On 30/03/17 10:02P, Kamil Cholewiński wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Mar 2017, Snobb <sn...@gmx.com> wrote:
> > So without lua, the editor goes with default hard-coded settings and
> > no way for even minor customisation like number of spaces per tab,
> > tabs or spaces, etc.
> Same for dwm. Use Awesome if you want dwm with Lua.
Heh?! Not sure how dwm is related here. You're right, some of the
configuration can still be done in config.h, but as Mark said you won't be
able to use 100% of the features. Actually, I don't see much of the
configuration in config.def.h apart from default key mappings, so it looks
like even basic editor configuration will require tinkering and perhaps
patching (if compiled without lua).
Speaking of dwm and awesome, as I said I very much prefer config.h to lua.
IMHO, awesome does not really add much functionality apart from awkward
configuration files. Not the functionality I commonly use anyway.

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