
On Wed, Sep 5, 2018 at 10:39 PM, C. Michael Pilato <cmpil...@collab.net> wrote:
> Hello, all!
> It's been a long while since I interacted with any degree of regularity with 
> this community, and I've had to come to terms with some essential truths.
> First, my time as an active Subversion developer has *definitely* passed.  
> Oh, I may get a chance to return to it at some point in the (likely distant) 
> future, but without CollabNet commissioning my efforts here, I simply don't 
> have the extra cycles these days to offer.  Given that my contributions over 
> the last few years can be measured in the smallest of numbers, this isn't 
> news to anyone here and certainly has no effect on the trajectory and 
> velocity of the project!
> Of greater concern to (at least) myself is that the cognitive distance I have 
> from Subversion these days -- combined with the craziness of just life as an 
> twice-employed[1], soccer-coaching, father of three -- means that the 
> Subversion book is getting next-to-zero attention, too.  Oh, I'm still paying 
> attention to the work our translators are doing, and wordsmithing here and 
> there as concerns are raised.  But the (as-yet-unfinished) trunk of the book 
> is still attached to Subversion 1.8, which means that this community has 
> pounded out all kinds of improvements whose documentation is mostly limited 
> to release notes and email threads.  Put simply, the service that Ben and 
> Fitz (both looooong gone from contributing to the book at all) and I formerly 
> offered to the wider Subversion community has arguably now become a 
> disservice.
> I'm done telling myself that I can fix this by re-engaging and taking up 
> authorship again.  That just isn't gonna happen.  It's time to pass the torch 
> to someone else, and I would love to immediately begin tossing around some 
> ideas toward this end.
> To be clear, red-bean.com is happy to continue hosting the book's HTML/PDF 
> builds.  The source lives at SourceForge these days, and I can grant commit 
> permissions (or transfer ownership) as needed.  Moreover, there's no deadline 
> for maintainership handoff that I'm trying to impose or anything.  I want to 
> do what's best for the Subversion ecosystem, whatever this community 
> determines that to be.
> Feel free to consider alternate approaches, too, such as conversion of the 
> book's content into a Wiki.  But I would caution against doing anything that 
> discourages or complicates the workflow of the book's translators, especially 
> since they are the only ones actually doing anything in the project at all!  
> :-)
> So what do you think?
> -- Mike
> [1] Beyond my regular CollabNet work week, I give additional hours as a
>     member of the staff of my local church.

A bit off-topic for this thread, but I want to say that I'd love
SVNBook to move to SVN 1.10 version. There are several open
milesone-1.8 tickets[1], though and 1.8 version needs a read-through
before branching[2].

The progress is tracked here[3] and if - I'm not mistaken - the Step
3: Review Subcommands/Options can be considered Done.

[2]: https://www.red-bean.com/pipermail/svnbook-dev/2016-March/016318.html
[3]: https://sourceforge.net/p/svnbook/wiki/SvnBook18Status/

With best regards,
Pavel Lyalyakin
VisualSVN Team

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