Re: [dev-context] Texexec help message

2012-11-28 Thread Hans Hagen

On 11/27/2012 9:37 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:

texexec --help --all gives

TeXExec | [--checkcheck versions]
TeXExec | [--figures  generate overview of figures]
TeXExec | [--listing  list of file content]
TeXExec | [--make make formats]
TeXExec | [--modules  generate module documentation]
TeXExec | [--mpgraphicprocess mp file to stand-alone graphics]
TeXExec | [--mpstatic process mp/ctx file to stand-alone graphics]
TeXExec | [--mptexprocess mp file]
TeXExec | [--mpxtex   process mpx file]
TeXExec | [--pdfarrange   impose pages (booklets)]
TeXExec | [--pdfcombine   combine multiple pages]
TeXExec | [--pdfcopy  copy pages from file(s)]
TeXExec | [--pdfselectselect pages from file(s)]
TeXExec | [--pdfsplit split file in pages]
TeXExec | [--pdftrim  trim pages from file(s)]
TeXExec | [--process  process file]
TeXExec | []
TeXExec | [boolean switches:]
TeXExec | []
TeXExec | [  allpatterns  alpha  arrange  automprun  autopath]
TeXExec | [  autopdf  batchmode  beta  centerpage  color]
TeXExec | [  combine  draft  fast  final  forcempy]
TeXExec | [  forcetexutil  forcexml  foxet  fullscreen  globalfile]
TeXExec | [  keep  local  markings  mkii  mkiv]
TeXExec | [  mpyforce  noarrange  nobackend  nobanner  noctx]
TeXExec | [  noduplex  nomapfiles  nompmode  nomprun  nonstopmode]
TeXExec | [  nooptionfile  notparanoid  once  paranoid  pretty]
TeXExec | [  purge  purgeall  screensaver  simplerun  synctex]
TeXExec | [  texutil  utfbom  verbose  xpdf]
TeXExec | []
TeXExec | [string switches:]
TeXExec | []
TeXExec | [  addempty  arguments  backend  background  backspace]
TeXExec | [  bannerheight  bodyfont  boxtype  combination  ctxfile]
TeXExec | [  distribution  endcolumn  endline  engine  environments]
TeXExec | [  filename  filters  input  interface  language]
TeXExec | [  logfile  mainlanguage  method  mode  modefile]
TeXExec | [  modes  mpsformats  output  pages  paperformat]
TeXExec | [  paperoffset  passon  path  pdftitle  printformat]
TeXExec | [  progname  randomseed  response  result  runs]
TeXExec | [  scale  selection  separation  setuppath  startcolumn]
TeXExec | [  startline  suffix  tempdir  texformats  textwidth]
TeXExec | [  timeout  topspace  usemodules]

It appears that a `.join` or `.to_s` method is missing somewhere.

can you patch

r  '  ' + s.to_s

in line 736

(a pretty weird situation if that changed in ruby; on my system that 
patch is not needed; ruby version 1.8.6)


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | voip: 087 875 68 74 |
dev-context mailing list

Re: [dev-context] Texexec help message

2012-11-28 Thread Aditya Mahajan

On Wed, 28 Nov 2012, Hans Hagen wrote:

On 11/27/2012 9:37 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:

It appears that a `.join` or `.to_s` method is missing somewhere.

can you patch

   r  '  ' + s.to_s

in line 736

(a pretty weird situation if that changed in ruby; on my system that patch is 
not needed; ruby version 1.8.6)

I use ruby 1.9.3p286 (2012-10-12 revision 37165) [i686-linux] and it does 
appear to be due to a change in the Array class.

(search for to_s)

The bug is not in line 736. If I change that line to

   r  ' '

(an extreme case always helps testing), I get

texexec --help --all

TeXExec | [version 6.2.1 - 1997-2009 - PRAGMA ADE/POD]

TeXExec | [--checkcheck versions]
TeXExec | [--figures  generate overview of figures]
TeXExec | [--listing  list of file content]
TeXExec | [--make make formats]
TeXExec | [--modules  generate module documentation]
TeXExec | [--mpgraphicprocess mp file to stand-alone graphics]
TeXExec | [--mpstatic process mp/ctx file to stand-alone graphics]
TeXExec | [--mptexprocess mp file]
TeXExec | [--mpxtex   process mpx file]
TeXExec | [--pdfarrange   impose pages (booklets)]
TeXExec | [--pdfcombine   combine multiple pages]
TeXExec | [--pdfcopy  copy pages from file(s)]
TeXExec | [--pdfselectselect pages from file(s)]
TeXExec | [--pdfsplit split file in pages]
TeXExec | [--pdftrim  trim pages from file(s)]
TeXExec | [--process  process file]
TeXExec | []
TeXExec | [boolean switches:]
TeXExec | []
TeXExec | [  ]
TeXExec | [  ]
TeXExec | [  ]
TeXExec | [  ]
TeXExec | [  ]
TeXExec | [  ]
TeXExec | [  ]
TeXExec | [  ]
TeXExec | [  ]
TeXExec | []
TeXExec | []
TeXExec | [string switches:]
TeXExec | []
TeXExec | [  ]
TeXExec | [  ]
TeXExec | [  ]
TeXExec | [  ]
TeXExec | [  ]
TeXExec | [  ]
TeXExec | [  ]
TeXExec | [  ]
TeXExec | [  ]
TeXExec | [  ]
TeXExec | [  ]

So, the `s` part is being formatted correctly, the brackets are coming 
from somewhere else.

I tested by changing report function in base/logger.rb, and if I change 
line 50 to

message = str.first.join(' ')

then texexec --help --all gives

TeXExec | --checkcheck versions
TeXExec | --figures  generate overview of figures
TeXExec | --listing  list of file content
TeXExec | --make make formats
TeXExec | --modules  generate module documentation
TeXExec | --mpgraphicprocess mp file to stand-alone graphics
TeXExec | --mpstatic process mp/ctx file to stand-alone graphics
TeXExec | --mptexprocess mp file
TeXExec | --mpxtex   process mpx file
TeXExec | --pdfarrange   impose pages (booklets)
TeXExec | --pdfcombine   combine multiple pages
TeXExec | --pdfcopy  copy pages from file(s)
TeXExec | --pdfselectselect pages from file(s)
TeXExec | --pdfsplit split file in pages
TeXExec | --pdftrim  trim pages from file(s)
TeXExec | --process  process file
TeXExec |
TeXExec | boolean switches:
TeXExec |
TeXExec |   allpatterns  alpha  arrange  automprun  autopath
TeXExec |   autopdf  batchmode  beta  centerpage  color
TeXExec |   combine  draft  fast  final  forcempy
TeXExec |   forcetexutil  forcexml  foxet  fullscreen  globalfile
TeXExec |   keep  local  markings  mkii  mkiv
TeXExec |   mpyforce  noarrange  nobackend  nobanner  noctx
TeXExec |   noduplex  nomapfiles  nompmode  nomprun  nonstopmode
TeXExec |   nooptionfile  notparanoid  once  paranoid  pretty
TeXExec |   purge  purgeall  screensaver  simplerun  synctex
TeXExec |   texutil  utfbom  verbose  xpdf
TeXExec |
TeXExec | string switches:
TeXExec |
TeXExec |   addempty  arguments  backend  background  backspace
TeXExec |   bannerheight  bodyfont  boxtype  combination  ctxfile
TeXExec |   distribution  endcolumn  endline  engine  environments
TeXExec |   filename  filters  input  interface  language
TeXExec |   logfile  mainlanguage  method  mode  modefile
TeXExec |   modes  mpsformats  output  pages  paperformat
TeXExec |   paperoffset  passon  path  pdftitle  printformat
TeXExec |   progname  randomseed  response  result  runs
TeXExec |   scale  selection  separation  setuppath  startcolumn
TeXExec |   startline  suffix  tempdir  texformats  textwidth
TeXExec |   timeout  topspace  usemodules

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