WSO2 Dashboard Server 2.1.0-M4 Released!

WSO2 Dashboard Server team is pleased to announce the release of WSO2
Dashboard Server 2.1.0 Milestone 4. This release comes with the following
bug fixes and features. You can download the distribution from [1].

   - [UES-971 <>] - Gadgets are not
   rendering in tenant mode if the same gadget is not available in
   super-tenant store
   - [UES-972 <>] - Advance UI elements
   does not work in chart wizard
   - [UES-973 <>] - Remove the title
   bar in the view mode
   - [UES-987 <>] - "undefined" color
   domain appears in chart preview in gadget generation wizard
   - [UES-988 <>] - Line Chart Preview
   shows an extra incorrect point
   - [UES-989 <>] - "Cannot read
   property 'style' of null" when editing User Preferences with Pubsub-2


   - [UES-974 <>] - Make the security
   time-out of shindig to be configurable
   - [UES-985 <>] - Treat dashboard
   theme as a personalization and persist within userspace rather than a cookie
   - [UES-994 <>] - Shindig Feature to
   expose apis for getting dashboard name and ID

New Feature

   - [UES-991 <>] - Multiple views
   support for page based on roles
   - [UES-992 <>] - Download the
   dashboard page as pdf
   - [UES-993 <>] - Support primitive
   edit operations (moving and delete gadgets) operations in the view mode


   - [UES-968 <>] - Move product-ds to
   kernel 4.4.6

Reporting Issues

Issues can be reported through the Public JIRA
<> project for WSO2 Dashboard Server.



Dashboard Server Team.

*Nisala Niroshana Nanayakkara,*
Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc.,
Dev mailing list

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