I have created a tenant and added an internal role using the carbon console
in IS 5.1.0. Then tried to list the roles using the SCIM API with command

*curl -v -k --user u...@tenant.com:12345 <http://u...@tenant.com:12345>

Only the primary roles were listed.

I added an internal role with command

*curl -v -k --user u...@tenant.com:12345
<http://u...@tenant.com:12345> --data '{"displayName":
"Internal/engineer","members": []}' --header
"Content-Type:application/json" https://localhost:9443/wso2/scim/Groups

and listed the groups again.

This time all the primary roles and the internal role added with SCIM
command was listed. In carbon console the new role is listed under internal
roles. Doesn't SCIM API list all the internal roles added from carbon
console by default? Is there any settings to be set for this.

Hareendra Chamara Philips
*Software  Engineer*
Mobile : +94 (0) 767 184161
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