Re: [dev] [announce] ff2sixel: view farbfeld images in terminal

2017-03-20 Thread Alexander Keller
On Mon, Mar 20, 2017, at 10:00, robin wrote:
> If only the same honesty could be applied throughout life without bad outcome.

No matter how outrageous the contribution of another party, just don't
be a dick about it. We're all human. We all think something completely
idiotic is a good idea at least fifty or sixty times in our life. We're
here to learn and share, so offer constructive feedback.

Re: [dev] Re: looking for a simple music player

2017-02-08 Thread Alexander Keller
> STDIN to add files to queue: `find ~/music | sad`
> Usage:
> sad [-sr] [-f socket]

I should also probably just let you add files to the queue by passing
them as arguments, duh. So:
sad [-sr] [-f socket] [FILE]...

I mostly wanted the former so you can use tools like grep, sort, vipe,

Re: [dev] Re: looking for a simple music player

2017-02-08 Thread Alexander Keller
Thanks for the suggestion of sad!

I've been using mpd with bindings I added to dwm along with a
libnotify/dunst background shell script on `mpc idle player`. mpd has
been total overkill for what I need. I just add my media library
(Vorbis) and shuffle them.

I've been playing a bit with sad and I found it doesn't fully obey it's
protocol spec. That's fine though. I think I'll hack it into a simpler
media player perfect for others who just want a dwm controlled music DJ.
I think I'm going to make this my weekend project. I'll report back here
when I've something worth sharing.

If you have any suggestions, feel free to share them.

What I envision:
STDIN to add files to queue: `find ~/music | sad`
  play, next, prev
OK Artist Name - Song Name
  pause, kill
  ERR Plain text error message

sad [-sr] [-f socket]
-s Shuffle the queue before playing
-r Repeat entire queue (-s shuffles between repeats)
-f sockDefine a command socket other than /tmp/sad-fifo

Optional libnotify support
Make each codec optional (no need for Mpeg123 if you don't need MP3s,
Redefine /tmp/sad-fifo

[dev] Re: st: Use after free

2017-01-23 Thread Alexander Keller
On Mon, Jan 23, 2017, at 02:48, Martin Kühne wrote:
> I had a dream last night...

Now now. No need to hold contempt on the mailing lists. Suckless isn't
some Linux list where we go off on people who want to help but didn't
read the entire codebase, wiki, and archive before posting.

However, moosotc, it's always best to have even a basic working patch
when reporting problems to OSS projects. Doubly so on ones that focus on
code first, users second. :) Thank you for the patch.

Re: [dev] Request for video player recommendation with a good playlist

2017-01-15 Thread Alexander Keller
The simplest way I can imagine is to link them into a directory
temporarily and/or permanently with:

mkdir playlist
ln *some_glob_pattern* playlist

Then use the vidir(1) program to edit the files to number them
sequentially the way you want. Then you can either create a playlist and
delete the directory using some basic command line tools or just keep
the directory as a playlist.

Re: [dev] mailto: and customi URIs in surf?

2016-11-09 Thread Alexander Keller
This has become a C discussion, so I'll toss in here.

If you have a background in Python (most people who have coded before
seem to), I recently stumbled upon It's
light but covers enough to give you directions to study the language

I personally would _not_ suggest learning C like many people do with
other languages. Most people these days tend to just dive in and code
something in a new language, using Stack Overflow or other internet
search results to find code snippets that do what they want. This almost
unilaterally guarantees buggy, unstable code, with many unhanded edge
cases, bad practices, and type casting gotchas.

It's solid and well understood languages with countless documentation
and support resources; this also means not all resources are created
equal. You will  really need to know what the code you write is doing
(and what it is not doing). "The C Programming Language" is a solid
first choice at roughly 300 pages of insight. I would also suggest
getting a book on secure C coding best practices. "The CERT C Secure
Coding Standard" is my choice but it is a pretty hefty tomb at nearly
750 pages of engineering specifications.

For an insight into why C can really mess with you, one of my favourite
competitions is the underhanded C competition
( This is where people intentionally write
code that looks like it does one thing, even to C experts, while in
reality it does something completely different.

TL;DR If you spend the time to study a few good C books (not blogs or
forums) cover to cover and program based on the lessons learned with
minimal internet forum support, you'll do just fine.

Re: [dev] [surf]

2016-10-14 Thread Alexander Keller
Thanks Quentin! Sounds like its all under control.

Just wanted to bring it up in case nobody knew.

Re: [dev] [surf]

2016-10-13 Thread Alexander Keller
> surf is not _silently_ ignoring them. If the validation fails, `sslfailed` 
> will be true and in the window title you can see a `…:U` for untrusted 
> instead of `…:T` for trusted.

You're right. It does provide that feedback. My apologies. :)

I've just been doing a bunch of digging in the TLS code under `void
loadstatuschange`. I was prompted because it listed my own domain as
untrusted. It turns out, if the website is cached and you visit a page
at https, the page will be marked untrusted. This is because `msg` will
have no certificate attached. I don't know if this behaviour is
intentional. You can test this with:

Load the page, then close surf and open the page again. The first time
you visit it will be trusted, the second it will be untrusted. It will
load regardless of your `strictssl` setting. If it is untrusted the
first time, clear your cache in `~/.surf/cache/` then repeat the
experiment you should see it.

Re: [dev] [surf]

2016-10-13 Thread Alexander Keller
> That's in the config, the user should be responsible for it.
True, it is in the config. It's also the default. If the alternative is
too much, perhaps changing
strictssl = FALSE \* Refuse untrusted SSL connections *\
strictssl = FALSE \* Validate SSL certificates from server *\
would help better inform what it does. My initial understanding when I
used surf was that this would simply deny me the option of bypassing SSL
errors. Not silently ignore them.

[dev] [surf]

2016-10-12 Thread Alexander Keller
I just took surf to to test how the TLS implementation in
surf reacts. To test I took the default Arch Linux package for a ride.
It failed the test. This is because by default:
static Bool strictssl = FALSE;

Without this set to TRUE, the browser effectively does not look at the
certificate. I understand the reason for turning it off (the whole PKI,
X.509, HSTS, CSP, HPKP, and now freaking preload lists methodology sucks
and DANE can't come soon enough), but to me this doesn't feel like the
right way to hand invalid certificates by default (if the person chooses
to turn off certificate validation, power to them).

Would it not make more sense to allow the user to add the certificate's
identity to a file in ~/.surf/ much like OpenSSH does? You can show it
to them and ask if it is correct, then add it if they accept. This way
only that file and cafile need to be tested for certificate validity,
thus keeping the complexity arguably low. Setting this as the default
means users are not locked out of sites with (for example) self signed
certificates while also giving them a heads up on MITM attacks.

Re: [dev] Just discovered dwm

2016-10-03 Thread Alexander Keller
> what do you guys do for wget like functionality? opt for curl?

I just use curl. If you really need something small, you could use

nc 80
GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: netcat