[GSoC'22] Contributor Proposals Open!

2022-04-14 Thread Juan Pan
Hello guys,

The contributor's application for GSoC'22 is undergoing. If you are interested 
in being part of Apache ShardingSphere[1], welcome your application there! You 
could get all the ShardingSphere programs of GSoC'22 here [2]. From my last 
year's experience,
1. The task detail, e.g., [3], is supposed to be important input for your 
proposal, and then make your schedule in that proposal case by case.
2. We would like to invite our candidates to try some preliminary help you 
quickly enter into this area. Our potential mentors are willing to give a hand!

At last, we still have slack channel [4] if you like. ;-)

[1] https://shardingsphere.apache.org/
[3] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COMDEV-447

Any questions, please be free to let me know.

Trista Pan
Twitter & Github: tristaZero

[ANNOUNCE] Apache ShardingSphere 5.1.1 available

2022-04-14 Thread 吴伟杰
Hi all,

Apache ShardingSphere Team is glad to announce the new release of
Apache ShardingSphere 5.1.1

Apache ShardingSphere is an open-source ecosystem consisted of a set
of distributed database solutions, including 3 independent products,
JDBC, Proxy & Sidecar (Planning). They all provide functions of data
scale out, distributed transaction and distributed governance,
applicable in a variety of situations such as Java isomorphism,
heterogeneous language and cloud native.

Apache ShardingSphere aiming at reasonably making full use of the
computation and storage capacity of existed database in distributed
system, rather than a totally new database. As the cornerstone of
enterprises, relational database still takes a huge market share.
Therefore, we prefer to focus on its increment instead of a total overturn.

Download Links: https://shardingsphere.apache.org/document/current/en/downloads/

Release Notes: 

Website: https://shardingsphere.apache.org/

ShardingSphere Resources:
- Issue: https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere/issues/
- Mailing list: dev@shardingsphere.apache.org
- Documents: https://shardingsphere.apache.org/document/current/

- Apache ShardingSphere Team


Weijie Wu 吴伟杰
Apache ShardingSphere PMC