[Struts Wiki] Trivial Update of RoughSpots by Bob Lee

2006-04-24 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by Bob Lee:

1. How does WW help the user with state management?  As far as I can tell, 
if I want to keep a 'user' object around I have to interact with the map 
returned by ActionContext.getSession().  Actions should in general have a 
type-safe and transparent way to do this, e.g. by subclassing ActionContext and 
providing getUser()/setUser() which store the user in session.  This allows for 
re-working of the storage strategy (e.g. write a cookie and lookup the user 
each time) without affecting actions.
- * [crazybob] I prefer an injection-based approach. You can use the 
`ScopeInterceptor` which pulls an object of the session and passed it to your 
action. Or you can use Spring.
+ * [crazybob] I prefer an injection-based approach. You can use the 
`ScopeInterceptor` to pull an object off the session and pass it to your 
action. Or you can use Spring to inject session-scoped objects into your action 
(though I would avoid Spring personally).
1. In tandem with the previous point, since Actions are already stateful, 
it'd be nice to have the ActionContext injected into the Action.  One benefit 
is when a newbie developer needs it, the linkage is obvious (they don't have to 
a priori know about the ActionContext, they're being handed in it on a 
platter). If the developer can subclass ActionContext, it would also encourage 
them to implement a base action which accepts the context inject and leveraging 
the fact that JDK 1.5 allows co-variant returns, also write a getContext() 
method that returns the down-casted type; they wouldn't have to do 
((MyActionContext) ActionContext.getContext()).getUser() for example, just 
  * [frankz] This might well address the issue of !ActionContext being 
!ThreadLocal.  If it was injected, it wouldn't need to be !ThreadLocal to get 
the same basic effect, and maybe more importantly, it wouldn't automatically be 
available to helper classes as it is as a !ThreadLocal.  That would address my 
concern about inappropriate usage of !ActionContext.
@@ -313, +313 @@

* [martinc] The big issue with the JDK version is app servers. This comes 
in two parts. First is whether all of the major app server vendors have 
products available that support the desired SDK version. I believe we're OK in 
that regard with JDK 1.5. The bigger issue is customer acceptance. Enterprise 
customers, especially, tend to standardise on their app server, and they are 
not quick to upgrade. Unless the application vendor has a great deal of 
influence over the customer's infrastructure, the vendor has to live with 
whatever app server version is in use at the customer site. It is rare, then, 
that the application vendor can dictate the JDK version. On the other hand, the 
customer usually couldn't care less what version of Struts the application was 
built with.
* [tfenne] I think you *have* to support JDK 1.5, and it should be the 
default. If it's not too hard to provide 1.4 compatibility great, but I think 
all examples, defaults etc. should leverage 1.5. Generics allow you to do much 
more for the user without asking for configuration information. If a user wants 
to use JDK 1.5 enums, it should work, etc. etc. If it's extra work on the 
user's part to make 1.5 features work, simplicity goes out the window.
* [frankz] I think this is one of those things to be really careful about 
the perception people may form.  If Action1 is going to continue to develop and 
be supported, even if to a lesser degree, then forcing 1.5 for Action2 is 
probably fine.  However, I know at my company, we are stuck on 1.4, and won't 
be changing for a long time.  I also know that we are not unique in this 
regard.  If we can't move to Action2. so long as Action1 is still around and 
being supported, that's fine.  But if we can't move to Action2 and it even 
'''seems''' like Action1 isn't getting enough attention, that wouldn't look so 
good to us.  Ultimately, if both can be supported, I think that is still the 
best answer.  I definitely think the points made about moving to 1.5 are 
totally valid, but I think that may lock out a lot of people who might 
otherwise use Action2, so if that can be avoided, so much the better.
-   * [crazybob] Someone made the point earlier on that if a company is 
hesitant to switch to JDK 1.5, they'll probably be hesitant to adopt SAF2, too. 
With a little time, 1.4 will become irrelevant. I'm fine with supporting 1.4, 
but 1.5 should be the priority, and we shouldn't let 1.4 support drive design 
+   * [crazybob] Someone made the point earlier on that if a company is 
hesitant to switch to JDK 1.5, they'll probably be hesitant to adopt SAF2, too. 

[Struts Wiki] Trivial Update of RoughSpots by Bob Lee

2006-04-19 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

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The following page has been changed by Bob Lee:

The comment on the change is:
fixed comment formatting so numbers stay intact.

1. We don't really need the `Action` interface anymore. Should we get rid 
of it? It has constant fields for result names. Should we move these to a class 
named `ResultNames` and encourage users to static import them as needed?
- [jcarreira] I'm not sure about this... The Action interface is kind of just a 
marker interface, but at least it gives us SOMETHING to point users to
+ * [jcarreira] I'm not sure about this... The Action interface is kind of 
just a marker interface, but at least it gives us SOMETHING to point users to
1. Only put classes in root package that most users need to know about. For 
example, most don't need to know about `Default*` or `ObjectFactory`.
@@ -23, +23 @@

1. Specify `Interceptor` lifecycle. Right now if we apply an interceptor to 
a single action, we get a new instance every time. If we define an interceptor 
in a stack, the same instance gets reused.
- [jcarreira] A new instance per action configuration, right? Not 
+ * [jcarreira] A new instance per action configuration, right? Not 
1. Get rid of `AroundInterceptor`. Having `before()` and `after()` methods 
doesn't make things simpler. It reduces flexibility. We can't return a 
different result. You can't handle exceptions cleanly. The actual interceptor 
class doesn't appear in the stack trace (we see `AroundInterceptor` over and 
- [jcarreira] The idea was that people would forget to do invocation.invoke() 
and be confused... Easier for users just to implement a before() method when 
that's all they need. I agree on the stack traces though.
+ * [jcarreira] The idea was that people would forget to do 
invocation.invoke() and be confused... Easier for users just to implement a 
before() method when that's all they need. I agree on the stack traces though.
1. Try to get rid of thread locals: `ActionContext` and 
`ServletActionContext`. At least make them package-private. Sometimes 
interceptors need access to the servlet API. In this case, they should 
implement a servlet-aware interceptor interface. For example: {{{
  class MyInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
@@ -38, +38 @@

- [jcarreira] These 2 are orthogonal... Getting rid of ThreadLocals is 
problematic. I think we'd end up breaking 90% of old WebWork apps if we did, 
and it's still not clear that everything could be covered if we did... I like 
the idea though, and Patrick and I really wanted to do this out of the gate, 
but backwards compatibility with WebWork 1.x at a macro-level made us think 
+ * [jcarreira] These 2 are orthogonal... Getting rid of ThreadLocals is 
problematic. I think we'd end up breaking 90% of old WebWork apps if we did, 
and it's still not clear that everything could be covered if we did... I like 
the idea though, and Patrick and I really wanted to do this out of the gate, 
but backwards compatibility with WebWork 1.x at a macro-level made us think 
1. Is `ValidationAware` a good name? Perhaps `Errors` or `ErrorList` would 
be a better name.
1. Merge `ActionContext` and `ActionProxy` into `ActionInvocation` (at 
least from the users' perspective). Better specify what happens during 
chaining/action tags.
- [jcarreira] It __is__ well specified... There are some things that the 
ActionProxy / ActionInvocation let you do that a merged one doesn't... for 
instance easily knowing when you're done :-)
+ * [jcarreira] It __is__ well specified... There are some things that the 
ActionProxy / ActionInvocation let you do that a merged one doesn't... for 
instance easily knowing when you're done :-)
1. Should `ActionInvocation.getResult()` recurse over chain results? Maybe 
we should have two methods? `getResult()` and `getFinalResult()`. Is there a 
good use case for this?
- [jcarreira] See the TokenSessionInterceptor and the stuff it does to 
re-render the same result if you post the form more than once. That was the 
reason for the complexity in finding the result to execute. It's a nice 
feature, but I agree it makes the code harder to read.
+ * [jcarreira] See the TokenSessionInterceptor and the stuff it does to 
re-render the same result if you post the form more than once. That was the 
reason for the complexity in finding the result to execute. It's a nice 
feature, but I agree it makes the code harder to read.
1. `ActionInvocation.invokeActionOnly()`. Does this need to be public? 
Sounds dangerous.
- [jcarreira] Not sure... This may be part of the same TokenSession stuff... 
can't remember 

[Struts Wiki] Trivial Update of RoughSpots by Bob Lee

2006-04-18 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Struts Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by Bob Lee:

  == Nice to haves ==
-   1. Inheritance is a sucky way to reuse code between actions. I've actually 
had to use the strategy pattern to swap in different implementations of stuff 
like `ValidationAware`. It would be nice if the framework had built-in support 
for mixins using cglib or Spring. For example, instead of me extending a class 
that implements `ValidationAware`, Struts can extend my action class at runtime 
and implement the `ValidationAware` methods by delegating them to another 
object (a mixin): {{{
+   1. Inheritance is a sucky way to reuse code between actions. I've actually 
had to use the strategy pattern to swap in different implementations of stuff 
like `ValidationAware`. It would be nice if the framework had built-in support 
for mixins using cglib or Dynaop. For example, instead of me extending a class 
that implements `ValidationAware`, Struts can extend my action class at runtime 
and implement the `ValidationAware` methods by delegating them to another 
object (a mixin): {{{
  abstract class MyAction implements Validateable, ValidationAware {
public void validate() {

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