Re: [Incubator Wiki] Update of "December2018" by JeffFeng

2018-12-05 Thread Justin Mclean

Thanks for submitting the report on time it does however raise a few other 

Regards the email list not supporting images, it easy enough to link to an 
image in email as a workaround and as you point out speaking to Infra may also 

On communication I still don't see any discussion of the (many and frequent) 
releases on any of the channels mentioned. Where is this discussion happening?

>  As a next step, we will have an initial meeting with the Mentors, PPMC and 
> Committers on Thursday, December 13th to figure out what it takes to address 
> this issue and help get the project on track.

Rather than have a meeting why not just discuss this on the list? That way more 
people can be involved and it not restricted to a narrow time period where some 
people may not be able to make it and that would negate the risk that things 
discussed at it may be not be brought back to the list (as been happening with 
the bi-weekly meetings).

>  We were uncertain how to manage the LICENSE/COPYRIGHT files and how they 
> relate to convenience releases

Good advice has been given on list how to handle this several times now. In 
short follow this guide [1]

> and we have struggled to understand how to proceed with the name search 
> requirement.  

The name search is usually the last thing a polling does before graduation, it 
is not a requirement for your first release.

> + * We currently only have 3 active PMCs (1 inactive).  We should strive to 
> add more PMCs to the project.

Given there’s 13 initial PPMC members why does the roster only include 9 of 
them? Of those 9 why are only 3 active? I can see that more than 3 of them are 
posting to the mailing lists in the last couple of months. Is it that these 
people don’t realise that they are PPMC members or just not performing as a 
PPMC member?



Superset Podling Report for 12/19/18 Apache Incubator Board Meeting

2018-12-05 Thread Jeff Feng
Hey Community,

I am helping to draft our Superset Podling Report for the 12/19/18 Apache
Incubator Board Meeting and would like comments and suggestions.  Please
use the Google Doc link below to comment on the draft report.  The final
draft will be posted at  I
have also included a copy of the draft below.

I just found out that instead of EOD today that we need the report by EOD
GMT time.  Thus, I would greatly appreciate any comments by about noon
today.  Sorry for the short notice!


*SupersetSuperset is an enterprise-ready web application for data
exploration, datavisualization and dashboarding.Superset has been
incubating since 2017-05-21.Three most important issues to address in the
move towards graduation:1. Project operations - There are 3 specific issues
that have been brought to our attention that we are committed to
addressing: 1. Discussions happening offline from  (more
below under issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board should be aware
of)2. Unapproved releases (more below under issues that the Incubator PMC
or ASF Board should be aware of)3. Trademark - Some research has been
conducted here

, but more details have been requested. The expected format output
described is not very prescriptive. Just commented asking for a example of
a well executed name search. 2. Plan and execute our first Apache release.
Though we have been in incubation for a year and a half, we are committed
to planning and following through on our first Apache release together with
the community by kicking off a discussion thread on   to
align on the deliverables for the first Apache release.3. Align on a
long-term product roadmap with the broader Apache Superset community.  As a
part of planning our first Apache release, we would also like to build out
the high-level roadmap for the project with a look ahead of 1 year.  We
plan to create this by starting a discussion thread on   to
work collaboratively on a vision and roadmap for 2019.Any issues that the
Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be aware of?* Discussions
happening offline from email - The
 email list has not been very active as
a channel of discussion.  To be clear, this is both a result of 1) when the
list started, GitHub spammed the email list with notifications and our
hypothesis is that many people filtered this email alias 2) the Apache
email list does not support images making it challenging to support a
project that is UI-heavy as a tool for data visualization and 3) other
communication channels are being used to compliment the email list.  On #3,
there is an open bi-weekly meeting for contributors and committers to
discuss issues (no decisions are made here - please see the update on SIPs
in the project development section) and while the link to the Google Doc
with the notes was posted to the
 email list, we could have done a better
job of posting the notes from the meetings and we recognize that it is more
challenging for some community members who live in other timezones to
participate.  There are also two reasonably active forums for live
discussions (Slack Group
 and Gitter Channel )
however, we now know that casual conversations should only happen on these
channels and that the majority of the discussion needs to happen via
email.  As a next step, we will have an initial meeting with the Mentors,
PPMC and Committers on Thursday, December 13th to figure out what it takes
to address this issue and help get the project on track.  We will also use
this meeting as an opportunity to align across the PPMC and Committers
about our obligations and responsibilities as well as to receive coaching
from our Mentors on the Apache Way.* Unapproved releases - Currently,
committers working on the project have not been following the proper
procedures in discussing the content of releases on the  email
list nor have we been consistent in bringing releases to a vote.  This
negatively impacts the ability of other community members to participate.
We were uncertain how to manage the LICENSE/COPYRIGHT files and how they
relate to convenience releases and we have struggled to understand how to
proceed with the name search requirement.  That said, it doesn’t justify
pushing a release forward and at a minimum we will discontinue this
practice. We will also