On 17/10/17 20:36, Nick Lamb via dev-security-policy wrote:
The bitmasks are effectively lists of expected remainders for each small prime, 
if your modulus has an expected remainder for all the 20+ small primes that 
distinguish Infineon, there's a very high chance it was generated using their 

Yup, that seems to be it. In fact, according to [1], those lists are just an optimization for the check N^r = 1 mod p for various values of r,p (plus some dummy entries with all bits but bit 0 set to 1, which are useless and apparently further obfuscation; they can be removed to speed up the test with no effect on the outcome). I believe further tests can be constructed following that same pattern to further reduce the false positive rate.

Here's a non-obfuscated version of the modulus check without the redundant entries:


(It's kind of sad seeing trivial obfuscation in a tool like this; come on guys, this isn't going to slow anyone down, it's just makes you look silly.)

FWIW, I tested 8 keys generated by affected Yubikeys and all failed the test (as in were detected), so it seems this issue affects 100% of generated keys, not just some fraction (or at least 100% of keys generated on affected hardware are detected by the test tool regardless of how vulnerable they are).

[1] https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/52292/what-is-fast-prime

Hector Martin "marcan"
Public key: https://mrcn.st/pub
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