Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #471

2020-01-12 Thread apacheroyaleci


[...truncated 69.58 KB...]
 [java]  ^
 col: 15 Call to a possibly undefined method setAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   element.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray",value);
 [java]   ^
 col: 22 Call to a possibly undefined method getAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   return element.getAttribute("stroke-dashoffset");
 [java]  ^
 col: 15 Call to a possibly undefined method setAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   element.setAttribute("stroke-dashoffset",value);
 [java]   ^
 col: 22 Call to a possibly undefined method getAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   return element.getAttribute("stroke-linecap");
 [java]  ^
 col: 15 Call to a possibly undefined method setAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   element.setAttribute("stroke-linecap",value);
 [java]   ^
 col: 22 Call to a possibly undefined method getAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   return element.getAttribute("stroke-linejoin");
 [java]  ^
 col: 15 Call to a possibly undefined method setAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   element.setAttribute("stroke-linejoin",value);
 [java]   ^
 col: 22 Call to a possibly undefined method getAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   return element.getAttribute("stroke-miterlimit");
 [java]  ^
 col: 15 Call to a possibly undefined method setAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   element.setAttribute("stroke-miterlimit",value);
 [java]   ^
 col: 22 Call to a possibly undefined method getAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   return element.getAttribute("stroke-opacity");
 [java]  ^
 col: 15 Call to a possibly undefined method setAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   element.setAttribute("stroke-opacity",value);
 [java]   ^
 col: 22 Call to a possibly undefined method getAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   return element.getAttribute("stroke-width");
 [java]  ^
 col: 15 Call to a possibly undefined method setAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   element.setAttribute("stroke-width",value

Build failed in Jenkins: royale-compiler-integration-tests #394

2020-01-12 Thread apacheroyaleci


[...truncated 159.08 KB...]
[junit] scanning for overrides: ApplicationBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: IEventDispatcher
[junit] scanning for overrides: IInitialViewApplication
[junit] scanning for overrides: IParent
[junit] scanning for overrides: IPopUpHost
[junit] scanning for overrides: IPopUpHostParent
[junit] scanning for overrides: IRenderedObject
[junit] scanning for overrides: IStrand
[junit] scanning for overrides: Application
[junit] scanning for overrides: RoyaleTest_again_Flash
[junit] scanning for overrides: IDocument
[junit] scanning for overrides: MyController
[junit] scanning for overrides: HTMLElementWrapper
[junit] scanning for overrides: IId
[junit] scanning for overrides: IChild
[junit] scanning for overrides: IUIBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: ILayoutChild
[junit] scanning for overrides: IParentIUIBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: IRoyaleElement
[junit] scanning for overrides: IStrandWithModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IStrandWithModelView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IStyleableObject
[junit] scanning for overrides: UIBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: IContainer
[junit] scanning for overrides: IContentViewHost
[junit] scanning for overrides: ILayoutParent
[junit] scanning for overrides: ILayoutView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IStatesObject
[junit] scanning for overrides: GroupBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: IApplicationView
[junit] scanning for overrides: ViewBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: IMXMLDocument
[junit] scanning for overrides: View
[junit] scanning for overrides: MyInitialView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IItemConverter
[junit] scanning for overrides: JSONItemConverter
[junit] scanning for overrides: StockDataJSONItemConverter
[junit] scanning for overrides: EventDispatcher
[junit] scanning for overrides: MyModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBead
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBeadController
[junit] scanning for overrides: ComboBoxController
[junit] scanning for overrides: DropDownListController
[junit] scanning for overrides: EditableTextKeyboardController
[junit] scanning for overrides: ScrollBarMouseControllerBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: HScrollBarMouseController
[junit] scanning for overrides: ItemRendererMouseController
[junit] scanning for overrides: ListSingleSelectionMouseController
[junit] scanning for overrides: VScrollBarMouseController
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBeadLayout
[junit] scanning for overrides: LayoutBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: BasicLayout
[junit] scanning for overrides: HScrollBarLayout
[junit] scanning for overrides: VScrollBarLayout
[junit] scanning for overrides: VerticalLayout
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBeadModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IRollOverModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IDataProviderModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ISelectionModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ArraySelectionModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IComboBoxModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ComboBoxModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: DataProviderModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IRangeModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: RangeModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IScrollBarModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ScrollBarModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBorderModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: SingleLineBorderModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ITextModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: TextModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IToggleButtonModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ToggleButtonModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IValueToggleButtonModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ValueToggleButtonModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IViewportModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ViewportModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBeadView
[junit] scanning for overrides: BeadViewBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: CSSButtonView
[junit] scanning for overrides: CSSTextButtonView
[junit] scanning for overrides: CheckBoxView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IViewWithPopUp
[junit] scanning for overrides: IComboBoxView
[junit] scanning for overrides: ComboBoxView
[junit] scanning for overrides: ILayoutHost
[junit] scanning for overrides: GroupView
[junit] scanning for overrides: ContainerView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IItemRendererParent
[junit] scanning for overrides: IListView
[junit] scanning for overrides: DataContainerView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IDataProviderItemRendererMapper
[junit] scanning for overrides: DataItem

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #470

2020-01-12 Thread apacheroyaleci


[...truncated 68.94 KB...]
 [java]  ^
 col: 15 Call to a possibly undefined method setAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   element.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray",value);
 [java]   ^
 col: 22 Call to a possibly undefined method getAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   return element.getAttribute("stroke-dashoffset");
 [java]  ^
 col: 15 Call to a possibly undefined method setAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   element.setAttribute("stroke-dashoffset",value);
 [java]   ^
 col: 22 Call to a possibly undefined method getAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   return element.getAttribute("stroke-linecap");
 [java]  ^
 col: 15 Call to a possibly undefined method setAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   element.setAttribute("stroke-linecap",value);
 [java]   ^
 col: 22 Call to a possibly undefined method getAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   return element.getAttribute("stroke-linejoin");
 [java]  ^
 col: 15 Call to a possibly undefined method setAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   element.setAttribute("stroke-linejoin",value);
 [java]   ^
 col: 22 Call to a possibly undefined method getAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   return element.getAttribute("stroke-miterlimit");
 [java]  ^
 col: 15 Call to a possibly undefined method setAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   element.setAttribute("stroke-miterlimit",value);
 [java]   ^
 col: 22 Call to a possibly undefined method getAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   return element.getAttribute("stroke-opacity");
 [java]  ^
 col: 15 Call to a possibly undefined method setAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   element.setAttribute("stroke-opacity",value);
 [java]   ^
 col: 22 Call to a possibly undefined method getAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   return element.getAttribute("stroke-width");
 [java]  ^
 col: 15 Call to a possibly undefined method setAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   element.setAttribute("stroke-width",value

Build failed in Jenkins: royale-compiler-integration-tests #393

2020-01-12 Thread apacheroyaleci


[...truncated 159.10 KB...]
[junit] scanning for overrides: ApplicationBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: IEventDispatcher
[junit] scanning for overrides: IInitialViewApplication
[junit] scanning for overrides: IParent
[junit] scanning for overrides: IPopUpHost
[junit] scanning for overrides: IPopUpHostParent
[junit] scanning for overrides: IRenderedObject
[junit] scanning for overrides: IStrand
[junit] scanning for overrides: Application
[junit] scanning for overrides: RoyaleTest_again_Flash
[junit] scanning for overrides: IDocument
[junit] scanning for overrides: MyController
[junit] scanning for overrides: HTMLElementWrapper
[junit] scanning for overrides: IId
[junit] scanning for overrides: IChild
[junit] scanning for overrides: IUIBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: ILayoutChild
[junit] scanning for overrides: IParentIUIBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: IRoyaleElement
[junit] scanning for overrides: IStrandWithModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IStrandWithModelView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IStyleableObject
[junit] scanning for overrides: UIBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: IContainer
[junit] scanning for overrides: IContentViewHost
[junit] scanning for overrides: ILayoutParent
[junit] scanning for overrides: ILayoutView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IStatesObject
[junit] scanning for overrides: GroupBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: IApplicationView
[junit] scanning for overrides: ViewBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: IMXMLDocument
[junit] scanning for overrides: View
[junit] scanning for overrides: MyInitialView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IItemConverter
[junit] scanning for overrides: JSONItemConverter
[junit] scanning for overrides: StockDataJSONItemConverter
[junit] scanning for overrides: EventDispatcher
[junit] scanning for overrides: MyModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBead
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBeadController
[junit] scanning for overrides: ComboBoxController
[junit] scanning for overrides: DropDownListController
[junit] scanning for overrides: EditableTextKeyboardController
[junit] scanning for overrides: ScrollBarMouseControllerBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: HScrollBarMouseController
[junit] scanning for overrides: ItemRendererMouseController
[junit] scanning for overrides: ListSingleSelectionMouseController
[junit] scanning for overrides: VScrollBarMouseController
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBeadLayout
[junit] scanning for overrides: LayoutBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: BasicLayout
[junit] scanning for overrides: HScrollBarLayout
[junit] scanning for overrides: VScrollBarLayout
[junit] scanning for overrides: VerticalLayout
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBeadModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IRollOverModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IDataProviderModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ISelectionModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ArraySelectionModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IComboBoxModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ComboBoxModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: DataProviderModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IRangeModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: RangeModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IScrollBarModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ScrollBarModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBorderModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: SingleLineBorderModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ITextModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: TextModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IToggleButtonModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ToggleButtonModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IValueToggleButtonModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ValueToggleButtonModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IViewportModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ViewportModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBeadView
[junit] scanning for overrides: BeadViewBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: CSSButtonView
[junit] scanning for overrides: CSSTextButtonView
[junit] scanning for overrides: CheckBoxView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IViewWithPopUp
[junit] scanning for overrides: IComboBoxView
[junit] scanning for overrides: ComboBoxView
[junit] scanning for overrides: ILayoutHost
[junit] scanning for overrides: GroupView
[junit] scanning for overrides: ContainerView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IItemRendererParent
[junit] scanning for overrides: IListView
[junit] scanning for overrides: DataContainerView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IDataProviderItemRendererMapper
[junit] scanning for overrides: DataItem

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #469

2020-01-12 Thread apacheroyaleci


[carlosrovira] tour-de-jewel: upgrade datagrid example

[harbs] Added SVG elements

[harbs] extra space

[...truncated 68.98 KB...]
 [java]  ^
 col: 15 Call to a possibly undefined method setAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   element.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray",value);
 [java]   ^
 col: 22 Call to a possibly undefined method getAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   return element.getAttribute("stroke-dashoffset");
 [java]  ^
 col: 15 Call to a possibly undefined method setAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   element.setAttribute("stroke-dashoffset",value);
 [java]   ^
 col: 22 Call to a possibly undefined method getAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   return element.getAttribute("stroke-linecap");
 [java]  ^
 col: 15 Call to a possibly undefined method setAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   element.setAttribute("stroke-linecap",value);
 [java]   ^
 col: 22 Call to a possibly undefined method getAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   return element.getAttribute("stroke-linejoin");
 [java]  ^
 col: 15 Call to a possibly undefined method setAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   element.setAttribute("stroke-linejoin",value);
 [java]   ^
 col: 22 Call to a possibly undefined method getAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   return element.getAttribute("stroke-miterlimit");
 [java]  ^
 col: 15 Call to a possibly undefined method setAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   element.setAttribute("stroke-miterlimit",value);
 [java]   ^
 col: 22 Call to a possibly undefined method getAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   return element.getAttribute("stroke-opacity");
 [java]  ^
 col: 15 Call to a possibly undefined method setAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   element.setAttribute("stroke-opacity",value);
 [java]   ^
 col: 22 Call to a possibly undefined method getAttribute through a reference 
with static type IRoyaleElement.
 [java]   return element.getAttribute("stroke-width");
 [java]  ^
 col: 15 Call to a possibly undefined method setAttribute through 

Re: Spectrum Components

2020-01-12 Thread Andrew Wetmore
This will be great! By the way, if you want any text review I would be
happy to help. For example, "Varients" should be "Variants"

On Sun, Jan 12, 2020 at 7:30 PM Harbs  wrote:

> FYI, I’ve been working on filling out a demo the Spectrum Royale
> components:
> <
> I’m going to be filling them out over the next week…
> Harbs

Andrew Wetmore

Spectrum Components

2020-01-12 Thread Harbs
FYI, I’ve been working on filling out a demo the Spectrum Royale components: 

I’m going to be filling them out over the next week…


Build failed in Jenkins: royale-compiler-integration-tests #392

2020-01-12 Thread apacheroyaleci


[...truncated 156.57 KB...]
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 11:16:16 PM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:277: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: let declaration.
[junit]   for (let i = isArrayLike ? 0 : 1; i < keys.length; i++) {
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 11:16:16 PM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:307: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   for (const key in obj) {
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 11:16:16 PM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:329: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   for (const key in obj) {
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 11:16:16 PM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:351: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   const key = goog.object.findKey(obj, f, opt_this);
[junit]   ^
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 11:16:16 PM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:363: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   for (const key in obj) {
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 11:16:16 PM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:376: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   for (const i in obj) {
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 11:16:16 PM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:390: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: let declaration.
[junit]   let rv;
[junit]   ^
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 11:16:16 PM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:480: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   const val = f();
[junit]   ^
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 11:16:16 PM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:495: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   for (const k in a) {
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 11:16:16 PM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:500: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   for (const k in b) {
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 11:16:16 PM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:520: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   const res = {};
[junit]   ^
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 11:16:16 PM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:521: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   for (const key in obj) {
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 11:16:16 PM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:545: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   const type = goog.typeOf(obj);
[junit]   ^
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 11:16:16 PM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:550: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit] const clone = type == 'array' ? [] : {};
[junit] ^
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 11:16:16 PM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:551: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit] for (const key in obj) {
[junit]  ^
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 11:16:16 PM

RE: YFiles, EPL, Apache

2020-01-12 Thread Yishay Weiss
Ok, I contacted them. I’ll let you guys know.

From: Carlos Rovira 
Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2020 6:58:17 PM
Subject: Re: YFiles, EPL, Apache


I think you should contact yFiles directly and talk with them about it.
That's better to try to figure if something could be wrong in the future.

My understanding is that he should be able to give you permission since it
implies make his commercial lib to clients that want to use in Royale.
So that clientes will still need to pay for the commercial version, while
if no typedefs are done, it will be more difficult to do.

El dom., 12 ene. 2020 a las 16:30, Yishay Weiss ()

> Hi,
> Before I start making inquiries in legal I wonder if anyone here can give
> me some guidance.
> I want to create typedefs for yFiles [1], using an externs [2] file that’s
> under an EPL [3]. Should that be a problem?
> This issue [4] makes me extra cautious.
> Thanks.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]

Carlos Rovira

Build failed in Jenkins: royale-compiler-integration-tests #391

2020-01-12 Thread apacheroyaleci


[...truncated 159.72 KB...]
[junit] scanning for overrides: ApplicationBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: IEventDispatcher
[junit] scanning for overrides: IInitialViewApplication
[junit] scanning for overrides: IParent
[junit] scanning for overrides: IPopUpHost
[junit] scanning for overrides: IPopUpHostParent
[junit] scanning for overrides: IRenderedObject
[junit] scanning for overrides: IStrand
[junit] scanning for overrides: Application
[junit] scanning for overrides: RoyaleTest_again_Flash
[junit] scanning for overrides: IDocument
[junit] scanning for overrides: MyController
[junit] scanning for overrides: HTMLElementWrapper
[junit] scanning for overrides: IId
[junit] scanning for overrides: IChild
[junit] scanning for overrides: IUIBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: ILayoutChild
[junit] scanning for overrides: IParentIUIBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: IRoyaleElement
[junit] scanning for overrides: IStrandWithModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IStrandWithModelView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IStyleableObject
[junit] scanning for overrides: UIBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: IContainer
[junit] scanning for overrides: IContentViewHost
[junit] scanning for overrides: ILayoutParent
[junit] scanning for overrides: ILayoutView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IStatesObject
[junit] scanning for overrides: GroupBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: IApplicationView
[junit] scanning for overrides: ViewBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: IMXMLDocument
[junit] scanning for overrides: View
[junit] scanning for overrides: MyInitialView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IItemConverter
[junit] scanning for overrides: JSONItemConverter
[junit] scanning for overrides: StockDataJSONItemConverter
[junit] scanning for overrides: EventDispatcher
[junit] scanning for overrides: MyModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBead
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBeadController
[junit] scanning for overrides: ComboBoxController
[junit] scanning for overrides: DropDownListController
[junit] scanning for overrides: EditableTextKeyboardController
[junit] scanning for overrides: ScrollBarMouseControllerBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: HScrollBarMouseController
[junit] scanning for overrides: ItemRendererMouseController
[junit] scanning for overrides: ListSingleSelectionMouseController
[junit] scanning for overrides: VScrollBarMouseController
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBeadLayout
[junit] scanning for overrides: LayoutBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: BasicLayout
[junit] scanning for overrides: HScrollBarLayout
[junit] scanning for overrides: VScrollBarLayout
[junit] scanning for overrides: VerticalLayout
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBeadModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IRollOverModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IDataProviderModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ISelectionModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ArraySelectionModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IComboBoxModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ComboBoxModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: DataProviderModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IRangeModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: RangeModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IScrollBarModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ScrollBarModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBorderModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: SingleLineBorderModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ITextModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: TextModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IToggleButtonModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ToggleButtonModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IValueToggleButtonModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ValueToggleButtonModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IViewportModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ViewportModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBeadView
[junit] scanning for overrides: BeadViewBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: CSSButtonView
[junit] scanning for overrides: CSSTextButtonView
[junit] scanning for overrides: CheckBoxView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IViewWithPopUp
[junit] scanning for overrides: IComboBoxView
[junit] scanning for overrides: ComboBoxView
[junit] scanning for overrides: ILayoutHost
[junit] scanning for overrides: GroupView
[junit] scanning for overrides: ContainerView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IItemRendererParent
[junit] scanning for overrides: IListView
[junit] scanning for overrides: DataContainerView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IDataProviderItemRendererMapper
[junit] scanning for overrides: DataItem

Re: YFiles, EPL, Apache

2020-01-12 Thread Carlos Rovira

I think you should contact yFiles directly and talk with them about it.
That's better to try to figure if something could be wrong in the future.

My understanding is that he should be able to give you permission since it
implies make his commercial lib to clients that want to use in Royale.
So that clientes will still need to pay for the commercial version, while
if no typedefs are done, it will be more difficult to do.

El dom., 12 ene. 2020 a las 16:30, Yishay Weiss ()

> Hi,
> Before I start making inquiries in legal I wonder if anyone here can give
> me some guidance.
> I want to create typedefs for yFiles [1], using an externs [2] file that’s
> under an EPL [3]. Should that be a problem?
> This issue [4] makes me extra cautious.
> Thanks.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]

Carlos Rovira

YFiles, EPL, Apache

2020-01-12 Thread Yishay Weiss


Before I start making inquiries in legal I wonder if anyone here can give me 
some guidance.

I want to create typedefs for yFiles [1], using an externs [2] file that’s 
under an EPL [3]. Should that be a problem?

This issue [4] makes me extra cautious.



Build failed in Jenkins: royale-compiler-integration-tests #390

2020-01-12 Thread apacheroyaleci


[...truncated 160.35 KB...]
[junit] scanning for overrides: ApplicationBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: IEventDispatcher
[junit] scanning for overrides: IInitialViewApplication
[junit] scanning for overrides: IParent
[junit] scanning for overrides: IPopUpHost
[junit] scanning for overrides: IPopUpHostParent
[junit] scanning for overrides: IRenderedObject
[junit] scanning for overrides: IStrand
[junit] scanning for overrides: Application
[junit] scanning for overrides: RoyaleTest_again_Flash
[junit] scanning for overrides: IDocument
[junit] scanning for overrides: MyController
[junit] scanning for overrides: HTMLElementWrapper
[junit] scanning for overrides: IId
[junit] scanning for overrides: IChild
[junit] scanning for overrides: IUIBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: ILayoutChild
[junit] scanning for overrides: IParentIUIBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: IRoyaleElement
[junit] scanning for overrides: IStrandWithModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IStrandWithModelView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IStyleableObject
[junit] scanning for overrides: UIBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: IContainer
[junit] scanning for overrides: IContentViewHost
[junit] scanning for overrides: ILayoutParent
[junit] scanning for overrides: ILayoutView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IStatesObject
[junit] scanning for overrides: GroupBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: IApplicationView
[junit] scanning for overrides: ViewBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: IMXMLDocument
[junit] scanning for overrides: View
[junit] scanning for overrides: MyInitialView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IItemConverter
[junit] scanning for overrides: JSONItemConverter
[junit] scanning for overrides: StockDataJSONItemConverter
[junit] scanning for overrides: EventDispatcher
[junit] scanning for overrides: MyModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBead
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBeadController
[junit] scanning for overrides: ComboBoxController
[junit] scanning for overrides: DropDownListController
[junit] scanning for overrides: EditableTextKeyboardController
[junit] scanning for overrides: ScrollBarMouseControllerBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: HScrollBarMouseController
[junit] scanning for overrides: ItemRendererMouseController
[junit] scanning for overrides: ListSingleSelectionMouseController
[junit] scanning for overrides: VScrollBarMouseController
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBeadLayout
[junit] scanning for overrides: LayoutBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: BasicLayout
[junit] scanning for overrides: HScrollBarLayout
[junit] scanning for overrides: VScrollBarLayout
[junit] scanning for overrides: VerticalLayout
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBeadModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IRollOverModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IDataProviderModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ISelectionModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ArraySelectionModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IComboBoxModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ComboBoxModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: DataProviderModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IRangeModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: RangeModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IScrollBarModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ScrollBarModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBorderModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: SingleLineBorderModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ITextModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: TextModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IToggleButtonModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ToggleButtonModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IValueToggleButtonModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ValueToggleButtonModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IViewportModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: ViewportModel
[junit] scanning for overrides: IBeadView
[junit] scanning for overrides: BeadViewBase
[junit] scanning for overrides: CSSButtonView
[junit] scanning for overrides: CSSTextButtonView
[junit] scanning for overrides: CheckBoxView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IViewWithPopUp
[junit] scanning for overrides: IComboBoxView
[junit] scanning for overrides: ComboBoxView
[junit] scanning for overrides: ILayoutHost
[junit] scanning for overrides: GroupView
[junit] scanning for overrides: ContainerView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IItemRendererParent
[junit] scanning for overrides: IListView
[junit] scanning for overrides: DataContainerView
[junit] scanning for overrides: IDataProviderItemRendererMapper
[junit] scanning for overrides: DataItem

Build failed in Jenkins: royale-compiler-integration-tests #389

2020-01-12 Thread apacheroyaleci


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[junit] Jan 12, 2020 9:02:31 AM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:277: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: let declaration.
[junit]   for (let i = isArrayLike ? 0 : 1; i < keys.length; i++) {
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 9:02:31 AM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:307: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   for (const key in obj) {
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 9:02:31 AM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:329: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   for (const key in obj) {
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 9:02:31 AM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:351: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   const key = goog.object.findKey(obj, f, opt_this);
[junit]   ^
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 9:02:31 AM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:363: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   for (const key in obj) {
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 9:02:31 AM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:376: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   for (const i in obj) {
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 9:02:31 AM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:390: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: let declaration.
[junit]   let rv;
[junit]   ^
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 9:02:31 AM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:480: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   const val = f();
[junit]   ^
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 9:02:31 AM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:495: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   for (const k in a) {
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 9:02:31 AM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:500: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   for (const k in b) {
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 9:02:31 AM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:520: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   const res = {};
[junit]   ^
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 9:02:31 AM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:521: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   for (const key in obj) {
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 9:02:31 AM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:545: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit]   const type = goog.typeOf(obj);
[junit]   ^
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 9:02:31 AM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:550: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit] const clone = type == 'array' ? [] : {};
[junit] ^
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 9:02:31 AM println
[junit] SEVERE: goog/object/object.js:551: ERROR - This language feature is 
only supported for ECMASCRIPT6 mode or better: const declaration.
[junit] for (const key in obj) {
[junit]  ^
[junit] Jan 12, 2020 9:02:31 AM