Dear Apache RocketMQ Team,

My name is Theo Lim and I am a backend developer in Korea.

I am writing to express my interest in the movement to integrate with
spring and participating in the GSOC Open Source Program.

As a developer, I have been working with Spring 5 to develop backend
systems for various projects for 2 years. I am also experienced in using
Kafka and Messaging Queue to facilitate communication between different
components of the system.

In the past, I have contributed to the OpenStack open source project and
gained valuable experience in working with a community of developers to
achieve a common goal.

In my current role, I use Spring extensively to integrate various
components of the system, and I am passionate about exploring new
possibilities with this technology. I believe that participating in the
GSOC program will not only give me the opportunity to contribute to an open
source project but also help me develop new skills and gain more experience
in the field.

I am particularly interested in projects related to Spring, and Messaging
Queue, especially RocketMQ that is a new gen tool with powerful
efficiency. I am open to exploring other areas as well. I am a dedicated
and hardworking developer, and I am confident that I can make a valuable
contribution to any project that I am assigned to.

Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to hearing
from you soon.

From. Theo Lim

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