Re: [dev] [acmebrowse] Mouse driven interface for edbrowse

2014-07-29 Thread Paul Onyschuk
I attached a version of acmebrowse that doesn't require tmux.  I removed
readme from the script - you can still find it in a previous message.
Only pipes are used.  Below is a generalized version that could be
adapted for other programs:

> #!/bin/rc
> . 9.rc
> . $PLAN9/lib/acme.rc
> fn event {
>   switch($1$2){
>   case E* # write to body or tag
>   case F* # generated by ourselves; ignore
>   case K* # type away we do not care
>   case Mi # mouse: text inserted in tag
>   case MI # mouse: text inserted in body
>   case Md # mouse: text deleted from tag
>   case MD # mouse: text deleted from body
>   winwriteevent $*
>   case Mx MX  # button 2 in tag or body
>   echo $9
>   case Ml ML  # button 3 in tag or body
>   echo /$9/
>   }
> }
> newwindow
> @{wineventloop} | edbrowse | winwrite body

wineventloop is exucuted in a subshell and the output is piped into
edbrowse (simple echo is used within a loop).  This approach has few
advantages. Buffering issues are avoided as in case of fifos or
redirection to a file:

$ tail -f input | edbrowse
$ echo "some command" >> input   

Blocking the reads from edbrowse stdout is unnecessary, since it is
piped all the time into acme window.  Yet the content of a window can be
erased if need using:

> echo -n , | winwrite addr
> winctl 'dot=addr'
> winwrite data

Blocking in acmebrowse is used now for a different purpose: jumping to
the top of a window.  If you don't mind the cursor ending at a bottom of
content, you can get away without "kill $apid/wait" approach.

Window name in acme matches now the filename/URL opened in edbrowse. I
find it more useful than the name of a script.

As if PCRE wasn't a mess enough, edbrowse doesn't use them it in a
straight way.  Some behavior was changed to match ed more closly.  I
decided that the best way to sanitize them is to turn special characters
into dots:

$ echo $regexp | tr '^$[]+*?\/' '.'

This avoids the escape hell, when you want to repeat a search.

I'm pretty satisfied with the script.  Other than that the naming of
functions/commands could be improved I guess.

Paul Onyschuk

Description: Binary data

Re: [dev] [acmebrowse] Mouse driven interface for edbrowse

2014-07-25 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Fri, 25 Jul 2014 11:32:01 +0200
Teodoro Santoni wrote:

> How about using empty [1] instead of tmux? It seems to me that it's
> not the right tool.

Tmux isn't a right tool.  It was just under the hand and I wanted to
hammer our basics fast.  I started with unix fifos, but I'm not that
familiar with plan9port and did run into some issues e.g.

mkfifo ebin
tail -f ebin | edbrowse
echo "do something" > ebin

Would send EOF to edbrowse closing the pipe (tail from p9p).  I'll go
slowly back to this approach.  Some operations like blocking the read,
till edbrowse is done (currently tmux wait-for) are very easy to do in
rc (this isn't working script, just overview):

echo "do something" > ebin
sleep 60 &
echo "!kill $apid" > ebin
wait $apid
cat ebout > acmein

This is even better, since there is guarantee sleep will exit after
some time.

So yes, I plan to remove dependency on tmux, but I'm looking more into
plain pipes than other approaches.

Paul Onyschuk

[dev] [acmebrowse] Mouse driven interface for edbrowse

2014-07-24 Thread Paul Onyschuk
   echo -n $readme
if not {
parsecmd $9

case Ml ML  # button 3 in tag or body
# Send selection as regexp to edbrowse
tmux send-keys -l $target /$9/ ';' \
send-keys $target Enter

fn parsecmd {
switch ($1) {
case Back   # Go back one level
tsend '^' Enter

case Bookmarks  # Open bookmark file and print
tsend 'b ~/.eb/bookmarks' Enter , Enter

case Bookmarks! # Add bookmark, used together with URLs command.
tsend 'w+ ~/.eb/bookmarks' Enter

case DDG*   # Searching in
ddg = `{echo $1}
ddg =  $ddg(2-)
ddg = 'b' ^ $"ddg
tmux send-keys -l $target $ddg ';' \
send-keys $target Enter , Enter

case Go # Follow 1st link in the line and print
tsend g1 Enter , Enter

case Go2# Follow 2nd link and...
tsend g2 Enter , Enter

case Go!# Follow without print - for binary files etc
tsend g1 Enter

case Go2!
tsend g2 Enter

case Info   # Show title and address of current page
tsend ft Enter f Enter

case Interrupt  # Send Ctrl-C to edbrowse
tsend C-c

case Javascript # Toggle off/on javascript
tsend js Enter

case Print  # Print whole file
tsend , Enter

case Quit!  # With exclamation mark, must be drag-selected.
tsend qt Enter
windel sure

case Refresh# Refresh page - can be useful for JS
tsend rf Enter

case URLs   # Show addresses behind links in selected line.
tsend A Enter , Enter

case Write! # Save (binary) file to disk.
tsend w/ Enter

case *  # Send selection as plain command to edbrowse
tmux send-keys -l $target $1 ';' \
send-keys $target Enter


fn pipetowin {
# Block till edbrowse opens web page.
tmux send-keys $target '!tmux wait-for -S ' ^ $twindow Enter ';' \
wait-for $twindow

# Select content of window in acme, so writing to data will erase it.
echo -n , | winwrite addr
winctl 'dot=addr'

# Pipe output from tmux pane to acme window
tmux capture-pane -p -S -1 $target | winwrite data

# Jump to the top/beginning of text in acme
echo -n 0 | winwrite addr
winctl 'dot=addr'
winctl show

# Erase visible part (pane) and scrollback in tmux
tmux send-keys -R $target ';' clear-history $target

fn tmuxinit {
# Unset $TMUX (in case it's running) and create detached session.
TMUX=() tmux new-session -d -s ed -n dummy

# Set history-limit to 10k lines - for long web pages.
tmux set-option -q -t ed history-limit 1

# Postpone starting of edbrowse, otherwise history-limit won't work.
tmux new-window -a -t ed:dummy -n $twindow edbrowse

# Close dummy window
tmux send-keys -t ed:dummy exit Enter

fn acmeinit {
# Create new window in acme, change name
winname acmebrowse

# Add commands to tag in acme
echo '| i? i* i= | DDG  | b http://' | winwrite tag
echo -n 'Back Refresh | Print Go! Go2! | Info URLs Bookmarks!' \
' Write! | Javascript Interrupt | Quit!' | winwrite tag

# Initialize tmux, acme and start loop

Paul Onyschuk

Re: [dev] Plain text editor that sucks less - an alternative to VIM?

2014-07-08 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Sun, 29 Jun 2014 13:24:58 +0200
patrick295767 wrote:

> For many years  I have been looking for a lightweight alternative to
> VIM. (sthg else than Emacs, elvis, nano,... and all the billion of
> text editor).

I'll point out two editors that have their issues, but at the same time
have some interesting ideas.  I'll skip the license cult worship

  - code [1]
  - documentation [2]

Everything is a command, there is only one keybinding (the command
terminator).  It is non-modal: no switching between a command line and
a visual mode.  Everything is done in a separate part of the screen,
somehow similar to Sam.  Example of inserting the new text (where "i" is
a command and "$" is a terminator):

  isome new text$

Syntax is horrible, but that isn't the point.  Best example of this
convention is probably undo.  Since everything is a command and
commands are stored in a separate sub-window, you can go as far as
editing the command history itself.  You can modify a command in the
middle of the history.

  - code [3]
  - documentation [4] (there is a reference at the end of file, second
letter is valid for QWERTY mode)

This editor goes in the opposite direction, almost eliminating a
separate command prompt (expect for regular expressions).  The usage is
oriented around a selection and a clip buffer. Example of piping
paragraph through fmt (where "^" is Ctrl):

^U  start selection
^Space^Yjump to the end of paragraph
^X  cut selection (put into clip buffer)
^U  starting new selection
fmt type text (command) into selection
^R  pipe clip buffer through command specified in
selected text

It takes some time getting used to.  I find this editor convenient to
the point of using it on daily basis.


This is a bit off topic.  I'm somewhere in the middle, when it comes
to coloring.  It is not harmful in itself.  The problem as I see it,
streams from highlighters that universally are going over the top by
taking a "christmas tree" approach to the syntax. 

Personally I give comments different color.  I find alternating colors
for pairs of bracketing characters also nice - this is lighter approach
than blinking/jumping to matching bracket.  This is enough for me.


Paul Onyschuk

Re: [dev] Project Oberon

2014-03-22 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Fri, 21 Mar 2014 19:38:36 -0400
Aaron Burrow  wrote:

> What do you think of minix 3?
> > cd ~/code/minix
> > find . -name "*.c" -or -name "*.h" | xargs wc -l
> ...
> 342686 total

It would be comparing apples and oranges.

Excluding Verilog sources, whole Oberon system is under ten thousand
lines of source code.  Compiler itself is about 3KLOC.  Even when you
take into account that code is written in denser style than
idiomatic C, it is still small.  As a side note: limited RISC platform
constructed by Wirth has only 16 opcodes.  I think this is one of the
reasons why emulator for this platform could be written using less than
one thousand lines of C code.

You could read Project Oberon in your spare time e.g. on crapper
(this is place of enlightenment according to Breaking Bad) and
understand how exactly it works from top to bottom.  In many ways
Oberon is primitive, yet I perceive that as strength for what it is.

Paul Onyschuk

Re: [dev] Project Oberon

2014-03-21 Thread Paul Onyschuk

Even if it's only a mere curiosity, reading "Project Oberon" book can
be worthwhile.  There aren't just that many places, were clarity and
simplicity of software are celebrated.


Paul Onyschuk

[dev] Project Oberon

2014-03-21 Thread Paul Onyschuk
I'm not completely sure if it's in interest of this mailing list, but
underlying philosophy isn't far away from that of suckless community.
Hope I don't upset anyone too much by posting this, on the other hand
maybe someone will find it useful.

I won't describe in detail what Oberon is, since information about that
can be found on Wikipedia [1] and other sources.  One thing I will point
out: there is clear relation between interface of Oberon and ACME text
editor from Plan 9.

Niklaus Wirth recently revised his Project Oberon [2] - programming
language and operating system implemented for minimalistic RISC
platform on top of FPGA.  Simplicity is assured by the fact that whole
description and/or implementation of system, language and platform must
fit into the book.

FPGA board isn't needed to test and run the system, since emulator is
available [3] (small implementation in C with dependency on SDL2).
Wirth talked a bit about resurrection of whole project [4] (last video
in the list) in the recent conference at ETH, thrown to celebrate his
80th birthday.

Some additional documents are available at his personal website [5].
Probably the most interesting one is a book describing Programming in
Oberon [6] (which was also updated).  Personally I find it interesting
not only from educational perspective.  At the end of email I'm
attaching excerpt from the book, which describes a bit of philosophy
behind Project Oberon.



Comments about plans to prepare a second edition to this book varied
widely. Some felt that this book is outdated, that nobody is interested
in a system of this kind any longer. "Why bother"? Others felt that
there is an urgent need for this type of text, which explains an entire
system in detail rather than merely proposing strategies and
approaches. "By all means"!.

Very much has changed in these last 30 years. But even without this
change, it would be preposterous to propose and construct a system
competing with existing, worldwide "standards". Indeed, very few people
would be interested in using it. The community at large seems to be
stuck with these gigantic software systems, and helpless against their
complexity, their peculiarities, and their occasional unreliability.

But surely new systems will emerge, perhaps for different, limited
purposes, allowing for smaller systems. One wonders where their
designers will study and learn their trade. There is little technical
literature, and my conclusion is that understanding is generally gained
by doing, that is, "on the job". However, this is a tedious and
suboptimal way to learn. Whereas sciences are governed by principles
and laws to be learned and understood, in engineering experience and
practice are indispensable. Does Computer Science teach laws that hold
for (almost) ever? More than any other field of engineering, it would
be predestined to be based on rigorous mathematical principles. Yet,
its core hardly is. Instead, one must rely on experience, that is, on
studying sound examples.

The main purpose of and the driving force behind this project is to
provide a single book that serves as an example of a system that
exists, is in actual use, and is explained in all detail. This task
drove home the insight that it is hard to design a powerful and
reliable system, but even much harder to make it so simple and clear
that it can be studied and fully understood. Above everything else, it
requires a stern concentration on what is essential, and the will to
leave out the rest, all the popular "bells and whistles".

Recently, a growing number of people has become interested in designing
new, smaller systems. The vast complexity of popular operating systems
makes them not only obscure, but also provides opportunities for "back
doors". They allow external agents to introduce spies and devils
unnoticed by the user, making the system attackable and corruptible.
The only safe remedy is to build a safe system anew from scratch.

Turning now to a practical aspect: The largest chapter of the 1992
edition of this book dealt with the compiler translating Oberon
programs into code for the NS32032 processor. This processor is now
neither available nor is its architecture recommendable. Instead of
writing a new compiler for some other commercially available
architecture, I decided to design my own in order to extend the desire
for simplicity and regularity to the hardware. The ultimate benefit of
this decision is not only that the software, but also the hardware of
the Oberon System is described completely and rigorously. The processor
is called RISC. The hardware modules are decribed exclusively in the
language Verilog.

The decision f

Re: [dev] golang dwm status

2014-03-13 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Thu, 13 Mar 2014 20:50:38 +0100
Markus Teich  wrote:

> Thanks for the hint. However I wanted to avoid spawning other
> processes as much as possible. Is there another way to count the cpu
> cores just by reading a file in /proc or maybe /sys?

You can get there by using sysconf(3), from man page:

"The sysconf() function conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1-1988 (``POSIX.1'').
part of the standard, but are provided by many systems."

Calling "sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF)" should work on many systems.
I'm clueless, when it comes to accessing C from Go, so this can be
wrong solution in your case. 

Paul Onyschuk

Re: [dev] Shell vs C where is the border?

2014-03-10 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Mon, 10 Mar 2014 20:39:08 +0100
Szymon Olewniczak  wrote:

> But having so many individual programs is more harder to use that just
> one (we need to run more commands), so reasonable would be to combine
> all this commands to one script which would do all this work
> automaticaly. So what solution would be better in your opinion? When
> we should use shell scripts and when write new C programs to achieve
> our goals?

My mail probably will be bounced, but anyway.

It (pipes or lack of them) can be abused either way.  Example of way too
many command line flags (GNU ls):

$ ls --help | awk '/^ {2,6}-/{i++} END{print i}'

Yet you won't likely use more than a dozen options offered by ls ever
(and fewest on daily basis).  Those rare cases, when you need something
specialized could be solved by sed/awk and other filters.  Still they
somehow managed to squeeze all those flags there - someone really hates

Counter example would be man(1) command (this is personal opinion).
Some implementation are doing something similar to that:

$ zcat some-manpage.1.gz | eqn | grap | pic | tbl | vgrind | refer \
| troff | more

This is running every time when you type "man some-manpage".  Filter
approach of *roff made sense, when it was used for creating documents
for printing (and it was often most CPU intensive command on the box
according to some accounts). 

Paul Onyschuk

Re: [dev] tmux/screen alternative

2014-02-22 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Sat, 22 Feb 2014 14:33:20 +0100
Anselm R Garbe  wrote:

> For terminal detach/attach I could use dtach. I'm only after a
> solution for scrollback buffer. Probably this should become a separate
> tool.
> If you don't use screen/tmux with st, what other tool comes to mind
> for a scrollback buffer?

*BSDs have script [1] utility - not sure how helpful that is.


Paul Onyschuk

Re: [dev] Re: Reasonable Makefiles

2014-02-11 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Tue, 11 Feb 2014 20:15:06 + (UTC)
Thorsten Glaser  wrote:

> Ugh, a horrid GNUmakefile… I normally write:
> PROG= foo
> .include 

Not that I defend GNU make, but you can do:


This will use implicit rules and will compile foo.c.  If you have more
than one file with source code, this should work:

foo: bar.o

Will pick both foo.c and bar.c.  Of course pmake/bmake makes more than
that (and I don't want to argue about it): logic for installing
binaries/manpages, cleaning directories etc.

You can write sane rules for GNU make (I avoid implicit rules described
earlier myself). The problem is that auto-generated makefiles by
autotools are far from sane.  I would guess that poison starts there
and that is why GNU makefiles handle some obscure and weird
rules/variables and so on.  

Paul Onyschuk

Re: [dev] [dwm] Conversion to XCB

2014-01-21 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Tue, 21 Jan 2014 15:11:27 +0100
Alexander Huemer  wrote:

> IMO it's not a good advice to let of all things google do that.

It is far from good solution, but often it is the only solution.  Often
custom search engines written in Perl do horrible job of searching
through whole text.  To sum state of mailing list software, here is
excerpt from GNU Mailman documentation (which is one of the most
popular solutions) [1].  


Paul Onyschuk

Re: [dev] [dwm] Conversion to XCB

2014-01-21 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Tue, 21 Jan 2014 13:07:37 +0100
Markus Wichmann  wrote:

> Maybe it was. However, I found no such conversation in my personal
> archive of this list (which goes back maybe a year or so), and the
> official version of the archive has no search function, nor has any
> attempt at sending Google on that archive been successful. And since
> the archive only has index pages by month, I can't even get the entire
> message index, or even the message index per year and search via C-F.

Did you try something like:

This applies to the most of the mailing lists as GMANE is not always
available, but HTML archives are there (results are similar to GMANE).

Paul Onyschuk

Re: [dev] strlcpy and strlcat

2013-12-21 Thread Paul Onyschuk
There is also Annex K in C11 specifying strcpy_s and friends.  Yet it
is optional part of standard, so hard to say if it will be widely

Paul Onyschuk

Re: [dev][announce] Optimizing C compiler & c++ compiler/runtime

2013-12-20 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Fri, 20 Dec 2013 18:06:07 + (GMT)
Rob  wrote:

> I suppose if you can get a stable version of GCC, like you say, the
> platform ABIs aren't going to change, but I can see certain things
> from C11 coming into libraries, such as atomics. Of course glibc
> (should) support all the way back to C89. Not sure if musl is C99 and
> above or not.

Last time I compiled glibc by hand, kernel version (headers - as glibc
use them) and binutils were more an issue compared to compiler.

As for musl, dependencies are listed in INSTALL file [1], list of
supported compilers is also available on wiki [2].


Paul Onyschuk

Re: [dev] Optimizing C compiler & c++ compiler/runtime

2013-12-20 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Fri, 20 Dec 2013 17:26:42 + (UTC)
Thorsten Glaser  wrote:

> Oh, they’re buggy? Damn. I had hoped for a ditroff
> implementation eventually.

Here [1] you can find links/references to every existing *roff
implementation.  Still that doesn't leave many options.

Troff from Plan9 is interesting, yet it doesn't support -mdoc macros
(those can be copied from Heirloom or from older version of Groff -
macros itself are BSD licenses AFAIK, just macros from newer version
expect a support for arbitrary number of macro arguments).  There is
even port to Linux [2] (didn't check it). 


Paul Onyschuk

Re: [dev] Optimizing C compiler & c++ compiler/runtime

2013-12-20 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Fri, 20 Dec 2013 17:31:26 +0100
Sylvain BERTRAND  wrote:

> Oh! What openbsd uses for its man page terminal renderer? I'm
> stuck with the buggy heirloom tools.

Mandoc aka mdocml [1].

> ARM64 is on its way, which will require a backport in gcc 4.7.x.

We will see how it turns out.  If AArch64 gets same treatment as ARM
devices, I don't see myself using it: handful of outdated binary blobs
just to get it half-working (no one cares about stability of ABI for
kernel modules).
> That's very bad. Linux kernel devs have not accepted patches to
> allow compilation with alternative C compilers??

You can watch this presentation [2] or check LLVMLinux project
directly [3].  It touches the topic in some way.


Paul Onyschuk

Re: [dev] Optimizing C compiler & c++ compiler/runtime

2013-12-20 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Fri, 20 Dec 2013 13:49:43 +0100
Sylvain BERTRAND  wrote:

> Is there any remaining good c++ compiler/runtime which can
> boostrap using a C compiler/minimal runtime?
> Since, it's near impossible to re-write/unroll all the
> "mandatory" c++ components in C quickly (harfbuzz,
> gecko/webkit...), what to do? Any suggestions?

Not that I'm aware of, beside I'm not sure what benefits this would
bring?  You're fine with C++ in one place, but not the other?

> There is also the question of finding a new C99 optimizing
> compiler written properly in C of course.
> Anything else?

This is valid question on other hand e.g. base OpenBSD is C++ free for
some time AFAIK (after the removal of groff).  Idea of minimal set of
tools, capable of rebuilding itself is attractive.

On one hand, you can use pretty old GCC and most of C codebase will
compile just fine (OpenBSD still uses patched GCC v4.2.1, which is more
than six years old).  C is stable - you will more likely see changes in
standard C library, than compiler/language itself.  GCC v4.7.x should
work just fine for some years to come.

C++ is different kind of beast.  More and more software requires C++11
features and this means very recent version of compilers, especially
since C++ standard libraries are developed inside the same projects
(GCC/libstdc++, Clang/libc++).  Sticking to GCC v4.7.x isn't an option
here as far I can tell. 

The last problem: C99-capable compiler isn't enough to get usable
system based on Linux.  Clang which was designed as GCC drop-in
replacement chokes on Linux kernel (some patches are needed), because
it heavily uses GCC extensions and specific features (some

PCC/TCC aren't actively developed, I'm not sure about the status of
firm/CParser.  Still those alternative C compilers are just good
enough for specific programs and not larger set of packages. 

Paul Onyschuk

Re: [dev] wswsh: a mksh web framework

2013-12-14 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Sat, 14 Dec 2013 01:17:02 + (UTC)
Thorsten Glaser  wrote:

> Though I do low-level *roff stuff too. I had to learn it because
> I had to fix the mdoc macro _implementation_ itself… not too hard,
> the classical documentation
> and are nice intros.
> Not always, there’s stuff that needs multilines in *roff, but
> with structural regexes that will work.
> Also, HTML output can be done (cf. the above links; those were
> done by AT&T nroff (from 4.4BSD-Alpha, hacked up) → col → some
> mksh script with lots of sed to convert them. Valid XHTML/1.1,
> or it’s a bug. Much nicer than GNU groff. No way to natively
> specify hyperlinks or other HTML features (due to this using
> the preformatted manpages that are generated during the BSD
> build anyway), and fixed-width output, but I chose to make it
> a feature and CSSify this to look like amber TTY output.

With mdocml [1] you get nice HTML output for free, because it
translates high level macros like mdoc/man to output format directly.
This produces output typically of better quality than when fiddling
with roff or catpages directly (preformatted man pages).

On other hand you need stick to the mdoc/man and avoid low level
roff.  This works just fine for the most documentation that is out
there... excluding mksh.

As for writing man pages, there is very good tutorial/manual written by
the author of mdocml [2].


Paul Onyschuk

Re: [dev] wswsh: a mksh web framework

2013-12-13 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Fri, 13 Dec 2013 13:57:56 +0200
Edgaras  wrote:

> I get why some people might not like markdown, or similar. Fix me if
> I'm wrong, but I think that Markdown and similar are also made to be
> human readable without any parser. And I'd dare to say that nether
> html not TeX or *roff are as human readable as Margdown and similar.
> Though of course previously mentioned issues are nothing to sneeze
> at, still I would consider this as major point in prefering something
> like Markdown. (also I guess that some issues, namely non-strictness,
> comes precisely from this goal, as people can write stuff in many
> ways)

Plain text is even more human friendly.  Email composition is based on
conventions, not syntax - quotes, references etc.  For many thing it
is good enough.

Few words on roff.  I you stick to man, mdoc and ms macros and avoid
low-level roff stuff, it is quite nice format.  On the first look it is
quite alien, but it originated on Unix and that shows off.  Sed,
awk, grep and other standard tools work great with sane roff
document: you can stick to the oneliners (I don't think that this can
be said about any other document format).

Paul Onyschuk

Re: [dev] wswsh: a mksh web framework

2013-12-13 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Fri, 13 Dec 2013 01:53:09 +
Nick  wrote:

> Quoth Thorsten Glaser:
> > I absolutely d̲e̲t̲e̲s̲t̲ Markdown.
> Really? Why? I quite like it (at least smu's subset). Works for the 
> simple usecases I need it, and keeps the angle brackets of doom away 
> from me.

Markdown solves only one shortcoming of HTML (shared by all
markups/formats from Addams Family): verbosity.  It is still non-strict,
which is main source of pain for me, not sure about Thorsten.

Splitting in paragraphs is pretty much implicit, moreover empty line is
also used to end blocks of other kinds.  Switching between line
concatenation and line breaking is too terse: two spaces at the end of
line - I don't consider that a good choice.

It is very easy to hit corner cases with Markdown.  Example: code block
inside bullet list.  Some flavours of Markdown have fenced code blocks,
sometimes with different syntax, some don't have that sugar at all.  So
there is no universal solution.

This is another issue with Markdown, which is a supposedly
interchangeable format.  It isn't, thanks to implicit nature and
non-strict syntax, it is almost guaranteed that every implementation
will behave a bit differently (add flavouring on top of that).

There are solutions for some of this issues.  When formating something
with Markdown becomes tricky, invite Uncle Fester back (HTML).  Still
mixing HTML and Markdown defeats somehow whole purpose of using
lightweight markups.

This comes from experience I had few years ago: converting more than
100 pages of old documentation in custom markup (similar to Plain Old
Documentation) to Markdown.  In the middle of process I wanted to hurt
someone badly: one additional or one missing empty line that breaks
half of document (welcome back MS Word?).  It is easy to write own
custom Markdown parser, but throwing the same document at e.g. Github
is a major advantage you probably don't want to lose. 

Still I'm more than fine with using Markdown for simple thing like
generating list of links and so on.

Paul Onyschuk

Re: [dev] portable photoshop-like lite application based on C?

2013-12-02 Thread Paul Onyschuk
GrafX2 [1] is a very nice editor, if limited palette is acceptable (you
can forget about editing truecolor photos). Interface is taken from
Deluxe Paint. Code is C with dependencies on SDL and Lua (can be
compiled without Lua). There are binaries for Atari available, so it
is a lightweight editor compared to gimp.


Paul Onyschuk

Re: [dev] [PATCH] sbase: add cut

2012-08-02 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Wed, 1 Aug 2012 22:49:05 -0400, Steven Blatchford wrote:
> I wanted to know how you use awk to get the same output as 
> "cut -d' ' -f3-"

This can be done on multiple ways in awk, here is one example (a bit

awk '{$1=$2=""; $0=substr($0, 3)}1'

Paul Onyschuk

Re: [dev] [mk] mk.1 broken

2012-03-20 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Tue, 20 Mar 2012 16:59:53 -0500
Matthew Farkas-Dyck wrote:

> The trouble seems to be an undocumented macro .LR, thus:
> I can not find this macro in ms(7, Plan 9) or groff_man(7, Arch
> Linux).\
> What is this meant to be?

Plan9 man(7) macro [1].


Re: [dev] Re: [9base] Failure to link against uClibc: undefined references

2012-03-02 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Thu, 1 Mar 2012 20:08:52 -0500
Matthew Farkas-Dyck wrote:

> Patch failed!  Please fix 9base-6-dirread.getdents.patch!
> I have two tests to write and a lab report to give in tomorrow, but
> after that I shall try again.

It is no surprise that patching failed.  I used tip version from
repository to generate diffs.  Try this:

$ hg clone
$ cd 9base
$ patch -p0 < uclibc_dirread.patch
$ patch -p1 < fix_conflicting_declarations.patch 
$ make

Re: [dev] Re: [9base] Failure to link against uClibc: undefined references

2012-03-01 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Wed, 29 Feb 2012 20:52:50 +0100
Anselm R Garbe wrote:

> Thanks, applied.

Great, so only issues left are conflicting declarations in join case
and missing getdirentries.

In first case, the problem is that time.h is included in longer chain:
stdio.h -> bits/uClibc_stdio.h -> bits/uClibc_mutex.h -> pthread.h ->

You can find fix_conflicting_declarations.patch in attachments.
I avoided using ifdef soup and opted for simplest solution.
I moved "#include libc.h" behind "#include stdio.h" in join.c and added
some "undefs" to libc.h.

As for getdirentries I cleaned up my previous patch, check
uclibc_dirread.patch in attachments.  Still it isn't my call if this
patch should be applied or not.  I provided some "#warning" for this
case, informing that direct syscall is used.

I would like to hear from Matthew Farkas-Dyck, if with those patches he
can compile working 9base in his setup. 

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Re: [dev] C talk

2012-03-01 Thread Paul Onyschuk
> I used some random quotes from Games of Thrones to make it more
> interesting.  

That was bad mistake on my side.  Apologies for every fan of George R.
R. Martin.  Of course it should be "Game of Thrones", silly me.

Re: [dev] C talk

2012-03-01 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Thu, 01 Mar 2012 00:06:33 +0100
Florian Limberger  wrote:

> I think about giving a short talk about C and why to use it on a small
> student event at my local university this weekend.
> Does anybody have pointers to some stuff like that?

You could start with less technical overview.  I used some random
quotes from Games of Thrones to make it more interesting. 

> Daenerys Targaryen:  He was no dragon.  Fire cannot kill the dragon.

I would say that C is hype free.  If you're looking for fairy tales and
promises of magical tool to resolve all your issues, C is the wrong
place.  Look somewhere else for that.

> Tyrion Lannister:  Let me give you some advice, bastard: never forget
> what you are.  The rest of the world will not.  Wear it like armor,
> and it can never be used to hurt you.

C has own weakness and quirks.  Most C programmers are well aware of
that, probably more that users of other languages (and weaknesses that
comes with them).

> Master Luwin: The things you speak of, they've been dead for
> thousands of years.
> Osha:  They wasn't dead, old man; they was only sleeping.  And they
> ain't sleeping no more.

C was pronounced obsolete and dead through years.  I hate statistics
most of the times, but TIOBE [1] and LangPop [2] are suggesting
something completely opposite, when it comes to state of C programming.

> Robert Baratheon:  That's all the realm is: backstabbing and
> plotting.  Sometimes I don't know what holds it together.

Even if you're using other language and/or hate C, keep in mind that C
is everywhere.  Sooner or later you'll find yourself in situation,
where you will need to reuse some C software.  In the end C is a glue,
that holds everything together.

> Old Nan:  Don't listen to it.  Crows are all liars.  I know a story
> about a crow.

Just try it yourself and make your own opinion on C.


Re: [dev] Re: [9base] Failure to link against uClibc: undefined references

2012-02-28 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Tue, 28 Feb 2012 18:51:39 +0100
Anselm R Garbe wrote:

> > The link order in is wrong.
> > Try building with this patch.

Same goes for rc/Makefile and sam/Makefile (move -lm flag to the end).

Also uClibc doesn't provide futimes, so we need to use futimesat() in
lib9/dirfwstat.c (patch is attached).

After that (and earlier fixes) everything builds nicely, whole 9base
linked against uClibc is ~5.5MB.

Description: Binary data

Re: [dev] Re: [9base] Failure to link against uClibc: undefined references

2012-02-28 Thread Paul Onyschuk
One line was wrapped in my patch from previous message.  Just fix this
by hand - this should be single line:

> +
>  extern int _p9dir(struct stat*, struct stat*, char*, Dir*, char**,
> char*); 

As for join command, problem was related to conflicting declarations -
system time.h (which was included in longer chain by stdio.h) vs 9base
libc.h.  I fixed that by moving stdio.h inclusion in join.c to the top
of the file and undefining some things like this:

#undef gmtime
#undef localtime
#undef asctime
#undef ctime

Maybe it would be better to fix that in libc.h and move inclusion of
libc.h after stdio.h in join.c?  Something like this in libc.h:

# ifdef gmtime
#  undef gmtime
# endif
#define gmtime  p9gmtime

Re: [dev] Re: [9base] Failure to link against uClibc: undefined references

2012-02-28 Thread Paul Onyschuk
uClibc doesn't provide wrappers for getdents() syscall either.  The
proper solution would be to use readdir()/scandir() instead I guess.
Till then people interested can use this ad-hoc patch, which uses
getdents() syscall directly.  It shouldn't be applied to main repository
I think.

Also join has some issues, I removed its entry from Makefile just to
check if ls/du commands works.

--- lib9/dirread.c.orig 2012-02-28 23:09:24.0 +0100
+++ lib9/dirread.c  2012-02-28 23:22:48.0 +0100
@@ -4,9 +4,25 @@
+#if defined(__UCLIBC__)
+# include 
+# if defined(__USE_LARGEFILE64)
+#  define getdents SYS_getdents64
+# else
+#  define getdents SYS_getdents 
+# endif
 extern int _p9dir(struct stat*, struct stat*, char*, Dir*, char**,
 #if defined(__linux__)
+# if defined(__UCLIBC__)
+static int
+mygetdents(int fd, struct dirent *buf, int n)
+   return syscall(getdents, fd, (void*)buf, n);
+# else  
 static int
 mygetdents(int fd, struct dirent *buf, int n)
@@ -18,6 +34,7 @@ mygetdents(int fd, struct dirent *buf, i
nn = getdirentries(fd, (void*)buf, n, &off);
return nn;
+# endif
 #elif defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
 static int
 mygetdents(int fd, struct dirent *buf, int n)

Re: [dev] Re: [9base] Failure to link against uClibc: undefined references

2012-02-27 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Sun, 26 Feb 2012 23:24:57 -0500
Matthew Farkas-Dyck wrote:

> Unfortunately, now linkage fails later. Solution might be quite plain;
> I shall try to further diagnose when I have the time.

I didn't drink my coffee yet, so my head isn't straight yet.  I tried
to build 9base/plan9port/9vx with uClibc year or two ago (without
success).  Those errors looks familiar, but my memory isn't fresh.

AFAIK uClibc doesn't provide getdirentries(), which is used by
lib9/dirread.c.  As for error with  getdirentries64, just look
at /usr/include/dirent.h:

#   define getdirentries getdirentries64

I think I fixed that by providing own version of getdirentries(), but
hit later other issues.

Still it would be nice to fix this once and for all, because plan9port
and 9vx has same issues (I don't think that this got fixed).

Re: [dev] Re: [st] terminal capability "cm" required

2012-02-17 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Fri, 17 Feb 2012 15:10:28 +0100
Martin Kopta wrote:

> Indeed!
> # vim --version | grep -c curses
> 1
> # vi --version | grep -c curses
> 0
> So there is that.

I messed up with previous message:

| vi --version | grep -c curses
| 1

Are you using 64-bit version of CentOS?  Not quite sure, were this
diffrence comes from.

Re: [dev] Re: [st] terminal capability "cm" required

2012-02-17 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Fri, 17 Feb 2012 15:10:28 +0100
Martin Kopta  wrote:

> On 02/17/2012 03:05 PM, Christian Neukirchen wrote:
> > Martin Kopta  writes:
> >
> >> I can't really use ':version' since vim output is horribly
> >> broken. Have this output instead.
> >>
> >> # vi --version | grep -E terminfo\|termcap
> >> -tag_binary -tag_old_static -tag_any_white -tcl +terminfo
> >> -termresponse Linking: gcc   -L/usr/local/lib -o vim
> >> -lselinux -ltermcap -lacl
> >>
> >> # rpm -qf $(which vi)
> >> vim-minimal-7.0.109-7.el5
> >
> > Shot in the dark: vim-minimal is built with "builtin-terms" and
> > -ltermcap only, so it doesn't look up terminfo at all.
> >
> > (vim --version should show -lncurses, so that will use terminfo.)
> Indeed!
> # vim --version | grep -c curses
> 1
> # vi --version | grep -c curses
> 0
> So there is that.

Re: [dev] [st] terminal capability "cm" required

2012-02-17 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Fri, 17 Feb 2012 12:34:53 +0100
Martin Kopta wrote:

> * CentOS 5.7 + fake vi = fail (TERM=st-256color)
> * CentOS 5.7 + vim = ok (TERM=st-256color)
> * CentOS 5.7 + tmux + fake vi = ok (TERM=screen)
> All tested with st-0.2.1
> On that CentOS 5.7:
> # rpm -qf $(which vim)
> vim-enhanced-7.0.109-7.el5
> # rpm -qf $(which vi)
> vim-minimal-7.0.109-7.el5
> I guess I just cant type 'vi' in CentOS 5.7 with st.

Weird I have same setup (Centos 5.7 + st-0.2.1) and I can't reproduce
this problem. 

Re: [dev] [st] terminal capability "cm" required

2012-02-17 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Fri, 17 Feb 2012 10:20:22 +0100
Martin Kopta wrote:

> Before I get into solving this, have anyone seen this? What is "cm"?
> # vi -u NONE
> E437: terminal capability "cm" required
> Press ENTER or type command to continue

man xterm(1)

| -cm 
| This option disables recognition of ANSI color-change escape
| sequences. It sets the colorMode resource to "false". 
| +cm 
| This option enables recognition of ANSI color-change escape sequences.
| This is the same as the vt100 resource colorMode.

Re: [dev] Wayland

2012-02-15 Thread Paul Onyschuk
FOSDEM 2012 talk about Wayland [1] is more detailed I guess.


Re: [dev] Adventures with static linking

2012-02-14 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Tue, 14 Feb 2012 21:49:51 +
Bjartur Thorlacius wrote:

> But, think of the hyphens!
> Not that this should cause any trouble with existing rm  
> implementations, but you'll never know what syntactic extensions GNU  
> might come up with for userspace in-rm chroot filesystem hierarchies.

Aboriginal Linux uses Busybox, not GNU coreutils right now.  There is
also related project maintained by Rob Landley called toybox - main
goal is to write simpler (code-wise) BSD-licensed replacement for
Busybox.  Last weeks toybox mailing list was busy, so I'm looking
forward to that.

On Tue, 14 Feb 2012 21:55:50 +
Bjartur Thorlacius wrote:

> Thanks for a great reading. :)
> Do you intend to compile all modules you might use into a single
> perl binary? Or just enough to compile stuff, and then stick to
> shell scripts and Lisp?

I'm not sure if it was great, but I would like to see Stali or
something similar moving forward.

I compiled just default modules for Perl. Still this is good question,
probably Python is more a issue: think Mercurial.

btw. I'm more awk type (lua is also nice) ;)

On Tue, 14 Feb 2012 16:59:14 -0500
Kurt H Maier wrote:

> Perl has facilities to easily embed modules.  In my opinion, the best
> one is staticperl:

Currently I'm exhausted, so this will wait.  I have seen too much
configure errors, compilation errors, linker errors and make errors,
that I was close to mental breakdown. I feel like this guy [1] - it is
a great presentation (less than 25 minutes worth spending time) about
debugging complex systems. I agree with his remarks that:

"It's packaging other people's software that makes system administrators
violent people".


Re: [dev] Re: Adventures with static linking

2012-02-14 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Tue, 14 Feb 2012 22:30:05 +0100
Christian Neukirchen wrote:

> Last time I checked (6 months ago perhaps), it was not possible to
> build a full Xorg server without dynamic linking.  Only TinyX works.
> The clients are no problem, they just get very fat.

Do you remember what was the issue (build or run time)?  I've
everything beside xkeyboard-config compiled (XML::Parser perl module
missing, but I think that should be easy to fix).  You can check [1] for dependencies of Xorg meta-package (actually it is
meta-package that uses 5 other meta-packages).

As for xorg-server 1.6.5 itself (name of individual part provided by it compiles with LDFLAGS+="-z muldefs", otherwise linker warns
about multiple definitions and fails. 


[dev] Adventures with static linking

2012-02-14 Thread Paul Onyschuk
Skip this message if you're not interested in Stali Linux concepts and
static linking in general.  Apologies for my poor writing skills in


I'll not write about advantages and disadvantages of static linking,
you can find informations about that on Stali web page.  Moreover
creating small statically linked distro has been proved to possible by
Bifrost Linux (check older messages on mailing list).

Personally I have been interested in using existing package/ports-like
system for creating static binaries.  Burden of tracking dependencies
for everything beside basic and small software is huge.  I picked up
Pkgsrc for many reasons (I'll skip that to keep message shorter) and
will describe what I found. I'm sending this message, because there was
some interest on #suckless IRC channel (at least I think so).


Bifrost Linux has simple framework for building packages.  Packages are
compiled inside chrooted environment using old images provided by
uClibc project.  This approach has some advantages, because you don't
pollute your working distribution (compared to chrooted one) with
libraries. Bifrost build framework uses simple shell scripts to detect
options for static linking (grep ./configure --help for --enable-static
and so on).  That works pretty well for small packages, but in Pkgsrc
case it means that some big changes are needed.

As I mentioned chroot images provided by uClibc project are very
outdated.  I found that similar chroot images are provided by
Aboriginal Linux, distribution maintained by Rob Landley.  Rob provided
simpler solution for forcing static linking, by removing all shared
libraries (this can be done safely in Aboriginal, because binaries are
already statically linked):

# find / -name "*.so*" | xargs rm

As it turns out in that kind environment, you don't need special
options for configure part of build.  Most configure scripts are
complex enough to figure out without help that only static binaries are
to be built.


It also simplifies other things.  Libtool has some issues with static
linking, mainly --static option isn't working as supposed.  Bifrost
build framework uses some wrappers to change --static to --all-static,
just to fix libtool.  In case with shared libraries removed, this isn't
problem at all, libtool can be compiled without support for shared
libraries (--disable-shared and remove /bin/shlibtool).  I used libtool
this way without problems.


Of course there are some other issues, when only static libraries are
available.  Some software still needs additional configure options or
other steps.  LDFLAGS+="-z muldefs" is your friend, especially when it
comes to bigger pieces of software.  This flag forces linker to pick up
one of multiple definitions.


By far Python required most work to build static binaries (I don't have
any plans for Python, beside using it as build dependency - it is
common).  Python build system work more or less like this: first
interpreter with builtin modules specified in Modules/Setup.dist is
compiled, then is launched and default modules (dynamic
loading) are build, beside those specified earlier in Setup.dist.

So I ended up adding every module picked up by to Setup.dist.
It turns out that sample Setup.dist is missing some modules, so it
wasn't the case of just uncommenting everything.  Moreover magic option
DYNLOADFILE="dynload_stub.o" is needed for configure part, otherwise
you will end up with segfaulting Python.


Another trouble maker is pkg-config, dependencies for shared and static
linking are specified separately.  You can find
Requires/Requires.private and Libs/Libs.private in *.pc files.  The
problem is that I'm not aware of any clean solution (environment
variable etc) to force pkg-config to pickup private parts of *.pc
files.  I don't line idea of patching every makefile, since most Xorg
apps are using pkg-config. I ended up with wrapper:

| mv pkg-config pkg-config.old
| cat > pkg-config << 'EOF'
| #!/bin/sh
| pkg-config.old --static "$@"

If someone knows better solution, I would like to hear about it.
Anyway this works just fine in cases I encountered so far. Still I'm
not sure about pkg-config m4 macros, which can be used by autoconf.
Some fixes to *.pc files were also needed e.g. missing "-ldl".


Pkgsrc uses static package lists: file PLIST.  This means that in some
cases PLIST cleanups are needed (mainly removing *.so files), but that
didn't happen often to be huge issue.

As for Aboriginal Linux, main problems are related to cpp (C pre
processor).  I hope that this will be fixed in next release, because I
patched a dozen of configure scripts (only direct use case of cpp I
can think of) to work around this problem.

Of course uClibc creates issues of it's own, but this is getting better
- uClibc matures and software is patched upstream (my memory can be
false when it comes to this, I

Re: [dev] Man page links

2012-02-11 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Sat, 11 Feb 2012 10:41:38 -0500
Andrew Hills wrote:

> Before I was familiar with the software, having the man pages on the
> website was very convenient, as the retarded version of man shipped
> with RHEL (at work, of course) wouldn't let me point to an arbitrary
> directory of man page files or an arbitrary man page file. This is an
> edge case, but I am suggesting that it could be helpful to those of us
> desperately trying to survive in a world of broken Unix machines
> maintained by an MCITP-certified IT department.

Actually man(1) is brain dead, it is calling something like this:

$ zcat -f /path/to/manpage.1.gz | eqn | grap | pic | tbl | vgrind \
  | refer | groff -S -P-h -Wall -mtty-char -man-Tascii | less

Missing filters are skipped in pipeline, still it is long pipeline.
Much better replacement for groff as man page parser is mdocml[1].  It
can be used this way:

$ zcat -f /path/to/manpage.1.gz | mandoc | less

I would say that simplest man(1) for mandoc can be written in ~10 lines
of shell script (check if man page is compressed or not depending on
file suffix and pipe it to mandoc and pager).

On Sat, 11 Feb 2012 11:00:32 -0500
Andrew Hills wrote:

> Unfortunately, no. But, when man pages were not immediately available
> online, I hacked together some godawful sh script that called the
> right sequence of nroff and whatever else man uses. In any case, my
> need has passed; the suckless tools are not so complicated that I
> can't remember their syntax. The number of users stuck in completely
> backwards environments is probably so low that it is not worth the
> effort of suckless developers to update yet another section of the
> website whenever something changes.

Producing HTML output with mandoc is also simple:

$ zcat -f /path/to/manpage.1.gz | mandoc -Thtml \
  -Ostyle=/path/to/style.css > manpage.html

Other alternative is plain text file:

$ zcat -f /usr/to/manpage.1.gz | mandoc | col -b > manpage.txt

I don't think that col(1) is shipped with any Linux distribution, but
this is small tool and source from *BSD repositories can be used.


Re: [dev] [perl] Saturdays troll

2012-02-11 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Sat, 11 Feb 2012 15:48:52 +0100
Anselm R Garbe wrote:

> Indeed, here we go:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> exec("sudo", "rm", "-rf", "/");
> But be careful executing this. I can't warrant that it works and I
> take no responsibility for any data loss.

I'm not sure if it works anymore.  Most popular used rm(1) version,
which is from GNU coreutils comes with some protection of the filesystem
root, you need "--no-preserve-root" option AFAIK.

More subtle solution would look like:

$ sudo chmod -x bash && sudo chmod -x chmod

If /bin/sh is linked to bash it can be interesting.  Maybe /sbin/init or
something else is better target.  Still no actual data is destroyed, so
chmod usage is limited.

Re: [dev] sbase TODO patch

2012-02-10 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Fri, 10 Feb 2012 07:52:54 -0500
Kurt H Maier  wrote:

> out of curiosity, can someone explaing the #ifndef/#if nightmare that
> is occurring in this file?

RCS markers (RCSid) are wrapped inside #ifdef to avoid spitting out
compiler warnings, when they aren't used. You can find RCS markers
everywhere inside *BSD repositories (I can speak about OpenBSD and
NetBSD source code I'm familiar with). If you don't plan to use them,
you can remove them safely.

Re: [dev] interested in issue tracker dev

2012-01-15 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Sun, 15 Jan 2012 14:07:09 +
Stephen Paul Weber wrote:

> While I agree that adding custom headers is likely to be a pain and
> make users come up with hacks, some headers are very well
> standardized.  Most notably In-Reply-To and Message-ID.  IMHO, and
> "id" for the bug should be the Message-ID of the original email, and
> any "comments" should be In-Reply-To said email.  That way you can
> just reply to a bug from your email client and it works.  Just like a
> mailing list :)

Valid email message must contain at least the following entries in
header [1] [2]:

- From
- Date
- Message-ID
- (only for reply msg) In-Reply-To

"Subject" is not required by specifications, but in practice
it is a standard.  Anyway that means you'll get at least 4 lines
overhead for first message and 5 lines header for replies.  Removing
that can lead to weird behavior. 


Re: [dev] interested in issue tracker dev

2012-01-15 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Sun, 15 Jan 2012 13:27:28 +1100
Alex Hutton wrote:

> It seems to me it might overly complicate things to build the issue
> tracker into a mail system or into git.
> The core functionality of tracking issues can be implemented in a
> meta-language.

Static web generators (werc/ikiwiki etc) doesn't store that either.
Focus on most recent content and let version control system handle the
rest.  I don't see why issue tracker can't do the same.

For every issue use mother message with recent informations (status
and everything else needed) and then just modify it:

> git commit -m 'Issue #XXX [Issue name] Opened by [user1 name]'
> hg commit -m 'Issue #XXX Status set to ABC by [user1 name]'

I know that storing different mail archive in repository and sending
something else to mail archive (e.g. bugs@) is questionable.  Think
about this as cleaned up mail archive.  Spam, trash talk, redundant
reports will always get to the mailing list (bugs@).  Of course you can
remove that from inbox, but every user will go through the same
process.  On other hand you can keep clean mail archive in repository
pretty easily.

Someone already suffered the pain of cleaning up the mess, so you can:
(A) Fetch mail archive of issue tracker with only relevant informations.
(B) Generate static web content and use Google/DDG to search through
non-crippled data.

Re: [dev] interested in issue tracker dev

2012-01-14 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Fri, 13 Jan 2012 17:22:12 -0600
Hank Donnay wrote:

> I like the idea of maildir-in-git, it makes something like
> automatically generating a website trivial with hooks.

Maildir is a bit overkill in my opinion, just look at naming convention
[1].  If you want to use "file per message" format, MH provides simpler
solution (name of file is just a ID number e.g. 1, 2, 15 and so on).

On Sat, 14 Jan 2012 02:25:03 +0100
hiro wrote:

> Editing the sentences and then deleting all useless entries or
> redundant letters keeps everything tidy. And from your text editor you
> can just save the edited content to TODO.

It could work nicely with MH mail format.  Just delete redundant
message stored as file and push to repository.  Edit content/header of
first message and you're done.

Creating shell/awk (or whatever you use) script for creating issue by
directly writing to repository shouldn't be much problem either.
Although folder naming of issues should be based on hashes created with
some salt in this case to avoid conflicts. Editing/modifying is smaller
problem I think - version control systems can handle pretty well

On Fri, 13 Jan 2012 15:48:43
+0100 markus schnalke wrote:

> Well, you might want to update these attributes in the first
> message, to have the latest state there, but in its header. 

I don't see a point of storing meta-information in header of every
message.  In my opinion headers of every message beside first one
should be stripped to minimum ("From", "To" and "Subject" etc).
Otherwise you'll get 20 or so lines for header just to accompany few
words long body e.g. "Check [xx] revision and let me know if that
fixed bug for you".

With mailing list-like interface those could be send, but storing that
is whole different case.

On Sat, 14 Jan 2012 09:25:14 +0200
aecepoglu@ wrote:

> I am not very knowledgable when it comes to the use cases of a issue
> tracking tool. That's why I need to know what you guys want and do
> not want. Keep it going guys.

The problem is that it is easier to answer question "How issue tracker
should not look like" than other way around.  Maybe there is a better
way to write suckless issue tracker than current proposals. 


Re: [dev] interested in issue tracker dev

2012-01-13 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Fri, 13 Jan 2012 22:48:04 +0100
markus schnalke wrote:

> Unless you want to make changes ...

"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here".  My personal workaround is to
join IRC channel (or spam mailing list) and force developer/commiter to
create issue.  Ugly hack, but works most of the times. 

Re: [dev] interested in issue tracker dev

2012-01-13 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Fri, 13 Jan 2012 13:17:13 -0500
Kurt H Maier wrote:

> debbugs is a bit overblown.  As a systems administrator I've had the
> profound displeasure of interacting with dozens of issue trackers over
> the years; everything from RT to Trac to JIRA and on and on.  The
> problem is always the same:  people want bug trackers to do too much.
> All you really need is a good mail gateway and a decent way to browse.
> A mailing list, with the archive accessible in source control of some
> kind, sounds absolutely fantastic.  All you really need as far as
> metadata is a string for project name, a small enum for status (i.e.,
> new, in-progress, fixed, rejected), and an index number. The Agile
> programming idiots will tell you different, but anything more than
> that list is a completely useless distraction.

I'm not sure if you like or dislike my ideas, so I'll give further

Debbugs uses separate email address for every issue.  Store mail
archive for every of those addresses in mbox format.  Sounds familiar?
Store that in version control system and use as backend of bugtracker
instead of writing custom flat text format and log format.

Write access (main interface) should be provided by sending email
messages like Debbugs, maybe simplified in some cases.  Side effect of
using mbox files stored under version control system is that they can
be viewed (optional read access) also by text editor or your favorite
mail client. 

Re: [dev] interested in issue tracker dev

2012-01-13 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Fri, 13 Jan 2012 15:48:43 +0100
markus schnalke wrote:

> No, put meta information in the header, where it belongs to. anno(1)
> from MH does it for you.
> Any newer message might change these attributes. Well, you might want
> to update these attributes in the first message, to have the latest
> state there, but in its header. Also, the change history would still
> be available. I don't know how debbugs stores the meta data, but their
> change history is great. Be sure to play with it.

What makes old plain TODO interesting is zero setup offline usage and
direct access to data (checkout repository and open in your favorite

I don't see how Debbugs is improvement in this case - hide data behind
mailing list.  Why I need to setup MH (or other mailing client) and
download mail archive or use fancy web interface just to look up (read
access) for existing issues?

I would say there is no difference between flat files database and SQL
database if you can't easily play with it (at least read access).  Some
random note from Debbugs presentation paper [1]:

> Unfortunately, the ”metadata” is just the raw HTML notes included in
> the web pages, which isn’t amenable to translation or parsing.

Mbox formats are human readable, and file per issues makes it
accessible.  Throwing everything into one file (like mbox mail archive)
or splitting everything into zillon files (file per message like
maildir) requires additional techniques/tools just to find interesting

History of issues in many cases is just garbage. What I need is status
of issue and responses to specific issue.  Git/Mercurial or any other
version control system can provide history if you really need that.
Almost every open source projects nowadays gives read access to source
code repository, so what is the point of writing custom log format?
This way you can also track interesting issues without subscribing to
mailing list or using web interface.

Right now best interfaces for issue trackers are search engines (e.g.
Google "site:adress_of_bug_tracker interesting issue") and mail
archives (Gmane and so on) in my opinion.


Re: [dev] interested in issue tracker dev

2012-01-13 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Thu, 12 Jan 2012 19:34:09 +0200
aecepoglu@ wrote:

> I might be interested in trying to help write one such suckless issue
> tracker as requested on the webpage.
> I just want to ask;
> What set of features are a must for you?

After reading some discussion I have some ideas.  For small projects
keeping TODO file in repository can work quite well.  What about
extending this idea?

Use one of the mbox mail formats to store data:

- mbox file per issue
- treat first message in mbox as meta: modify and store common
informations (priority, short description, category of issue and so on)
- store everything under version control system: closed/resolved issues
can be moved to different branch (smaller checkout)

This way data can be accessed very easily, some usage ideas:

- searching for existing issues simple as checking out repository and
"greping" files
- nice time-line provided by version control system (history of
commits): when issue was updated, closed, new response was send
- advanced usage e.g. search for issues with specific priority, "cat"
them into one file and open with your email client

I think that would make some people happy.  Use mailing list as main
interface, web interface could just send messages to list. Every
message would be automatically prefixed with issue ID, ID would be also
used as name for mbox file. Version control system would provide some
security against corruption (just rollback to previous working

Anyway those are just random ideas, not sure if that is the way to go.

On Thu, 12 Jan 2012 18:58:16 +
Bjartur Thorlacius wrote:

> What's wrong with GNATS?
OpenBSD bugtracker (GNATS) is down for some time and they aren't in
hurry to fix that.  I think that says a lot about GNATS.

Re: [dev] Suckless Linux distro

2011-12-31 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Sat, 31 Dec 2011 18:34:31 +0100
Martin Kopta wrote:

> Why has your mail header
> Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 01:41:44 +0200
> ?
> Did I miss something?

Never trust NTP server... I missed that at first glance, finding time
jump in logs later on (after sending some mails).  I guess I'll waste 20
precious pixels for Xclock or something like that at bottom on my
screen (welcome back status bar).

[dev] Suckless Linux distro (was: "monsterwm - 700 SLOC dwm fork")

2011-12-31 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Sat, 31 Dec 2011 10:03:57 +0100
Manolo Martínez wrote:

> Genuinely curious: what's the suckless way to Linux then? Gentoo and
> Gentoo only? 

I'm planning to setup desktop on Bifrost Linux (small statically linked
distro).  First I need to figure out how to build static binaries (in
simplest way possible) using Pkgsrc in chroot.

Creating another package manager/port system is just pointless.
Tracking dependencies let say for building usable is huge waste
of time - someone already did that.  Pkgsrc has some quirks and
downsides, but in the end it is just big bag of makefiles (bsd make to
be specific).

Why chroot? There aren't really any alternatives:

(A) Polluting statically linked environment with libs and headers.
(B) Cross compilation on Linux is the last thing I would voluntary do.

On my personal wish-list (could be wish-list for year 2012) is creating
non-GNU Linux distribution.  What is the point?  Something like "XXX's
not GNU" would create hilarious acronym. 

Another thing I would like to investigate is multiple libc
implementations usage.  Currently main problem with non-glibc
distribution is lack of proprietary software.  Compiling everything
against alternative libc implementation and providing glibc library let
say for Flash, would bring some p0rn.

Re: [dev] Siemens RTL Tiled Window Manager

2011-12-19 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Mon, 19 Dec 2011 18:20:49 +0100
Connor Lane Smith wrote:

> Ellis Cohen wins. I demand that 1:00 - 1:25 be used to introduce every
> talk on dwm from here on out.

You can also check extras/rhymes in source code.  This is small part,
to not spoil too much:

"C'mon baby, cut the crap
I don't want to overlap"

Re: [dev] Siemens RTL Tiled Window Manager

2011-12-19 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Mon, 19 Dec 2011 18:03:29 +0100
Christoph Lohmann wrote:

> It was one of the early tiled window managers and has some ideas
> of dwm, but is something different. Just try it out.

Just to give some idea about time frame (mostly based on sparse
informations from discussion group):

- RTL was useful back in 1986, although it was based on Adrew Project.
- In 1987 porting to X11 began.
- First wider public release was made in 1988, RTL version 5.1 was
distrusted on X11R3 contrib tape. 
- (Not sure about this) Later on RTL was available on MIT ftp in X11
contrib section.  I found information about RTL version 5.2pl1. Hard to
say if it is true, because it seems that X11R3 contrib was wiped out
from MIT servers completely.

It is one of the first tiling window managers, and I would say first
for X11.  Project is interesting thanks to availability of source code
and detailed documentation.  Source code is licensed on permissive/copy
free terms [1].  So called advertising clause was used, so it is
incompatible with GPL.

Anyway it seems like it wasn't popular back then.  I guess there are few
reasons for that.  Tiling was used by Digital Research and Microsoft
back in the days, not because they wanted - it was direct result of
Apple lawsuit.  Secondly it was pretty big program back then - people
behind RTL steeped into unknown water, and as research project they
ended up with huge number of options and ideas.

I can point out some features about RTL after some early usage:
- It is 100% mouse driven.
- Using maximal space is secondary goal, main principle was to not
overlap windows.
- It has some kind of grouping support using settings (need further
- Icons are used to represent "closed" windows.

Was is the point of digging out 20+ year old code?  Tiling isn't new
idea, but evolved over the time.  Watching video and making assumptions
is very different from playing with one of the tiling ancestors.  It
also showed the state of X11 - old code isn't removed at all.


Re: [dev] Bifrost/Linux - statically linked distro

2011-12-06 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Thu, 24 Nov 2011 08:59:32 +0100
pancake wrote:

> Why --disable-pie? I think this is main security issue here. And its
> even more dangerous because its used on static bins.

I played a bit with build system of Bifrost.  Shell script (mostly grep)
"B-configure-1" is used to pass building options and so on.  It first
checks "./configure --help" for supported options and then depending
what is available specific options are passed.

So if "--disable-pie" isn't found in "./configure --help" this option
isn't passed.  I'm not sure which tools support "--disable-pie", but I
won't be surprised if number is pretty low.  AFAIK "--disable-pie" is
used for Quagga, which have problems with static linking otherwise.

> Looks like an interesting project. I would like to see support for
> other static libcs. In fact you should be able to use bins against
> bionic or againsg uclibc in the same system.

Some tools are linked against dietlibc, for example check
"all/ipmask-1" in bifrost-build system (I provided link to github page

Currently Bifrost build system in using chroot images provides by
uClibc project, which are based on old version (year 2009) of Aboriginal
Linux [1] I think.  It seems that newer chroot images provides by
Aboriginal can be used also - at least I created some "packages" (some
required adding flag "--allow-multiple-definition" to LDFLAGS, because
there is a bug in static version of pthread provided by uClibc).

Using chroot image make sense, because you don't wanna mess up
production version with libraries and headers.  Other solution would be
probably cross-compiling, but with GCC it's a hell.

I think that Aboriginal Linux could be modified to use bionic or
musl libc instead of uClibc.  This would provide good solution for
building binaries against bionic/musl.  There are even chroot images
provided by Gentoo-Bionic [2] project, but I didn't play with them yet.

As for other informations regarding Bifrost Linux, wiki [3] was created.


Re: [dev] Bifrost/Linux - statically linked distro

2011-11-23 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Wed, 23 Nov 2011 16:58:24 +0100
Jens Staal  wrote:

> Really cool!
> And apparently it is actively developed and binaries can be found
> here:

I booted Bifrost before sending this message, just to be sure that I'll
not end up as being an idot.  I actually copied binaries to hard drive
- USB stick was already preoccupied.  One interesting thing is
that Initrd is looking for labeled root disk (e.g. "e2label /dev/hda3
bifrost").  So static linking is not only on the paper :)

[dev] Bifrost/Linux - statically linked distro

2011-11-23 Thread Paul Onyschuk
I searched mail archives, but I did not find anything related to
Bifrost Linux, so I'm sharing this with you.

Bifrost [1] is a small Linux distribution for USB media.  What can be
interesting for suckless folks is that it is statically linked (no
/include and /lib contains only kernel modules and other small parts).

Build system [2] for Bifrost is available, I did not investigate it
further.  It seems that uClibc and dietlibc is used instead of glibc.
The bad is that build system is written in bash.

Anyway, maybe someone will find this useful.


Re: [dev] [dwm] 2000 SLOC

2011-10-31 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 15:25:48 +
Connor Lane Smith wrote:

> Roff is actually one of the ugliest markup languages I have ever seen.
> HTML is actually pretty decent if you think about it. It's
> (more-or-less) XML, which isn't nice, but I'd take that over roff any
> day. Anyway, the main problem with the web is the obsession with CSS
> and JavaScript.

I'm not aware of any documentation directly written in roff.  I would
say that is nothing wrong with man pages, just tools are bad. Groff
(most popular troff formater) is very slow, to the point that
preformated man pages (so called cat pages) were quite popular.
Grep-ing them isn't fun.  If you wonder why, just dive in into man(1)
command code (4-5 pipes or even more before piping to pager).

Because cat pages were used, searching was pretty bad.  Apropos is
using data mostly from description and synopsis section of manuals.
Others problems arised after dot-com boom.  Generating HTML from roff
wasn't quiete easy.

So people from GNU came up with texinfo format, but man pages refused
to die.  Then we have seen DocBook rise, still man pages are around.
Now EPUB is next man-page-killer I heard.  Do you see any pattern here?

Most common are man(7) macros, but there are also mdoc(7) macros.
Below you can find simple comparison between those two, I wrote this
some time ago (example shows common SYNOPSIS section of manuals).

How it should look after formating:
foo [-bar] [-c config-file ] file ...

.\" First man(7) format:
.B foo [-bar] [-c
.I config-file
.B ]
.I file
.I ...
.\" B macro stands for bold text, I for italic text.

.\" Now mdoc(7) format:
.Nm foo
.Op Fl bar
.Op Fl c Ar config-file
.Ar file
.\" Nm stands for manual name, Op for command-line option,
.\" Fl for command-line flag, Ar for command-line argument.

It's easy to recognize that man(7) is all about presentation
formatting, where mdoc(7) is structural format.  What this means?
Structural formats are easier to convert and they give information that
can be reused for searching (searching library man pages for specific C
function and so on).

Still in Groff case it doesn't matter - both formats are translated to
roff and structural data from mdoc(7) is lost.  Some time ago project
named mdocml [1] was created mostly by OpenBSD folks.  mdocml turns
whole paradigm upside down: end format is mdoc/man, and roff macros (if
there're any) are just additions. 

This way structural data from mdoc(7) isn't lost and can be used for
html/pdf/ps output (nice looking docs without additional steps).
Works on better apropos have also started.

There is also great guide about writing man pages (mdoc macros
specific) [2].

On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 14:57:08 -
"Bjartur Thorlacius" wrote:

> Just pipe the markup through htmlfmt(1) or html2text(1) if you like
> reading documentation on terminal emulators.

$ mandoc -Thtml some_man_page.1 | lynx -stdin

If you like reading documentation in web browser.


Paul Onyschuk 

Re: [dev] Linux sucks!

2011-10-28 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 22:33:18 +0100
Guilherme Lino  wrote:

> yeah but the true is that a linux desktop is almost useless for a
> normal person
> i remember first time i used ubuntu. i started a openoffice
> presentation on the 4th slide the system was already unusable. And
> wet back to windows, even google docs was better for the job.
> of course latex is cool, vim, dwm, but no one out of the professional
> field of computer sience have the time or patience to learn this unix
> philosophy..
> -- 
> Guilherme Lino

I love view on open source presented by Paul Ramsey [1].  He described
software as ecosystem, where code is fighting for developers time.
Case for proprietary software is pretty simple:
- software sellings (userbase) = more money for hiring developers
- software stops to sells = developers are going away and software dies

For obvious reasons this isn't valid, when we're speaking about open
source.  Still people tend to look at open source, same way as at
proprietary software: popularity contest.  This way all the talk about
"normal and casual users" kicks in.

Many miss the point, that open source software doesn't need to be
mainstream to be successful.  Even small projects like dwm can get
enough developers time to sustain it needs.  It is successful in own
environment, let say desert or tundra.  It is totally understandable,
that normal users can't operate in this environment.

LaTeX, Vim, dwm - those project will never hit mainstream, but they
won't die anytime soon either.  How relevant normal user is in the
context of this software and why we should even care?

P.S. If you're poisoned by "world domination" syndrome or you're other
occult believer, please don't anwser to last question.


Paul Onyschuk 

Re: [dev] Anti-GPL hipsters

2011-10-24 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Sun, 23 Oct 2011 14:54:18 +0200
Andreas Krennmair  wrote:

> Primarily, the GPL balances freedom towards the agenda of the FSF and
> their specific interpretation of the term "freedom".
> -ak

Copyleft or not? This is never ending discussion, mostly ideological. 
GPL has many others problems besides that and they're mostly ignored.
Why not choose simpler copyleft licensce like EPL, CDDL or MPL instead?

There is a short article published by Erik Sherman about "Privacy
Policies" [1].  Why no one is reading them?  In simple conclusion: too
long, too much specialized terminology.  GPLv3 is longer than most of
those policies and as hard to read.

I'm not surprised that most of the people here tend to like BSD-like
licenses.  Those licenses are much shorted - to the point, where you can
memorize them like poem.  Interpretation is even simpler: copy-and-edit
("don't sue me" and "include my name in source code" are minor

GPL, especially in version three is diffrent kind of beast.  You can
find "Practical Guide to GPL" [2] on Software Freedom Law Center
website - it's 15 pages long and it only describes most common
questions.  Probably more detailed information can be found in german
book called "Die GPL kommentiert und erklärt" [3], which is almost 200
pages long.

I'm not sure about percentage of people, who readed and understand
terms of GPL in a context of their software projects.  I wouldn't be
surprised if number is pretty low.  It's pretty easy to shot yourself
in a foot, while using licenses published by FSF - below is example.

There is a project (I can send you a name in private mail), which uses
GFDL for documentation and GPL for C source code.  What is the problem? 
Documentation is included in source code as comments and when make is
invoked, text is extracted by simple script.  GFDL and GPL aren't
compatible, so you end up with a mess.  On what terms you can
distrubute documentation and how it affects software?

GPL world is full of weird words: derivative work, dual licensing,
linking exception and so on.  Some people tend to think that LGPL is
better than GPL, because copyleft is weaker.  For me LGPL is a linking
exception applied on top of GPL like a hack.  What is linking exception?
It is exception that allows software to be linked with GCC runtime
library without infecting compiled software with GPL [4].

I don't think that GPL or any GNU license are meant to be readed by
programmers.  AFAIK FreeBSD project has friendly consultans (copyright
lawyers) to help them with GPL.  It seems that FSF isn't interested in
resolving this issues.  Instead of simplifying, newer versions are more
complicated than originals (GPLv1 -> GPLv2 -> GPLv3).  GPL version three
even introduced some terms relating to patents.  "Rumor has it, that
version four could be printed in hard cover ;)"

It's not funny to find small project, where 60% of source code are
autohell scripts, 30% is license and actual code that does something is
10%.  I've theory that Stallman writed GPL to accompany GNU projects
(most of them can be counted of having hundred of thousands line of

Back to copyleft dilemma: it's your choice, but you can choose at
least better license than GPL.  Mozilla Foundation is currently
updating MPL [5].  Release Candidate for version two is available and I
can say already that it is well written.  Scope of revision includes:
simplifying text, making it compatible with other licenses and
resolving issues with non-code works (documentation, multimedia and
so on).

Keep in mind, that MPL is offering weaker copyleft than GPL.  EPL, CDDL
and MPL avoided "derivative work" term for very good reason.  Many have
heard this term, but no one actually knows what it is.  Almost every
lawyer has different opinion on this topic.  Right know FSF
interpretation is used, "but Onion News reported that Supreme Court is
accepting unlimited donations from private corporations" (small joke).
One court rouling can change this dramatically.

I would like to end this with qoute from well known copyright lawyer (I
won't tell his name, because qoute is out of context): "The more you
read GPL, the less intelligent you become."

btw. I din't write in english for some time, so I give humble apologise
for bad spelling and so on.


Paul Onyschuk 

Re: [dev] dmenu-4.4

2011-07-20 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 11:06:37 +0100
Nick  wrote:

> as mentioned trusting CAs (HTTPS) is
> pretty problematic.

This is more problematic, because there is no clear way of knowing
which CAs your browser trust e.g. removing CNNIC (China Internet
Network Information Center) doesn't help at all.

CA can have child CA and child CA can have another child and so on.
Just check map [1] of trusted CAs by Mozilla or Microsoft to get idea.
SSL Observatory project [2] has found some interesting facts about
HTTPS authentication model.


Paul Onyschuk 

Re: [dev] Experimental editor

2011-06-12 Thread Paul Onyschuk
Connor Lane Smith> wrote:

> I've been working on a minimalist UTF-8 library for the editor, based
> on Plan 9's libutf, except designed for native Unix, with support for
> Unicode beyond the Basic Multilingual Plane, and without the
> vulnerabilities on 64-bit systems. I'm not sure if I should release it
> separately as well?
> Thanks,
> cls

I'm not sure if it's related to your work. You could check this
discussion[1], which is mdocml oriented[2]. If it has nothing to do
with your work, sorry for bothering you. Otherwise you could mail BSD


Paul Onyschuk

Re: [dev] Experimental editor

2011-06-10 Thread Paul Onyschuk
Yoshi Rokuko> wrote:

> if an application needs more windows these windows should be managed
> by the window manager - usually starting multiple instances is
> enough, so imho using something like :sp in vim from inside X is
> stupid.
> fullscreen is for me not the point in [2] you can hit alt+m in dwm and
> get a fullscreen vim or something - the padding is the point here, it
> makes text much more readable.
> best regards, yoshi

It has been discussed before[1]. With Sam regexps, own window manager
can be handy. Some quotes:

Russ Cox> wrote:

> The die hard sam users would disagree vehemently with you.
> The nice thing about sam is that it's one window, not many,
> making it comfortable to edit a 30-file project without getting
> caught up in managing windows.

Erik Quanstrom> wrote:

> back when i was doing distributed search, i'd have sam running for
> months with 200 files in the menu.

This can sound like fairy tale for many ;)


Paul Onyschuk 

Re: [dev] Experimental editor

2011-06-10 Thread Paul Onyschuk
After seeing words "very experimental", I'm willing to share some
ideas, maybe too controversial otherwise for suckless folk ;)

First of all, check Recdit[1] editor. It's Mac OS X app, but nice paper
and short video is available. It has some unique features.

Is vertical side by side layout stupid idea? Maybe not. We've gone from
small screens to high resolution widescreen monitors. Moreover 2 or
3-screens setup isn't fancy anymore. Using so much vertical space
effectively for text editing is a topic worth of consideration.

Version control systems have evolved past few years. Still more
fine-grained history could be useful sometimes. Recdit introduced deep
diffs. Also this could be used as argument for avoiding syntax
highlighting (too much colors at once).

I love the text editor Sam. There is one problem with it - it's stack
based WM over stack based WM. How to resolve this issue? Just look at
so called distraction-free editors like FocusWriter[2] - using full
screen is a feature.

Maybe those group of editors is silly, but at least they don't pretend
to be anything else than text editors. I think that they were created
as response to complex WYSIWYG editors and IDE's, which made religion
out of interface.

Sam power with more classical interface (tabs - just check how
FocusWriter uses them) and Quake-like console (showing when needed) for
regexps could be a quite useful combo.

It looks like I presented idea for pretty much full blown text editor,
now bring in some bashing ;)


Paul Onyschuk

Re: [dev] Distribution

2011-06-04 Thread Paul Onyschuk
On Fri, 3 Jun 2011 12:41:24 +0100
Sir Cyrus  wrote:

> What's the most suckless Linux distribution?

What about Alpine Linux[1]?

As said before GNU parts sucks so much, that even Linux kernel looks
good. Alpine Linux uses Busybox and uclibc by default. No GNU coreutils
and no glibc in base system is a good start.

Alpine Linux setup is very small - only about dozen packages in bare
system. At first I found weird that even man pages are missing after
default installation. Although this means that groff is missing too and
can be replaced by mdocml or even by plan9 troff, depending on user's

One thing that isn't to my taste is OpenRC init system. I can swallow
this, compared to other distros bottlenecks.

Using plan9 software by default shouldn't be much problem either. Just
uncomment some options in Busybox build config for package[2] and port
9base/plan9port (I didn't have time to resolve problem with building
9base against uclibc).


Paul Onyschuk 

Re: [dev] Using a different rendering engine for surf

2010-10-22 Thread Paul Onyschuk
What about EFL (Enlightenment Foundation Libraries) Webkit? It isn't so
feature rich as Chromium or Webkit-gtk, but it's getting there with
Samsung pumping money.

There are some desired features [1] on their roadmap, which seems
- Remove strict X11 dependency, allowing DirectFB and FB at least;
- Less dependency on GNOME technologies, maybe remove Cairo and LibSoup
(the last one is already optional).

EFL Webkit is based on gtk port, so most API is probably the same. Main
problem is EFL moving very fast, but you can say the same about
most Webkits in some degree.

I didn't evaluate EFL Webkit myself, so I can be utterly wrong. EFL
Webkit snapshots are build every week [2].


Paul Onyschuk