[Dev] Related to Configuring WSO2 ESB JMS transport

2016-01-29 Thread Indrajith Udayakumara
Hi I am following the esb 4.9 documentation.
Here, they have instructed to add the given transport receiver and sender
to the /repository/conf/axis2/axis2.xml file.

Even though I added them and restarted the management console, I cannot
proceed to the next step, adding JMSListener proxy service.
It keeps saying: Unable to configure the service MyJMSProxy for the JMS
transport: Service doesn't have configuration information for transport
jms. This service is being marked as faulty and will not be available over
the JMS transport.
I also have copied the jta.jar, jms.jar, com.ibm.mq_2.0.0.jar,
fscontext_1.0.0.jar files to corresponding directories.

Why cannot I add the proxy service? are there any other modifications to be
done in axis2.xml in order to proceed? (which may not be mentioned in the

Thank you.
a student.
Dev mailing list

[Dev] Unknown attachment in ESB documentation 4.9

2016-01-24 Thread Indrajith Udayakumara
To the documentation team,
Here in the following URL, I have found an unknown attachment under Testing
the Proxy Service.

Thank you.
Dev mailing list

[Dev] Related to Configuring ESB with IBM Websphere MQ

2016-01-24 Thread Indrajith Udayakumara
I already have come up with the following problem that ESB management
console displays the MyJMSProxy as a faulty service. I havent used either a
username or a password when creating the ESBQManager in WebSphere MQ.

Is that possible?
If so,
how would I configure the following parameter in the transport-sender and
transport-receiver which is given in the documentation?

Can I simply erase the username and password?
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] Related to Configuring WSO2 ESB JMS transport

2016-01-20 Thread Indrajith Udayakumara
Hi, thank you ! I tried in that way but the still problem exists.
I am correctly following the instructions of the documentation.


The above code was extracted from the documentation.

*From where do these username and password come from?What should I enter
there ?*

On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 3:23 PM, Senduran Balasubramaniyam <
sendu...@wso2.com> wrote:

> axis2.xml is always enabled.
> Make sure you have restarted the server once you un commented the relevant
> axis2 xml entry
> Regards
> Senduran
> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 3:16 PM, Indrajith Udayakumara <
> aiukum...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am referring to  Configure with IBM WebSphere MQ
>> <https://docs.wso2.com/display/ESB490/Configure+with+IBM+WebSphere+MQ> in
>> the ESB documentation.
>> I already added transport receiver and transport reciever to 
>> */repository/conf/axis2/axis2.xml
>> file.*
>> But, Still I cannot add the JMSListener  proxy service (EXB 4.9 ) it
>> gives the following exception.
>> Unable to configure the service MyJMSProxy for the JMS transport: Service
>> doesn't have configuration information for transport jms. This service is
>> being marked as faulty and will not be available over the JMS transport.
>> How  to enable the axis.xml file ?
>> ___
>> Dev mailing list
>> Dev@wso2.org
>> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev
> --
> *Senduran *
> Software Engineer,
> WSO2, Inc.;  http://wso2.com/ <http://wso2.com/>
> Mobile: +94 77 952 6548
Dev mailing list

[Dev] Related to Configuring WSO2 ESB JMS transport

2016-01-20 Thread Indrajith Udayakumara
I am referring to  Configure with IBM WebSphere MQ
the ESB documentation.
I already added transport receiver and transport reciever to

But, Still I cannot add the JMSListener  proxy service (EXB 4.9 ) it gives
the following exception.

Unable to configure the service MyJMSProxy for the JMS transport: Service
doesn't have configuration information for transport jms. This service is
being marked as faulty and will not be available over the JMS transport.

How  to enable the axis.xml file ?
Dev mailing list

[Dev] WebSphere MQ: Simple java client- IVTRun.bat -nojndi returns null [Images attached]

2016-01-18 Thread Indrajith Udayakumara
Hi all, I was about to deploy the JMS listener proxy service and pass a
test message from WSMQ to ESB mgmt console, but suddenly IVTRun.bat failed
to show the configuration message, which* I already got* in the early step.
So I am pretty sure that all my other configurations are correct.

Now, it shows* nothing *as you can see in the image.

What could be the reason for this?
Does the expiration of WSMQ cause this?
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] WebSphere MQ: IVTRun.bat -nojndi shows nothing

2016-01-16 Thread Indrajith Udayakumara
Here I followed the same way as in your description
Should I un-comment all the INITIAL_CONTEXT FACTORIES ?
Here I did only the highlighted line.

After I save this and run *IVTSetup.bat* in administrator mode
the following message comes, and the problem exists.

Thank you

On Sat, Jan 16, 2016 at 10:46 AM, Indika Sampath <indi...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi Indrajith,
> Sometime ago I've configured WSMQ 7.x. Below steps followed up to
> configure. Please cross check with you setup.
> 1. Start ‘IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer, create a new queue manager. Make that
> queue manager as default by clicking the check-box "make this the default
> queue manager". Leave default values for the other fields.
> Queue Manager -> New -> Queue Manager
> Queue manager name: MyQueueMgr
> 2. Select the created Queue manager and expand the list. Create a new
> local queue. Leave default values for the other fields.
> Queue -> New -> Local Queue…
> Name: Queue1
> 3. Expand Advanced sub tree and add a server-connection channel. Leave
> default values for the other fields.
> Channel -> New -> Server-connection Channel…
> Name: MyChannel
> LISTENER.TCP will added to the Listeners directory by default.
> 4. Navigate to [WebSphere MQ Home]\java\bin directory, open
> 'JMSAdmin.config' file and edit the file as follows:
> Uncomment the configuration for INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY
> Ex: INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY=com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
> Point to an empty folder for PROVIDER_URL
> Ex: PROVIDER_URL=file:/C:/JNDI-Directory
> 5. Navigate to [WebSphere MQ Home]\java\bin directory, create the default
> set of JNDI bindings by running the following command in the command prompt.
> IVTSetup.bat
> NOTE: Please execute above command in command prompt open by Run as
> Administrator
> 6. We have now enabled and verified JNDI support. Let's use the JMSAdmin
> tool to make some modifications in the JNDI bindings. Navigate to
> [WebSphere MQ Home]\java\bin from the console and start jmsadmin by running
> the following command:
> JMSAdmin.bat
> Run the following commands:
> ALTER QCF(ivtQCF) QMGR(MyQueueMgr)
> DEFINE Q(MyQueue) QMGR(MyQueueMgr) QUEUE(Queue1)
> Run following command to verify configuration.
> Run following command to quit JMSAdmin.bat
> IBM MQ configuration complete.
> With regard to question you raised about IVTRun.bat (IVT stands for
> Initial Verification Test as I remember), you cannot just run IVTRun.bat.
> There are set of flags you have to pass depending on the configuration.
> WSMQ offer this utility to verify your configuration works fine.
> You can run IVTRun.bat as below once you done with step 3.
> IVTRun.bat -nojndi -client -m MyQueueMgr -host localhost -channel MyChannel
> Cheers!
> On Sat, Jan 16, 2016 at 10:17 AM, Indrajith Udayakumara <
> aiukum...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> After configuring ESB 4.9 with WebSphere MQ  according to the steps here
>> https://docs.wso2.com/display/ESB490/Configure+with+IBM+WebSphere+MQ
>> the IVRun.bat shows nothing on the command prompt.
>> (both WSMQ and CMD were run as Administrator)
>> ___
>> Dev mailing list
>> Dev@wso2.org
>> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev
> --
> Indika Sampath
> Senior Software Engineer
> WSO2 Inc.
> http://wso2.com
> Phone: +94 716 424 744
> Blog: http://indikasampath.blogspot.com/
Dev mailing list

[Dev] Websphere MQ: Problem in Deploying JMS listener proxy service [ESB 4.9]

2016-01-15 Thread Indrajith Udayakumara

When I try to add a custom proxy to ESB 4.9 it displays the proxy service
as a Faulty service with the following error message.

Unable to configure the service MyJMSProxy for the JMS transport: Service
doesn't have configuration information for transport jms. This service is
being marked as faulty and will not be available over the JMS transport.

But it works fine with ESB 4.8.
But How can I use it in ESB 4.9 ?
Dev mailing list

[Dev] WebSphere MQ: IVTRun.bat -nojndi shows nothing

2016-01-15 Thread Indrajith Udayakumara
After configuring ESB 4.9 with WebSphere MQ  according to the steps here


the IVRun.bat shows nothing on the command prompt.
(both WSMQ and CMD were run as Administrator)
Dev mailing list

[Dev] WebSphere MQ: Testing the proxy service [Doubt]

2016-01-15 Thread Indrajith Udayakumara
It says,

Open IBM Websphere MQ and publish a message to LocalQueue1.

The message will be logged in the ESB Management console as well as the log

*Where can I find this log file or the sent message ?*
Dev mailing list

[Dev] WSO2 ESB 4.9 MGMT CONSOLE [PROBLEM]: Cannot Delete Faulty Service

2016-01-10 Thread Indrajith Udayakumara
Hi all, I was trying to deploy the JMS listener proxy service using ESB 4.9
Management Console. It did not work out any how and now it is filtered as a
'Faulty Service', which cannot be deleted. The delete button does not work.

​Can anyone help?
Dev mailing list

[Dev] WebSphere MQ: Some facts are missing in WSO2 ESB 4.9 documentaion

2016-01-09 Thread Indrajith Udayakumara
To whom it may concern,
See here,

Dev mailing list

[Dev] About ESB

2015-06-22 Thread Indrajith Udayakumara
I am a researching student about
ESB - JMS 2.0 support for transports and inbound endpoint
project. Does this project follows any specific software design pattern?
Dev mailing list