Re: SECURITY RELEVANT FOR CAs: The curious case of the Dangerous Delegated Responder Cert

2020-11-15 Thread Nils Amiet via dev-security-policy
Hello all,

My colleague Andre and I recently became aware of this problem and we explored
a new solution to it.
Please find our analysis below.

For a formatted version of this message with images inline, please find it
available at:


Issue of the Dangerous Delegated OCSP Responder Certificate

1. Introduction

In this memo, we address the issue of the "Dangerous Delegated OCSP Responder
Certificate" [1]. We propose a new solution, different from the original
solution suggested in the Mozilla Dev Security Policy (mdsp) mailing list.

This proposed solution addresses compliance issues, security risks,
feasibility, time to implement and practicability (e.g. operational aspects) as
well as negative financial consequences. For the feasibility, please consider
the Proof of Concept provided in [2].

This memo is structured as follows. First, section 2 below describes and
compares the two solutions. Then, section 3 analyzes them by providing an
extensive list of potential concerns and discussing each of them in detail.

To illustrate the analysis further, a complete set of diagrams is available at

2. Description of the initial situation and the two solutions

2.1. Initial situation

Figure 1: Initial situation - 4-level hierarchy

In Figure 1, SICA contains the problematic id-kp-ocspSigning Extended Key Usage
(EKU). The goal is to reach a situation where the EE certificate can be
verified up to the root CA in a chain where this EKU extension is not present
anymore. Indeed, the mere presence of this EKU makes SICA a delegated OCSP
responder on behalf of ICA. If SICA was intended to be an issuing CA and not an
OCSP responder, there is the security risk that SICA signs an OCSP response for
any sibling certificate on behalf of ICA. This is a huge security concern if
siblings are not operated by the same company/entity. This risk can impact all
the Sub-CA companies having certificates under ICA. Hence, it is important that
all the direct children certificates of ICA that have this problem are

In addition to the security risk, there is also a compliance issue that is
introduced because the Baseline Requirements [4] state that OCSP responders
must also have the id-pkix-ocsp-nocheck extension in addition to the EKU.

2.2. Original solution

Figure 2: Original solution - 4-level hierarchy

The original solution addresses the issue in the following way (see Figure 2):

(i) a new SICA2 certificate is issued. It is signed by ICA and is based on a
new key pair;

(ii) the old SICA certificate is revoked and, very importantly for security
reasons, its associated private key is destroyed during an audited ceremony;

(iii) new EE2 certificates are issued by SICA2.

2.3. New solution

Figure 3: New solution - 4-level hierarchy

The new solution addresses the issue as illustrated in Figure 3, which can be
summarized as follows:

(i) RCA issues a new ICA2 certificate, using a new DN and a new key pair;

(ii) RCA revokes the old ICA;

(iii) ICA2 issues a new SICA2 certificate, which reuses the same SICA DN and
key pair but does not contain the OCSP problematic EKU;

(iv) SICA is also revoked.

Since the same DN and key pair are reused for SICA2, the EE certificate is
still valid.

Also, the new SICA2 cannot be involved in any OCSP response, in any context at
all (removal of the problematic EKU). The old SICA cannot be involved in any
OCSP response either, in any context at all (it does not validate with regard
to the new ICA2 and ICA is revoked). Finally, no third party, which would not
have properly done the job of properly renewing a problematic SICA certificate,
can do any harm to any other company (the old validation branch is not
available anymore by the revocation of ICA).

2.4. Differences between the 2 solutions

2.4.1. 3-level vs 4-level hierarchy

The original solution works in both a 3-level hierarchy and 4-level hierarchy.
The new solution works only in a 4-level (or more) hierarchy because that
hierarchy allows for the parent of the affected certificate to be revoked
because it is not a trust anchor. Therefore, no third party can be affected
because nobody trusts that chain anymore. This is impossible to achieve in the
3-level hierarchy because the parent of the affected certificate is a trust
anchor and cannot be revoked.

2.4.2. Risk surface

However, each solution induces a different risk surface.

On the one hand, the new solution involves only one entity

Re: Policy 2.7.1:MRSP Issue #205: Require CAs to publish accepted methods for proving key compromise

2020-11-15 Thread Nick Lamb via dev-security-policy
On Mon, 16 Nov 2020 10:13:16 +1100
Matt Palmer via dev-security-policy
> I doubt it.  So far, every CA that's decided to come up with their own
> method of proving key compromise has produced something entirely
> proprietary to themselves.

At least two CAs (and from what I can tell likely more) offer ACME APIs
and thus ACME key compromise revocation (RFC 8555 section 7.6)

   The server MUST also consider a revocation request valid if it is
   signed with the private key corresponding to the public key in the

I appreciate that this is less convenient to your preferred method of
working, but it doesn't seem proprietary to agree on a standard way to
do something and my impression was that you could talk to ACME now?

> I have no reason to believe that, absent
> method stipulation from a trust store, that we won't end up with
> different, mutually-incompatible, unworkable methods for
> demonstrating key compromise equal to (or, just as likely, exceeding)
> the number of participating CA organisations.

OK, so in your opinion the way forward on #205 is for Mozilla policy to
mandate acceptance of specific methods rather than allowing the CA to
pick? Or at least, to require them to pick from a small set?

> Of course, the current way in which key compromise evidence is
> fracturing into teeny-tiny incompatible shards is, for my purposes, a
> significant *regression* from the current state of the art.
> Currently, I can e-mail a (link to a) generic but
> obviously-not-for-a-certificate CSR containing and signed by the
> compromised key, and it gets revoked.  No CA has yet to come back to
> me and say "we can't accept this as evidence of key compromise".

But your earlier postings on this subject suggest that this is far from
the whole story on what happens, not least because you sometimes weren't
immediately able to figure out where to email that CSR to anyway or the
responses, though not "we can't accept this" were... far from ideal.

> This format allows the pre-generation of compromise attestations, so
> that I don't need to keep a couple of million (ayup, there's a lot of
> keys out there) private keys online-accessible 24x7 to generate a
> real-time compromise attestation in whatever hare-brained scheme the
> affected CA has come up with -- not to mention the entertainment
> value of writing code to generate the compromise attestations for
> each of those schemes.

Experience with other elements of CA operations suggests that CAs don't
like writing the other side of the code either, and so tend to coalesce
on a smaller number of implementations especially when there's no
opportunity to differentiate their product.

> In an attempt to keep the madness under some sort of control, I've
> tried to codify my thoughts around best practices in a pre-draft RFC
> ( but so
> far it doesn't look like anyone's interested in it, and every time I
> think "oh, I should probably just go and submit it as an Experiment
> through the IETF individual stream and see what happens" the
> datatracker's not accepting submissions.

Well, it is IETF 109 now so yes, this isn't the right moment for new
drafts. My guess is that the closest match in terms of existing working
groups is probably either LAMPS - but that is only really chartered to
fix existing stuff, not explore new territory; or ACME - but ACME
already solved the key compromise revocation problem as far as they're
concerned. So, yes, individual submission is likely the way to go if
you want this published.

If expressions of interest are worth anything I can offer to read an
Internet Draft and provide feedback but you might not like my feedback.

For example the current text says:

"Given a valid signature, the subjectPKInfo in the CSR MUST be compared
against the subjectPublicKey info of the key(s) which are to be checked
for compromise."

But formats I've seen for keys (as opposed to certificates) do not
contain a "subjectPublicKey info" and so I guess what you actually want
to do here is compare the entire key. Explaining how to do that exactly
while being neutral about how that key might be stored will be
difficult, you might have to just pick a format.

Also is RFC 7169 really the best available poison extension for this
purpose? You understand it was intentionally published on April 1st

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Policy 2.7.1:MRSP Issue #205: Require CAs to publish accepted methods for proving key compromise

2020-11-15 Thread Matt Palmer via dev-security-policy
On Sun, Nov 15, 2020 at 04:52:38AM +, Nick Lamb via dev-security-policy 
> This makes clear that the CA must have at least one of these "clearly
> specified" accepted methods which ought to actually help Matt get some
> traction.

I doubt it.  So far, every CA that's decided to come up with their own
method of proving key compromise has produced something entirely proprietary
to themselves.  I have no reason to believe that, absent method stipulation
from a trust store, that we won't end up with different,
mutually-incompatible, unworkable methods for demonstrating key compromise
equal to (or, just as likely, exceeding) the number of participating CA

Of course, the current way in which key compromise evidence is fracturing
into teeny-tiny incompatible shards is, for my purposes, a significant
*regression* from the current state of the art.  Currently, I can e-mail a
(link to a) generic but obviously-not-for-a-certificate CSR containing and
signed by the compromised key, and it gets revoked.  No CA has yet to come
back to me and say "we can't accept this as evidence of key compromise".

This format allows the pre-generation of compromise attestations, so that I
don't need to keep a couple of million (ayup, there's a lot of keys out
there) private keys online-accessible 24x7 to generate a real-time
compromise attestation in whatever hare-brained scheme the affected CA has
come up with -- not to mention the entertainment value of writing code to
generate the compromise attestations for each of those schemes.

In an attempt to keep the madness under some sort of control, I've tried to
codify my thoughts around best practices in a pre-draft RFC
( but so far it
doesn't look like anyone's interested in it, and every time I think "oh, I
should probably just go and submit it as an Experiment through the IETF
individual stream and see what happens" the datatracker's not accepting

- Matt

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Policy 2.7.1:MRSP Issue #205: Require CAs to publish accepted methods for proving key compromise

2020-11-15 Thread Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
On Sun, Nov 15, 2020 at 6:02 AM Dimitris Zacharopoulos 

> On 2020-11-15 1:04 π.μ., Peter Bowen via dev-security-policy wrote:
> > On Sat, Nov 14, 2020 at 2:05 PM Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
> >  wrote:
> >> So, perhaps now that we've had this conversation, and you've learned
> about
> >> potentially illegitimate revocations are a thing, but that they were not
> >> the thing I was worrying about and that you'd misunderstood, perhaps we
> can
> >> move back to the substantive discussion?
> > Going back to earlier posts, it seems like CAs could include a
> > statement in their CPS separate from key compromise that they may
> > revoke a certificate at any time for any reason or no reason at their
> > sole discretion.  That would allow the CA to choose to accept proofs
> > of key compromise that are not listed in the CPS based on their
> > internal risk methodologies, correct?  It does still have the "secret
> > document" issue, but moves it away from key compromise and makes it
> > clear and transparent to subscribers and relying parties.  This means
> > the CA could revoke the subscriber certificate because they have an
> > internal procedure that they roll a bunch of D16 and revoke any
> > certificate with a serial number that matches the result.   Or the CA
> > could revoke the certificate because they got a claim that the key in
> > the certificate is compromised but it came in a form not explicitly
> > called out, so they had to use their own judgement on whether to
> > revoke.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Peter
> Thanks for chiming-in Peter,
> I have always considered this revocation reason as the absolutely "last
> resort" for CAs when it comes to revocation of Certificates. Especially
> for the revocation of end-entity Certificates for which there is a
> Subscriber Agreement attached, if the CA cannot properly justify the
> revocation based on other documented reasons that Subscribers can
> understand and be prepared for, it seems like a process failure and a
> possible reason for Subscribers to move against the CA. Much like the
> invocation of 9.16.3 should be avoided as much as possible, I believe
> the same applies for relying on such very wide unbound CPS statements.

Isn't this the "different problem" that Nick was raising concerns about?

That is, your reply here, talking about revocation for reasons outside of
the Subscriber Agreement, sounds even further afield than Issue 205. Am I
missing something on how it connects here?
dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Policy 2.7.1:MRSP Issue #205: Require CAs to publish accepted methods for proving key compromise

2020-11-15 Thread Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
On Sat, Nov 14, 2020 at 11:52 PM Nick Lamb  wrote:

> On Sat, 14 Nov 2020 17:05:26 -0500
> Ryan Sleevi  wrote:
> > I don't entirely appreciate being told that I don't know what I'm
> > talking about, which is how this reply comes across, but as I've
> > stated several times, the _original_ language is sufficient here,
> > it's the modified language that's problematic.
> That part of my statement was erroneous - of the actual texts I've seen
> proposed so far I prefer this amended proposal from Ben:
> "Section 4.9.12 of a CA's CP/CPS MUST clearly specify its accepted
> methods that Subscribers, Relying Parties, Application Software
> Suppliers, and other third parties may use to demonstrate private key
> compromise. A CA MAY allow additional, alternative methods that do not
> appear in section 4.9.12 of its CP/CPS."
> I can't tell from here whether you know what you're talking about, only
> whether I know what you're talking about, and I confess after some
> effort I don't believe I was getting any closer.
> Still, I believe this language can be further improved to achieve the
> goals of #205. How about:
> "Section 4.9.12 of a CA's CP/CPS MUST clearly specify one or more
> accepted methods that Subscribers, Relying Parties, Application Software
> Suppliers, and other third parties may use to demonstrate private key
> compromise. A CA MAY allow additional, alternative methods that do not
> appear in section 4.9.12 of its CP/CPS."
> This makes clear that the CA must have at least one of these "clearly
> specified" accepted methods which ought to actually help Matt get some
> traction.

I can tell we're not making any progress here, as this doesn't really
address the concerns I've highlighted twice. This would be a regression
from the proposed language, and would be a further regression from the
original language here.
dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Policy 2.7.1:MRSP Issue #205: Require CAs to publish accepted methods for proving key compromise

2020-11-15 Thread Dimitris Zacharopoulos via dev-security-policy

On 2020-11-15 1:04 π.μ., Peter Bowen via dev-security-policy wrote:

On Sat, Nov 14, 2020 at 2:05 PM Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy

So, perhaps now that we've had this conversation, and you've learned about
potentially illegitimate revocations are a thing, but that they were not
the thing I was worrying about and that you'd misunderstood, perhaps we can
move back to the substantive discussion?

Going back to earlier posts, it seems like CAs could include a
statement in their CPS separate from key compromise that they may
revoke a certificate at any time for any reason or no reason at their
sole discretion.  That would allow the CA to choose to accept proofs
of key compromise that are not listed in the CPS based on their
internal risk methodologies, correct?  It does still have the "secret
document" issue, but moves it away from key compromise and makes it
clear and transparent to subscribers and relying parties.  This means
the CA could revoke the subscriber certificate because they have an
internal procedure that they roll a bunch of D16 and revoke any
certificate with a serial number that matches the result.   Or the CA
could revoke the certificate because they got a claim that the key in
the certificate is compromised but it came in a form not explicitly
called out, so they had to use their own judgement on whether to


Thanks for chiming-in Peter,

I have always considered this revocation reason as the absolutely "last 
resort" for CAs when it comes to revocation of Certificates. Especially 
for the revocation of end-entity Certificates for which there is a 
Subscriber Agreement attached, if the CA cannot properly justify the 
revocation based on other documented reasons that Subscribers can 
understand and be prepared for, it seems like a process failure and a 
possible reason for Subscribers to move against the CA. Much like the 
invocation of 9.16.3 should be avoided as much as possible, I believe 
the same applies for relying on such very wide unbound CPS statements.

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Policy 2.7.1:MRSP Issue #205: Require CAs to publish accepted methods for proving key compromise

2020-11-15 Thread Dimitris Zacharopoulos via dev-security-policy

On 2020-11-14 5:01 π.μ., Ryan Sleevi wrote:
I believe it's possible to do, with the original language, but this 
requires the CA to proactively take steps to address that in their 
CP/CPS. That is, I think it'd be reasonable for an auditor to conclude 
that, if a CA stated "We do X, Y, Z" in our CP/CPS, then doing "A, B, 
or C" without it being listed in their CP/CPS first would be an issue. 
I believe that is the concern you're raising, if I understood you 

Exactly, and the first proposed language by Ben, doesn't seem to allow 
the CA to include language to support "and any other method". This is 
not like the Domain or IP Address Validation methods where "any other 
method" was considered a bad thing. This is a case where we should 
welcome additional acceptable methods for third-parties to demonstrate 
their control of compromised keys.

The way to address that, and what I think is a good goal, is to get it 
to be "We do X, Y, Z, and any other method", ideally, when CAs make 
the update in response to the new policy. As situations come up on a 
case by case basis, the CA can deal with the issue without any update 
required first. If any CA updates their CP/CPS without also adding 
"and any other method" in response to the new policy, we can then 
clarify whether they're intentionally stating they'll reject anything, 
or whether it was an oversight, and like you, they want extra 
flexibility because they want to go "above and beyond" as needed.

However, I also want to make sure that any formally accepted method of 
proof is documented in the CP/CPS. So if the CA formalizes A and B as 
routine operations, they will update their CP/CPS to state "We do X, 
Y, Z, A, B, and any other method". This makes it clear which are the 
guaranteed methods they promise to accept, as well as that exceptions 
are recognized as necessary, and they will be accepted and dealt with.

I think we're in agreement here, and I already stated that in a previous 

"For CAs that want to do the right thing with this flexibility, the 
original language Ben proposed seems to be problematic, which is why I 
highlighted it in the discussion. The updated language keeps all the 
"good" things from the original language, and allows the CA to accept a 
reporting method that they may have not considered. Obviously, the 
logical thing is that once this new method is accepted, the CPS should 
be updated to include that additional method but that might take place 
later, after the report was accepted and certificates revoked."

We could make the language even stricter so that if a CA accepts new 
methods to demonstrate key compromise not mentioned in their CPS, they 
should include the details of these new methods in an upcoming CPS 
update (although I consider this redundant because this is IMO the 
normal way of doing things). Since CAs are required to perform this 
update task at least once a year, this information will eventually end 
up in their CPS.

I will reply to Peter's post separately why I think invoking that 
particular revocation reason is IMO not such a good idea.

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