeczek wrote:

Sorry, NP Completness of what?
I have been the first to mention NP hardness of constraint 
satisfaction problem

but I am not sure if this is what you are asking about.


Patricia Shanahan wrote:
Are you literally claiming NP Completeness, or just using that as an 
analogy for really, really difficult?

Re: OSGi NP Complete Was: OSGi - deserialization remote invocation strategy

2017-02-12 Thread Michał Kłeczek

Sorry, NP Completness of what?
I have been the first to mention NP hardness of constraint satisfaction 

but I am not sure if this is what you are asking about.


Patricia Shanahan wrote:
Are you literally claiming NP Completeness, or just using that as an 
analogy for really, really difficult?

Re: OSGi NP Complete Was: OSGi - deserialization remote invocation strategy

2017-02-12 Thread Patricia Shanahan
Are you literally claiming NP Completeness, or just using that as an 
analogy for really, really difficult?

On 2/11/2017 1:23 PM, Michał Kłeczek wrote:

I am sorry but I think that to solve various issues we need to make sure
fundamentals are right:

1. There is NO such a thing as "reflective non-smart" proxy - EVERY
proxy is "smart" (even if it is "reflective") - there is an
InvocationHandler down there, isn't there?
2. Solving this on service discovery level is trying to do it on the
WRONG level of abstraction. Services DEPEND on class loading - not the
other way around.
3. What you propose is a partial "solution". Not being able to register
"smart" event listeners means no custom endpoints for example
(UDPEndpoint anyone?)
4. Trying to squeeze partial solutions into the framework is IMHO a BIG
no no.
This is simply creating more code, more maintenance burden and more
headache for users trying to workaround "edge, unsupported cases".

Please - lets try to come up with the RIGHT solution that is going to
REALLY fix class loading issues.


Peter wrote:

In a word, ServiceDiscoveryManager

ServiceDiscoveryManager is the solution.

ServiceDiscoveryManager performs discovery and looks up services from
registrars based on filters.  ServiceDiscoveryManager then performs
local filtering.  This allows time for proxy bundles to be installed,
resolve, started and confirmed type compatible, prior to them being
made available (via OSGi service registry if you so desire) for client

The new interfaces that are part of JGDMS that I'd like to see their
way into River, found here:

ServiceCodebaseAccessor is also used as part of secure discovery, but
the codebase string and certs are transferred as primitives over the

In this case codebase annotations don't need to be included in the
stream, the JERI endpoints don't need them at all.

How so?

We can use ServiceItemFilter and ProxyPreparer to install, resolve and
start out proxy codebase, before downloading the proxy.  The
interfaces listed above allow an array bootstrap proxy's
(java.lang.reflect.Proxy) to be obtained from SafeServiceRegistrar.

Firstly the bootstrap proxy's JERI endpoint will be loaded in the
ServiceDiscoveryManager's ClassLoader, so after we've retrieved the
codebase annotation and signers, created a bundle for the proxy,
resolved it's dependencies (via OSGi resolution and repository
services), we need to remarshall the bootstrap proxy into a
MarshalledInstance, then unmarshall it using the ClassLoader of the
recently started proxy bundle.  Then when we cast the bootstrap proxy
to ServiceProxyAccessor and retrieve the smart proxy, it will be
loaded into the same ClassLoader that the bootstrap proxy uses, our
newly provisioned and loaded bundle (the correct ClassLoader) without
need to serialize any annotations, then the smart proxy can have
constraints applied etc and be registered as an OSGi service with the
OSGi registrar, where client code can interact with the remote proxy.

Now if public Serializable classes that are imported by the proxy's
bundle (service api) or private classes in the proxy's bundle can be
deserialized and the JERI endpoint has a reference to the ClassLoader
of the proxy.

This should be good enough so we don't require the "bundle stack"
proposed earlier, which also saves the need to explain it and
simplifies the solution (the intent of the bundle stack was to allow
deserialization of private classes within other bundles whose packages
have been imported by the proxy).

The client won't be able to pass a smart proxy to the service (like a
Listener), but it can still pass a non smart proxy and it will still
function.  So clients can still export their own remote service
(albiet without a codebase, excluding smart proxy's), but it'll be
good enough for a listener etc.



On 8/02/2017 1:09 PM, Niclas Hedhman wrote:

Maybe there are some misunderstanding somewhere... see below;

On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 3:35 AM, Peter  wrote:

I'm currently only considering OSGi server ->  OSGi client.  Mick's

investigating all four options.

Ok, makes it a lot easier for me to follow.

Not expecting the client calling bundle to resolve everything, hence
stack, so we have the full visibility of the bundl

Re: OSGi NP Complete Was: OSGi - deserialization remote invocation strategy

2017-02-12 Thread Peter
Interestingly ServiceCodebaseAccessor.getClassAnnotation() could be modified to 
accept a string parameter.  This would allow different smart proxy codebases to 
be provisioned for different environments.

By provisioning and deserializing into the ClassLoader for the provisioned 
codebase,  a service can support multiple client environments.  Although this 
doesn't provide the full gammut of seamlessly passing smart proxys and private 
serializable objects that extend the service api, as remote method arguments, 
which is an admirable and ideal goal, my pragmatic side tells me it's an 
acceptable compromise to constrain functionality within the known limitations 
of the jvm and ClassLoaders.

Jim Waldo lamented (sorry don't have a )reference the change in Java 1.2 that 
tied class identity to ClassLoaders, see following paper:

The proxy ClassLoader of the local environment controlls class visibility, 
annotations are not required in the serialized object stream, if it is 
deserialised into the proxy ClassLoader.

As Nic and Mic have mentioned OSGi's NP Complete resolution means that codebase 
provisioning is something that needs to performed by a background thread, it's 
not something that's practical to perform during unmarshalling, it needs to 
occur prior to deserialization.

Gregg has demonstrated that delayed unmarshalling has significant performance 
benefits in desktop applications.

Delayed unmarshalling also has security benefits, allowing authentication to be 
performed prior to codebase downloads and deserialization.


Dynamic proxy - proxy that's generated dynamically, it doesn’t use or require a 

Smart proxy - proxy that performs local processing / computation, it requires a 



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  Include original message
 Original message 
From: Peter 
Sent: 12/02/2017 08:42:23 am
Subject: Re: OSGi NP Complete Was: OSGi - deserialization remote invocation 

Thanks Michal, 

See inline below. 

On 12/02/2017 7:23 AM, Michał Kłeczek wrote: 
> I am sorry but I think that to solve various issues we need to make  
> sure fundamentals are right: 
> 1. There is NO such a thing as "reflective non-smart" proxy - EVERY  
> proxy is "smart" (even if it is "reflective") - there is an  
> InvocationHandler down there, isn't there? 

Easy fixed, we change the terminology to a proxy without a codebase  
download, "dynamic proxy" was a term that Sun used for it previously.   
Sun used the terminology "Smart Proxy" to describe a proxy that had a  
codebase.  Dynamic proxy's still have an InvocationHandler, it's part of  
one of the existing jeri implementations and already installed at both ends. 

> 2. Solving this on service discovery level is trying to do it on the  
> WRONG level of abstraction. Services DEPEND on class loading - not the  
> other way around. 

Can you explain a little more please? 

> 3. What you propose is a partial "solution". Not being able to  
> register "smart" event listeners means no custom endpoints for example  
> (UDPEndpoint anyone?) 

Yes, you can still have custom endpoints, but the endpoints need to be  
installed at both ends, prior.  Initially, smart proxy's cannot be used  
for remote objects, only exported services. 

> 4. Trying to squeeze partial solutions into the framework is IMHO a  
> BIG no no. 
> This is simply creating more code, more maintenance burden and more  
> headache for users trying to workaround "edge, unsupported cases". 

Not really, it provides working solutions for the majority of cases,  
with minimal changes, low hanging fruit so to speak and allows adoption,  
the other cases can be worked on later, when there are more users and  
more developers to assist. 

The proxy implementation (provider) is abstracted behind the service api  
completely, typical of OSGi practise, ServiceDiscoveryManager allows  
time for service proxy's to be wired up, prior to deserialization using  
delayed unmarshalling. 

The consumer must use the service api to interact with the service and  
must honour the service api documentation, which may state which classes  
may be overridden, that providers must interact using certain classes in  
the local jvm and not transfer them remotely, a good way to do that is  
ensure they're not serializable.   A listener is intended to be  
implemented, however the consumer would only be able to export a remote  
object that doesn't have a codebase and still be able expect the  
provider to deserialize it. 

Unless of course we create a new service that allows a client to request  
a bundle be installed, resolved and started in a remote end, allowing  
consumers to request remote provisioning.  Still I'd like to allow the  
solution to grow, we shouldn't expect to be able to do it all at once.   
We can still agree that at some point addressing the remaining  
functionality would be nice