[cross-posting to stability]

 Hiya all,
this is a heads-up that we just landed a patch that rewrites the code we
use to write minidumps for content process crashes in Rust [1] for our
Linux builds. The resulting dumps should be identical to what we
obtained before, so if you spot strange crashes in the next few nightly
builds please report them.

Note that this change only affects content process crashes; main process
crashes are still using the old code and will be switched over only in
the coming months. Android is not affected by this change ATM and so are
the non-x86 Linux platforms.

I'd like to thank Martin Sirringhaus who contributed this change. It was
a very significant chunk of work in an area of Gecko that is both
complex and obscure.


[1] Rewrite the Linux-specific minidump writer code in Rust
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