On 06/16/2010 12:14 AM, Nick Kew wrote:
On 16 Jun 2010, at 01:05, Leif Hedstrom wrote:


there's a fairly large number of APIs in InkAPI.cc / ts.h which are marked 
deprecated. The fact that they are deprecated implies that they were removed 
quite a while ago during Inktomi's release cycles.

Should we still keep these for the v2.2 release, and nuke them  for v3.0? Or 
nuke'em now and avoid having to deal with people using deprecated APIs in the 
plugins (they are all documented as deprecated already)?
This raises the question: does trafficserver have a published policy on
API/ABI stability?  Under what circumstances is/isn't it promised?

Anyone else have any thoughts / comments on this topic ? Unless it gets "voted" down, I'll file a bug and list the APIs that we'd remove from the 2.2 release. Yes, it's semi painful, but I think in the long term, it helps developers not use APIs that we no longer support (and which have better versions anyways).

-- leif

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