The WSO2 Identity and Access Management team is pleased to announce the
release of WSO2 Identity Server 5.4.0 Alpha 10.

You can build the distribution from the source tag
product-is/releases/tag/v5.4.0-alpha10 following the steps below.

*Building from the source*

   1. Install Java8 or above
   2. Install Apache Maven 3.x.x(
   3. Get a clone from and checkout
   to v5.4.0-alpha10 tag or you can directly download the source for the tag
   4. Run the one of the below maven commands from product-is directory,
      - *mvn** clean install* (To build the binary and source distributions
      with the tests)
      - *mvn** clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true* (To build the binary
      and source distributions, without running any of the
unit/integration tests)
   5. You can find the binary distribution in
   product-is/modules/distribution/target directory.

The following list contains all the features, improvements, and bug fixes
available with the WSO2 Identity Server 5.4.0 Alpha 10 release.


   - [IDENTITY-6299 <>] - User
   creation via SCIM API does not return updated attribute values of the user
   - [IDENTITY-6800 <>] - SAML
   Logout does not work as expected
   - [IDENTITY-6914 <>] - Account
   creation (Adding users) take extensive amount of time when a large number
   of confirmation codes are present in the registry
   - [IDENTITY-6921 <>] -
   Updating supported grant types of an oauth application through soap service
   will cause to return tokens for invalid user


   - [IDENTITY-3754 <>] -
   Identity Server is only reading the http response status code, not the SAML
   LogoutResponse Messsage
   - [IDENTITY-5031 <>] -
   RegistryException Unable to create fixed remote mounts for the initial SAML
   SSO request
   - [IDENTITY-5887 <>] -
   commonauth logout throws NPE intermittently
   - [IDENTITY-6078 <>] - SSO
   login not responding for some users
   - [IDENTITY-6347 <>] - Not
   support some valid URL encoding character for Callback URL when creating
   oauth app
   - [IDENTITY-6356 <>] - Self
   sign up flow gives an error in backend when trying to login before user is
   - [IDENTITY-6363 <>] - Content
   of the is wrong
   - [IDENTITY-6392 <>] -
   refresh_grant is not working with RenewRefreshTokenForRefreshGrant=false
   - [IDENTITY-6408 <>] -
   Self-signup-REST api - unlocks the account even if the validation is done
   aginst a different tenant domain
   - [IDENTITY-6420 <>] - The
   "sub" value is not consistent when invoking UserInfo Endpoint with enabled
   email as user name
   - [IDENTITY-6427 <>] - Dumb
   mode update user/group and delete user/group doesn't work
   - [IDENTITY-6448 <>] - Error
   while creating saml app with metadata file or url
   - [IDENTITY-6470 <>] - When
   invoking .well-known/openid-configuration it returns deprecated DCR
   - [IDENTITY-6548 <>] - Subject
   identifier in id_token and user_info is different when "Use tenant domain
   in local subject identifier" config is enabled in SP
   - [IDENTITY-6570 <>] -
   Previously added Inbound Authentication Configuration is not visible inside
   SAML2 Web SSO Configuration and adding the same lateron gives a duplication
   - [IDENTITY-6583 <>] -
   Assigning groups to users does not provisioned correctly in SCIM outbound
   - [IDENTITY-6679 <>] - Mapping
   Roles are not updating accordingly in User/Group update in SCIM outbound
   - [IDENTITY-6702 <>] - When
   the Federation Proxy is trying to authenticate with the Federation Hub, the
   SAML Assertion is not found in the Response
   - [IDENTITY-6719 <>] - OAuth
   Client Secret gets corrupted or disappeared after TokenPersistenceProcessor
   is set to EncryptionDecryptionPersistenceProcessor
   - [IDENTITY-6765 <>] -
   check_session_iframe and end_session_endpoint do not appear in the
   configuration documentation in OpenID Connect Session Management Support
   - [IDENTITY-6828 <>] - scim id
   returned after creating the user is not equal to the scim id actually
   stored in the user store
   - [IDENTITY-6834 <>] - Invalid
   response when in token request, the authorization code is in invalid format
   - [IDENTITY-6917 <>] - SQL
   error when JWT token issuer is configured to issue self contained access
   - [IDENTITY-6937 <>] - OAuth
   apps created with DCR requests show invalid (0s) expiry times in UI
   - [IDENTITY-6939 <>] - OIDC
   DCR Request with an unknown parameter throws 500
   - [IDENTITY-6940 <>] - OIDC
   DCR request with no redirect_uri responds with invalid redirect uri values
   - [IDENTITY-6944 <>] - Role
   based provisioning fails when group endpoint is not configured for SCIM
   outbound connector


   - [IDENTITY-5561 <>] - Debug
   log message can cause java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
   - [IDENTITY-6948 <>] - Remove
   unnecessary cache configs which are not used from identity.xml file


   - [IDENTITY-6450 <>] - Add a
   field to playground to get input for response_type
   - [IDENTITY-6509 <>] -
   Properly validate recovery endpoint webapp url before showing the recovery
   links in login page
   - [IDENTITY-6774 <>] -
   Authorization Code Grant type tightly coupled to client_id, client_secret
   - [IDENTITY-6899 <>] - Provide
   an extension to change the OIDC Claim filtering logic
   - [IDENTITY-6902 <>] -
   Refactor UserInfoResponseBuilder implementations to avoid code duplication.
   - [IDENTITY-6942 <>] - Improve
   debug logs of the ProvisioningClient used with SCIM outbound connector

*Contribute to WSO2 Identity Server*

*Mailing Lists*

Join our mailing lists and correspond with the developers directly. We also
encourage you to take part in discussions related to the product in the
architecture mailing list. If you have any questions regarding the product
you can use our StackOverflow forum to raise them as well.

   - Developer List:
   - Architecture List:
   - User Forum: StackOverflow

Reporting Issues
We encourage you to report issues, improvements, and feature requests
regarding WSO2 Identity Server through our public WSO2 Identity Server JIRA

~ The WSO2 Identity and Access Management Team ~

*Jayanga Kaushalya*
Software Engineer
Mobile: +94777860160 <+94%2077%20786%200160>
WSO2 Inc. |
Dev mailing list

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