We (me, Kai, Bob, Wan-Teh, Ryan, Elio, Kai) had a meeting today to discuss the 
issues raised in this thread. We came to the following conclusions:

Ryan seems to be a great addition to the team. Welcome, Ryan!

Gecko (Firefox and Thunderbird) will make the switch to libpkix. See Ryan's 
comments about his ideas for expanding Chromium's usage of libpkix.

We will reduce the complexity of libpkix in the following ways:

   * We will drop the idea of supporting non-NSS certificate 
     library APIs, and we will remove the abstraction layers
     over NSS's certhigh library. That means dropping the idea
     of using libpkix in OpenSSL or in any OS kernel, for
     example. Basically, much of the pkix_pl_nss layer can be
     removed and/or folded into the core libpkix layer or into
     certhigh, if doing so would be helpful.

   * We will drop support for non-blocking I/O from libpkix.
     It isn't working now, and we will remove the code that
     handles the non-blocking case as we fix bugs, to make 
     the code easier to maintain.

   * More generally, we will simplify the coding style to make
     it easier to read, understand, and maintain. This includes
     splitting large functions into smaller functions, removing
     unnecessary abstractions, removing simple getter/setter
     functions, potentially renaming internal (to libpkix)
     functions to make the code easier to read, removing
     non-PKCS#11 certificate stores (e.g. HTTP, LDAP), etc.
     (I think we agreed to remove LDAP support, but also agreed
     that it wasn't a high priority. This is a little unclear to

We are not going to attempt any kind of "spring cleaning" sprint on libpkix. 
Basically, developers working on libpkix should feel free to do any of the 
above when it helps simplify the implementation of an important fix or 
enhancement to libpkix.
We will not consider complete RFC 5280 (et. al.) support a priority. We will 
basically implement a subset of RFC 5280 (et al.), with an emphasis on features 
used in the existing PKITS tests, and with the primary emphasis on making 
existing real websites work securely and reliably. We will evaluate new RFC 
5280 features and/or new additions to PKITS critically and make cost/benefit 
and priority decisions on a feature-by-feature basis. Do not expect significant 
new RFC 5280 (et. al.) functionality to be added to libpkix any time soon, even 
if that functionality is specified by some (old) RFC already, unless that 
functionality already has significant usage. If there is RFC 5280 (et al.) 
functionality in libpkix that goes beyond what PKITS tests, then we may even 
consider removing that functionality if it causes problems (e.g. security 
vulnerabilities) and a "proper" fix for that feature is too time consuming. (I 
don't think others are as eager to do this as I am, and it is diffi
 cult to determine whether a feature is actually being relied upon or not, so I 
consider this last thing to be somewhat unlikely and rare if it ever happens.)

We did not come up with a plan on how to end-of-life the old "classic" 
certificate path validation/building. It might be the case that certhigh is 
implemented in a way enables us to easily make enhancements to it to improve 
libpkix-based processing without breaking the old "classic" API. I am a little 
skeptical that it will be easy to make improvements to certhigh to improve 
libpkix without having to do significant extra work to keep the classic API 

In my opinion, it is a very good idea for applications to move to remove their 
dependencies on the "classic" API. Once Firefox is using libpkix exclusively, 
there will be little interest from Mozilla in fixing bugs in the "classic" 
library, and I got the idea that others feel similarly.

Let me know if there is anything I missed or am mistaken about.

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