[GitHub] storm issue #1131: STORM-822: Kafka Spout New Consumer API

2017-01-11 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the issue:

Thanks erikdw! sorry i was out of office in the last couple of days. I just 
created a jira account and will create a jira ticket asap and assign to hmcl. 

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[GitHub] storm issue #1131: STORM-822: Kafka Spout New Consumer API

2017-01-06 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the issue:

@erikdw @hmcl , sorry for the late reply.
include only part of my fixes is okie for me, we hope finally the community 
version has the proper fixes so we can use the community version. I don't have 
the access, could you please help me create the Jira and pull request(Pls feel 
free to let me know if you need any help from me)? many thanks. 

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[GitHub] storm issue #1131: STORM-822: Kafka Spout New Consumer API

2017-01-03 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the issue:

@hmcl and all, we have communicated via email for a while and going forward 
let's talk in this thread so everyone is in same page.
Base on the spout from the community(written by you), we have several fixes 
and it worked quite stable in our production for about 6 months.

We want to share the latest spout to you and could you please kindly help 
review and merge to the community version if any fix is reasonable? we want to 
avoid diverging too much from the community version.

Below are our major fixes:
1.  For failed message, in next tuple method, originally the spout seek 
back to the non-continuous offset, so the failed message will be polled again 
for retry, say we seek back to message 10 for retry, now if kafka log file was 
purged, earliest offset is 1000, it means we will seek to 10 but reset to 1000 
as per the reset policy, and we cannot poll the message 10, so spout not work.
Our fix is: we manually catch the out of range exception, commit the offset 
to earliest offset first, then seek to the earliest offset

2.  Currently the way to find next committed offset is very complex, under 
some edge cases – a), if no message acked back because bolt has some issue or 
cannot catch up with the spout emit; b) seek back is happened frequently and it 
is much faster than the message be acked back
We give each message a status – None, emit, acked, failed(if failed 
number is bigger than the maximum retry, set to acked)
3.  One of our use cases need ordering in partition level, so after seek 
back for retry, we re-emit all the follow messages again no matter they have 
emitted or not, if possible, maybe you can give an option here to configure it 
– either re-emit all the message from the failed one, or just emit the failed 
one, same as current version.
4.  We record the message count for acked, failed, emitted, just for 

Could you please kindly help review and let us know if you can merge it 
into the community version? Any comments/concern pls feel free to let us know. 
Btw, I just send the latest code to you via email. 

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[GitHub] storm issue #1131: STORM-822: Kafka Spout New Consumer API

2016-08-17 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the issue:

@hmcl and all, the new spout is fit for the at least once semantics and 
works fine for us, thanks a lot! Very recently one of our key customers asked 
to use a at most once implementation. Do we have any plan to have a 
at-most-once implementation? They set the topology.acker.executors=0 and found 
the spout is not working. Could you please help to evaluate - 1, will we 
implement this? 2. roughly how long time needed? Thanks

**Requirement from customer** - “topology.acker.executors” is a Storm 
parameter, which refers to at-least-once when it’s not 0, and at-most-once if 
it’s 0. We want to know do we have a at-most-once implementation?

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[GitHub] storm issue #1131: STORM-822: Kafka Spout New Consumer API

2016-06-17 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the issue:

@hmcl, just fyi, we found one new issue:
when rebalance happened, in method 
onPartitionsAssigned->initialize(Collection partitions)
we can see below two lines:
**final OffsetAndMetadata committedOffset = kafkaConsumer.committed(tp);
final long fetchOffset = doSeek(tp, committedOffset);**

If the committedOffset is out of range(say kafka log file removed), the 
when the poll() method is called, the offset will reset as the property 
auto.offset.reset. This will cause the newly polled message has bigger offset, 
so there is a break between committed offset and the acked offset, no 
continuous offset will be found.
We will apply a quick fix for this.

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[GitHub] storm issue #1131: STORM-822: Kafka Spout New Consumer API

2016-06-02 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the issue:

@hmcl, today we found one NullpointerException and i applied a fix as below:

In method doSeekRetriableTopicPartitions, if one partition was never 
committed before one message is failed back, we will encounter below issue. 
Could you please help review and let me know if this fix is oaky?

**Code change is as below -from**

//  kafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(rtp);// Seek to last committed offset
OffsetAndMetadata commitOffset = kafkaConsumer.committed(rtp);
kafkaConsumer.seek(rtp, **commitOffset.offset()**);  // Seek to last 
committed offset

//  kafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(rtp);// Seek to last committed offset
OffsetAndMetadata commitOffset = kafkaConsumer.committed(rtp);
if(commitOffset != null){
kafkaConsumer.seek(rtp, commitOffset.offset());  // Seek to last 
committed offset
} else{
LOG.info("In doSeekRetriableTopicPartitions, topic partition is {}, no 
offset was committed for this partition, will seek back to the initial offset 
{}", rtp, offsetEntry.initialFetchOffset);
kafkaConsumer.seek(rtp, offsetEntry.initialFetchOffset); //no offset 
committed for this partition, seek to the original fetch offset

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[GitHub] storm pull request: STORM-822: Kafka Spout New Consumer API

2016-05-28 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the pull request:

@hmcl, 1, work load is not distributed well is not because of the spout, 
that is a kafka cluster setup issue and now is resolved 2, for the other two, I 
dig into the log(sent to your via email) - seems everytime when a re-balance 
happens, the spout seek to a bigger offset than the committed offset in this 
partition, per my understanding, this will cause some message not be able to 
consumed/emitted, so all the log show "Non continuous offset found"
user spout setting is: firstPollOffsetStrategy=UNCOMMITTED_LATEST, 
pollTimeoutMs=2000, offsetCommitPeriodMs=1, maxRetries=2147483647
I know firstPollOffsetStrategy cannot be EARLIEST or LATEST, but seems to 
me UNCOMMITTED_LATEST should not cause this issue.
I asked user to try UNCOMMITTED_EARLIEST and now seems the issue does NOT 
happen again as per the log, though it may happen later...
From the code perspective, i cannot understand why the weird behavior 
happened, could you help?

Also, per our previous testing - we find once - a worker died and re 
balance happened, we find one spout(not in the died worker) have some message 
not acked or failed back. That also caused the "Non continuous offset found" 
show many times in the log,  which will cause no message will be committed to 
kafka. The only solution will be restart the storm topology.

We emit message in this way - kafkaSpoutStreams.emit(collector, tuple, 
msgId); Could you please help confirm - **storm would ensure  all the messages 
that emitted by the spout will be acked/failed back without exception?** 
Because if this is not the case, the spout will not be able to find the 
continuous offset to commit, then we must fix this issue urgently as we plan to 
release the change early next month. Please help advise. thanks!

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[GitHub] storm pull request: STORM-822: Kafka Spout New Consumer API

2016-05-26 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the pull request:

@hmcl, currently if user give firstPollOffsetStrategy=UNCOMMITTED_LATEST or 
LATEST, the spout will not work, because if a kafka consumer re-balance 
happened, the offset will be seeked to the end, and there will be lots of 
messages not consumed/emitted/acked, so will never find the next 
continuous offset to commit, so the log will keep showing that "Non continuous 
offset found"..

I have a questions here - if a spout read and emit one message, I assume 
storm will ensure the message will be acked or failed without exception, right? 
because if it is possible that one emitted message failed to get acked or 
failed message under some strange situations, it means we cannot find the 
continuous message to commit, which will directly break the spout. Could you 
please help confirm if my assumption is correct?

If my assumption is not correct - which means one emitted message may not 
be able to get acked or failed message back, then we must change the spout(need 
a timeout setting if failed to find next continuous message to commit) - 
currently the spout will always find the next continuous message to commit, it 
will try forever...

due to the spout will always find the next continuous message to commit, we 
need to be cautious for below method:
private boolean poll() {
return !waitingToEmit() && emitted.size() < 
if the MaxUncommittedOffsets is too small, the spout will frequently stop 
polling from kafka, if a rebalance happened and seek back to the failed 
message, at this moment if the spout stop polling, will also cause the spout 
failed to find the next committed message. Currently we set this value to 
20 and seems working fine for now.
Looking forward to hearing from you! thanks!

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[GitHub] storm pull request: STORM-822: Kafka Spout New Consumer API

2016-05-24 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the pull request:

@hmcl , sorry for the late reply, i was on leave and just now i send the 
updated spout to you, pls help review. Below is the major changes:
1. In poll method, change numUncommittedOffsets < 
to emitted.size() < kafkaSpoutConfig.getMaxUncommittedOffsets();
2. In method doSeekRetriableTopicPartitions, seems your code is 
contradicted with the comment, i changed 
else {
  kafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(rtp);// Seek to last committed offset
  else {
//  kafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(rtp);// Seek to last 
committed offset
OffsetAndMetadata commitOffset = 
kafkaConsumer.seek(rtp, commitOffset.offset());  // 
Seek to last committed offset

3. in ack method, we found acked.get(msgId.getTopicPartition()) might 
return null so we add some defensive validation - possibly due to kafka 
consumer rebalance, the partition doesn't belongs to this spout anymore
4. in OffsetEntry.add method, we add one condition, only add the message 
when condition is met - if (msgId.offset() > committedOffset). This 
change was also applied in method doSeekRetriableTopicPartitions.

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[GitHub] storm pull request: STORM-822: Kafka Spout New Consumer API

2016-05-23 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the pull request:

@hmcl, could you share your email address? I will send our latest spout so 
you can have a quick review - this version is working in our testing env for 
about a week. Our customer faced one issue which seems that  the load is not 
well distributed across all partition in 0.9 KafkaSpout, some partitions have 
no commit, progress...I am still waiting for the kafka setup from the customer 
and shall send to you once i have.

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[GitHub] storm pull request: STORM-822: Kafka Spout New Consumer API

2016-05-22 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the pull request:

@hmcl sorry for the late reply. we have made some quick and dirty fix for 
above issues, I will share the new spout to you via email so you can do a quick 
comparison. Now it seems working for our project. Please help review and let us 
know your comments/concern on the fix.

One customer of us who also use the spout they found some other issues:
1.  Work load is not distributed to all spout tasks(as per the storm 
2.  No progress on some partitions (as per the log)
3.  No commit on some partitions (as per the log)
I will start looking into that tomorrow once I get the detail log file. 
Also if you have any clue on this please kindly advise.

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[GitHub] storm pull request: STORM-822: Kafka Spout New Consumer API

2016-05-11 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the pull request:

HI Hcml, 
Just fyi - 
In method doSeekRetriableTopicPartitions, we find below code:
**kafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(rtp);// Seek to last committed offset**
Above code is contradictory with the comments, we replaced above line to 
**OffsetAndMetadata commitOffset = kafkaConsumer.committed(rtp);
kafkaConsumer.seek(rtp, commitOffset.offset());// Seek to last 
committed offset**
Any comments please let me know. Thanks!

For all above identified issues, we applied some quick and dirty fix and 
the testing is in progress, we will let you know the final testing result later.

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[GitHub] storm pull request: STORM-822: Kafka Spout New Consumer API

2016-05-09 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the pull request:

thanks Hmcl.

Just found below log constantly show up, seems it constantly try to commit 
one offset which is actually committed to kafka already – it might be caused 
by group rebalance – so a smaller offset (smaller than the committed offset) 
is acked back lately.

For example(it is our assumption, kindly correct me if wrong): one consumer 
commit offset 1000, polled 1001~1050 messages and emitted, also message was 
acked for 1001 ~ 1009, then a rebalance happened, another consumer poll message 
from 1000 to 1025, and commit the offset to 1010, then the message 1010(was 
emitted before the rebalance) was acked back. This will cause 1010 will never 
be committed as per the logic in findNextCommitOffset method – because this 
offset was already commited to kafka successfully.

Log is:
2016-05-09 03:02:14 io.ebay.rheos.KafkaSpout [INFO] Unexpected offset found 
[37137]. OffsetEntry{topic-partition=oradb.core4-lcr.caty.ebay-bids-3, 
fetchOffset=37138, committedOffset=37137, 
ackedMsgs={topic-partition=oradb.core4-lcr.caty.ebay-bids-3, offset=37137, 
numFails=0}|{topic-partition=oradb.core4-lcr.caty.ebay-bids-3, offset=37137, 

We applied below fix - For OffsetEntry.add(KafkaSpoutMessageId msgId) 
method, we changed the code as per below – only add acked message when its 
offset is bigger than the committed offset.

public void add(KafkaSpoutMessageId msgId) {  // O(Log N)
**_if(msgId.offset() > committedOffset)//this line is newly added_**

Could you please help take a look at the above and let me know your 
thoughts? Thanks.

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[GitHub] storm pull request: STORM-822: Kafka Spout New Consumer API

2016-05-08 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the pull request:

Just think another scenario – for example we polled 10k message and 
emitted – say from 10001 to 2, so the numUncommittedOffsets is 1, if 
the 10500 msg failed, which caused all the following message 10501~2 will 
not got commited until the 10500 message was reemitted and acked.
If a rebalance happened during this time, the offset will seek back to the 
last commited offiset +1, possibly will seek back to offset 10001, then all the 
message from 10001 to 2000 will be polled and emitted again – which will 
cause numUncommittedOffsets be incremented by another 1 again.
After successfully commit to kafka, numUncommittedOffsets will substract 
1 and leave 1 value there.
Seems this will also gradually cause numUncommittedOffsets be a bigger 
value than we expect, Is this a possible scenario?

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[GitHub] storm pull request: STORM-822: Kafka Spout New Consumer API

2016-05-08 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the pull request:

Hi Hmcl,

During our testing we found sometime the poll method was not called for 
long time, I suspect it is caused by below condition:

private boolean poll() {
return !waitingToEmit() && **numUncommittedOffsets < 

I found numUncommittedOffsets will be incremented in either of the below 
1.  (!retryService.isScheduled(msgId) – this is the most common situation 
– one message was polled and it is not in the toRetryMsg – it is a normal 
emit instead of a retry;
2.  retryService.isReady(msgId) – this means the message was emitted 
previously – now will be re-emitted as per the retry logic.

As per below logic – for one message 50, in the first time it was polled 
and emiited, numUncommittedOffsets will be incremented by 1, then this message 
failed and retried for 10 times, so totally numUncommittedOffsets will be 
increamented by 11.

private void emitTupleIfNotEmitted(ConsumerRecord<K, V> record) {
else if (!retryService.isScheduled(msgId) || 
retryService.isReady(msgId)) {   // not scheduled <=> never failed (i.e. never 
emitted) or ready to be retried
final List tuple = tuplesBuilder.buildTuple(record);
kafkaSpoutStreams.emit(collector, tuple, msgId);

But as per below logic – after successful commit, numUncommittedOffsets 
will subtract the actual number of message that got commited. If it commit one 
message 50, then will only substract 1 instead of 11.

public void commit(OffsetAndMetadata committedOffset) {
**numUncommittedOffsets-= numCommittedOffsets;**

Under some circumstances – say a rebalance happened and we seek back to a 
very small/early offset, seems this would cause emitTupleIfNotEmitted have a 
quite big number – finally this will be greater than 
kafkaSpoutConfig.getMaxUncommittedOffsets, and got poll() method not be called.

I am not sure if I corrrectly understand your code or miss anything – 
could you please kindly help confirm if above situtaion is possible or not?

Please feel free to let me know if you need any further info and thanks for 
your help.

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[GitHub] storm pull request: STORM-822: Kafka Spout New Consumer API

2016-04-22 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the pull request:

Thanks hmcl for the documentation.
For this time, please kindly help me to apply the suggested fix, I will 
create pull request myself going forward.

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[GitHub] storm pull request: STORM-822: Kafka Spout New Consumer API

2016-04-21 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the pull request:

Hi, i am not sure if I should post a small issue here or anyone can tell me 
what is the formal process to do so? thanks!
During the testing we found a small bug in 
 doesn't implement the comparable interface), below is the fix we applied: 
 public Set retriableTopicPartitions() {
-final Set tps = new TreeSet<>();
+final Set tps = new TreeSet<>(new 
Comparator() {
+public int compare(TopicPartition o1, TopicPartition o2) {
+return o1.toString().compareTo(o2.toString());

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[GitHub] storm pull request: STORM-822: Kafka Spout New Consumer API

2016-02-29 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the pull request:

Hi **@hmcl**, in some project we are tracking the DB activities, we may 
need the message to be emitted in same sequence as they were polled from Kafka 
- i.e. polled 5 messages(1~5), if 1, 3, 4, 5 was acked while 2 is failed, seems 
currently only 2 will be re-emitted , this will cause the sequence is like 1, 
3, 4, 5, 2..is it possible to re-emit message from the position that was 
failed, so the flow will be: 1, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5...
What is your view on this?

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[GitHub] storm pull request: STORM-822 Implement Kafka 0.9 consumer API

2016-02-21 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the pull request:

Hi **@hmcl **, is there any update on the patch please? thanks.

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[GitHub] storm pull request: STORM-822 Implement Kafka 0.9 consumer API

2016-02-17 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the pull request:

**@hmcl ** thanks a lot i understand the complexity. Appreciate your help 
and it would be great to see your patch by EOD today your time.

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[GitHub] storm pull request: STORM-822 Implement Kafka 0.9 consumer API

2016-02-17 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the pull request:

Hi **@hmcl **, could you please share the patch please? thanks!

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[GitHub] storm pull request: STORM-822 Implement Kafka 0.9 consumer API

2016-02-17 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the pull request:

Hi @**hmcl **, could you please share the patch please? thanks a lot!

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[GitHub] storm pull request: STORM-822 Implement Kafka 0.9 consumer API

2016-02-15 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the pull request:

Hi **@hmcl** ,may I have the patch please? Thanks!

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[GitHub] storm pull request: STORM-822 Implement Kafka 0.9 consumer API

2016-02-10 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the pull request:

Hi @hmcl, that's good news, thanks for that! I will add your patch this 
weekend or early next Monday to our QA environment- next week we will run 
majority of the QA test cases to ensure we can release our change by end of Feb.

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[GitHub] storm pull request: STORM-822 Implement Kafka 0.9 consumer API

2016-01-31 Thread jianbzhou
Github user jianbzhou commented on the pull request:

Hi @hmcl, this is Wayne from connieyang's team, not sure could you please 
provide a patch for us to kick off the testing? We are doing the QA testing 
this week, that would be great if I can add your patch in asap...many thanks!!!

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