Re: Mounting USB Storage devices with "sync" option ?

2024-02-01 Thread Larina Loriasel via devel
Such a way to dynamically mount and perform reads/writes to the device only 
when needed is truly an ideal solution, looking forward to udisks implementing 
such a feature.
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Re: Mounting USB Storage devices with "sync" option ?

2024-01-31 Thread Larina Loriasel via devel
> 'sync' has some strong downsides though: various operations become
> painfully slow (this depends a lot on the hardware and its age, and
> the history of previous writes, etc.), write operations block read
> operations, and the total number of writes may be increased, leading
> to more wear on the hardware.

The udev rule only applies to USB Storage devices, and I think the total number 
of writes increasing only happens if the data to be written is changed 
constantly (e.g. writes that overlap on same region/block of a device)
Most USB Storage devices are used for storing simple, consecutive streams of 
data, such as Music, Pictures and other simple files and are not usually 
modified much, thus, I think enabling sync makes sense in this regard.
In my opinion, the benefits of mounting USB Storage devices with sync outweigh 
the detriments.
Writes blocking reads is concerning.
> We approach this problem from a different angle: the user is supposed
> to sync the filesystem before removing. Graphical environments have
> an "eject" button, and for non-graphical environments, the user
> just needs to do a sync manually.

I am aware of that, but it leads to a poor user experience, being notified that 
a copying operation has been completed, while in reality, it has not.

> The same is true for "normal" writes to a harddrive. Operations are
> generally async, and the user needs to do a shutdown, during which
> we sync and unmount filesystems. If you "yank" the cord, this may (*)
> result in lost data and file system inconsistency.

My proposal was exclusively for USB Storage devices, not internal ones, as I 
can understand the benefits of async outweighing the detriments in the case of 
internal/network etc storage devices.
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