OOPS wrong list, sorry,

David Jencks

> On Jul 21, 2021, at 9:37 AM, David Jencks <david.a.jen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The CMS website and the Antora website currently have the docs source far 
> from the code. As a result several subprojects (SCR, Atomos at least) have 
> put their documentation in a README in the subproject git repo. This results 
> in these subproject documentation appearing really different from other 
> subprojects docs and lacking the overall navigation facilities from the site. 
> Currently the Antora based website doesn’t attempt to include this 
> documentation.
> With Antora this is not necessary: Antora can extract documentation source 
> from any number of git repos and assemble it all seamlessly. I think it would 
> be a good idea to set this up. In general Antora requires sources in each git 
> repo to be in a specific directory structure, for the current felix site 
> `…/modules/ROOT/pages/*.adoc`.
> There are several choices for how to do this:
> - Move the README contents to a concrete .adoc page in the above structure 
> and have the README mostly point to the website.  This allows use of the full 
> power of Asciidoc on the pages, rather than the quite constricted subset 
> available from the GitHub asciidoc renderer (or the GitHub markdown 
> renderer).  I think this is the best choice.
> - Symlink from the above structure location to the README (which will need to 
> be translated to Asciidoc, which will still be rendered by GitHub).  Symlink 
> support was recently added to Antora but I haven’t tried it in this scenario. 
>  This would give the same content at GitHub (in roughly its current format) 
> and in the website(integrated, with nav, header, footer, etc), but would 
> limit subproject documentation to a single page and inhibit links to other 
> website pages, among other problems.
> - Add (external) links in the nav to the READMEs on GitHub.  In this case 
> there will be no version of the documentation integrated into the website.
> Thoughts?
> David Jencks

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