Hi Ishani,

Thank you for your interest. However, this project is aimed at GSoC 2016,
with a tartget duration of 3 months. And currently the dealine for proposal
submission has ended. Hence, I'm afraid it won't be possible to do the
above project as you final year research.

But you can come up with your own research topic around the similar field
(propbably some real world application of ML), which I think would be a
better option. And if you need any help, we are happy to provide any


On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 9:56 AM, Ishani Pathinayake <
ishanipathinay...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm a  4th year  undergraduate from SLIIT faculty of
> computing(specializing in Software Engineering). I'm interested in doing
> the above mentioned project as the final year research. I would like to
> know more on this topic and the procedure to be followed when implementing
> it. looking forward to your reply.
> Thank you.
> --
> *Cheers !*
> Ishani Pathinayake.

*Supun Sethunga*
Software Engineer
WSO2, Inc.
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