Android tests - do not forget logcat!

2020-02-14 Thread Geoffrey Brown via dev-platform
Lately it feels like there is more activity around running, investigating,
and fixing Android automated tests -- that's great to see!

When looking at logs from automated test logs, be aware that there are
differences between desktop and Android. Some messages dumped to standard
output will appear in the desktop test log, but not on Android: They likely
appear in the logcat instead. Logcat also provides additional diagnostic
logging from geckoview, as well as logging from the OS and other apps
running on the test device. It is a complicated, comprehensive account of
what is happening on the device -- often essential to understanding test

All Android test tasks have the full logcat attached as a separate
artifact, visible in the treeherder Job Details pane and also in the Log
Viewer. Look for "*artifact uploaded:* logcat-.log".
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Visibility of disabled tests

2020-01-11 Thread Geoffrey Brown
Thanks Johann. I agree it is important that we try to fix tests that have
been disabled. I think the sheriffs usually needinfo the triage owner
before/when disabling a test; I'm disappointed to hear that isn't happening

However, I'd prefer not to change the review process for the disabling
patch. Currently sheriffs normally request review from
#intermittent-reviewers and that has been working well:
 - we strive for very low latency so that frequently failing tests can be
addressed right away
 - we watch for common errors in test manifests
 - we can help ensure consistency in the test disabling procedure.

Keep in mind that sheriffs also needinfo (typically the triage owner) when
a test is identified as "needswork", failing frequently but not yet at the
disabling threshold. Often those needinfo requests go unanswered or fail to
resolve the issue (no shaming here: we are all busy and have priorities). I
think that requesting review from test author/triage owner/component peer
risks adding another 2 day delay to the overall process -- more time where
those tests are failing.

Instead of changing the reviewers, how about:
 - we remind the sheriffs to needinfo
 - #intermittent-reviewers check that needinfo is in place when reviewing
disabling patches.

It might be helpful if we explicitly consider some special cases. If the
sheriffs have needinfo'd for "needswork" and that needinfo has been
cleared, do we  want to set needinfo again when disabling? Always? If the
triage owner has a huge needinfo queue, still needinfo? ...

Regarding regression finding, as I understand it, sheriffs currently look
for regression ranges for bugs where:
 - the test is failing frequently: since these are easier to verify
pass/fail on any push
 - the test was running reliably in the near past.
In my experience, a comment on the bug requesting a regression range can be
effective. I don't know if the sheriffs have much time for additional
regression searches.

 - Geoff

On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 6:29 AM Johann Hofmann  wrote:

> Hi folks,
> in the past I and other triage owners have experienced some frequently
> failing tests being disabled without a clear notice to the triage owner,
> component owner or test author. I've seen this specific pattern a few times:
> - An intermittent test starts failing very frequently very suddenly.
> - The Stockwell team reacts quickly (which is good) and disables the test,
> getting review from another sheriff or member of their team.
> - No analysis is done on the possible cause or regressing bug
> - The intermittent bug is left open without needinfo to anyone who could
> fix the test (some even with a P5 priority).
> This is problematic, since a) we're losing test coverage that way and b)
> these tests might be failing frequently because there's actually something
> wrong with the feature, not just a test issue.
> In most cases these get discovered sooner or later so I don't want to make
> this issue bigger than it is, but it's still suboptimal for some of us. It
> seems like we could easily remedy this by introducing a policy like:
> *For disabling tests, review from the test author, triage owner or a
> component peer is required. If they do not respond within 2? business days
> or if the frequency is higher than x, the test may be disabled without
> their consent, but the triage owner *must* be needinfo'd on such a bug in
> this case.*
> It would also be extremely helpful if Sheriffs could post a possible
> regression range for the frequent intermittent when disabling, where
> possible (because I assume that's also the best time to do a regression
> range).
> Any thoughts?
> Cheers.
> Johann
dev-platform mailing list

PSA: Android test environments

2019-10-18 Thread Geoffrey Brown
The Android test environments used for continuous integration have been
through many changes over the last year or two; here's a review of what we
have today. [1]

Most of our Android tests run on emulators. Some run on hardware: real

Our Android hardware tests run on physical devices -- Motorola G5 and Pixel
2 phones currently -- and those phones are physically managed by bitbar, a
device farm provider. These test platforms appear on treeherder as "Android
7.0 MotoG5" and "Android 8.0 Pixel2".  Running tests on hardware is
relatively expensive so we make deliberate choices about which tests run on
hardware. All of our performance (raptor) tests, architecture-sensitive
tests like jittest and jsreftest, and select tests requiring special
capabilities run on hardware.

All other tests -- web-platform tests, most mochitests, reftests, xpcshell
tests, etc -- run on emulators. The emulator test platform appears on
treeherder as "Android 7.0 x86-64". These tests run in the Android x86_64
emulator on a Linux host. Unlike previous generations of our emulator test
environment, today's emulator tests are fast: Thanks to hardware
acceleration, tests run at about the same rate as they do on our desktop

The Android tests running on trunk today are testing geckoview apps (Fennec
tests continue to run on the esr68 branch). Most raptor tests run in the
geckoview_example app; additional raptor tests run in Fenix and the
Reference Browser; most other tests run in the geckoview test app.

Both emulator and hardware tests have a fixed pool of instances: Regardless
of load, we can only run N emulator tasks, or M hardware tasks at a time.
Release Engineering Operations monitors backlog for both pools, but
temporary backlogs are expected and tolerated.

Since our hardware testing capacity is particularly limited, to run Android
hardware tests on try, you must use the --full option with 'mach try fuzzy'
[2]. For instance, you can see the available tests with 'mach try fuzzy
--no-push --full --query "android-hw"' and you could run android-hw
mochitest-media tests with 'mach try fuzzy --full --query "android-hw

There are no similar restrictions on try runs for emulator tests -- but
please use responsibly!

dev-platform mailing list

Announcing new test platform "Android 7.0 x86"

2018-11-01 Thread Geoffrey Brown
This week some familiar tier 1 test suites began running on a new test
platform labelled "Android 7.0 x86" on treeherder. Only a few test suites
are running so far; more are planned.

Like the existing "Android 4.2" and "Android 4.3" test platforms, these
tests run in an Android emulator running in a docker container (the same
Ubuntu-based image used for linux64 tests).  The new platform runs an x86
emulator using kvm acceleration, enabling tests to run much, much faster
than on the older platforms. As a bonus, the new platform uses Android 7.0
("Nougat", API 24) - more modern, more relevant.

This test platform was added to support geckoview testing. Tests run in the
geckoview-based TestRunnerActivity (not Firefox for Android).

To reproduce the main elements of this test environment locally:
 - build for Android x86 (mozconfig with --target=i686-linux-android)
 - 'mach android-emulator' or explicitly 'mach android-emulator --version
 - install the geckoview androidTest apk
 - run your test command using --app to specify the geckoview test app,
something like 'mach mochitest ... --app=org.mozilla.geckoview.test'

Great thanks to the many people who have helped enable this test platform,
especially :wcosta for help with taskcluster and :jchen for investigating
test failures.
dev-platform mailing list

New Android-only test suite on treeherder: geckoview-junit

2018-05-01 Thread Geoffrey Brown
With bug 1445716, there is a new Android-only, tier-1 test suite on
treeherder: geckoview-junit (gv-junit). These are are on-device Android
junit tests written in support of geckoview, running in our standard
Android emulator environment on aws instances.

You can run these tests on a local emulator or Android device with 'mach
geckoview-junit'; be sure to install org.mozilla.geckoview.test from

Technical and support details at

I am glad to answer questions/concerns/enhancement requests.

 - Geoff
dev-platform mailing list


2018-03-06 Thread Geoffrey Brown
It is now possible to skip tests in test-verify. Simplify annotate the
manifest for your test:

skip-if = verify

or, for reftests:

skip-if(verify) ...

and the test-verify (TV) test task will not try to verify the annotated

Please don't abuse this feature! Most TV failures indicate a weakness in
the test.

As always, you can read more about test-verify at
dev-platform mailing list

Better triage for intermittent leaks in tests?

2017-10-26 Thread Geoffrey Brown
Some of our most troublesome intermittent test failures are leak bugs
("Intermittent LeakSanitizer | leak at ..." or "Intermittent leakcheck
| default process:  bytes leaked ...") Even when they fail
frequently, these bugs often seem to remain unresolved for many weeks.
Leaks are sometimes not strongly associated with a particular test,
making it difficult to assign to a useful bugzilla component, or find
a motivated triage owner or assignee.

I feel like these bugs are not being connected to the "right" people
effectively. Could we do better?

For instance, could we assign all leak bugs to a specific bugzilla
component, with a "leak guru" as triage owner? Volunteers??

- Geoff
dev-platform mailing list

Re: --verify option added to mochitest, reftest, xpcshell test harnesses

2017-10-03 Thread Geoffrey Brown
On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 1:05 PM, Andrew Halberstadt
> This is really great Geoff! Hopefully it can cut down the number of new
> intermittents we introduce to the tree. Do you know if orangefactor or
> ActiveData can track the rate of new incoming intermittents? Would be neat
> to see how much of an impact this tool has on that.

Thanks Andrew.

I think that data is probably available in ActiveData, but querying
for "new" might be tricky...I wouldn't know where to begin.

Bugzilla might be the way to go: count bugs with keyword
intermittent-failure created today, vs yesterday vs the day before

I suspect those numbers would be dominated by low frequency
intermittent failures, which might not change. In fact I'm actually
hoping to catch only mid- to high-frequency failures with TV, so that
it doesn't end up wasting people's time fixing intermittents that we
would hardly notice otherwise.

 - Geoff
dev-platform mailing list

test-verify now running as tier 2

2017-10-02 Thread Geoffrey Brown
Today the test-verify test task will start running as a tier 2 job.
Look for the "TV" symbol on treeherder, on linux-64 test platforms.

TV is intended as an "early warning system" for identifying the
introduction of intermittent test failures. When a mochitest, reftest,
or xpcshell test file is modified on a push, TV runs that particular
test over and over until it fails (orange job, standard failure
messages), or until max iterations are achieved (green job, all's
well), or until TV runs out of time (green job, maybe all's well?). As
a consequence, when a new test is added or a test is modified and an
intermittent failure is introduced, TV will usually be the first job
to fail, and it will fail on the push that modified the test, making
it (usually) simple to identify where the intermittent was introduced.

In future I hope to run TV on more platforms, apply it to more test
suites, and refine the --verify implementation to find intermittent
failures more efficiently. As a tier 2 task, TV failures will be
starred but will not cause backouts. I hope to move to tier 1 once TV
is proven to be effective.

More info at [1]. Bug and enhancement requests welcomed: please file
bugs blocking bug 1357513.

dev-platform mailing list

--verify option added to mochitest, reftest, xpcshell test harnesses

2017-10-02 Thread Geoffrey Brown
The mochitest, reftest, and xpcshell test harnesses now support a
--verify option. For example:

  mach mochitest
docshell/test/test_anchor_scroll_after_document_open.html --verify

In verify mode, the requested test is run multiple times, in various
"modes", in hopes of quickly finding any intermittent failures. Once
tests are complete, a summary of results is printed:

::: Test verification summary for:
::: docshell/test/test_anchor_scroll_after_document_open.html
::: 1. Run each test 10 times in one browser. : Pass
::: 2. Run each test 5 times in a new browser each time. : Pass
::: 3. Run each test 10 times in one browser, in chaos mode. : Pass
::: 4. Run each test 5 times in a new browser each time, in chaos mode. : Pass
::: Test verification PASSED

There's no flexibility in the number of times the test is run in each
mode and that's by design: I wanted a simple, standard way of checking
"Is this test likely to produce a frequent intermittent failure"?

Verify mode was developed for the test-verify task (announcement
coming soon!) but it may also be a convenient addition to your local

More info at [1]. Bug and enhancement requests welcomed: please file
bugs blocking bug 1357513.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Reminder on Try usage and infrastructure resources

2017-09-15 Thread Geoffrey Brown
Masayuki, your try push had trouble because you requested
"mochitest-2" instead of "mochitest-e10s-2". Non-e10s mochitests only
run on Android and Windows now. You probably wanted something like:

This is a good example of how a small deviation from "correct" try
syntax can have unexpected and frustrating consequences.

 - Geoff

On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 7:15 PM, Masayuki Nakano  wrote:
> I tried to say different point. See the treehearder log, mochitests didn't
> run except on Win7 Debug, Android 4.3 API16+ Opt/Debug. So, try syntax
> parser or something is really broken. I often meet this kind of bug.
> On 9/15/2017 10:07 AM, Kris Maglione wrote:
>> Your best bet is probably to use `mach try` with a specific set of test
>> directories. It will generate a set of --try-test-paths flags to restrict
>> tests to those paths, and only run the first chunk of any group. Without
>> that, groups shift around too much to be reliable.
>> On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 10:03:00AM +0900, Masayuki Nakano wrote:
>>> Even when I got the chunk numbers, specifying chunk numbers of mochitests
>>> wouldn't work, see this log:
>>> After that, I needed to rerun mochitests with |-u mochitests|. IIRC, I
>>> tried to kick the specific chunks with "Add new jobs", but didn't work.
>>> And also, when I try to investigate random oranges which are not
>>> reproducible on my environments, I want an option like |--run-until-failure|
>>> and |--repeat REPEAT| in the try syntax. Because of no such options, I need
>>> to trigger a lot of jobs manually and that may/might cause too many oranges.
>>> On 9/15/2017 1:21 AM, Kyle Lahnakoski wrote:

 You can try ActiveData, which stores all test results from the past few
 weeks.  Here is an example query that shows the chunk number for each
 run/build combo in the past day.  ActiveData is sometimes more than a
 day behind


 On 2017-09-14 11:49, Michael de Boer wrote:
>> On 14 Sep 2017, at 17:48, Marco Bonardo  wrote:
>> When I need to retrigger a mochitest-browser test multiple times (to
>> investigate an intermittent), often I end up running all the
>> mochitest-browser tests, looking at every log until I find the chunk
>> where the test is, and retrigger just that chunk. The chunk number
>> changes based on the platform and debug/opt, so it's painful.
>> Is there a way to trigger only the chunk that will contain a given
>> test, so I can save running all of the other chunks?
> This! This! This! I’d love to be able to do this - would making testing
> possible test failure fixes sooo much easier.
> Cheers,
> Mike.

>>> --
>>> Masayuki Nakano 
>>> Software Engineer, Mozilla
> --
> Masayuki Nakano 
> Software Engineer, Mozilla
> --
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dev-platform mailing list

Re: Have you run 'mach bootstrap' lately?

2017-05-12 Thread Geoffrey Brown
I'm not sure. I always just answer the prompts and am happy with that.

There is a --settings option, which sounds like it might be helpful, but I
don't have any experience with that.

 - Geoff

On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 9:00 AM, Ethan Glasser-Camp <> wrote:

> Is there a way to run it without having to reanswer the configuration
> questions?
> Ethan
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Have you run 'mach bootstrap' lately?

2017-05-12 Thread Geoffrey Brown
Good idea - I filed bug 1364480.

On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 8:45 AM, Sylvestre Ledru  wrote:

> Le 12/05/2017 à 05:08, Geoffrey Brown a écrit :
> > If you set up your build environment with 'mach bootstrap' but haven't
> run
> > it recently, consider taking a few minutes now to run it again. Running
> > 'mach bootstrap' from time to time will keep your environment up to date
> > and (more-or-less) in sync with your colleagues'.
> >
> > This seems to be especially important for Android test environments: The
> > Android SDK and associated tools are always being updated and if you
> don't
> > stay up to date, there's a good chance something will eventually break.
> >
> Would it be possible to add a check like:
> "You haven't updated your local configuration since XX days, please
> consider running
> mach bootstrap ?"
> Thanks,
> Sylvestre
dev-platform mailing list

Have you run 'mach bootstrap' lately?

2017-05-11 Thread Geoffrey Brown
If you set up your build environment with 'mach bootstrap' but haven't run
it recently, consider taking a few minutes now to run it again. Running
'mach bootstrap' from time to time will keep your environment up to date
and (more-or-less) in sync with your colleagues'.

This seems to be especially important for Android test environments: The
Android SDK and associated tools are always being updated and if you don't
stay up to date, there's a good chance something will eventually break.
dev-platform mailing list

Changes to OrangeFactor Robot comments in intermittent test failure bugs

2016-11-15 Thread Geoffrey Brown
"OrangeFactor Robot" comments in bugs for intermittent test failures now
have additional information:

1. Daily and weekly comments now include the push count and failure rate.
For example:

  7 failures in 606 pushes (0.012 failures/push) were associated with this
bug yesterday.

Previously, only the failure count ("7 failures") was reported, sometimes
leading to misconceptions about changes to failure rate (a test failed 3
times yesterday, but 30 times today -- did the test change today...or were
the trees closed yesterday!?).

The push count is still only a very rough approximation of the number of
times the test was run. Sometimes tests are skipped on certain platforms,
skipped on a push to reduce load, or retried/repeated on a single push. In
particular, since SETA regularly skips some test jobs, the number of test
runs per push will vary across test jobs, so the failure rate of one test
relative to another test may not be meaningful.

Use the failure rate to compare changes in the rate of occurrence of one
bug over time; do not use it to compare one bug to another.

2. The weekly comments for the most frequent failures now include the bug's
rank -- its position in that week's top 50 most frequent failures tracked
by OrangeFactor. For example:

  This is the #12 most frequent failure this week.

This is an indication of the relative frequency of this bug compared to
other intermittent test failure bugs: The #12 bug had more tracked failures
than the #13 bug. This may be an effective guide for prioritizing work on
intermittent test failure bugs.

3. The weekly comments for bugs with more than 50 failures in the week now

  ** This failure happened more than 50 times this week! Resolving this bug
is a high priority. **

These high-frequency failures consistently account for a large percentage
of test failures. In the last 7 days, just 36 high-frequency bugs (less
than 4% of the 987 bugs tracked by OrangeFactor) accounted for 4111
failures (about 41% of the 8902 failures tracked by OrangeFactor).

If you can contribute to the resolution of one of these bugs, please make
it a priority: Quick resolution of these bugs can reduce overall test
failure counts dramatically, helping everyone watching treeherder.
dev-platform mailing list

Better mach support for Firefox for Android

2015-11-30 Thread Geoffrey Brown
In recent months, many improvements have been made to mach commands to
support running, testing, and debugging Firefox for Android:

 - More test commands for Android. These mach test commands now support
Firefox for Android explicitly:

  mach mochitest
  mach robocop
  mach reftest
  mach crashtest
  mach jstestbrowser
  mach xpcshell-test
  mach cppunittest

 - Emulator support. 'mach android-emulator' launches the Android emulator,
using the same Android image used to run tests seen on treeherder; select
an image type with the --version option.

 - All of the test, run, and debug commands offer to start the Android
emulator if no Android device is connected (when run from an Android

  $ ./mach mochitest testing/mochitest/tests/Harness_sanity
  No Android devices connected. Start an emulator? (Y/n)

 - All test, run, and debug commands offer to install Firefox on the
connected device or emulator if Firefox is not already installed.

  $ ./mach mochitest testing/mochitest/tests/Harness_sanity
  It looks like Firefox is not installed on this device.
  Install Firefox? (Y/n)

 - Test commands requiring host xpcshell offer to install "host utilities"
if none have been configured.

 - Firefox can be run on an Android device or emulator with 'mach run'.

 - JimDB, a GDB fork explicitly supporting debugging for Firefox for
Android, can be installed, configured, and run with 'mach run --debug'.

 - Emulator images, host utilities, and jimdb are automatically downloaded,
cached, and installed as needed.

 - Firefox for Android wiki pages have been updated:
- Build info at
- Testing info at
- Debugging with GDB at

 - Screencasts demonstrate common tasks at

Running, testing, and debugging Firefox will always be more complicated on
Android than on desktop, but now these tasks look just as easy on Android,
and can be performed with the same mach commands as on desktop.

If you have had trouble in the past running, testing, or debugging your own
Firefox for Android build, this is a great time to try again. All you need
to get started is a Firefox for Android build on a Linux or OSX computer.
Something not working for you? Have more ideas for improvements? Let me
dev-platform mailing list

Re: B2G emulator issues

2014-04-07 Thread Geoffrey Brown
On 4/7/2014 3:16 PM, Randell Jesup wrote:
> The B2G emulator design is causing all sorts of problems.  We just fixed

That sounds very similar to some of the failures seen on the Android 2.3 
emulator. Many media-related mochitests intermittently time out on the Android 
2.3 emulator when run on aws. These are reported in bug 981889, bug 981886, bug 
981881, and bug 981898, but have not been investigated.
dev-platform mailing list