Re: mx:Module and mx:ModuleLoader questions

2021-06-15 Thread gbarbosa
a new problem rises. It seems compiling a module strips it's dependencies of
the property alias. Which in turn is causing my module to not be able to
speak with our backend.

a small test case

public function loadModule():void {
ml.url = "common/testModule"
ml.visible = true;
ml.includeInLayout = true;

public function test():void {
var obj :Object = window["common"]["testModule"]; //current WA because
module will not instantiate
addChild(obj as IUIComponent);


import testVO
private var tVO :testVO = new testVO;

public function onCC():void {
trace(tVO) //will not have alias. If you have private var testvo :testVO
in main.mxml it will have alias

package {
public class testVO {
public function testVO {
trace("testVO created");

Where should I start looking now to resolve this issue? Any help would be
greatly appreciated.

Sent from:

Support for Generic DTO

2021-06-15 Thread

Hi everyone,
>From previous royale (flex) docs. I can see that it is possible to bind ui 
>forms to action script objects (DTO's). i.e actionscirpt classes with public 
>getter and setter methods.
The ORM we are using accepts and returns data as custom generic data transfer 
objects (GenericDTO). This generic dto is implemented as a hashMap of pojo's 
(by pojo I mean a java class with public getter and setter methods))
See the example java code snippet below:

public class GenericDTO implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private Map attributes = null;
    private String name = null;
    public GenericDTO(String name) {
        notNull(name, "The name of the DTO cannot be null...");
        this.attributes = new HashMap(); = name;
    public GenericDTO add(String name, Attribute attribute) {
        notNull(name, "Attribute name cannot be null");
        notNull(attribute, "Attribute with name: " + name + " is null!");
        this.attributes.put(name, attribute);
        return this;

   // there are getter/setter method to return the HashMap of Attributes and 
name field.   
   The attribute class is the base class of all data types. So we have 
StringType (for String), IntegerType (for Integer) that extend Attribute. Class 
public Object getInputValue();
public void setInputValue(final Object object);    
Is it possible to bind the generic dto to royale ui controls ? e.g. for example 
I was able to bind an arrayList of ContactDTO successfully. This contactDTO had 
name and email as fields with public getter and setter methods as follows

Assuming it is possible to create ActionScript (as3) versions of GenericDTO, 
Attribute (with subclasses StringType, IntegerType e.t.c). Implementing the 
appropriate get and set functions.
Is it possible to bind an arrayList of GenericDTO to a royale data grid as 
follows ?

i.e. use databinding expressions in the dataField of the data grid ?
How about other royale UI controls ? e.g textFields and numberFields in a UI 


Release Step 011 Succeeded

2021-06-15 Thread apacheroyaleci
Warning: this step requires a secret key, so it should not be performed on the 
CI server. It's probably best to perform it on your PC.

>From the royale-asjs repo:
1. Run ant -f releasesteps.xml Release_Step_011 -Drelease.version=0.9.8 
This will download the artifacts then unzip and compile the source artifact.
2. Validate that the compiled artifacts match the downloaded artifacts.
3. If they do, then run ant -f releasesteps.xml Release_Step_011_Sign 
This will PGP sign the source ZIP and compiled JARs
4. Then run ant -f releasesteps.xml Release_Step_011_Upload 
This will upload the signed artifacts to Maven Release Staging.  Verify that 
the compiler and typedefs artifacts are there along with the asjs artifacts, 
then hit the close to close the staging repo. (

Release Step 010 Succeeded

2021-06-15 Thread apacheroyaleci
Log in to the server, open a command prompt, change directory to 
C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_Release_Step_010 and run the following commands:
git push
git push origin org.apache.royale.framework-0.9.8-rc3

You will need your Apache/Github username and 2FA token.

Royale_Release_Step_010 - Build # 26 - Still Failing!

2021-06-15 Thread apacheroyaleci
Royale_Release_Step_010 - Build # 26 - Still Failing:

Check console output at
 to view the results.

Royale_Release_Step_010 - Build # 25 - Still Failing!

2021-06-15 Thread apacheroyaleci
Royale_Release_Step_010 - Build # 25 - Still Failing:

Check console output at
 to view the results.

Royale_Release_Step_010 - Build # 24 - Still Failing!

2021-06-15 Thread apacheroyaleci
Royale_Release_Step_010 - Build # 24 - Still Failing:

Check console output at
 to view the results.

Royale_Release_Step_010 - Build # 23 - Failure!

2021-06-15 Thread apacheroyaleci
Royale_Release_Step_010 - Build # 23 - Failure:

Check console output at
 to view the results.

Royale_Release_Step_011 - Build # 16 - Still Failing!

2021-06-15 Thread apacheroyaleci
Royale_Release_Step_011 - Build # 16 - Still Failing:

Check console output at
 to view the results.

Royale_Release_Step_011 - Build # 15 - Still Failing!

2021-06-15 Thread apacheroyaleci
Royale_Release_Step_011 - Build # 15 - Still Failing:

Check console output at
 to view the results.

Royale_Release_Step_011 - Build # 14 - Failure!

2021-06-15 Thread apacheroyaleci
Royale_Release_Step_011 - Build # 14 - Failure:

Check console output at
 to view the results.