Hi Chanuka,

Since we are simple invoking the api it should work.

Can you share wire logs for further investigation.

Also are you using latest ESB? Maybe issue is related to TLS version? [1]


+Dev List
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chanuka Dissanayake <chan...@wso2.com>
Date: Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 6:53 PM
Subject: Salesforce connector supports for complex queries
To: kesavany Yogarajah <kesav...@wso2.com>, Keerthika Mahendralingam <
Cc: Malaka Silva <mal...@wso2.com>, Shevan Goonetilleke <she...@wso2.com>,
Yasith Tharindu <yas...@wso2.com>, Suhan Dharmasuriya <suh...@wso2.com>,
Nirodha Pramod <niro...@wso2.com>

Hi Kesavan,

I have come across that, when querying data from Salesforce connector it
does not retrieving the data, instead it kept waiting. Have you done
anything related to $subject?. Following is the query which is not working
through the connector.

SELECT Id,Contact_Us_First_Submission_Date__c FROM Lead WHERE Status !=
'Disqualified' AND Participant_Type__c != 'Partner' AND Participant_Type__c
!= 'Other' AND Contact_Us_First_Submission_Date__c != Null
Chanuka Dissanayake
*Software Engineer | **WSO2 Inc.*; http://wso2.com

Mobile: +94 71 33 63 596
Email: chan...@wso2.com


Best Regards,

Malaka Silva
Senior Technical Lead
M: +94 777 219 791
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Skype : malaka.sampath.silva
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