[magnolia-dev] Re: Wrapper around each

2017-07-07 Thread Philipp Roland (via Magnolia Forums)
Solved! I got a Typo somewhere in my Template-Script, but the error Messages 
pointed me to a absolute different Position so I waste a cuple of time just to 
fix something that wasn't the Problem.

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[magnolia-dev] Wrapper around each

2017-07-06 Thread Philipp Roland (via Magnolia Forums)
I have the following Code within my Area-Template that works as expected:

[@cms.area name="content" /]

What I need now: I just want to "wrap" each Component within the "content"-Area 
with an additional "div"-Tag. So I've tried to do the following in the 

[#list components as component]

[@cms.component content=component /]


But this gives me an Error "components" is null.

Any idea what I do wrong?

Thanks in advance.

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[magnolia-dev] Re: Different Image-Variation for Retina-Displays

2017-04-10 Thread Philipp Roland (via Magnolia Forums)
Hi Jordie

Thanks (and sorry for my late answer). Will give it a try.


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[magnolia-dev] Different Image-Variation for Retina-Displays

2017-03-21 Thread Philipp Roland (via Magnolia Forums)
Hi all

I'd like to deal with different Image-Variation in our Text-Image-Component, if 
the Client is a "High-Density"-Screen (for example Retina-Display).

With the following JavaScript-Code I can detect, if the Device uses a 

function isHighDensity(){
return ((window.matchMedia && (window.matchMedia('only screen and 
(min-resolution: 124dpi), only screen and (min-resolution: 1.3dppx), only 
screen and (min-resolution: 48.8dpcm)').matches || window.matchMedia('only 
screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.3), only screen and 
(-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2.6/2), only screen and 
(min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.3), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 
1.3)').matches)) || (window.devicePixelRatio && window.devicePixelRatio > 1.3));

What I'd like to do now is something like in the following Pseudo-Code: 
   imageRendition = damfn.getRendition(image, "image-with-retina")
   imageRendition = damfn.getRendition(image, "image")

But clearly I have a Problem, that I couldn't use the JavaScript in the FTL.

But is there a way to handle Images differently depending on the 

Thanks for any suggestions.


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[magnolia-dev] Send E-Mail from within Contacts

2017-03-14 Thread Philipp Roland (via Magnolia Forums)

Is there a simple way of sending E-Mails directly out of for example the 

Probably defining a Action that calls the "sendMail"-Command with the 
E-Mail-Address of the currently selected user or calling the Forms-Module with 
the E-Mail-Address of the currently selected-user?

What I've tried so far is, defining an Action on the App that calls the 
"sendMail"-Command. But that doesn't work.

Any help would be appreciate.

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[magnolia-dev] Editable Content in Subpage

2016-12-06 Thread Philipp Roland (via Magnolia Forums)
Hi everybody

I have the following issue:

I use a stage-area and I have a Master-Page, where the Author can define for 
example a Section-Title. I have defined that the stage-area is inherit to the 
subpages. This work well.

Now, is there a way to give the Author the possibility to overwrite the Title 
in the Subpage if this is necessary?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions


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[magnolia-dev] Re: Get E-Mail of currentUser

2016-12-06 Thread Philipp Roland (via Magnolia Forums)
Hi Jan

Sorry for my late answer. I saw the answer just now.

Thanks a lot for your reply. This should do the trick.


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[magnolia-dev] Options for "Show all"-Tab in Standard Dialog

2016-11-09 Thread Philipp Roland (via Magnolia Forums)

Is there an easy way (by configuration), that you can remove the "Show all"-Tab 
in the Standard-Content-Dialog. Or move this Tab to left (at the beginning), so 
it is the first tab that is shown?

Thanks in advance for your answers.


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[magnolia-dev] Re: Deep Link to asset

2016-10-31 Thread Philipp Roland (via Magnolia Forums)

I've solved it by creating a copy-servlet of the DamDownloadServlet. In this 
servlet I seek for the uuid of the asset in our custom-workspace. This works 
for us.

Thanks again to everybody for your appreciated suggestions.


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[magnolia-dev] Re: Deep Link to asset

2016-10-28 Thread Philipp Roland (via Magnolia Forums)
Thank you Tom for your input!!!

I've now removed the "class" from URI2Repository. So now there are only the 
following entries for the "maps-assets"-node of "URI2RepositoryMapping":

URIPrevix  /maps-assets/
handlePrefix  -
repository maps-assets

With the "cmsf.link" now I get back the URL 
 So new there is a ".html" added at the end. But this still gives me a "404" if 
I enter this URL in a separate Tab of my browser (of course with preset 

Any other ideas?


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[magnolia-dev] Re: Deep Link to asset

2016-10-27 Thread Philipp Roland (via Magnolia Forums)
Once again thanks for your reply.

No the link 
 does not work either.

And in this project we are using Magnolia 5.3.12.


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[magnolia-dev] Re: Deep Link to asset

2016-10-27 Thread Philipp Roland (via Magnolia Forums)

First: Thanks a lot for your suggestions

I've tried Toms solution and I've really get back a URL 
 But this URL doesn't point me to the pdf (I've got an Magnolia Ooops-page, of 
course I preset the "localhost:8080" to the URL.

What I've done so far, is that I create the URI2RepositoryMapping-Entry by 
duplicating the "dam"-Entry and only change the "URIPrefix" and "Repository" to 
my Repository (the class is the same as on DAM right?).

Any ideas what I've done wrong?

Thanks in advance,

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[magnolia-dev] Deep Link to asset

2016-10-27 Thread Philipp Roland (via Magnolia Forums)

I guess it's a very stupid question, but I struggle around since a long time 
and problably you got an easy solution:

How can I access a PDF-Document, that is stored in Magnolia. It is not stored 
in the "normal" DAM but in a custom repository/workspace.

What I try to do is: I want to embed this in a ftl like this "http://localhost:8080/blablabla/mypdf.pdf; width="100%" height="400px" 
/>". What I need for that is the appropriate deep-link. 

Any help is very appreciate.


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[magnolia-dev] Get E-Mail of currentUser

2016-10-25 Thread Philipp Roland (via Magnolia Forums)

I'm looking for an easy way to get the E-Mail-Adress of the current User. Is 
there nothing like "MgnlContext.getUser().getEmail()"?

What's the easiest way to solve this?

Thanks in advance.

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