Re: [dev] wmii falling out of favor

2012-01-18 Thread dtk
On 01/08/2012 10:30 AM, John Matthewman wrote:
 I would like a window manager that has wmii's acme-like window
 management, but without the 9P filesystem, wmiir, support for
 configuration via python, ruby, etc. 

  use dwm as a base to build upon


I imagine having a stacked layout + manual layouting in dwm should do
basically everything I need in everyday work. Plus a sleek code base.

There are a few other things that are now implemented through the
configuration *dirty* like toggling the last tag, namespaces for tags,
... but that could be patched separately, if necessary.

 Quintin Guillaume posted a patch providing a wmii-like layout for dwm
 a while ago [1]. I doubt that it applies to current dwm as it
 is from the pre-Xinerama era of dwm, but it may be easily brought up
 to date. There were some updated versions of that patch, make sure to
 search the old mailing list archives for the latest


 Thanks for the tip! I vaguely remember reading about that patch a long
 time ago. Maybe I'll see if I can get it to work -- then try to make
 it a bit more mouse-friendly (like acme).

That sounds truly awesome! Will you let us know how it goes?
Thx in advance

Re: [dev] wmii falling out of favor

2011-12-24 Thread dtk
Hey cls,

On 12/22/2011 04:57 PM, Connor Lane Smith wrote:
 On 22 December 2011 16:36, dtk wrote:
 nope, 32 is aplenty. Thing is, in wmii I create them on demand and name
 them dynamically (to reflect their purpose), which conveniently groups
 them as well. I just don't want the tag I do development of project A on
 to be on tag 5. Today. And on tag 6 is a browser with an interesting
 article. Today. But tomorrow, I wanna code on project B as well. Where
 would I put that? :/ It feels just soo static :|
 There's also nametag [1], which allows you to rename your tags at
 runtime, and a patch I wrote I could dig up which hides currently
 unused tags.

Yeah, that sounds pretty nice.

Well, you being so patient with me, I might as well get impolite -.-
So, what's the policy here? All future development in patches, so we
don't spoil that fancy 2K SLOC statistic everybody is so fond of? :/

 Sounds weird. That would make for one tag per client then, for most of
 the time I can use only one client (basically) maximised.
 In dwm you can view multiple tags at the same time, which pulls all
 clients with that tag into view. (Which is really amazing once you get
 used to it. Other window managers just make me feel really

yeah, remember that from awesome, rarely used it, felt like a rather
clumsy feature over there (might have been due to my key bindings).

Still think it's a pity you have to loose that grouping of clients into
topics if you need to have several tags per topic. I would like to have
my IDE and a browser with corresponding API on the same tag. Purely for
tidiness reasons :/

 I think that is the great power of the
 stacked layout. I can have clients grouped within one tag, but I don't
 need to watch them all of the time.
 That's why I suggested flextile; it has a 'deck' layout.
 I think so. No way to have one client 'maximised'?
 Monocle layout?

Yeah, will have to look into that. Is there a screenshot to be seen?
Always associated it with awesome's monocle(?) layout, which was very
inefficient as it comes to screen space, iirc.

 What if I need tree columns?
 I don't know what that means.

^^ I'm sorry. s/tree/three/

thx again

Re: [dev] [wmii] widgets with graphics?

2011-12-24 Thread dtk
On 12/22/2011 05:32 PM, Suraj N. Kurapati wrote:
 On Thu 22 Dec 2011 02:44:54 PM PST, dtk wrote:
 is there a way to have widgets in the status bar display images
 instead of utf8 symbols?
 I gave up on this approach for DWM and used dzen2 as my status bar
 (Pictured at bottom of this screenshot:
 dzen2 supports XBM and XPM images, which I use from sm4tik's icon set:

Uh. I like your differently colored symbols. Feeling a bit girlish today
;P Actually, I'm quite happy with your Rumai widgets right now,
displaying dialogs with gmessage instead of xmessage for some eye candy
and linking right click actions to gnome gui tools (power preferences
comes handy with the battery widget). Might pimp them with some color ;)

Thx anyway, might get handy if I have to drop WMII in the end :(

[dev] [wmii] widgets with graphics?

2011-12-22 Thread dtk
Hey guys,

is there a way to have widgets in the status bar display images instead
of utf8 symbols?

I know it's a question of philosophy whether you'll want that (and will
therefore inevitably spawn holy flame wars ;)), but I just saw it
yesterday in awesome[0] and think it was a pretty neat feature to
display information in a compact yet intuitive way.

Thx for your help


Re: [dev] wmii falling out of favor

2011-12-22 Thread dtk
On 11/15/2011 06:59 AM, Suraj N. Kurapati wrote:
 On Thu 10 Nov 2011 09:29:53 PM PST, Anselm R Garbe wrote:
 wmii is cursed. Its code base has grown by factor 3 or 4 in terms
 of SLOC, whereas its functionality has stalled.
 Thanks Anselm.  I think I've held on to the past for too long, and
 avoided DWM mainly out of disinterest in C. [...] So save me a seat on the 
 Suckless community van! ;)

outch :/ Actually, there are 2.5 features that make wmii such an awesome
WM for me:
 * dynamic tagging
 * manual layouts
   * specifically the stacked layout

I tag clients according to the topic they deal with (yess, I have
*several* Firefox windows open on different tags at any given point in
time -.-), which is why static tagging with a predefined number of tags
works really really bad for me :/

I only have 1024x768 pixels of screen space, and permanently displaying
unused windows in a slave area is *such* a horror. Being able to swiftly
create a new column (or maybe even two) with an independent layout when
needed and merge clients back into a single column is such a treat.

I could probably do without a whole lot of the features that bloat the
code base (been using rumai basically from the start of my wmii love
affair, don't need no fancy 9P), maybe even without a config file at all
(although rumai is *really* sweet and I sure wouldn't want to do that
kind of customization in C :/) but the thing is, DWM just doesn't have
the *features* for which I love wmii so much. And for as much as I would
love to prefer a clean code base over cosmetic features: Unusable WM is
unusable :(

Really sad wmii seems to be going nowhere :(

Re: [dev] [wmii] widgets with graphics?

2011-12-22 Thread dtk
On 12/22/2011 02:49 PM, hiro wrote:
 What are widgets?

Encapsulated, reusable functionality that displays information in the
status bar. Whole onmouseover thing and such...


Re: [dev] wmii falling out of favor

2011-12-22 Thread dtk

thx for your quick response!

On 12/22/2011 03:49 PM, Connor Lane Smith wrote:
 On 22 December 2011 15:35, dtk wrote:
 I tag clients according to the topic they deal with (yess, I have
 *several* Firefox windows open on different tags at any given point in
 time -.-), which is why static tagging with a predefined number of tags
 works really really bad for me :/
 That doesn't make any sense. dwm can have up to 32 tags. Do you tend
 to use more than 32 tags in wmii? If not, why are you worried about
 hitting that limit? Whether you defined the number at compile time is
 irrelevant in this case.

nope, 32 is aplenty. Thing is, in wmii I create them on demand and name
them dynamically (to reflect their purpose), which conveniently groups
them as well. I just don't want the tag I do development of project A on
to be on tag 5. Today. And on tag 6 is a browser with an interesting
article. Today. But tomorrow, I wanna code on project B as well. Where
would I put that? :/ It feels just soo static :|

 I only have 1024x768 pixels of screen space, and permanently displaying
 unused windows in a slave area is *such* a horror.
 This is why dwm has tags: just don't view the tags you aren't using.
 Like you say, tag clients according to their role, and then by
 definition those which are not being used needn't be seen. However,
 you may be interested in flextile [1].

Sounds weird. That would make for one tag per client then, for most of
the time I can use only one client (basically) maximised. Then layouts
wouldn't be used to layout clients within tags, but several tags across
one screen. According to my feeling, that needlessly shoves everything
one level up in the structuring hierarchy, leaving me wanting for one
more level to group all tags that belong to one activity (e.g. project
A). Why not have clever layouts? I think that is the great power of the
stacked layout. I can have clients grouped within one tag, but I don't
need to watch them all of the time.

 Being able to swiftly
 create a new column (or maybe even two) with an independent layout when
 needed and merge clients back into a single column is such a treat.
 If you substitute tag for column, this is the dwm workflow. In my
 experience columns tend to over-complicate... Especially if each has
 its own layout. Are you sure, say, flextile isn't enough?

I think so. No way to have one client 'maximised'? I think that whole
'this is your layout, work around it' approach is flawed. What if I need
tree columns?

 Unusable WM is unusable :(
 It's true that dwm doesn't work like wmii. I think that's for the
 better. Clearly, some may disagree, but I think if you try doing
 things the dwm way, you may be surprised how pleasant it is to use.

Yeah, I feel like a petulant child right now. I just cannot see how to
do the stuff I feel I need with static layouts. And since I don't
believe that manual layouts are what bloat wmii, I fail to understand
why I cannot haz them :/ Worse, I fail to see why I'm the only one who
wants them *lonely* -.-

 Failing that, i3 [2] is a wmii-style still in development, though it
 has a whole bunch of bugs that irritated me too much, so I returned to
 the much more stable dwm. (With nmaster. Can't go without nmaster.)

Thanks a lot for your hints! I really appreciate it!


Re: [dev] [wmii] widgets with graphics?

2011-12-22 Thread dtk
On 12/22/2011 04:27 PM, Florian Limberger wrote:
 The general consensus is that sprinkling icons everywhere actually
 makes the interface far more complicated and distracting, and
 generally quite *bad*. While there *are* some exceptions where icons
 are more compact, they are rare.

Yupp. Don't wanna use 'em everywhere, but on some occasions, I think it
would be nice'ish to have the option.

 Consider the meter widgets people are obsessed with putting on their
 status bars to tell you, say, the quality of your wifi signal. In 12
 horizontal pixels you can very comfortably fit in two digits, which
 would tell you the signal as a percentage. The same number of pixels
 would, as a meter, offer only an tenth of the information, and it
 would be far more difficult to distinguish 80% from 70%. Yes, text is
 quite a concise medium.
 then how do you distinguish the percentage of battery load and the
 percentage of wifi signal strength? Sometimes, I don't care if wifi
 signal quality is exactly 87% or 78%, It would suffice if I knew if it
 is over 25%, 50% or 75% ...

+1 If I want more information, I can haz it in a submenu.

 Plus, I don't have to think about if I'm looking at my battery or my
 wifi status, thats something where pictures are a little bit better.

+1 Actually, I think it's even easier on the brain to distinguish two
battery icons than the strings 50% and 75%. The brain is rather
effective at reading, still I think it requires some sophisticated
parsing and consciousness to do it. It's the whole analogue vs digital
clocks argument.

 But if you are paving the whole UI with icons, it gets confusing, but
 same applies to textual information, if you write a huge string with
 shitloads of information into your status bar, it would be confusing too.
 So I think, minimalism is the most important design goal, wether using
 icons or text to display information.


 But for a project like dwm, whose focus lies on a simple implementation,
 icons would be simply to complicated to include.

Ok. Just thought, since awesome does it: how hard can it possibly be? ;P

Re: [dev] [wmii] widgets with graphics?

2011-12-22 Thread dtk
On 12/22/2011 04:38 PM, Justin Pogue wrote:
 Sidestepping the holy-war topic here, I'd like to point out that there
 are plenty of status bars out there like tint2 and dzen2 that you
 could use.

k. Was just reluctant to integrate it. Redirecting all the information
there. wmii's status bar basically does everything I want. Was just
wondering if that feature existed yet.

 I've even heard of people using DWM in conjunction with

yeah, did same thing with fluxbox and the xfce-panel. things get nasty
when you don't have a fixed num of desktops any more. Piping dynamic
information about your tags in there is nasty.

thx anyway

Re: [dev] [wmii] Flash in fullscreen regularly freezes screen

2011-08-11 Thread dtk
On 05.08.2011 16:24, Ethan Grammatikidis wrote:
 On Fri, 5 Aug 2011 14:39:23 +0200
 Eckehard Berns wrote:
 I also have encountered freezes with fullscreen flash video playback (I
 haven't tested something other than youtube). I noticed that I didn't
 encounter those freezes when using compositing. Thus I simply added a
 xcompmgr  to my .xinitrc. I don't know if it helps with other setups.
 I thought this problem was kinda unique to my setup.
 Thanks for the tip! I just tried it and it's a fine now, on my machine
 with the 945GME.
ftr: that seems to have fix^W^Wwork around it for me as well.
Thanks for the tip!!

On 05.08.2011 14:46, dtk wrote:
 $ lspci | grep -i vga
 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile
 GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)

On 05.08.2011 14:46, dtk wrote:
 Will have to check what graphics card's in my office box, though.
Did that $some days ago. Some kind of Intel IGC as well. lspci's
description was kinda generic, iirc.

thx everyone

Re: [dev] [wmii] Flash in fullscreen regularly freezes screen

2011-08-05 Thread dtk

On 05.08.2011 01:32, Suraj N. Kurapati wrote:
 On Fri 05 Aug 2011 12:37:52 AM PDT, dtk wrote:
 putting the flash player on a website into fullscreen regularly
 (very -.-) freezes my screen.
 On my system, only the flash video freezes
that may well be, but since it's in fullscreen, nothing on the screen
gets refreshed anymore. Is that what happens with you, too, or doesn't
your player enter fullscreen before freezing?

So it may just be a flash player problem? We are running very different
versions, though. Honestly, the flash plugin should not be able to
freeze the whole screen and never return control :( Maybe I should try
an alternate (open) implementation.

 stops rendering new
 but audio continues playing normally.
 However, on YouTube,
 the fullscreen video is still responsive because I can press Escape
 to dismiss the fullscreen state
hmm, unsure. I think I can dismiss fullscreen mode with Esc, since I
seem then to be able to defocus the player, but obviously nothing of
that can be seen on the (frozen) screen
 and can also click to pause/resume.
yes. Though sometimes, when switching to fullscreen very early when the
vid is still loading, it seems like it never starts to play.

$ uname -a
Linux blackboxx 2.6.35-30-generic #56-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jul 11 20:00:22 UTC
2011 i686 GNU/Linux

$ wmii -v
wmii-hg2788+, ©2010 Kris Maglione

$ aptitude show adobe-flashplugin | grep Version

btw, I use pentadactyl as well; though in different versions on the two
boxes that show the problem, iirc.

@Suraj If you see it, but Kris doesn't, does that mean the problem might
be related to rumai?

Thanks for the support, anyone

Re: [dev] [wmii] Flash in fullscreen regularly freezes screen

2011-08-05 Thread dtk
On 05.08.2011 14:22, Ethan Grammatikidis wrote:
 On Fri, 05 Aug 2011 00:37:52 +0200
 dtk wrote:
 putting the flash player on a website into fullscreen regularly (very
 -.-) freezes my screen.
 I think it's a Linux kernel problem.
duh, sweet -.-

I have the same with kernel 2.6.39 with an Intel 945GME, and i use
I am running an old 2.6.35, though.

 I have to kill X to recover.
yeah, same for me

 On another machine with Intel GM965/GL960 video I cannot play video at
 all due to the display subsystem -- whether X or the framebuffer --
 getting unrecoverable problems.
Well, in principle, that works for me
$ lspci | grep -i vga
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960
Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)

Will have to check what graphics card's in my office box, though.


[dev] [wmii] Flash in fullscreen regularly freezes screen

2011-08-04 Thread dtk

Hey guys,

putting the flash player on a website into fullscreen regularly (very
-.-) freezes my screen.

wmii seems to continue to work in the background (I can change tags,
kill the browser, ...) and the mouse continues to respond (I can click
to pause the vid (sound oftentimes continues to play back) and 'defocus'
the player so it doesn't catch key presses anymore) but I can't get a
new image to be drawn.

Neither reload'ing nor clear'ing wmii via mod+a works. All I can do to
fix it so far is to restart GDM.

This is not by any chance a known problem?

I am running tip [wmii-hg2788+] and rumai. I can reproduce the problem
on another machine (running pretty much the same config).

help! -.-
dtk ;)

Re: [dev] Why dwm or wmii over xmonad, etc., or not?

2011-05-09 Thread dtk
Excerpts from Nathan Neff's message of Mo Mai 09 23:17:44 +0200 2011:
 On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 2:57 AM, Aurélien Aptel 
  On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 3:18 AM, Nathan Neff wrote:
  2.5) Easy / sensible defaults.  Sorry but Emacs-style shortcut keys
  are an oxymoron.  Any window manager
  that uses Emacs Key Chords is immediately disqualified.  With wmii you 
  between windows and tags with 2 keystrokes max.  It's a no-brainer.
  The default shortcut to close a window is really bad. Something used
  that often shouldn't be as complex as Mod-Shift-C.

 That's a good point.  I've remapped it to Mod-w (Like Apple's Close Window)
yeah, I mapped it onto mod-q to stay in line with ctrl-q for quitting an
application and ctrl-w for closing gui sub elements like tabs etc.

will have to admit that I thought apple used something akin to that hierarchy 
with their
command-q and command-w keyboard shortcuts for quitting an application and
closing a window[0].



Re: [dev] Why dwm or wmii over xmonad, etc., or not?

2011-04-21 Thread dtk
Excerpts from Suraj Kurapati's message of Thu Apr 21 02:02:56 +0200 2011:
 On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 2:00 PM, dtk wrote:
  Excerpts from Suraj Kurapati's message:
  is configurable in any programming language (I use Ruby[1]).
  so do i, but it segfaults on me when i start wireshark -.- dunno,
  maybe it's due to my modifications (added 'toggle last view' patch
  and some namespacing)

 If your Ruby config is based on mine[1],
I think it kind of is. iirc it's based on the one that ships with wmii per
default, which again is based on yours, isn't it?

 then perhaps I could help:
That would be ultra sweet (and fix the one big issue I have with wmii)

 What wmii, ruby, and wmiirc versions are you using?
Actually, I reported the problem some time ago on this very mailing list. Do you
have this[0] thread available for reference?

iirc, I could reproduce the problem with only trivial modifications of the
shipped wmiirc[1] on a different machine.

As to versions, please cf [2].

 And is your
 config available online somewhere so I can look at it?
u can haz it over herre[3].

Please just let me know if I may provide you with any other information!

/big/ tia!!


Re: [dev] Why dwm or wmii over xmonad, etc., or not?

2011-04-21 Thread dtk
Excerpts from Suraj Kurapati's message of Thu Apr 21 21:39:38 +0200 2011:
 Your config seems fine.  I don't see any glaring problems in it.
cool. *huge* thanks for looking into this whole thing!!

 On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 9:04 AM, dtk wrote:
 The version that ships with wmii is *ancient*!  My config on GitHub
 is much better, having since undergone several bursts of evolution.
cool! looking forward to check it out!

 I recommend upgrading to both wmii-hg and my config on GitHub. :)

 I recommend compiling wmii from its source code repository.  The
 3.9.2 stable release in your Linux distro is ancient, IMHO.
\o/ you fixed it!! :D
actually I only built master just yet, so haven't thrown neither your current
config nor my mods at it yet, but so far wireshark runs just nicely :) *yaaay!!*

thanks for the tip! wouldn't have thought that the stable release was that old
(especially since it's advertised on haven't seen
much yet, but master (is it called like that in mercurial?) looks really nice!
you got a systray thingy and a history in the menu. sweet!

thanks again for your patient support!
thanks alot

Re: [dev] Why dwm or wmii over xmonad, etc., or not?

2011-04-20 Thread dtk
Excerpts from Suraj Kurapati's message of Wed Apr 20 19:39:00 +0200 2011:
 On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 7:27 AM, Eitan Goldshtrom wrote:
  Why are dwm and wmii better than other tiling WMs?

 I like wmii because it (1) has dynamic tagging,
the /only/ way to do it, in my not so humble opinion ;)

 views, and columns;
i find manual layouts so incredibly more flexible and intuitive than dynamic
ones. especially in combination with the stacked layout (didn't like it first,
now can't live without it -.-). i do sometimes wish to get rid of the title bars
though to use (the limited) screen space as effectively as possible

 and (2) is configurable in any programming language (I use Ruby[1]).
so do i, but it segfaults on me when i start wireshark -.- dunno, maybe it's due
to my modifications (added 'toggle last view' patch and some namespacing)

 occasionally trying other tiling
 and WIMP WMs to get a feeling of the status quo.  But I always find
 something lacking in them; something I dearly missed from wmii.

 wmii is not perfect, but it does more of what I want than other WMs
dynamic tagging, manual layouts, stacked layout ;P

 I've tried (perhaps I haven't tried enough of them).
I have been using awesome before, and it was nothing short of a revelation
coming from gnome (had been using fluxbox on gentoo before that so had some
experience in minimalistic environments ;))
now when i have to go back into it (to use wireshark ;P) i just cannot imagine
how i ever used it ;) not being able to stack windows, a second client always
opening a slave column (two columns is a setup i use /exactly/ when i need to
see two clients at the same time, re-merging columns immediately afterwards)
And the dynamic tagging in awesome feels really unfinished to me. When i last
checked it severely lacked documentation and renaming tags on creation was 
please, don't get me wrong, i am *so* grateful for awesome, since it introduced
me to the wonders of tiling window managers (and actually to dynamic tagging),
but for my (admittedly unusual) work patterns, wmii feels so incredibly
superior, cannot even abandon it for its faults ;P


Re: [dev] [bug] wmii segfaults on sudo wireshark

2011-01-25 Thread dtk

On 01/25/2011 03:20 PM, wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 12:42:22AM +0100, dtk wrote:
 On 01/24/2011 10:44 PM, dtk wrote:
 On 01/23/2011 10:21 PM, Kris Maglione wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 05:26:30PM +0100, dtk wrote:
 On 01/14/2011 04:52 PM, Kris Maglione wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 04:13:34PM +0100, dtk wrote:
 Running wireshark as my default non-priviledged user works fine, as
 running wireshark as root under awesome/gnome.

 The wireshark splash displays nicely, showing the modules being loaded,
 and I can glance the error dialog stating that some lua functionality
 has been disabled, due to being run as root, before wmii crashes, gdm
 reloads and prompts me with the user selection to log me in again.

 Can anybody confirm this behaviour?

 No. Can you perchance provide a backtrace?

 Actually, I don't know how to (besides compiling from source), since the
 binary from the ubuntu package doesn't contain debug symbols :/

 Yes, compiling from source is the thing to do. I believe you can do
 something like:

   DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nostrip make deb

 k, will try, but I don't know yet when I'll find the time to do so.
 otoh: who needs to sleep anyway? -.-

 dtk@minibox:/media/devel/wmii/deb/wmii-3.9.2~lucid$ gdb wmii
 GNU gdb (GDB) 7.1-ubuntu
 Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
 This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
 There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type show copying
 and show warranty for details.
 This GDB was configured as i486-linux-gnu.
 For bug reporting instructions, please see:
 Reading symbols from /usr/bin/wmii...done.
 (gdb) run
 Starting program: /usr/bin/wmii
 /etc/X11/wmii/wmiirc: line 1: !/bin/dash: No such file or directory
 Could this be the problem?
Nope, I don't think so:

dtk@minibox:~$ aptitude search dash
i   dash  - POSIX-compliant shell
p   dasher- A graphical predictive text input system
p   dasher-data   - Data files for dasher
dtk@minibox:~$ dash
$ exit
dtk@minibox:~$ which dash
dtk@minibox:~$ ll /bin/dash
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 82K 2010-04-01 21:22 /bin/dash*

 /etc/X11/wmii/wmiirc: line 1: !/bin/dash: No such file or directory
yeah, that's rather a syntactical problem -.-

dtk@minibox:~$ head -n3 /etc/X11/wmii/wmiirc
!/bin/dash -f
# Configure wmii
wmiiscript=wmiirc # For

The first line obviously is a broken shebang and should rather be
#!/bin/dash -f
(don't know whether it's broken in die .deb or if I messed it up)

Fixing it doesn't make much of a difference though:
dtk@minibox:~$ gdb wmii
GNU gdb (GDB) 7.1-ubuntu
Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type show copying
and show warranty for details.
This GDB was configured as i486-linux-gnu.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Reading symbols from /usr/bin/wmii...done.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /usr/bin/wmii

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x08058d77 in msg_selectarea (a=0x8092da8, m=0xb07c) at message.c:944
944 if(!ap || ap-floating)


thx anyway

Re: [dev] [bug] wmii segfaults on sudo wireshark

2011-01-24 Thread dtk
On 01/23/2011 10:21 PM, Kris Maglione wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 05:26:30PM +0100, dtk wrote:
 On 01/14/2011 04:52 PM, Kris Maglione wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 04:13:34PM +0100, dtk wrote:
 Running wireshark as my default non-priviledged user works fine, as
 running wireshark as root under awesome/gnome.

 The wireshark splash displays nicely, showing the modules being loaded,
 and I can glance the error dialog stating that some lua functionality
 has been disabled, due to being run as root, before wmii crashes, gdm
 reloads and prompts me with the user selection to log me in again.

 Can anybody confirm this behaviour?

 No. Can you perchance provide a backtrace?

 Actually, I don't know how to (besides compiling from source), since the
 binary from the ubuntu package doesn't contain debug symbols :/
 Yes, compiling from source is the thing to do. I believe you can do
 something like:
   DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nostrip make deb
k, will try, but I don't know yet when I'll find the time to do so.

As a side note: I just tried wmii at work and realized that the problem
only exists when I use the ruby configuration (with ruby 1.9.1?).

Here's my current setup:
dtk@minibox:~$ cat .wmii/wmiirc_local
wmiir xwrite /ctl spawn ruby/wmiirc
dtk@minibox:~$ diff /etc/X11/wmii/ruby/ .wmii/ruby
diff /etc/X11/wmii/ruby/wmiirc .wmii/ruby/wmiirc
 #!/usr/bin/env ruby
Only in .wmii/ruby: wmiirc.log

And yepp: That dies badly when executing wireshark as root. Can anybody
reproduce that?

Might it be a problem with ruby 1.9.1? Do I need 1.9(.1) for the ruby
config (think I read so somewhere)?

thx for ur patience

PS Is that the recommended way of using the ruby config? Sry, didn't get
the explanation in /usr/share/doc/wmii/alternative-wmiircs/ruby/README:
In particular, not that there is no need to copy any files to
~/.wmii-hg or ~/.wmii other than config.yaml. The script will
happily load the requisite files from their default install
location. They can be loaded either by involing wmii as

wmiir -r ruby/wmiirc

thx, dtk

Re: [dev] [bug] wmii segfaults on sudo wireshark

2011-01-24 Thread dtk
On 01/24/2011 10:44 PM, dtk wrote:
 On 01/23/2011 10:21 PM, Kris Maglione wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 05:26:30PM +0100, dtk wrote:
 On 01/14/2011 04:52 PM, Kris Maglione wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 04:13:34PM +0100, dtk wrote:
 Running wireshark as my default non-priviledged user works fine, as
 running wireshark as root under awesome/gnome.

 The wireshark splash displays nicely, showing the modules being loaded,
 and I can glance the error dialog stating that some lua functionality
 has been disabled, due to being run as root, before wmii crashes, gdm
 reloads and prompts me with the user selection to log me in again.

 Can anybody confirm this behaviour?

 No. Can you perchance provide a backtrace?

 Actually, I don't know how to (besides compiling from source), since the
 binary from the ubuntu package doesn't contain debug symbols :/

 Yes, compiling from source is the thing to do. I believe you can do
 something like:

   DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nostrip make deb

 k, will try, but I don't know yet when I'll find the time to do so.
 As a side note: I just tried wmii at work and realized that the problem
 only exists when I use the ruby configuration (with ruby 1.9.1?).
 Here's my current setup:
 dtk@minibox:~$ cat .wmii/wmiirc_local
 wmiir xwrite /ctl spawn ruby/wmiirc
 dtk@minibox:~$ diff /etc/X11/wmii/ruby/ .wmii/ruby
 diff /etc/X11/wmii/ruby/wmiirc .wmii/ruby/wmiirc
  #!/usr/bin/env ruby
 Only in .wmii/ruby: wmiirc.log
 And yepp: That dies badly when executing wireshark as root. Can anybody
 reproduce that?
 Might it be a problem with ruby 1.9.1? Do I need 1.9(.1) for the ruby
 config (think I read so somewhere)?
hmm, I'm pretty sure right now that it works with 1.9 and with 1.8
dtk@minibox:~$ ps -ef | grep wmiirc
dtk   9293 1  0 Jan24 ?00:00:02 /usr/bin/ruby
dtk  12743  9407  0 00:05 pts/100:00:00 grep wmiirc
dtk@minibox:~$ /usr/bin/ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [i486-linux]
dtk@minibox:~$ gem1.8 list

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

rumai (3.3.1)
but both suffer from the segfault over here.

pretty clueless

Re: [dev] [bug] wmii segfaults on sudo wireshark

2011-01-24 Thread dtk
On 01/24/2011 10:44 PM, dtk wrote:
 On 01/23/2011 10:21 PM, Kris Maglione wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 05:26:30PM +0100, dtk wrote:
 On 01/14/2011 04:52 PM, Kris Maglione wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 04:13:34PM +0100, dtk wrote:
 Running wireshark as my default non-priviledged user works fine, as
 running wireshark as root under awesome/gnome.

 The wireshark splash displays nicely, showing the modules being loaded,
 and I can glance the error dialog stating that some lua functionality
 has been disabled, due to being run as root, before wmii crashes, gdm
 reloads and prompts me with the user selection to log me in again.

 Can anybody confirm this behaviour?

 No. Can you perchance provide a backtrace?

 Actually, I don't know how to (besides compiling from source), since the
 binary from the ubuntu package doesn't contain debug symbols :/

 Yes, compiling from source is the thing to do. I believe you can do
 something like:

   DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nostrip make deb

 k, will try, but I don't know yet when I'll find the time to do so.
otoh: who needs to sleep anyway? -.-

dtk@minibox:/media/devel/wmii/deb/wmii-3.9.2~lucid$ gdb wmii
GNU gdb (GDB) 7.1-ubuntu
Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type show copying
and show warranty for details.
This GDB was configured as i486-linux-gnu.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Reading symbols from /usr/bin/wmii...done.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /usr/bin/wmii
/etc/X11/wmii/wmiirc: line 1: !/bin/dash: No such file or directory

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x08058d77 in msg_selectarea (a=0x8092da8, m=0xb01c) at message.c:944
944 if(!ap || ap-floating)
(gdb) backtrace
#0  0x08058d77 in msg_selectarea (a=0x8092da8, m=0xb01c) at
#1  0x0805921b in message_view (v=0x8092c58, m=0xb01c) at message.c:706
#2  0x080634f3 in ixp_srv_writectl (req=0x80abf88, fn=0x8058ed9
message_view) at srv_util.c:181
#3  0x08054ca2 in fs_write (r=0x80abf88) at fs.c:560
#4  0x08062ad1 in handlereq (r=0x80abf88) at request.c:344
#5  0x08062c44 in handlefcall (c=0x809ce80) at request.c:139
#6  0x08062d6f in handle_conns (s=0x8072fa0) at server.c:113
#7  ixp_serverloop (s=0x8072fa0) at server.c:161
#8  0x0805756c in main (argc=1, argv=value optimized out) at main.c:447


Re: [dev] [bug] wmii segfaults on sudo wireshark

2011-01-23 Thread dtk
On 01/14/2011 04:52 PM, Kris Maglione wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 04:13:34PM +0100, dtk wrote:
 Running wireshark as my default non-priviledged user works fine, as does
 running wireshark as root under awesome/gnome.

 The wireshark splash displays nicely, showing the modules being loaded,
 and I can glance the error dialog stating that some lua functionality
 has been disabled, due to being run as root, before wmii crashes, gdm
 reloads and prompts me with the user selection to log me in again.

 Can anybody confirm this behaviour?
 No. Can you perchance provide a backtrace?
Actually, I don't know how to (besides compiling from source), since the
binary from the ubuntu package doesn't contain debug symbols :/

When running wmii within a nested X session (Xephyr) (so it doesn't kill
my gdm -.-) I just see

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x08058d77 in ?? ()
(gdb) backtrace
#0  0x08058d77 in ?? ()
#1  0x0805921b in ?? ()
#2  0x080634f3 in ?? ()
#3  0x08054ca2 in ?? ()
#4  0x08062ad1 in ?? ()
#5  0x08062c44 in ?? ()
#6  0x08062d6f in ?? ()
#7  0x0805756c in ?? ()
#8  0x002c1bd6 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
#9  0x0804b6e1 in ?? ()

The logs (/var/log/gdm/*; ~/.xsesson-errors; /var/log/Xorg.*) don't seem
to contain any information.

Please let me know if I may provide you with any further information.

[dev] [bug] wmii segfaults on sudo wireshark

2011-01-14 Thread dtk
Hey guys,

my wmii with rumai segfaults when I run wireshark as root.

dtk@minibox:~$ cat /var/log/messages | grep wmii
Jan 14 13:34:01 minibox kernel: [86625.789143] wmii[6130]: segfault at
2d ip 08058d77 sp bfda9060 error 4 in wmii[8048000+24000]
Jan 14 13:35:29 minibox kernel: [86714.311593] wmii[19362]: segfault at
2d ip 08058d77 sp bfdb9850 error 4 in wmii[8048000+24000]
Jan 14 13:46:21 minibox kernel: [87366.573345] wmii[20849]: segfault at
2d ip 08058d77 sp bf84add0 error 4 in wmii[8048000+24000]
Jan 14 14:18:08 minibox kernel: [  495.065986] wmii[1738]: segfault at
2d ip 08058d77 sp bfa7c050 error 4 in wmii[8048000+24000]
dtk@minibox:~$ uname -a
Linux minibox 2.6.32-26-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 24 09:00:03 UTC
2010 i686 GNU/Linux
dtk@minibox:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS
Codename:   lucid
dtk@minibox:~$ aptitude show wmii | head
Package: wmii
State: installed
Automatically installed: no
Version: 3.9.2~lucid
Priority: optional
Section: x11
Maintainer: Kris Maglione
Uncompressed Size: 922k
Depends: libc6 (= 2.11), libx11-6 (= 0), libxext6 (= 0), libxft2 (
 libxinerama1, libxrandr2 (= 0), libxrender1

Running wireshark as my default non-priviledged user works fine, as does
running wireshark as root under awesome/gnome.

The wireshark splash displays nicely, showing the modules being loaded,
and I can glance the error dialog stating that some lua functionality
has been disabled, due to being run as root, before wmii crashes, gdm
reloads and prompts me with the user selection to log me in again.

Can anybody confirm this behaviour?
