On Thu, 1 Oct 2009, Taco Hoekwater wrote:

This problem is because of euler math: the virtual fonts for that
use computer modern for the missing glyphs in the euler set, and
those are not provided by the minimals.

A workaround is to add this statement after the \assignment

 \pdfmapline{=cmsy10 LMMathSymbols10-Italic "enclmmathsy ReEncodeFont"
<lm-mathsy.enc  <lmsy10.pfb }

(it has to come after the font initialization, hence the ugly place)

Perhaps the minimals should ship the traditional math fonts (cc
dev-context), otherwise we could re-create the euler virtual fonts,
or this mapline (and a dozen or so similar ones) could go into the
euler typescript.

I thought that we had (by "we" I mean Mojca) already taken care of this/
Here is a minimal example.

\definetypeface [mainface] [rm] [serif] [palatino] [default] [encoding=texnansi]
\definetypeface [mainface] [mm] [math]  [euler] [euler] [encoding=texnansi]


test $E= \mu c^2 \int_{a}^b \exists$

pdffonts test.pdf gives

name                                 type              emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- --- --- --- ---------
WXUTWK+TeXGyrePagella-Regular        Type 1            yes yes no       4  0
ZXUTFO+EURM10                        Type 1            yes yes no       5  0
KVDNPZ+EUFM10                        Type 1            yes yes no       6  0
JQWHRK+EUEX10                        Type 1            yes yes no       7  0
YXBNQG+LMMathSymbols10-Regular       Type 1            yes yes no       8  0

So, LM symbols font is being used (for \exists).

David, which version are you using?

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