Re: [dev] [dmenu] sorted unlimited history

2013-03-11 Thread Peter Hartman
2013/3/11 Chris Johnson
 I created a patch to have sorted (first by number of previous runs, then by
 most recent) and unlimited history.  It is similar to the patch from Peter
 John Hartman, but modified in the following ways:

Hi Chris,

That's neat.  I moved to using a shell script wrapper to dmenu to do
history --- I believe those scripts are on the website --- but it
won't do the neat trick of moving things to the top based on how often
they are used.  I'd advocate something like this get moved into dmenu

It'd also be nice (more generally, even without the history patch, but
especially with it) to have a check to verify that the file still
exists.  For instance, I use the history feature on dmenu when I open
pdf files on my system, e.g. [1] where .dmenu_cache_pdfs is generated
via a cron script.  But, of course, sometimes I will move or rename
pdf files around, and then the history file will be all dumb.  It'd be
a one-line fix.

[1] pdf-opener

exe=$(tac $HISTFILE $CACHEFILE | sed 's|^/home/peterjh/||'| dmenu -p
* -i -l 10)

echo $exe
case $exe in
 o*) opt=okular
 exe=$(echo $exe | sed 's/^o //')
 *) opt=mailcap

if [ ! -f /home/peterjh/$exe ] ; then

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
sed -i \|$exe|d $HISTFILE
echo $exe  $HISTFILE
case $opt in
okular $exe 
run-mailcap $exe 

sic dicit magister P
Université du Québec à Montréal / Loyola University Chicago
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Re: [dev] web browsers

2013-03-10 Thread Peter Hartman
I use surf.


2013/3/10 hiro
 I still sometimes need a full bloated web browser for bureaucratic
 bullshit, but opera doesn't work well with javascript lately and is
 anyways moving to webkit soon. So I need an alternative.

 chrome doesn't work since web developers found out about new annoying
 features like autocomplete=off and onpaste=return.
 I'm not accepting such pedantry, but still I sometimes need working
 javascript and cookies and popups and other such bullshit to
 automatically log in to the automatically logged out super serious
 business sites that I use to organise some parts of my life.

 does any suckless browser refuse to support these stupid features by
 default? is there a list of features not supported so I can check if
 my issues are not covered?

 in the end I want to keep scripts like $home/bin/ebay which would
 starts a single window with just logged-in ebay and apart from that be
 in a pristine state with no connection to anything else on my system
 or any other web site. This means when I kill, crash, close this shit
 it shall not leave anything else behind apart from my self-created
 script in bin.

 I think it doesn't even need plugin support e.g. flash.

 For this i don't even care that webkit is so fucking bloated, as I
 want it just for a handful of sites I have to use once in a while but
 only for very short time spans. On the other hand I will still use old
 opera versions, dillo, mothra on 9front or my kindle for reading
 normal text i.e. real information on the web.

 are there any other new usable browsers lately? other ideas, recommendations?


sic dicit magister P
Université du Québec à Montréal / Loyola University Chicago
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Re: [dev] Find window with dmenu

2013-02-12 Thread Peter Hartman
What I've been doing for a bit is using a modified version of lsw + xdotool:

~/bin $ cat dwm-xdo-focus
xdotool getwindowfocus  $TMPFILE
xdotool windowactivate $1

diff -r e86225980f5d lsw.c
--- a/lsw.c Sat Jun 18 18:47:03 2011 +0100
+++ b/lsw.c Sun Jun 19 13:31:48 2011 -0400
@@ -35,13 +35,19 @@ lsw(Window win) {
unsigned int n;
Window *wins, *w, dw;
XWindowAttributes wa;
+   const char *class = NULL;
+   XClassHint ch = { 0 };

if(!XQueryTree(dpy, win, dw, dw, wins, n))
for(w = wins[n-1]; w = wins[0]; w--)
if(XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, *w, wa)
-!wa.override_redirect  wa.map_state == IsViewable)
-   printf(0x%07lx %s\n, *w, getname(*w));
+!wa.override_redirect  wa.map_state == IsViewable) {
+   if (XGetClassHint(dpy, *w, ch))
+   class = ch.res_class ? ch.res_class : broken;
+   printf(%3.3s | %-160.160s | 0x%07lx\n, class, 
getname(*w), *w);
+   }

sic dicit magister P
Université du Québec à Montréal / Loyola University Chicago
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Re: [dev] Suckless generic diagram creation software?

2013-02-06 Thread Peter Hartman

2013/2/6 Lee Fallat
 Hey suckless fans,

 Does anyone know of some lightweight generic diagram software? So far all
 I've found are bloated programs that pull in gnome/kde dependencies (for
 example dia pulled in gstreamer/vlc, what the heck right?). Basically what
 I'm looking for is a program that nicely integrates drawing squares and
 associating text with said squares. Additionally having common symbols to
 place on the diagram would be nice, such as a computer, router, house, food,

 I'm interested to see what people have come across!

 Thank you,


sic dicit magister P
Université du Québec à Montréal / Loyola University Chicago
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Re: [dev] Suckless generic diagram creation software?

2013-02-06 Thread Peter Hartman
2013/2/6 Manolo Martínez
 On 02/06/13 at 03:29pm, Peter Hartman wrote:

 I use and love LaTeX, but LaTeX is *not* lightweight.

Depends on the measure, but it is lighter both in terms of its source,
memory footprint, and deps than any app based on gtk.


sic dicit magister P
Université du Québec à Montréal / Loyola University Chicago
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Re: [dev] I'm back

2012-11-17 Thread Peter Hartman
 I know that some of you are inclined to use dwm on tablets. But I'm
 not convinced that tablets or touch interfaces in general are a nice
 fit with the terminal world we live in.

tablets are used to read pdfs, and tablets do not have keyboards.
however, while i didn't quite parse your whole proposal, if you simply
let us tablet users manipulate dwm via xdotool, i can work around the
elimination of the bar, e.g., mapping gestures to xdotool calls to dwm

all the best welcome back,

sic dicit magister P
Université du Québec à Montréal / Loyola University Chicago
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Re: [dev] [st] Patches

2012-09-20 Thread Peter Hartman
how is -e not a solution?

2012/9/20 Roberto E. Vargas Caballero

 Yeah! Oh, we could have a variable for everything that one could wish

 or we could just use -e.

 Yeah, even when you start it from a menu like dmenu or it is automatically
 spawned from a graphical application. It's true that a boolean variable may
 not be the best solution, but -e also it is not the solution. Maybe a better
 aproach can be a variable with the parameters for st (like LESS variable) or
 something like this.

sic dicit magister P
Université du Québec à Montréal / Loyola University Chicago
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Re: [dev] POLL: most beautiful suckless cloud

2012-09-19 Thread Peter Hartman
 I'd like to know is this kind of jokes is considered funny here.

Which kind of joke?

sic dicit magister P
Université du Québec à Montréal / Loyola University Chicago
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Re: [dev] [st] Patches

2012-09-19 Thread Peter Hartman
2012/9/19 pancake
 How many patches are left to get scrollback buffer?

We don't want scrollback buffers.
sic dicit magister P
Université du Québec à Montréal / Loyola University Chicago
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Re: [dev] [st] xft

2012-09-19 Thread Peter Hartman
What was wrong with -f commandline switch from the xft branch?  Half
the point is to avoid having to compile a unique binary per font.  But

2012/9/19 Christoph Lohmann

 Attached is a port of the xft branch to the current tip of st. It will
 activate xft support and more fonts than just corefonts. I really tried
 to find corefonts that would look good and represent nearly all unicode
 characters – it's impossible.

 Please report back if it works. I will then simply apply it.

 #define FONT DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=12
 #define BOLDFONT FONT :weight=bold
 #define ITALICFONT FONT :slant=italic,oblique
 #define ITALICBOLDFONT BOLDFONT :slant=italic,oblique


 Christoph Lohmann

sic dicit magister P
Université du Québec à Montréal / Loyola University Chicago
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Re: [dev] [st] fonts and diacriticals

2012-09-17 Thread Peter Hartman
Yo Nick:

I moved because I wanted to catch the action in tip -- last change in
xft was 7 months ago via me.  My font line in config.h is precisely
what you have.  I'm a little confused why broken default X font stuff
(if that's the case) would be the culprit here and yet cause no
headaches in dwm.  Maybe I'll just go back to xft branch.

2012/9/17 Nick
 Morning Peter,

 st-0.2.1 works fine for simple diacritics (such as those in your
 email signature), at least with font:

 I'd guess it's the default x / st font settings working against you.
 I know that isn't much of an answer.

 Why have you moved off the xft branch? I've been working with rather
 more complex characters than accented latin, and st-xft has been a


 On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 10:47:39AM -0400, Peter Hartman wrote:

 I recently moved to Quebec and now need accents and all that fun
 stuff.  I also recently moved off the xft branch of st and to the
 standing tip, and I've noticed that I can't for the life of me get
 diacriticals to display.  They display fine in dwm and dmenu, urxvt,
 and xft version of st.  So, what am I missing?  My config.h is
 config.def.h.  Considering the manpage contains an accent in the name
 of the author, I'm guessing it is ME and not ST.


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 Université du Québec à Montréal / Loyola University Chicago
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Re: [dev] [st] fonts and diacriticals

2012-09-17 Thread Peter Hartman
I should add that when I launch st I get:

peterjh@trilx220 st $ st
erresc: unknown csi ESC[?17;0;64c

2012/9/17 Nick
 To confirm, I just tried st tip (main branch), and the diacritics from
 this email displayed without issue.

 Hopefully somebody with more skill than being able to type works
 for me may be able to help you.


sic dicit magister P
Université du Québec à Montréal / Loyola University Chicago
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Re: [dev] [st] fonts and diacriticals

2012-09-17 Thread Peter Hartman
Yes, and ls -la ~/.termcap/s/ has st and st-256colors, as it should
(and I nuked the old ones).

2012/9/17 Nick
 On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 11:17:54AM -0400, Peter Hartman wrote:
 I should add that when I launch st I get:

 peterjh@trilx220 st $ st
 erresc: unknown csi ESC[?17;0;64c

 I don't. Did you do make install, or the tic command it would run,

sic dicit magister P
Université du Québec à Montréal / Loyola University Chicago
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Re: [dev] [st] fonts and diacriticals

2012-09-17 Thread Peter Hartman
TERM inside st = st-256color
TERM outside st (i.e. in urxvt where I launch it) is = screen
xlsfonts indicates terminus is there, etc.
xset q also indicates it is there.
Here's the st -f output:

2012/9/17 Roberto E. Vargas Caballero
 peterjh@trilx220 st $ st
 erresc: unknown csi ESC[?17;0;64c

 st doesn't implement this sequence, so it is a bit strange that you receive
 always this sequence only for starting it. Can you say me what value do you
 have in TERM?.

sic dicit magister P
Université du Québec à Montréal / Loyola University Chicago
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Re: [dev] [st] fonts and diacriticals

2012-09-17 Thread Peter Hartman
Note the first command I type in that is é ENTER

sic dicit magister P
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Re: [dev] [st] fonts and diacriticals

2012-09-17 Thread Peter Hartman
2012/9/17 Peter Hartman
 Note the first command I type in that is é ENTER

peterjh@trilx220 st $ locale

If that helps.

sic dicit magister P
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Re: R: Re: [dev] Surf 0.5 released

2012-07-16 Thread Peter Hartman
I use surf  st just fine.  st -e has worked for about a year.  here's
a quick fix:

sed 's/xterm/st/' config.def.h


On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 7:03 AM, Nick wrote:
 surf still relies on xterm for the downloads, why can't we use st?
 (I mean I did a few -superficial- attempts at using st instead of
 xterm, but it does not work, probably st's fault,  do you know
 where the problem is?)

 Something to do with quoting and -e, IIRC. If someone wants to have
 a go at making it work, that'd be great.

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


sic dicit magister P
University of Toronto / Fordham University
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[dev] Introducing SLUT (Suckless Linux Using a Tablet)

2012-05-09 Thread Peter Hartman
Hi Folks:

For some time now I've been cobbling together a kind of suckless
ecosystem for use on tablet or hybrid touch devices.  I thought I'd
release some of the code to the public, although most of it is
proof-of-concept and cobbled together.


Operate without a keyboard.


SLUT combines a patched dwm which is gesture aware.  A certain
gesture, or clicking on the status text, will launch a patched dmenu
which is mouse aware, allowing you to launch various things you want
to launch, e.g., svkbd, surf, zathura, etc.  Gesture mode is toggled
by way of a physical button on the tablet (in this case, the power
button, although the volume buttons would work).  Switching between
applications is achieved via dmenu + a patched version of lsw.  You
should also modify the apps that you play with to be gesture aware,
that is, to respond to Control-F1 through Control-F6 (see dwm's

All the best,

sic dicit magister P
University of Toronto / Fordham University
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Re: [dev] Introducing SLUT (Suckless Linux Using a Tablet)

2012-05-09 Thread Peter Hartman
On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 9:38 AM, Pierre Chapuis wrote:
 You should change the name before Internet drama

Don't tell me there's a SLUT.exe that is in competition for the name!

sic dicit magister P
University of Toronto / Fordham University
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Re: [dev] regarding surf and cookie handling

2012-02-22 Thread Peter Hartman
It is pretty silly to write surf, which rides on the Hotspur of
webkit-gtk, and then not utilize whatever cookie apparatus that
Hotspur offers.  Of course, if it offers us a really shitty cookie
apparatus, then what is EVEN MORE silly is to write our own.  Instead,
we should disable cookies in surf or have a flatfile (as we do now)
and tell users that surf and by extension webkit-gtk is not your
grandmother's web browser.

sic dicit magister P
University of Toronto / Fordham University
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Re: [dev] regarding surf and cookie handling

2012-02-21 Thread Peter Hartman
The other reason (besides hatred of libsoup) that surf never bothered
implementing anything other than what it currently has is that (to my
knowledge) there has yet to be a bona fide web-site that the current
system fails on.  There's a lot of FUD, but none (to my knowledge)
that is bona fide.  Of course, the qualification to my knowledge is
important, and if Nick approves the patch, I don't see there being
anyone out there who would dis-approve it.


sic dicit magister P
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Re: [dev] regarding surf and cookie handling

2012-02-21 Thread Peter Hartman
 This is stil is favorable than the current approach as far as I can tell.


sic dicit magister P
University of Toronto / Fordham University
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Re: [dev] regarding surf and cookie handling

2012-02-21 Thread Peter Hartman
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 6:48 PM, Calvin Morrison wrote:
 On 21 February 2012 18:36, Peter Hartman wrote:
 This is stil is favorable than the current approach as far as I can tell.


 I was thinking it would be a more conscise method (also as libsoup
 changes - though as I am looking increasingly through it, it seems
 that the current solution is good (if not better). I am sort of
 disappointed by the libsoup feature.


sic dicit magister P
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Re: [dev] Re: [st] 0.2.1 is out

2012-02-16 Thread Peter Hartman
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 7:43 PM, Aurélien Aptel wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 1:19 AM, Aurélien Aptel wrote:
 * support for dim/bright colors
 * unfocused cursor is now visible with a different color
 * using index 16 for default colors now works properly
 * various code cleanup, rewrite, indented and named enum definitions.
 * VERSION updated in (I usually fuck this up everytime :p)

 I've also changed some things in config.def.h, you'll have to update
 your config.h accordingly (or overwrite it with $ make -B)

So I take it the xft stuff didn't make it.  In addition to fixing some
problems, I also liked it because I could do st -f (rather than
compiling a million little st's, st-terminus-12, st-terminus-14, etc.)

sic dicit magister P
University of Toronto / Fordham University
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Re: [dev] Re: Man page links

2012-02-11 Thread Peter Hartman
man pages on the web-site where one downloads the software are nice
for the simple reason that they tell us what the software is capable
of doing before we install it.

sic dicit magister P
University of Toronto / Fordham University
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Re: [dev] [surf] Grave bug reported for Surf in Debian

2012-02-10 Thread Peter Hartman

On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 2:00 PM, Vasudev Kamath wrote:
 On 11:46 Fri 10 Feb     , Peter Hartman wrote:

 Hello Peter thanks for the patch. Can the permission for cookies.txt
 can be changed to 0600 instead of 0644?.

 Best Regards
 Vasudev Kamath (Ostatus)

sic dicit magister P
University of Toronto / Fordham University
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Fwd: [dev] [st] new xft branch (FreeType font rendering)

2012-01-28 Thread Peter Hartman

Begin forwarded message:

 From: Peter Hartman
 Date: January 28, 2012 11:03:39 AM EST
 To: Steven Blatchford
 Subject: Re: [dev] [st] new xft branch (FreeType font rendering)
 On Jan 28, 2012, at 10:51 AM, Steven Blatchford wrote:
 On 10:44 Sat 28 Jan, Bryan Bennett wrote:
 That's strange. I'm using tmux here and every ncurses program I'm using
 looks great INSIDE tmux - but outside looks like shit.  [1]
 1: (sorry for the hugeness)
 Out of curiosity, what do you guys have TERM set to inside and outside
 of tmux?
 Inside, screen
 Outside, st-256color

Re: [dev] [st] new xft branch (FreeType font rendering)

2012-01-26 Thread Peter Hartman
I can verify that this fixes or at least ameliorates the
tmux-split-pane bug reported earlier.


Re: [dev] [st] new xft branch (FreeType font rendering)

2012-01-26 Thread Peter Hartman
On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 8:01 AM, Peter Hartman wrote:
 As far as I can tell, this new branch breaks the -e argument, e.g.,

 st -f Terminus:size=12 -e

 is a total fail cat (laugh out loud).

And here's a patch to fix that:

sic dicit magister P
University of Toronto / Fordham University
Collins Hall B06; Office Hours TF10-12
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diff -r aedb39a024ba st.c
--- a/st.c  Mon Jan 23 20:58:12 2012 +0100
+++ b/st.c  Thu Jan 26 08:03:46 2012 -0500
@@ -2077,6 +2077,7 @@
switch(argv[i][0] != '-' || argv[i][2] ? -1 : argv[i][1]) {
case 'f':
if(++i  argc) opt_font = argv[i];
+   break;
case 't':
if(++i  argc) opt_title = argv[i];