Re: Two Factor Authentication and Github

2016-05-23 Thread antoine . mechelynck
On Monday, May 23, 2016 at 2:29:02 PM UTC+2, Lawrence Mandel wrote:
> You can ignore this email if you are not a member of the GitHub Mozilla
> organization.
> Starting on June 20th, the GitHub Mozilla organization will require Two
> Factor Authentication (2FA). We’re implementing 2FA for security reasons --
>  if you lose or have your password stolen, 2FA provides an extra layer of
> defense to prevent your account from being compromised. This change has
> already been rolled out for Admins, and is now being extended for all
> members.
> You can learn more about GitHub and 2FA at
> Please see for more information about using
> GitHub at Mozilla, or find us on #github on
> Thanks,
> Lawrence

Sorry, but IIUC setting up 2FA requires a smartphone and I don't have one. Not 
only I never had a smartphone, but my dumb cellphone recently got its screen 
broken down so the only thing it is still good for is receiving voice 
communications. To read or send SMSes I need the screen, and so do I to see 
where an incoming phone call (which I couldn't immediately answer) or a message 
came from.
I have a house phone (on a line); it uses tones, not strings of 1 to 10 
impulses, and I think it can receive but not send SMS messages; also, for 
security against unscrupulous neighbours it is restricted to sending only 
domestic calls (within Belgium). (Incoming calls can come from anywhere.)
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Merging comm-central into mozilla-central

2015-11-21 Thread antoine . mechelynck
After reading this whole long thread (though I daresay I've read some parts of 
it "diagonally") I learned in it that the official MoCo policy is that Firefox 
developers must NEVER spend time (or at least company time) on giving the least 
help to Thunderbird and SeaMonkey. This made me sad but didn't really surprise 

I also noticed that some Firefox developers don't apply that directive to the 
letter and it made me think that all hope isn't left.

To me, anything that can make work easier for everyone is a plus, and reducing 
friction is IMHO one important way of making work easier. If merging the 
repositories reduces duplication of work, so much the better. OTOH, if it 
requires special and costly hacks to make sure that Firefox, Thunderbird, 
Lightning, and, if it gets integrated too, ChatZilla (which is distributed as 
part of SeaMonkey, is written in XUL and JS, but lived in a separate hg 
reopsitory last time I looked) can all build correctly, then it should be 
avoided. I'm not competent enough to judge between these two possibilities.

But as a QA peer for SeaMonkey, I have made it my policy (which doesn't depend 
on anyone else's decisions because I'm not paid for it) to help other projects' 
developers to the measure of my capacities. When I move a bug originally filed 
in SeaMonkey::General to someplace in MailNews Core, Toolkit or Core (or 
anywhere else but these are the most frequent non-Suite-specific Products for 
such bugs) I follow that bug for all its life, help debugging it if I can, and 
contribute to VERIFYing it on SeaMonkey when it's FIXED. To me this is simple 
courtesy (helping other people, e.g. Firefox people, who happen to have the 
same problems as I do) and it is also in my own interest (to check how bugs 
affecting SeaMonkey but originating in Core, Toolkit, etc., get fixed -- or 
don't, as the case may be. For this reason I will go on helping the MoCo 
developers of common code to the best of my abilities even if the reciprocal is 
in general not true.

It has been asked if the SeaMonkey developers were committed to go on 
maintaining SeaMonkey even if and when c-c and m-c get merged, and SeaMonkey 
Council members have said yes. That was also the impression I had: we are 
committed to keeping SeaMonkey alive and up to date as long as we possibly can 
regardless of where its code lives, even though the people who maintain 
SeaMonkey are few, and they are all doing it in their spare time even though 
some of them (two, I think; maybe three) also have jobs at MoCo which, 
admittedly, probably teach them important stuff about the Mozilla (including 
SeaMonkey) code in general even when they're earning their daily bread working 
on Firefox. But the "don't care if you break comm-central" policy is not 
helping us, and the recent news about altogether scrapping full-fledged 
extensions, complete themes, and even XUL in general has caused us quite some 
trepidation. AFAIK, the current consensus is that we'll go on using the same 
Gecko and Tool
 kit code as Firefox as long as it remains humanly possible considering the 
kind of Suite we want to have. But we are not at all sure that it will remain 
possible even for two years, and we don't like the prospect at all. We'd prefer 
to have less forked code (including both "application code" and "build tools 
code") rather than more, but not at the price of losing what makes SeaMonkey 
stand out as "the best SeaMonkey we can make".

Best regards,
dev-platform mailing list