Re: just to let you know FESCo agreed to a preliminary injunction while we consider this issue

2024-02-04 Thread Jonathan Bennett via devel

On February 4, 2024 2:16:55 PM CST, Tom Seewald  wrote:
>> On February 3, 2024 8:55:42 PM CST, Kevin Kofler via devel
>> > 
>> Wait, you're banned from all the KDE channels in Fedora? I have no idea what 
>> led to
>> that, though the KDE SIG doesn't have a track record of handing those kind 
>> of bans out
>> flippantly. But regardless, that calls into question your position as an 
>> unbiased
>> observer.
>Jumping to an accusation of bad faith, rather than addressing anything that 
>Kevin wrote, doesn't make for a productive discussion.
No. I explicitly did not accuse him of bad faith. I am pointing out that being 
banned from the Fedora KDE effort puts him in a weird place, to now try to save 
the day. It's a conflict of interest.
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Re: just to let you know FESCo agreed to a preliminary injunction while we consider this issue

2024-02-04 Thread Jonathan Bennett via devel

On February 3, 2024 8:55:42 PM CST, Kevin Kofler via devel 
>Neal Gompa wrote:
>> It's extremely obvious that people want to use it. You replied to
>> someone who did and denigrated their opinion. Frankly, I'm
>> disappointed in your response as well as the tone of you and Kevin.
>I cannot really speak for Sérgio. I do think his choice of words in the 
>particular mail you are referring to could have been better. (In particular, 
>I would not have used the word "crap" there.) But please keep in mind that 
>he (like me) is not a native English speaker.
>I can, though, speak for myself, and I am frankly surprised that you are 
>offended by the tone of my messages. Are you sure that it is not the content 
>that upsets you rather than the tone? And if it is, try asking you why the 
>content upsets you. Maybe because it points out inconvenient facts?
>> Neither of you are aligning with the Fedora Foundation of Friends, and
>> the personal attacks were unwarranted and unwanted.
>We (the KDE SIG and me) stopped being Friends when you (the KDE SIG) 
>unilaterally decided to ban me from all your communication channels, a ban 
>that has still not been lifted years after the alleged misconduct (on IRC 
>only, but the ban was extended to the mailing list and even your Pagure 
>issue trackers!) you accused me of.

Wait, you're banned from all the KDE channels in Fedora? I have no idea what 
led to that, though the KDE SIG doesn't have a track record of handing those 
kind of bans out flippantly. But regardless, that calls into question your 
position as an unbiased observer.
>Nevertheless, I am really trying hard to not make this personal. What I 
>disagree with is the technical decision to remove X11 support from the 
>Fedora Plasma packaging. I also objected right when you filed your Change 
>Proposal that the KDE SIG has no authority to declare in the Change that 
>Fedora will NOT ship something because other packagers are free to package 
>it. A belief that at the time was actually shared by the KDE SIG, or at 
>least by the one KDE SIG member who has publicly commented on it:
>Though the wording in the Change Proposal was not changed. Possibly because 
>you did not believe at the time that I was serious about submitting those 
>packages, just like others did not believe you were serious about removing 
>X11 support from Plasma packaging. But I am of the kind that when I promise 
>something, I tend to deliver on it.
>> What we're doing is bold for sure, but aligns with two more of the Fedora
>> Foundations, First and Features.
>I can see how it aligns with "First", but how does removing a major feature 
>that users rely on align with "Features"?
>I also believe that denying users the choice of continuing to use X11 
>despite upstream still supporting it does not align with the "Freedom" and 
>"Friends" principles.
>> And for the first time in a long time, Fedora KDE has generated
>> significant buzz in the community and media.
>Any press is good press? I believe that the coverage only hurts the 
>reputation of the Fedora KDE SIG. If you see the discussions, many people 
>are grabbing their virtual pitchforks, or silently switching distributions 
>as a result of the news (even though it is actually fake news because I had 
>already stated back in September that I would reintroduce the X11 packages 
>should you remove them, a fact that the press has not bothered researching). 
>Sure, there are some very vocal fanboys screaming "Death to X11!", but I 
>really do not understand why, because nobody is forcing them to use X11. 
>There is no need to remove X11 to make Wayland great.
>> I'm excited for the future of Fedora KDE with Plasma Wayland, as well
>> as what we're doing with the upstream KDE community. :)
>And nobody is taking that away.
>Kevin Kofler
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Re: just to let you know FESCo agreed to a preliminary injunction while we consider this issue

2024-02-01 Thread Jonathan Bennett via devel
Hey folks, outside observer, and long-time Fedora user weighing in with 
some thoughts. First off, I've been hyped to see Fedora lead the way 
with finally making a real move to Wayland, and retire X11. And now I'm 
fairly disappointed to hear that there's a real chance that move will 
get killed. And especially that it's not because of a technical problem 
or blocker bug.

It really seems like KDE-x11 would do better to live in a copr, with 
whatever packages needs rebuilt to make it work. Probably a better 
experience for everyone.

The proposal was to go to KDE 6 and drop X11 support. " KDE Plasma will 
not offer an X11 session" That change was approved by FESCo. And from my 
perspective running Fedora  Rawhide and KDE 6, it looks great. We even 
have HDR working! That's amazing! So let's go all in.

--Jonathan Bennett
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