[Struts Wiki] Update of RoughSpots by DonBrown

2006-04-27 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by DonBrown:

  I'm new around here, so be nice ;)  I probably have a lot less WW experience 
than most, so I apologize in advance if I'm flat out wrong about some of the 
things here.
1. How does WW help the user with state management?  As far as I can tell, 
if I want to keep a 'user' object around I have to interact with the map 
returned by ActionContext.getSession().  Actions should in general have a 
type-safe and transparent way to do this, e.g. by subclassing ActionContext and 
providing getUser()/setUser() which store the user in session.  This allows for 
re-working of the storage strategy (e.g. write a cookie and lookup the user 
each time) without affecting actions.
  * [crazybob] I prefer an injection-based approach. You can use the 
`ScopeInterceptor` to pull an object off the session and pass it to your 
action. Or you can use Spring to inject session-scoped objects into your action 
(though I would avoid Spring personally).
  * [jcarreira] I can attest that the Spring scoped components work well 
with WebWork. It's what we use at work for maintaining session or request state.
1. In tandem with the previous point, since Actions are already stateful, 
it'd be nice to have the ActionContext injected into the Action.  One benefit 
is when a newbie developer needs it, the linkage is obvious (they don't have to 
a priori know about the ActionContext, they're being handed in it on a 
platter). If the developer can subclass ActionContext, it would also encourage 
them to implement a base action which accepts the context inject and leveraging 
the fact that JDK 1.5 allows co-variant returns, also write a getContext() 
method that returns the down-casted type; they wouldn't have to do 
((MyActionContext) ActionContext.getContext()).getUser() for example, just 
  * [frankz] This might well address the issue of !ActionContext being 
!ThreadLocal.  If it was injected, it wouldn't need to be !ThreadLocal to get 
the same basic effect, and maybe more importantly, it wouldn't automatically be 
available to helper classes as it is as a !ThreadLocal.  That would address my 
concern about inappropriate usage of !ActionContext.
  * [jcarreira] I think this is a bad idea, in general. Actions should 
specify the exact things they need and have them supplied, not just ask for the 
world (the ActionContext is the world the action lives in). 
+ * [mrdon] While I agree more specific is generally better, I like the 
idea of the user being able to subclass ActionContext for their particular 
application.  Tapestry has the Visit object (I think that's the name) I've 
always liked.
-   1. HTML analog tags should stick to HTML attributes. I dont' mean they 
shouldn't have more functionality, but the attributes should be identical where 
possible, and they shouldn't do things like render a label and an input.  
Keeping them more like regular HTML tags makes them easier to ramp up on, and 
more non-developer friendly
+   1. HTML analog tags should stick to HTML attributes. I don't mean they 
shouldn't have more functionality, but the attributes should be identical where 
possible, and they shouldn't do things like render a label and an input.  
Keeping them more like regular HTML tags makes them easier to ramp up on, and 
more non-developer friendly
  * [MJ] I see the following options when it comes to tags. (1) Use plain 
HTML + implicit scoped variables like actionName, actionAddress, etc. to 
create dynamic values; this looks pretty compact with JSP 2.0. (2) Use 1:1 
relation between WW tags and HTML tags. (3) Use 1:M relation between WW tags 
and HTML tags, like to create data entry form or a table. (4) Use 
non-HTML-looking tags + more abstract attributes + media attribute, thus 
creating something like JSF renderer for different media. Choosing between (1) 
and (2) I prefer the first one.
- * I'd encourage people to give the ww: tags a spin... they're really much 
more powerful than the JSTL or previous struts tags and you don't need so many 
tags to do things. On being closer to HTML attributes, do you have some 
+ * [jcarreira] I'd encourage people to give the ww: tags a spin... they're 
really much more powerful than the JSTL or previous struts tags and you don't 
need so many tags to do things. On being closer to HTML attributes, do you have 
some examples?
+ * [mrdon] +1 for aligning attributes with HTML attributes
1. Actions should return concrete objects, not symbolic results.  Symbolic 
results might have been optimal when you had one event/method per action and 
the outcomes were always whole-page views, but they get in the way now.  When 

[Struts Wiki] Update of RoughSpots by DonBrown

2006-04-27 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by DonBrown:

1. Do we want to keep `ModelDriven`?
1. Do we want `ValidationAware` (or its equivalent) to take message keys or 
actual messages. It takes the actual messages in WW2. `ActionMessages` in 
Struts takes keys. I'm a fan of keys; we would no longer need `TextProvider`. 
Pat suggested we take keys, and in the event that we don't find a message for 
the given key, pass the key along as the message. I think I'd rather fail fast.
+ * [mrdon] Keys are fine, as long as you can do parameter replacement 
easily enough later.  Not all apps need L18N, so I'm kinda against the fail 
fast.  Perhaps in devMode, we add a clear warning?
1. Craig McC mentioned that we might want to use this in a portlet. Does 
this mean I should completely abstract us from 
+ * [mrdon] +1, at least in some form.  This was the goal of the generic 
ActionContext, I believe.  Cocoon has been struggling with the same issue, and 
they are leaning towards implementing the HttpServletRequest, et al with a 
portlet impl to solve this problem.  They used to have this generic 
Environment api, but they are in the process of giving that up, I believe, 
favoring this servlet api approach.  I wonder if we shouldn't find out more 
about their results and adopt them.
  == Patrick's issues ==

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[Struts Wiki] Update of RoughSpots by DonBrown

2006-04-24 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by DonBrown:

  * [frankz] +1.  This is one area where I personally think Struts had it 
right and we've seen frameworks getting it wrong subsequently.  
!ActionForward I believe is the right concept, even if the realization might 
not be optimal.  I think the difference between return ok; and return new 
ActionResult(ok); is pretty minimal, but the later opens up a lot of 
possibilities being a true object that can have behaviors and properties and 
  * [crazybob] There's no reason we can't support both `String` and 
`Result` return types for action methods. I think we should encourage `String` 
though. Can you provide some example use cases for when `String` isn't enough?
  * [frankz] A few that come to mind... the ability to choose between 
redirect and forward based on decisions made in code (you could argue that you 
can have two result's defined, one with type redirect and one with type 
forward, but then that starts to clutter the config file I think)... the 
ability to add parameters to a forwarded result (i.e., if you wanted to forward 
to another action, how can you add parameters just by returning a String?  
Well, unless the processor expects and can deal with a query string appended I 
support)... the ability to add an anchor name to the response... the 
opportunity to include additional objects in the response (i.e., what if you 
had some sort of ViewSupport object that the presentation can make use of... it 
might be more intuitive to add it to a Result than to directly add it as a 
request attribute, and that also makes for better abstraction from the servlet 
API).  I'm sure there's more, and I'm sure there are ways to accomplish most
  of these things without returning an object, but I think the clarity of the 
resultant code is greater by returning a Result object, and it opens up 
possibilities I can't think of (i.e., functionality encapsulated in that object 
independant of tbe interceptor stack).
+ * [mrdon] For further reading: 
  == Nice to haves ==
1. Inheritance is not a good way to reuse code between actions. One work 
around is to use the strategy pattern to swap in different implementations of 
interfaces like `ValidationAware`. It would be nice if the framework had 
built-in support for mixins using cglib or Dynaop. For example, instead of 
extending a class that implements `ValidationAware`, SAF could extend an action 
class at runtime and implement the `ValidationAware` methods by delegating them 
to another object (a mixin): {{{

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[Struts Wiki] Update of RoughSpots by DonBrown

2006-04-19 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

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The following page has been changed by DonBrown:

  * [jcarreira] I'm not sure about this... The Action interface is kind of 
just a marker interface, but at least it gives us SOMETHING to point users to
  * [crazybob] I'll buy that. We do need to move the constants out and 
encourage users to use static import (Effective Java Item 17).
  * [plightbo] Related to this, I would encourage us to try to find a 
solution (using Bob's mix-in suggestion below, or possibly just taking 
advantage of the value stack) that would make ActionSupport much simpler. This 
would encourage using POJOs more.
+ * [mrdon] Regardless whether we remove Action or not, I like the idea of 
moving the result constants out.  
1. Only put classes in root package that most users need to know about. For 
example, most don't need to know about `Default*` or `ObjectFactory`.
  * [plightbo] +1 on this - sounds like Bob has a good handle on what it 
takes to make a nice API. I'll defer to him on this.
+ * [mrdon] +1
1. Only make classes/members public if we're willing to guarantee future 
compatibility. Everything else should be package-private or excluded from the 

  * [plightbo] + 1 again.
+ * [mrdon] This I don't agree with.  From a framework developer, I 
understand the logic, but from a user, it is arrogant.  I think we should allow 
people to extend Struts in ways we haven't imagined, and restricting access 
like this says, We know more than you and will force you to do it our way.
1. Remove `destroy()` and `init()` from `Interceptor`. They don't make much 
sense until the interceptor lifecycle is specified (see next item). I've never 
needed them, yet it's a pain to implement empty methods every time I implement 
an interceptor. Users can use the constructor/finalizer or we can create 
additional lifecycle interfaces.
@@ -45, +48 @@

  * [jcarreira] The idea was that people would forget to do 
invocation.invoke() and be confused... Easier for users just to implement a 
before() method when that's all they need. I agree on the stack traces though.
  * [crazybob] It's kind of hard to forget to call `invocation.invoke()`; 
you have to return something. ;) Interceptors are already an expert feature 
  * [plightbo] Big +1.
+ * [mrdon] +1 as well
1. Try to get rid of thread locals: `ActionContext` and 
`ServletActionContext`. At least make them package-private. Sometimes 
interceptors need access to the servlet API. In this case, they should 
implement a servlet-aware interceptor interface. For example: {{{
  class MyInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
@@ -58, +62 @@

  * [jcarreira] These 2 are orthogonal... Getting rid of ThreadLocals is 
problematic. I think we'd end up breaking 90% of old WebWork apps if we did, 
and it's still not clear that everything could be covered if we did... I like 
the idea though, and Patrick and I really wanted to do this out of the gate, 
but backwards compatibility with WebWork 1.x at a macro-level made us think 
  * [crazybob] Interceptors need access to the servlet API. They shouldn't 
have to call a `ThreadLocal` if we can avoid it and they shouldn't need to 
cast. We shouldn't worry about breaking old WebWork apps (see new opening 
paragraphs). Let's get it right the first time around because we will not be 
able to fix it later. 
  * [plightbo] By running our interceptors and other objects through the 
same factories and lifecycle managers that the action classes go through, this 
should be a non issue.
+ * [mrdon] This I'd like to see.  I've found myself using these objects so 
often in wierd little places, I'd be loath to remove them unless we could prove 
100% that their information can be retrieved elsewhere.
1. Is `ValidationAware` a good name? Perhaps `Errors` or `ErrorList` would 
be a better name.
@@ -83, +88 @@

  * [jcarreira] We don't want to allow for extension?
  * [crazybob] Extension through interfaces and methods? Yes. 
Public/protected fields? Absolutely not!
+ * [mrdon] I dunno, are you planning to make protected getters/setters for 
every field?  I've found protected fields to be invaluable when extending 
frameworks (again, subscribing to the believe we should let the user do what 
they want and not artifically restrict them).  I do wish you could declare the 
fields _only_ available to subclasses and not to the whole package.
1. Rename `ActionInvocation` to `Invocation` or `Request`. Shorter is 
@@ -92, +98 @@

1. Is `TextProvider` a good name? The JDK refers to these as messages 
  * [plightbo] The name doesn't bother me, but the implementation is far