Re: API request: MutationObserver with querySelector

2015-10-09 Thread Xidorn Quan
On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 5:19 PM, Cameron McCormack  wrote:
> We could probably use the same mechanism that we do for restyling,
> effectively modelling any registered selector observers as an additional
> style sheet rule (that doesn’t have any properties set in it).  All of
> the data we store in the rule cascade so that we can quickly decide
> whether a given element needs to have rule matching run again could be
> re-used.

That probably works for node insertion, but probably doesn't work for
node removal I guess?

- Xidorn
dev-platform mailing list

Re: API request: MutationObserver with querySelector

2015-10-09 Thread smaug

On 10/09/2015 03:46 AM, wrote:

We're about to start working on another API for the next Firefox OS, this time 
for DOM Intl, that will operate on `data-intl-format`,
`data-intl-value` and `data-intl-options`.

It would be much easier for us to keep l10n and intl separately and 
independently, but in the current model we will have two MutationObservers
reporting everything that happens on document.body just to fish for elements 
with those attributes. Twice.

So we may have to introduce a single mutation observer to that handles that for 
both, which will be a bad design decision but improve performance.

I Reported it a month ago and so far no response. What's my next step to get 
this in our platform?


Let's try to move this forward in the spec level (we can't really implement 
anything before there is some specification for this).
I added a question to the spec bug.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: API request: MutationObserver with querySelector

2015-10-08 Thread zbraniecki
We're about to start working on another API for the next Firefox OS, this time 
for DOM Intl, that will operate on `data-intl-format`, `data-intl-value` and 

It would be much easier for us to keep l10n and intl separately and 
independently, but in the current model we will have two MutationObservers 
reporting everything that happens on document.body just to fish for elements 
with those attributes. Twice.

So we may have to introduce a single mutation observer to that handles that for 
both, which will be a bad design decision but improve performance.

I Reported it a month ago and so far no response. What's my next step to get 
this in our platform?

dev-platform mailing list

Re: API request: MutationObserver with querySelector

2015-09-19 Thread Cameron McCormack
> But in principle I think some kind of filtering would be nice.
> Implementing it for node removals would be a bit annoying in Gecko
> case (since our internal nsIMutationObserver::ContentRemoved happens
> after the removal) but it is doable. However it is unclear to me
> what kind of performance characteristics we'd get - that is the main
> concern I have atm. (I'd like to avoid adding APIs which can be
> easily used in such way that it slows down all DOM operations
> dramatically.)

We could probably use the same mechanism that we do for restyling,
effectively modelling any registered selector observers as an additional
style sheet rule (that doesn’t have any properties set in it).  All of
the data we store in the rule cascade so that we can quickly decide
whether a given element needs to have rule matching run again could be

Cameron McCormack ≝
dev-platform mailing list

Re: API request: MutationObserver with querySelector

2015-09-18 Thread Zibi Braniecki

dev-platform mailing list

Re: API request: MutationObserver with querySelector

2015-09-18 Thread smaug

On 09/18/2015 06:30 AM, Zibi Braniecki wrote:


One of the major use cases for MutationObserver is all kinds of libraries that 
either shim APIs or provide intrinsic modifications to DOM experience.

Examples of such libraries may be:

* A library that provides Date/Time pickers only caring about 
* A library that extends behavior of a particular web component from outside
* A library that extends behavior of common elements with particular attributes
   * our l10n library only looks for element with data-l10n-id|data-l10n-args
   * a resource API shim may be looking for  with a given attribute

Unfortunately, at the moment, MutationObserver API makes it particularly hard 
for libraries to narrow down the scope of elements that are monitored by them 
which results in three things:

*) Higher CPU/power cost of running a MutationObserver on a DOM tree
*) More noise inside the MutationObserver callback
*) Requirement for fairly sophisticated filtering to get the right elements

The reason for so much noise is that there's no way to instrument 
MutationObserver to notice only specific elements. The only filtering can be 
done for attributes, but for node adding/removing MutationObserver reports 
*all* elements and often in form of a DOMFragment which has to be filtered.

Example from our l10n library:

const observerConfig = {
   attributes: true,
   characterData: false,
   childList: true,
   subtree: true,
   attributeFilter: ['data-l10n-id', 'data-l10n-args']

var mo = new MutationObserver(onMutations);
mo.observe(this.doc, observerConfig);

function onMutations(mutations) {
   const targets = new Set();

   for (let mutation of mutations) {
 switch (mutation.type) {
   case 'attributes':

   case 'childList':
 for (let addedNode of mutation.addedNodes) {
   if (addedNode.nodeType === addedNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
 if (addedNode.hasAttribute('data-l10n-id')) {
 if (addedNode.childElementCount) {
 elem => targets.add(elem));


   if (targets.size === 0) {



const observerConfig = {
   attributes: true,
   attributeFilter: ['data-l10n-id', 'data-l10n-args']
   querySelector: '*[data-l10n-id]'

I don't understand what querySelector would filter here. We're observing only 
attributes but then what...

var mo = new MutationObserver(onMutations);
mo.observe(this.doc, observerConfig);

function onMutations(mutations) {
   const targets = new Set();

   for (let mutation of mutations) {
 switch (mutation.type) {
   case 'attributes':

   case 'childList':
 for (let addedNode of mutation.addedNodes) {

Hmm, or are you just missing childList from observerConfig.
How would the filtering work for node removals? Would it need to run the filter 
right before removal?

Are you thinking that querySelector filtering would map also to all the 
descendants of the actually added child node?
That would be quite a big change how the API works currently. addedNodes 
wouldn't be about childNodes anymore, but any descendant. Would it be
also about any removed descendants?


   if (targets.size === 0) {


And it's not only about cleaner code. In Firefox OS' Settings app, our 
onMutations is fired hundreds of times as we construct DOM dynamically, while 
l10n cares about 70 elements out of those.

I believe that there's a substantial value in extending MutationObserver API to 
help with such filtering for all scenarios listed at the top and many similar 

Would it be possible to do within MutationObserver API or would it be material 
for a separate API?

selector based observing/filtering was discussed when MutationObserver API was 
being designed. Some old documentation here (note, that 
documentation is from the era when there were no microtasks yet)
IIRC there were concerns selector based filtering being too slow, and also it 
is a higher level thing, so first
we wanted a low level API. (one could say even attribute filtering should have 
been left out)

If you want new web exposed changes to the API, better to file a spec bug
so that also other browser vendors and API users can easily comment the 

But in principle I think some kind of filtering would be nice. Implementing it for node removals would be a bit annoying in Gecko case (since our 
internal nsIMutationObserver::ContentRemoved happens after the removal) but it is doable. Howeve

API request: MutationObserver with querySelector

2015-09-17 Thread Zibi Braniecki

One of the major use cases for MutationObserver is all kinds of libraries that 
either shim APIs or provide intrinsic modifications to DOM experience.

Examples of such libraries may be:

* A library that provides Date/Time pickers only caring about 
* A library that extends behavior of a particular web component from outside
* A library that extends behavior of common elements with particular attributes
  * our l10n library only looks for element with data-l10n-id|data-l10n-args
  * a resource API shim may be looking for  with a given attribute

Unfortunately, at the moment, MutationObserver API makes it particularly hard 
for libraries to narrow down the scope of elements that are monitored by them 
which results in three things:

*) Higher CPU/power cost of running a MutationObserver on a DOM tree
*) More noise inside the MutationObserver callback
*) Requirement for fairly sophisticated filtering to get the right elements

The reason for so much noise is that there's no way to instrument 
MutationObserver to notice only specific elements. The only filtering can be 
done for attributes, but for node adding/removing MutationObserver reports 
*all* elements and often in form of a DOMFragment which has to be filtered.

Example from our l10n library:

const observerConfig = {
  attributes: true,
  characterData: false,
  childList: true,
  subtree: true,
  attributeFilter: ['data-l10n-id', 'data-l10n-args']

var mo = new MutationObserver(onMutations);
mo.observe(this.doc, observerConfig);

function onMutations(mutations) {
  const targets = new Set();

  for (let mutation of mutations) {
switch (mutation.type) {
  case 'attributes':

  case 'childList':
for (let addedNode of mutation.addedNodes) {
  if (addedNode.nodeType === addedNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (addedNode.hasAttribute('data-l10n-id')) {
if (addedNode.childElementCount) {
elem => targets.add(elem));

  if (targets.size === 0) {



const observerConfig = {
  attributes: true,
  attributeFilter: ['data-l10n-id', 'data-l10n-args']
  querySelector: '*[data-l10n-id]'

var mo = new MutationObserver(onMutations);
mo.observe(this.doc, observerConfig);

function onMutations(mutations) {
  const targets = new Set();

  for (let mutation of mutations) {
switch (mutation.type) {
  case 'attributes':

  case 'childList':
for (let addedNode of mutation.addedNodes) {

  if (targets.size === 0) {


And it's not only about cleaner code. In Firefox OS' Settings app, our 
onMutations is fired hundreds of times as we construct DOM dynamically, while 
l10n cares about 70 elements out of those.

I believe that there's a substantial value in extending MutationObserver API to 
help with such filtering for all scenarios listed at the top and many similar 

Would it be possible to do within MutationObserver API or would it be material 
for a separate API?

dev-platform mailing list