Re: Intent to prototype and ship: CSS `quotes: auto`

2019-07-09 Thread fantasai

On 7/8/19 3:53 AM, Jonathan Kew wrote:

Adding a new `auto` value as the initial value of CSS `quotes` property, with 
the behavior that language-sensitive quotation marks (derived from CLDR) are 
used for quote-open/close generated content.


Standard: (not yet updated to reflect 
recent WG resolution)

Updated spec, and requested publication so hopefully should hit later this week.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement and ship: built-in CSS counter 'list-item'

2019-06-24 Thread fantasai

On 3/27/19 5:19 AM, L. David Baron wrote:

On Wednesday 2019-03-27 01:42 +0100, Mats Palmgren wrote:

FYI, the CSS Lists spec isn't very well maintained, sadly,
so it's not up-to-date with recent resolutions.  So, some
of the finer details in there might be wrong, but I think
most of it regarding counters is correct.

If you've been implementing based off of resolutions that aren't in
the spec, it's probably worth submitting PRs to the spec so that
other future implementors are aware of those resolutions and you
don't have to later go and undo the effects of those resolutions for

Since I just ran across this thread, current status of the spec is a lot better:


dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement and ship the CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1 and unship old scroll snap properties

2019-03-09 Thread fantasai

All of this sounds great to me, and I'm pretty excited that Mozilla will
be updating to the latest spec. Most of the changes were in response to
roc's feedback on the spec, and make it a much more robust system for the
variable environment of the Web.

There's a couple things I want to make sure you watch out for and get
right before shipping:

1. Handling overlarge snap areas per
   This is important to make content accessible on smaller-than-expected 

2. Handling scroll-padding correctly even when snapping is turned off,
   since it should affect all paging operations and scroll-into-view

3. Likewise, supporting scroll-margin's effects even when snapping is off:
   it still be adjusting the element's scroll-into-view area

Also, feel free to complain at me if anything in the spec is unclear. :)
IRC: fantasai


On 3/8/19 4:51 PM, Hiroyuki Ikezoe wrote:

   The scroll snap specification has been significantly changed since we
  implemented.  scroll-snap-coordinate, scroll-snap-destination and
  scroll-snap-points-{x,y} were dropped, instead, scroll-snap-align,
  scroll-snap-margin and scroll-snap-padding were added in the spec.  Also,
  scroll-snap-type was changed to a longhand property and its syntax was
  changed in the spec.
   Due to the scroll-snap-type change, this migration will happen
  in terms of the scroll-snap-type property.  Once the change happens in bug
  1312163 [1], you can no longer use the old longhands,
  and no longer use the old shorthand syntax like `scroll-snap-type:
  That means that, for example, sites specifying only scroll-snap-type-x will
  be broken.  To mitigate it, I am going to land a bunch of relevant stuff
at the
  same time so that we can switch to the new scroll snap at once.

  A meta bug is

Link to standard:

Platform coverage: all

Estimated or target release: Firefox 68

Preference behind which this will be implemented:

Is this feature enabled by default in sandboxed iframes?

DevTools bug:

Do other browser engines implement this?
  Chrome and Safari already shipped


Additional notes:
  scroll-snap-stop which was introduced in the new spec is not going to be
  implemented now since it's marked at-risk in the spec



dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement and ship: forced case-sensitive attribute selector matching

2019-01-14 Thread fantasai

On 12/11/18 6:34 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> Spec stability: Not 100% clear, but I expect it's pretty stable; on the spec level this is a tiny 
change and there's not much controversy about which letter to use for the flag, I would think.

As the editor of the spec, I second this assessment. There are parts
of Selectors 4 that are a little shaky, but this is so closely analogous
to an existing feature that it doesn't seem like one of them.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement and ship: Overflow media queries

2019-01-14 Thread fantasai

On 12/23/18 2:59 AM, Emilio Cobos Álvarez wrote:
Summary: More explicitly expose the kind of handling for overflowing content in media queries. Using 
a media expression instead of the print media type allows for more flexibility, see the bug 

Implementation wise, we already expose the same kind of information via @media print right now, 
given we don't have any kind of built-in EBook mode or something like that.

A volunteer sent patches for this, and I see no reason not to take them, unless somebody objects 
here. Thanks a lot quasicomputational@! :)


Link to standard:

Platform coverage: all

Estimated or target release: 66

Preference behind which this will be implemented: None

Is this feature enabled by default in sandboxed iframes: Yes

DevTools bug: N/A, existing devtools features should cover this.

Do other browser engines implement this? No, we'd be the first ones implementing this part of the 
spec, but I think it's uncontroversial. The spec author was the one that filed the bug requesting 
implementation, so spec-wise the feature should be stable as well.

General CSSWG policy is that any spec in CR has the consensus of the CSSWG
to be implemented and shipped.
  “Once a specification reaches the Candidate Recommendation stage,
  implementers should release an unprefixed implementation of any
  CR-level feature they can demonstrate to be correctly implemented
  according to spec, and should avoid exposing a prefixed variant
  of that feature.” --

Media Queries Level 4 is in CR, so anything there is good to go.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to Implement and Ship: CSS padding-block and padding-inline shorthands

2019-01-14 Thread fantasai

On 1/14/19 10:23 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

On 1/14/19 12:58 PM, Mats Palmgren wrote:

Link to standard:

Two quick questions on the spec:

1) 'padding-block-start' is defined as:

   Value:  <‘padding-top’>

while 'padding-block' is defined as:

   Value:  <‘padding-left’>{1,2}

It probably doesn't matter too much because padding-top and padding-left have the same value space, 
but it's a bit weird and makes one go sleuthing to ensure that they do.  Do you know whether this is 
purposeful or just a typo?

I have no idea why I did that. Fixed.

2) We are just implementing the padding shorthands for now, not the margin ones?

Do other browser engines implement this? No,

Do they plan to?  That is, is the spec reflecting some sort of general 

Yes, the spec reflects general consensus, and has been explicitly cleared
for shipping by the CSSWG (as of several years). See issue at the bottom
of the intro:

dev-platform mailing list

Re: How do I file a bug?

2018-10-04 Thread fantasai

On 10/04/2018 04:26 PM, Steve Fink wrote:

On 10/04/2018 03:45 PM, fantasai wrote:

Start here, at Mozilla's home page:

Give me steps to reproduce to find instructions for filing
a bug against Firefox. Ditto for up-to-date instructions
for building the source and submitting a patch.

(Don't send me links to the instructions; I'm cheating by
asking here already. Walk me through the process of
discovering how I can contribute to Mozilla and make the
world a better place. I wouldn't be here if I hadn't
already walked that path 19 years ago, but I can't find it
anymore so I need some help.) 

I tried it out, and did better than I expected on my first run-through:

I'm impressed! Want to take a stab at finding patch-submission
instructions? :D

> I agree that a nice path from would be beneficial,
> especially for promoting the volunteer aspect of the project.

We've got a lot of highly-produced (read: expensive) material
promoting the volunteer aspect of Mozilla:
But afaict none of it actually leads to a viable path towards
actually becoming a technical contributor...

From my discussions with staff at Mozilla, the people actually
working with volunteers (like QA and l10n) find this very
frustrating, but the people whose job it is to connect volunteers
to opportunities to contribute don't think it's useful, important,
or in some cases even a good idea to fix this problem. I don't
know how to break through that resistance, and I find it very
demoralizing that there even is any. :(

I'm also disconnected enough from Mozilla the last few years
that I've no idea where up-to-date documentation on this stuff
would live. If I ever manage to dig myself out of the backlog
of spec work enough to write a patch, I'd like to know where
to look!

Fwiw, here's how I arrived at becoming a technical contributor:

“One of the things that people seem to like best about the
existing content on is that it is written by people,
for people, without bluster or self-promotion.”
   -- jwz, Mozilla Documentation Style Guide, 1999

dev-platform mailing list

How do I file a bug?

2018-10-04 Thread fantasai

Start here, at Mozilla's home page:

Give me steps to reproduce to find instructions for filing
a bug against Firefox. Ditto for up-to-date instructions
for building the source and submitting a patch.

(Don't send me links to the instructions; I'm cheating by
asking here already. Walk me through the process of
discovering how I can contribute to Mozilla and make the
world a better place. I wouldn't be here if I hadn't
already walked that path 19 years ago, but I can't find it
anymore so I need some help.)

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement: support CSS paint-order for HTML text

2018-01-03 Thread fantasai

On 12/24/2017 04:54 PM, James Graham wrote:

On 24/12/2017 13:13, Emilio Cobos Álvarez wrote:

On 12/24/2017 02:01 PM, Jonathan Kew wrote:

Tests - Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests? No, as it is
not yet spec'd (see above). I propose to land a basic mozilla reftest
along with the patches in bug 1426146 (behind a pref); if/when the CSS
WG agrees to accept this issue in the spec, we can migrate the reftest
to WPT

Just FYI, other people land tests into WPT with .tentative.html in the
name, like:

Not sure what's preferred, I believe that if the chances of this getting
spec'd are high it may be better, but...

James, do you know whether there's any official guideline for these kind
of situations?

The .tentative.html thing is an accepted convention for stuff that tests the presumed behaviour of a future spec, although 
it's possible that there aren't any CSS tests using the pattern yet.

I would certainly encourage using it here rather than having to remember to 
upstream a test at some later date.

As the editor of the spec in question, I can say that the only reason the
issue was open was because we were looking for some combination of implementer
interest and/or confirmation that this is a sane thing to do. jfkthame's intent
to implement is even more formal of a confirmation than we were looking for. :)

I should be able to run it officially past the CSSWG in a few hours, also, and
will prioritize the edit to remove the issue for like tomorrow or something if
that makes things easier. :)

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement: CSS media queries, interaction media features

2017-10-12 Thread fantasai

On 10/03/2017 01:12 PM, Thomas Wisniewski wrote:

Summary: Implement the CSS features [any-]pointer:{none|coarse|fine} and

> ...

How stable is the spec: the last point of contention that I'm aware of was
resolved by other vendors a year ago when the "on-demand" feature was
dropped from the draft spec.

The spec is in CR, which in the CSSWG represents a consensus that the draft
is design-complete and vendors are encouraged to ship in public releases.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Proposed W3C Charter: SVG Working Group

2017-07-02 Thread fantasai

On 06/23/2017 02:44 AM, L. David Baron wrote:

The W3C is proposing a new charter for:

   Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Working Group

Mozilla has the opportunity to send comments or objections through
Monday, July 17.  (Note that there was a previous review in
December; this proposal replaces the proposal in that review.)

Note that this charter reduces the scope of the SVG working group
(transferring all joint work between SVG and CSS to CSS only) with
the plan to use the time in the charter to complete SVG2, which now
includes the SVG Integration work.

Please reply to this thread if you think there's something we should
say as part of this charter review, or if you think we should
support or oppose it.

I think you should ask Amelia Bellamy-Royds for her thoughts,
as I think her participation would be critical to the success
of the SVGWG and she likely has detailed insight into the
appropriateness of the charter and its various clauses.

I'll also note that as an Invited Expert she has not been asked
to comment on the proposed charter... while the CSSWG typically
invites all its members to review the charter prior to proposing
it to the AC, afaict this has not happened for the SVG charter [1].


dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement: CSS text-justify property

2017-04-07 Thread fantasai

On 02/08/2017 11:28 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

On 2/8/17 5:08 AM, Jeremy Chen wrote:

Link to standard:

How stable is this spec?

Note that even if it's unstable that shouldn't stop us implementing; that 
mostly affects shipping.  So as long as we're pretty
sure that the basic set of functionality is stable, even if the actual names of 
the values are not, implementing makes sense.

Not especially unstable, but IIRC there's a number of outstanding edits,
which is the main thing holding up the updates to /TR. The spec was
previously in Last Call, so expected changes are mainly bugfixes.

Open issues relevant to text-justify:
(I vaguely recall this being resolved, but it's clearly not updated)

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to ship: support "basic shapes" for the CSS 'clip-path' property

2017-04-07 Thread fantasai

On 02/07/2017 04:00 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

On 2/7/17 3:03 AM, Ku(顧思捷)CJ wrote:

How stable are these specs?  They don't seem to be anywhere near CR, and while 
I realize that's not a requirement, it would be
good to have them be at a _slightly_ higher maturity level than "whatever the 
editors wrote today" [1] is in CR as of March 2014 is in CR as of August 2014
 * though David Baron raised a number of significant issues about mask types

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement: CSS property `line-height-step`

2017-03-31 Thread fantasai

On 03/31/2017 07:55 AM, L. David Baron wrote:

On Friday 2017-03-31 12:11 +0800, Tommy Kuo wrote:


I am intent to implement the property `line-height-step`. And it would be 
disabled behind the pref `layout.css.line-height-step.enabled` by default. It 
is a property to make authors create the content with vertical rhythm easier.

**Link to standard**

CSS Rhythmic Sizing

So in the discussions in the working group, I've been somewhat
skeptical that this feature does a good job of addressing the design
use cases that it's intended to address.

As the co-editor of the spec, I agree with David Baron's concerns.

Also, based on my discussions with Dave Cramer (CSSWG member who works
in the publishing industry), my understanding is that the the most
common problems are situations that need to be solved with block height
stepping, not line height stepping. An author can fairly easily ensure
that, within a paragraph, the line height follows a strict vertical
rhythm: as long as the text is not interrupted by atomic inline content
or text that has a larger font size / different vertical alignment (and
this covers the majority of text), it will maintain rhythm. But when the
paragraph text is interrupted by different content such as illustrations
and headings, then the rhythm can be thrown off. These are block-level
intrusions into the rhythm, and won't be solved (without hacks like
turning them into inline-blocks) by line height stepping. But they are
solved by block height stepping (which is also outlined in that draft).

I think we should endeavor to avoid “solutions” that require hacks, so
my advice would be to implement block height stepping first, since it
will more directly solve most of the use cases. I'm less convinced that
line height stepping is necessary; and also there are many issues with
inline layout that need to be addressed before it can be an effective
solution to the problems it addresses.

* Note that even for headings, which are text, it is the margin-box of
the heading as a whole which needs to fit into the rhythm, not necessarily
each line of it; headings usually have large margins, but the text is set
closely between lines. Similar concerns apply to blockquotes with smaller
text, figures with captions, and other block-level interruptions to prose.

dev-platform mailing list

Spec workshop: Grid Layout

2016-01-12 Thread fantasai

I've started doing a series of workshops inviting web authors
to get together and do an in-depth study of some of the CSS
layout specs together, the goal being to find problems and
improve readability. If this seems interesting to you, there's
more information here:

I'm planning to organize one for Grid Layout in the SF Bay Area
this month and NYC next month; but I also think people here who
want to could probably do a good job running one themselves
wherever is convenient. :) The formula is summarized by Simon
Sapin here:
and more detailed instructions are in the flex workshop page.
If you do, please send any feedback back to the spec editors,
e.g. to for CSS.

Happy coding~
dev-platform mailing list

Selectors to Standardize

2015-08-19 Thread fantasai

So after a nearly 2 year hiatus, I'm back to editing the Selectors 4 spec...

I'm looking over the set of -moz- selectors
and wondering which ones we need to put on the standards track.

(A) So far we already have on the standards track

  :-moz-only-whitespace as :blank
**Please, if you all have better name suggestions, we welcome them.**
[ :blank imho sounds like a blank form element, which we might want
  a selector for in the future. :/ ]

  :-moz-any() as :matches()

  :-moz-any-link as :any-link

  :-moz-dir() as :dir()
Unprefixing bug:

  :-moz-read-only as :read-only ??
  :-moz-read-write as :read-write ??
These were pushed to CR in
along with the other form-state pseudos,
so I'm not sure why they're still prefixed.
Are there issues with these selectors that we need to sort out?

  :-moz-ui-invalid as :user-error

  :-moz-placeholder sortof as :placeholder-shown
due to requests for ::placeholder as a pseudo-elements

  :-moz-drag-over as :drop or :drop()

(B) Things I'm guessing we want to standardize:


(C) Things I'm guessing we don't want to standardize:





(D) Things I can't tell whether they're things we should standardize:






(E) Things I'm totally confused about:

  Seem to be explained by
  except a lot of stuff mentioned there is not in the codebase??

My questions are

  1. Is there anything above that's not on the correct list?
  2. Can you help me sort list (D)?
  3. Anyone have a better name for :blank?
  4. Let me know what's up with :read-write and :read-only?
  5. Please review the :drop spec for correctness/sanity~?
  6. Ditto :user-error
  7. Any other comments?

dev-platform mailing list

Better Test Case Coding for Reviewers

2015-07-05 Thread fantasai

[CCing m.d.platform, since it might be helpful for layout tests there, too.]

I've been reviewing some tests lately, and there are three things that
would help a lot in a correct and efficient review.

#1: Good indentation.

  The contents of each block should be indented. It's much harder to
  read the style sheet if this is not true. I've seen quite a few tests
  that have this problem. :(

#2: Separating framework from variation.

  Most tests have code that sets up a framework to reveal the results
  of a test, and then code that sets up the specific situation being
  tested. The framework does not vary from test to test within a set,
  but the test declarations do.

  For example, in a test for background positioning, there will be
  rules to set up a box, e.g. width, height, border, padding, margins,
  color, background-repeat, etc. These are the framework declarations.
  They do not vary by test within the set. Then there will be rules
  that set up the test, e.g. background-position, background-origin,
  background-size. These vary by test.

  If there are gratuitous differences in formatting, ordering,
  indentation, of the framework declarations, or if the test mixes
  the framework declarations with the test declarations, then I have
  to review the entire framework for every test in the series, because
  I'm not sure what's changed.

  However, if the framework declarations are kept constant, and the
  test declarations -- the part that varies per test in the series --
  are pulled out and isolated into their own part of the style sheet,
  then I can quickly review an entire series, and I am less likely to
  make mistakes in the review.

  For example, for test file 1

/* Framework */
.container {
  border: solid 3px 5px 7px 2px;
  padding: 11px 17px 19px 13px;
  margin: 1em;
  background-image: url(support/swatch-green.png);
  background-repeat: no-repeat;

/* Test */
.container {
  background-position: center;

  and test file 2

/* Framework */
.container {
  border: solid 3px 5px 7px 2px;
  padding: 11px 17px 19px 13px;
  margin: 1em;
  background-image: url(support/swatch-green.png);
  background-repeat: no-repeat;

/* Test */
.container {
  background-position: left;

  I can quickly see, at a glance, that the framework has not changed.
  And that the only difference in the two tests is that 'center' was
  replaced with 'right' in the background-position rule.

#3: Declaration of intent

  If the test writer tells me what they're trying to test, specifically,
  in this test, rather than having me guess from the source code, I'm
  much more likely to detect when they're failing at their job, either
  by flat out not triggering the right situation at all, or by not
  checking some modes of failure. (I see both of these happen often;
  it is not a theoretical problem.)

  The CSSWG tests have a  field for this purpose,
  but, really, a genuinely useful comment in any format would help.
  We comment our functions to say what they're supposed to do, but
  for some reason we don't think it's necessary to do this for tests.
  Non-trivial tests should have a comment stating their raison d'être.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Busy indicator API

2015-07-05 Thread fantasai

On 07/05/2015 11:11 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

A while back there have been some requests from developers (seconded
by those working on GitHub) to have an API to indicate whether a site
is busy with one thing or another (e.g. networking).

They'd like to use this to avoid having to create their own UI. In
Firefox this could manifest itself by the spinner that replaces the
favicon when loading a tab.

Is there a reason we shouldn't expose a hook for this?

Not having any context, I don't actually understand what you're requesting.
Can you give an example, maybe?

dev-platform mailing list

License Your Mozilla Tests Under CC0!

2014-09-27 Thread fantasai

Mozilla just announced that all tests and related resources will be available
as public domain going forward and retro-actively for all tests for which
they own the copyright.

However, there's a lot of contributors here who own their own copyrights on
tests, and would need to license separately! Also, a lot of Mozilla employees
and contractors contribute under their accounts (which makes
it hard to tell they're covered) or have made test contributions before/after
working for Mozilla (which are not covered).

Therefore Gerv created a registry in Bugzilla: to relicense your contributions,
or to clarify that your contributions are in fact covered, copy-paste his legal
text, and put it in a comment in bug 1073556.

Easy peasy. Just don't forget to uncheck the CC box. :)

Follow-ups to

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Extending the text-overflow/overflow property to support fading out

2013-05-22 Thread fantasai

On 05/21/2013 05:31 PM, Jonathan Watt wrote:

The design for the Australis theme refresh calls for tab text that needs to be 
truncated to be faded out instead of using an
ellipsis. This fade should be a fixed width (say 2em) regardless of the width 
of the tab, and apparently needs to work over
non-solid color backgrounds (so a right-aligned  over the top with a 
fading out gradient won't work).

Unfortunately we don't seem to have a good way to do that right now. Using an 
SVG mask containing a rect with a gradient fill
you can kind of get close, but the width of the fade will vary with the width 
of the object to which the mask is being
applied. (Extending SVG length attributes to support CSS calc() would help, but 
that's far from trivial.)

One way to cater for this use case is perhaps to extend the 'text-overflow' property 
to take a value |fade | or
|fade()| or something.

Another more general solution might be to extend the 'overflow' property to take a value 
|fade-rect(, ,
, )| or something like that.


First thought: I don't think this belongs on 'overflow'. That
says how to handle overflow, not how to style the visible content.

'text-overflow: fade ' seems to make sense to me. But
I can also see cases where you'd want to fade other kinds of
overflow, too, though. I've also seen cases where you want to
overlay a gray-transparent gradient, though, so it's not
necessarily a fade that's wanted.

Another consideration: do we want here a linear gradient or a
Gaussian or some other curve?

Also, this should probably go to www-style. ;)

Wrt working around the SVG mask issues -- see the CSS Masking
spec. It should handle what you want. The main issue is how
to trigger it only when there's overflow.

dev-platform mailing list

W3C test-writing event in Paris / Beijing

2012-10-05 Thread fantasai

Test the Web Forward registration is now open for Paris (26-27 Oct 2012)

There's also an event in Beijing (in Chinese only) 20-21 Oct 2012:

This is a community event where a bunch of experts from various W3C groups
will be teaching newbs how to write conformance tests for W3C technologies
like CSS, SVG, and others. The goal is to learn, teach, and grow the Web
standards-testing community. If you want to participate or you want to help
out, join the event; it's free.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Proposed W3C Charter: Internationalization Working Group

2012-09-12 Thread fantasai

On 09/06/2012 05:26 PM, L. David Baron wrote:

W3C is proposing a revised charter for the Internationalization
Working Group.  For more details, see:

Mozilla has the opportunity to send comments or objections through
next Friday, September 14.  Please reply to this thread if you think
there's something we should say.

The charter seems reasonable. I think we should send a statement of
support for the i18nwg's activities, as I generally think they're
very useful. Maybe something like

  Mozilla supports the continued work of the i18nWG and considers
  its contributions to W3C efforts to be valuable to the Web.

or whatever

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Reftest manifest width/height conditions for mobile reftests

2012-09-12 Thread fantasai

On 09/12/2012 03:29 PM, fantasai wrote:

On 09/12/2012 03:06 PM, Robert O'Callahan wrote:

On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 11:24 PM, jmaher wrote:

I think we need to coordinate with the W3C testing people to come up

with a

common cross-browser reftest size before we make a decision here.

I had worked on trying to figure out what the other consumers of
reftests use back in the Spring and I didn't come up with anything
conclusive. I do know we need our height to be<=600. Do we have
real contacts (not newsgroups) of the other consumers so we can get a
decision made faster?

Elika, do you think there's any chance the W3C might want to set the
maximum size of reftests to less than 600x600? If not, then we can change
all our reftests to be 600x600 and we won't have to worry that later the
W3C makes us resize them all again because they're still too big.

No idea. I think there were some side-discussions of what to set it at,
but no conclusions IIRC. I'll ask about it.

Thread at

I'll make sure we get answers from Apple/Opera/Google/Microsoft through
their CSSWG reps if nothing else.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Reftest manifest width/height conditions for mobile reftests

2012-09-12 Thread fantasai

On 09/12/2012 03:06 PM, Robert O'Callahan wrote:

On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 11:24 PM, jmaher  wrote:

I think we need to coordinate with the W3C testing people to come up

with a

common cross-browser reftest size before we make a decision here.

I had worked on trying to figure out what the other consumers of
reftests use back in the Spring and I didn't come up with anything
conclusive.  I do know we need our height to be<=600.  Do we have
real contacts (not newsgroups) of the other consumers so we can get a
decision made faster?

Elika, do you think there's any chance the W3C might want to set the
maximum size of reftests to less than 600x600? If not, then we can change
all our reftests to be 600x600 and we won't have to worry that later the
W3C makes us resize them all again because they're still too big.

No idea. I think there were some side-discussions of what to set it at,
but no conclusions IIRC. I'll ask about it.

dev-platform mailing list