Hi all,

I am trying to deploy a web app which contains some classes in the
web-inf/classes directory in AS 5.3.0. The classes inside the
web-inf/classes directory are used to expose several jaxrs endpoints. But
when I enabled the java security manager, those enpoints are not working
(404 Not found). I checked whether there are any back-end errors. But I was
unable to find any. Then I tried enabling the security logs by following
this article [1]. But I could not find any useful information in that also.
When I disabled the java security manager, it is working as expected. Then
I tried to pack the classes inside the web-inf/classes dir into a jar and
put it in the web-inf/lib directory. After doing that change, it is working
as expected. I have attached the sec.policy file here. Please be kind
enough to provide your kind input regarding this.

[1] -


*Nisala Niroshana Nanayakkara,*
Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc., http://wso2.com/

Attachment: sec.policy
Description: Binary data

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