Re: Proposal for a standard proof of compromised key/revocation request format

2020-08-12 Thread Matt Palmer via dev-security-policy
On Wed, Aug 12, 2020 at 06:25:00PM -0700, cbon...--- via dev-security-policy 
> > I'm yet to have a CA baulk at accepting a CSR as proof of compromise. It
> > has the benefit of not having nearly as many superfluous fields as a
> > certificate, as well. In terms of being able to deal with the format, I'd
> > expect that a CA would be at least as able to deal with validating a CSR as 
> > a
> > certificate, given that their job is to validate CSR signatures, but not
> > necessarily to validate certificate signatures... 
> The rationale for using a self-signed certificate as opposed to a CSR was
> so that the proof/attestation of compromise could not be confused as input
> into the certificate request process.  Ideally, CA support personnel
> wouldn't manually be analyzing the revocation tokens but instead be using
> some sort of automated checking (such as the proof of concept I
> implemented).  Given this, I didn't feel the overhead of specifying and
> verifying additional fields in the certificates as opposed to the simpler
> structure of the CSR would be an issue if automation were in place.

I think we're a *long* way away from being able to assume pervasive
automation.  So far as I can determine, we've got one CA that's possibly
automating processing CSRs, and one CA that's using automation to try and
get around the need to investigate key compromises.  Beyond that...

> > The "standardised" key compromise attestation format I've been leaning
> > towards is a CSR whose subject DN is something like "CN=This key is
> > compromised!", and which includes a critical "poison" extension, to minimise
> > the risks of accidental acceptance still further. I'm still unsure about
> > how to control for the possibility of social engineered mis-signing, because
> > the idea of someone managing to pull such a trick concerns me, but there's
> > an argument to be made that if someone can be tricked into signing arbitrary
> > content, that key is kinda busted anyway.
> I don't believe the critical poison extension will help much to prevent
> the CSR from being used as input for a lot of CAs, as the typical CSR
> input process only consumes the public key and perhaps a list of
> SANs/subject CN.  For example, it appears that Boulder doesn't look at the
> criticality bit of requested extensions at all when parsing a CSR [1].

Yeah, CSR processing is disturbingly hit-and-miss.  My thinking with adding
the extension is to make it as unambiguous as possible that this is CSR is
weird and special and not for ordinary use.  Beyond that...

At any rate, I'm yet to come up with a *new* attack that a standardised
CSR-based attestation of compromise creates.  I've got:

* Use a key-compromise attestation to get a certificate for a compromised
  key: the key's compromised, if you *really* want to use that key, you can
  probably use the actual key, and CAs shouldn't be issuing certs for
  compromised keys.

* Find a "real" CSR and trick the CA into using that as "proof" of
  compromise: that's at least as likely to happen now, since CAs already
  accept CSRs as proof of compromise.  To the extent that CAs are automating
  CSR processing for key compromise already, a standardised format can only
  help, because there's fewer corner cases they'd have to worry about
  catching in their automation.

> Nonetheless, it sounds like we're both in agreement that the ideal format
> is a standard container as opposed to something bespoke.

Yes, my early experiments with using something that was unambigously unrelated
to the X.509 ecosystem did not go well.

As an aside, I've got a first draft of my own key compromise attestation
format at; I'm
probably going to ask LAMPS if they want to recharter to take it on,
otherwise I'll just run it through as an independent experimental
submission.  Commentary gratefully received (probably best as GitHub

- Matt

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Proposal for a standard proof of compromised key/revocation request format

2020-06-28 Thread Matt Palmer via dev-security-policy
On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 05:14:47AM -0700, Corey Bonnell via dev-security-policy 
> Feedback and suggestions for improvements are greatly appreciated.  Even
> if this format is not adopted as a standard mechanism for providing proof
> of key compromise, I hope that by posting it here there will be robust
> discussion on the topic of developing and adopting such a standard
> mechanism.

I'm yet to have a CA baulk at accepting a CSR as proof of compromise.  It
has the benefit of not having nearly as many superfluous fields as a
certificate, as well.  In terms of being able to deal with the format, I'd
expect that a CA would be at least as able to deal with validating a CSR as a
certificate, given that their job is to validate CSR signatures, but not
necessarily to validate certificate signatures...

Also, in an *extreme* nit-pick, something about the use of the word
"proof" in the name doesn't sit right.  I refer to the artifacts that I
produce as "attestations of compromise", as I feel that's a better
description than a "proof".  However, it doesn't produce nearly as good an

The "standardised" key compromise attestation format I've been leaning
towards is a CSR whose subject DN is something like "CN=This key is
compromised!", and which includes a critical "poison" extension, to minimise
the risks of accidental acceptance still further.  I'm still unsure about
how to control for the possibility of social engineered mis-signing, because
the idea of someone managing to pull such a trick concerns me, but there's
an argument to be made that if someone can be tricked into signing arbitrary
content, that key is kinda busted anyway.

- Matt

dev-security-policy mailing list