Re: [Base] Base Design WG agenda meeting 8st June 2015 14:15 UTC on #fedora-meeting-2

2015-06-10 Thread Václav Pavlín


Sorry for not being able to join last meeting - I had a training:( I 
won't be able to attend next meeting - I am traveling to US, but if you 
are going to vote about lnykryn joining the WG, please consider me 
voting *+1*.


On 06/08/2015 04:58 PM, Harald Hoyer wrote:

On 08.06.2015 10:29, Harald Hoyer wrote:

*IMPORTANT*: #fedora-meeting-2 ... I repeat: *two*

  - Interview candidates for new memberships
  - Optionally accept new members
  - Status - Docker
  - Status - BuildRequires
  - Open Floor

Please add items by replying to this mail.


Minutes (text):



Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 739 666 824

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: [Base] Base Design WG agenda meeting 1st June 2015 14:15 UTC on #fedora-meeting-2

2015-06-02 Thread Václav Pavlín

Hi guys,

I am sorry I missed the meeting yesterday - I had a training I 
completely forgot about, but anyway, my comments to the topic(s) follow:

Gathering of an information for the modularization proposal should 
surely be a common effort of es and Base - as both WGs has 
edditions/spins as their users

From my pov Base should own intersection of the package set from (all?) 
editions/spins/WGs. Thus if we agree on using scl for our 
modularization, then yes, it should be in Base's hands to add it the 
core pkg set. But also as jreznik said, we screwed up in generating 
requirements for such minimal/common package set:). On the other hand 
whatever is optional and not THE ONE technology we choose to support 
should be probably in hands of es so that we don't add bloat to base 

14:47:53 langdon msekleta, i guess i am making the argument that if 
es says this is how we do x, which relies on y then es needs to work 
with base to get y included in base for use by the editions (or other 
WGs in general)

If it is agreed upon that all editions will benefit from that x and y, 
then yes. But let's imagine Workstation decides to use xdg-apps and 
server decides to use Docker for similar use cases - how do es or Base 
get involved in here?

That's my 2c:)


On 1.6.2015 17:13, Harald Hoyer wrote:

On 01.06.2015 10:50, Harald Hoyer wrote:

*IMPORTANT*: #fedora-meeting-2 ... I repeat: *two*

  - Interview candidates for new memberships
  - Optionally accept new members
  - Open Floor

Please add items by replying to this mail.


Minutes (text):



Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 739 666 824

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Re: Vagrant group in comps

2015-03-23 Thread Václav Pavlín

On 2.3.2015 02:55, Josef Stribny wrote:

Hi all,

I would like to introduce a new @vagrant group that should pull in vagrant
with vagrant-libvirt plugin (at the very least) since libvirt might be
the preferred virtualization when used with Vagrant on Fedora and I would
like to encourage users to use the packaged plugin.

Also, we set libvirt as a default provider in the Fedora package and I think
it would be nicer to recommend install Vagrant group instead of
install vagrant-libvirt package.

What do you think? Is it reasonable or unnecessary?

(Btw. this is connected with the new Fedora 22 Vagrant feature[0])



I think it' a great idea. The only problem I see atm is a String Freeze 
[1] which was at 2015-02-24.

I'd suggest to following the Breaking the freeze instructions in [1] 
and going on with addition if it gets approved as users would definitely 
benefit from this change.




Lead Infrastructure Engineer
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Brno, Czech Republic

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Re: yum or dnf in the Fedora 22 Docker base image?

2015-02-18 Thread Václav Pavlín

On 17.2.2015 12:33, Daniel J Walsh wrote:

Not that I know of.
On 02/16/2015 09:50 AM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:

Thanks! Are there tracking bugs in Bugzilla I can subscribe to?

I don't think there are any - feel free to file it.

On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 9:42 AM, Daniel J Walsh wrote:

On 02/16/2015 12:31 PM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:

On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 5:19 AM, Daniel J Walsh wrote:

I think the F22 and Rawhide (Is it F23 at this point), should both use dnf
not yum.  We need to get more testing on dnf in containers.

I'm ready to start testing F22 containers either way and would prefer
dnf. What's the best process to get this rolling? Who owns the image -
release engineering or Project Atomic? The reason I ask is that
Project Atomic has their own mailing list and uses Trac, not the Red
Hat Bugzilla, for issue tracking.

Either way, my main upstream component (RStudio Server) may end up
stuck with F21 - it doesn't link with the latest Boost right now and
they only support CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu.

Vaclav is handling this right now.  I don't see this as owned by
The problem currently is I am not able to build any Fedora image due to 
some Anaconda problems. I'll get back to you as soon as I have something 


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Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic

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Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Agenda for Env-and-Stacks WG meeting (2014-11-25)

2014-11-26 Thread Václav Pavlín

#fedora-meeting: Env and Stacks (2014-11-26)

Meeting started by vpavlin at 12:01:05 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* init process  (vpavlin, 12:01:38)

* Follow-ups  (vpavlin, 12:02:21)
  * LINK:
(vpavlin, 12:09:30)
  * ncoghlan started with a draft for a User Level Package Management
topic  (vpavlin, 12:12:19)
  * bkabrda plans to deploy devpi  (vpavlin, 12:12:19)
  * devpi instance wil be here: (nothing is there ATM)
(vpavlin, 12:16:35)

* Language specific repositories  (vpavlin, 12:16:54)
  * ACTION: ncoghlan to describe the devpi pilot and what we'd like to
get out of it  (vpavlin, 12:19:09)
  * Koji devels are looking into building non-RPM content (Java jars in
the first place)  (vpavlin, 12:23:32)
  * WRT vondruch'a opinion, Ruby might not be good candidate for
Language specific repositories project  (vpavlin, 12:36:37)
  * Python's PEP 440 versioning scheme explicitly introduced
redistributor support, any ecosystems without that feature may be
ill-suited  (ncoghlan, 12:38:58)
  * pip and conda both came out of the Python community - the origins of
that split reflects a real difference in the way application
developers and data analysts approach their tools  (vpavlin,
  * ACTION: everybody should look at conda/NixOS and continue to discuss
Language specific repositories on ML.  (hhorak, 12:53:14)

* Election planning  (vpavlin, 12:54:17)
  * Every voting member should state if he wants continue his
participation  as a voting member in the Env  Stacks WG  by 10th
Dec 2014, no response counts as negative answer  (vpavlin, 12:56:31)
  * EnvStacks WG elections should be aligned with FESCo elections as it
would be easier for us and users  (vpavlin, 12:57:43)
  * Decision to be made if we want Townhall, Interviews (or nothing?)
(vpavlin, 13:04:48)

* Chairman for next meeting  (vpavlin, 13:06:09)
  * hhorak to chair  meeting on 2014-12-03  (vpavlin, 13:08:40)

* Open floor  (vpavlin, 13:08:48)

Meeting ended at 13:22:52 UTC.

Action Items

* ncoghlan to describe the devpi pilot and what we'd like to get out of
* everybody should look at conda/NixOS and continue to discuss Language
  specific repositories on ML.

Action Items, by person
* ncoghlan
  * ncoghlan to describe the devpi pilot and what we'd like to get out
of it
  * everybody should look at conda/NixOS and continue to discuss
Language specific repositories on ML.

People Present (lines said)
* ncoghlan (91)
* vpavlin (57)
* hhorak (30)
* vondruch (26)
* bkabrda (7)
* zodbot (4)
* jreznik (3)
* mclasen (2)
* nphilipp (1)
* samkottler (0)
* sicampbell (0)
* tjanez (0)
* juhp (0)
* pkovar (0)

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Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: [Base] Base Design WG agenda meeting 14 November 2014 15:00 UTC on #fedora-meeting

2014-11-12 Thread Václav Pavlín

On 11.11.2014 17:02, Matthew Miller wrote:

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 03:30:43PM +0100, Harald Hoyer wrote:

  - Docker update

Note that Docker images are currently not building properly in Koji. At
this point in the cycle, this seems fairly urgent. Who has ownership
for this?

This doesn't look good...and as Image Factory doesn't provide very good 
logs, I have no idea where the problem might be (I don't have rights to 
build an image to investigate anyway..)

Dennis, do you know why those builds fail?

Also, let me know if there are any news in communication with Docker 
about pushing our images or if there is anything I can do in this area



Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic

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Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: [Base] Base Design WG agenda meeting 14 November 2014 15:00 UTC on #fedora-meeting

2014-11-12 Thread Václav Pavlín

On 12.11.2014 16:25, Matthew Miller wrote:

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 07:00:11AM -0600, Dennis Gilmore wrote:

Big issue here is that its all manual processes and tehy do not want us
to update the images often, in the rawhide case we want to update daily.

Yeah. I think we shold avoid pushing rawhide to them for now. Possibly
push it to a secondary docker repo like fedora-rawhide (repo means
too many things, but in this case, it's a collection of docker images
on, or else for F22 look at hosting our own.

That sounds good to me - let's update fedora:rawhide 
( base image for example 
weekly and create f.e. fedora/rawhide image which could be pushed there 
easily daily and mention this from fedora repo.

Would that work for you?



Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic

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Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: [Base] Base Design WG agenda meeting 14 November 2014 15:00 UTC on #fedora-meeting

2014-11-11 Thread Václav Pavlín

I also have one more topic...

Software written in Go is linked statically and we are not able to 
figure out which version of Go was used during build. Means that despite 
we have latest Go with all CVE fixed in Fedora, we still have these CVEs 
in some packages built from old Go releases.

I've heard someone to mention we could use Bundles tag in RPM header 
to track this. I am not sure if I understood it correctly as I hasn't 
been able to find anything about it... With this said I am CCing Florian 
once again to help us out:)


On 11.11.2014 15:47, Jaroslav Reznik wrote:

- Original Message -

  - Status buildrequires cleanup work (davids  nils!)
  - Update on factory-reset work
  - Docker update
  - Open Floor

One more topic - generic network install images, there was a question
raised, if Base WG would like to take care of it. I'll provide more details
in the meeting.


Last meeting logs:
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Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: [Base] Base Design WG agenda meeting 14 November 2014 15:00 UTC on #fedora-meeting

2014-11-11 Thread Václav Pavlín

On 11.11.2014 16:26, Vít Ondruch wrote:

Dne 11.11.2014 v 16:17 Václav Pavlín napsal(a):

I also have one more topic...

Software written in Go is linked statically and we are not able to
figure out which version of Go was used during build. Means that
despite we have latest Go with all CVE fixed in Fedora, we still have
these CVEs in some packages built from old Go releases.

I've heard someone to mention we could use Bundles tag in RPM header
to track this.

You mean bundled virtual provide, e.g. Provides: bundled(go) = 1.0.0
etc. See

for more information.


That's probably it, although I think we need to set this automatically 
during the build to make it useful.



I am not sure if I understood it correctly as I hasn't been able to
find anything about it... With this said I am CCing Florian once again
to help us out:)


On 11.11.2014 15:47, Jaroslav Reznik wrote:

- Original Message -

   - Status buildrequires cleanup work (davids  nils!)
   - Update on factory-reset work
   - Docker update
   - Open Floor

One more topic - generic network install images, there was a question
raised, if Base WG would like to take care of it. I'll provide more
in the meeting.


Last meeting logs:

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Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic

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Re: Meeting minutes from Env-and-Stacks WG meeting (2014-10-14)

2014-10-15 Thread Václav Pavlín

On 14.10.2014 16:51, Honza Horak wrote:

#fedora-meeting: Env and Stacks (2014-10-14)

Meeting started by hhorak at 13:02:18 UTC. The full logs are available



Meeting summary


* init process  (hhorak, 13:02:39)

* Docker, Docker, Docker  (hhorak, 13:06:09)

  * LINK:   (ncoghlan, 13:07:26)

  * ACTION: hhorak will create a new task about preparing dockerfiles

recommended tips  (hhorak, 13:40:28)

* dockerfile_lint  (hhorak, 13:41:03)

  * LINK:

(ncoghlan, 13:45:20)

  * checks to dockerfile_lint might be done in parallel with defining

some recommended practices to write dockerfiles  (hhorak, 13:46:20)

  * IDEA: dockerfile_lint could be run in %check section of

fedora-dockerfiles package; dockerfile_lint does not seem to be

usable in Taskotron unless we start building layered images in

Fedora  (hhorak, 13:54:55)
Yes, running in %check should be ok for now. When we start building 
layered images, we will probably want to check every Dockerfile coming 
for build and fail on errors, or at least report warnings.


  * taskotron will allow to run some tasks for arbitrary components

only, but since it does not do it now we should be fine with running

dockerfile_lint in %check for now  (hhorak, 14:08:35)

  * we should start to think about delivering layered images during some

of the next meetings (or on ML)  (hhorak, 14:17:23)

* Picking chairman for the next meeting  (hhorak, 14:20:06)

* OpenFloor  (hhorak, 14:21:13)

* standardized macros for bootstrapping packages  (hhorak, 14:46:30)

  * IDEA: packages bootstraps are implemented without any

standardization, but with some rules at least for RPM macros names

it might be much more easy to bootstrap packages  (hhorak, 14:46:30)

Meeting ended at 14:50:15 UTC.

Action Items

* hhorak will create a new task about preparing dockerfiles recommended


Action Items, by person


* hhorak

  * hhorak will create a new task about preparing dockerfiles

recommended tips


  * (none)

People Present (lines said)


* hhorak (65)

* ncoghlan (54)

* nphilipp (21)

* juhp (17)

* tflink (13)

* bkabrda1 (6)

* [GNU] (5)

* zodbot (4)

* pkovar (2)

* bkabrda (0)

* samkottler (0)

* sicampbell (0)

* vpavlin (0)

* tjanez (0)

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Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic

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Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: [Base] Base Design WG agenda meeting 03 October 2014 15:00 UTC on #fedora-meeting

2014-10-06 Thread Václav Pavlín
Dennis, how can I help you to figure out image publishing process? Let 
me know if I can be any help, we should definitely move forward on this 
and it probably doesn't make sense vote until you say we have a workflow 
how to ship the image.


On 3.10.2014 08:56, Václav Pavlín wrote:
Hi I will be traveling to Prague in the afternoon so I'd suggest to 
cancel this meeting as 2 members are not going to be there and I my 
bus might get delay.


On 3.10.2014 02:57, Dennis Gilmore wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 02 Oct 2014 18:28:40 +0200
Phil Knirsch wrote:

Unfortunately tomorrow is a public holiday in Germany, but if someone
else from the WG would run the meeting i've put together a proposed
agenda for tomorrow to give a few updates:

   - Update buildrequires cleanup work (davids)
   - Update Alpha base image
   - Open Floor

Thanks  regards, Phil

I will be missing the meeting due to being on PTO

Version: GnuPG v2



Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: [Base] Base Design WG agenda meeting 03 October 2014 15:00 UTC on #fedora-meeting

2014-10-03 Thread Václav Pavlín
Hi I will be traveling to Prague in the afternoon so I'd suggest to 
cancel this meeting as 2 members are not going to be there and I my bus 
might get delay.


On 3.10.2014 02:57, Dennis Gilmore wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 02 Oct 2014 18:28:40 +0200
Phil Knirsch wrote:

Unfortunately tomorrow is a public holiday in Germany, but if someone
else from the WG would run the meeting i've put together a proposed
agenda for tomorrow to give a few updates:

   - Update buildrequires cleanup work (davids)
   - Update Alpha base image
   - Open Floor

Thanks  regards, Phil

I will be missing the meeting due to being on PTO

Version: GnuPG v2



Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: [Base] F21 Alpha Docker base image release

2014-10-02 Thread Václav Pavlín

On 2.10.2014 00:03, Dennis Gilmore wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 01 Oct 2014 09:56:32 +0200
Václav Pavlín wrote:


Dennis, could you please build Alpha base image with updated bash?
(And probably also prepare F20 and Rawhide images so that we can
really call the Fedora image official with all it's tags?

There is no looking back Alpha is done, Beta TC1 is out the door,
though the docker image is missing with kokji down I can not see why it
failed to compose. We can not go back.  Fedora 20 will never have
official docker images and we produce branched and rawhide images
nightly. so there is plenty of newer images available not sure what you
mean by with all it's tags?
I probably don't understand - why is it impossible to build F20 image? 
By with all it's tags I mean so that we can have fedora:20, fedora:21 
and fedora:rawhide in Docker Hub

We should probably also consider using Fedora Cloud SIG account on
github to push these image to Docker Automated builds - it would
probably look better then using Lokesh's account (no offence:) ).

hithub is not an acceptable medium to use for Fedora release
engineering. as I understand it docker do not care where it is hosted
so long as things are in git that they can pull from. so we will use
Right, I haven't realized we can use any git - fedorahosted is 
definitely the correct place in this case.

The *interim* workflow for uploading official Fedora image to Docker
Hub would be:

1. Download tar.gz and ks from Koji
2. Unpack
3. Compress layer.tar as xz

not acceptable. if we must use different compression we will adjust
koji to compress things differently. we do not do manipulation of the
deliverables, we take them as they come out.

The problem is that we have image with metadata

├── repositories
└── 20bb2f8f723c9244e8c7f5b09edbbadff5dfa38c2e4165d3cfdb19ba6a2d1a6e
├── json
├── *layer.tar*

And what we need to provide to Docker Automated builds is only the file 

4. Upload Dockerfile, ks and *.tar.xz to Fedora Cloud SIG github
repository (same as

releng will upload to fedorahosted. 5. Update

I agree with Matt we should ship what we have and follow up with
Docker on enablement of import for our images (containing metadata)
built in Koji.

I am all for shipping what we have. we need to work out how to actually
do it.

Does this make sense to you? If there will be no objections, could we

- -1 for your proposal as is.

Lokesh, would you like to continue to maintain the process of getting
Fedora Docker base images to the audience?

Thanks  regards,

Version: GnuPG v2



Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

[Base] F21 Alpha Docker base image release

2014-10-01 Thread Václav Pavlín


Dennis, could you please build Alpha base image with updated bash? (And 
probably also prepare F20 and Rawhide images so that we can really call 
the Fedora image official with all it's tags?)

We should probably also consider using Fedora Cloud SIG account on 
github to push these image to Docker Automated builds - it would 
probably look better then using Lokesh's account (no offence:) ).

The *interim* workflow for uploading official Fedora image to Docker Hub 
would be:

1. Download tar.gz and ks from Koji
2. Unpack
3. Compress layer.tar as xz
4. Upload Dockerfile, ks and *.tar.xz to Fedora Cloud SIG github 
repository (same as
5. Update

I agree with Matt we should ship what we have and follow up with Docker 
on enablement of import for our images (containing metadata) built in Koji.

Does this make sense to you? If there will be no objections, could we vote?

Lokesh, would you like to continue to maintain the process of getting 
Fedora Docker base images to the audience?

Thanks  regards,


Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: [Base] Base Design WG agenda meeting 26 September 2014 15:00 UTC on #fedora-meeting

2014-09-30 Thread Václav Pavlín


So to follow on the topic of publishing F21 Alpha base image...

I talked to Tianon from Docker today on IRC and our current output of 
build in Koji is not acceptable as input for their official images repo 
- they use Dockerfiles to build even base images - input is a Dockerfile 
and tarred rootfs without metadata. Problem is that our Koji image 
already has metadata and is already a proper Docker image. We could 
configure Image Factory to produce just rootfs tar, but then we wouldn't 
be able to track the images. Current output of Koji enables us to track 
the image back to every RPM package included into it by the image ID. 
Tianon also mentioned future feature which would support signed images - 
we would probably want to produce such signed image by ourselves, not 
just give Docker rootfs and let them sign it.

He said it's valid use case and he will try to think of a way how to 
improve Docker Hub's Automated Builds to support import of proper image 
and not just tarred rootfs.

We could still publish F21 Alpha image - it would just require some 
manual work and the result would not share the ID generated by Koji.


On 26.9.2014 12:13, Václav Pavlín wrote:

On 26.9.2014 11:41, Phil Knirsch wrote:

 - Introduction David Sommerseth, taking over buildrequires cleanup 
work from Benedikt

 - Discussion: Sharing alpha base image on Docker Hub

I am not sure if I will make it to the meeting so I'll comment here.

Matt asked if we are going to push Alpha base image to Docker Hub and 
I think there is no reason why we shouldn't.

From [1] I guess Lokesh is the one who deals with Fedora images - is 
that true, Lokesh?

Could you, Dennis and Lokesh, work together to get F21 Alpha image on 
Docker Hub? Let me know if I can be any help!



 - Open Floor

Thanks  regards, Phil


Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: [Base] Base Design WG agenda meeting 26 September 2014 15:00 UTC on #fedora-meeting

2014-09-26 Thread Václav Pavlín

On 26.9.2014 11:41, Phil Knirsch wrote:

 - Introduction David Sommerseth, taking over buildrequires cleanup 
work from Benedikt

 - Discussion: Sharing alpha base image on Docker Hub

I am not sure if I will make it to the meeting so I'll comment here.

Matt asked if we are going to push Alpha base image to Docker Hub and I 
think there is no reason why we shouldn't.

From [1] I guess Lokesh is the one who deals with Fedora images - is 
that true, Lokesh?

Could you, Dennis and Lokesh, work together to get F21 Alpha image on 
Docker Hub? Let me know if I can be any help!



 - Open Floor

Thanks  regards, Phil


Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: [Base] Potential cancel of Base Design WG agenda meeting 19 September 2014 15:00 UTC on #fedora-meeting

2014-09-19 Thread Václav Pavlín
I am not really on vacation, but WiFi on the Prague airport sucks so +1 
from me for canceling.


On 19.9.2014 16:04, Michal Sekletar wrote:

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 02:58:00PM +0200, Phil Knirsch wrote:

Hi everyone.

Hey Phil,

As i'm not feeling well at all i won't be able to make it to our
regular meeting today.

With Harald and vpavlin both on vacation I am up for canceling today's meeting
for good.



So if any of you want to do run it feel free to do so, but i won't
be able to attend. And sorry for the late notice.

Thanks  regards, Phil

Philipp Knirsch  | Tel.:  +49-711-96437-470
Manager Core Services| Fax.:  +49-711-96437-111
Red Hat GmbH | Email: Phil Knirsch
Wankelstrasse 5  | Web:
D-70563 Stuttgart, Germany
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Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic

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Re: [Base] Terminology for docker/atomic images

2014-09-08 Thread Václav Pavlín

On 8.9.2014 16:03, Dusty Mabe wrote:

On Mon, Sep 08, 2014 at 09:29:12AM -0400, Colin Walters wrote:

On Sun, Sep 7, 2014, at 11:22 PM, Dusty Mabe wrote:

In a nutshell, it would be great if we added Container to references we
make to the container image (in conversation and docs).

I tend to say Docker Base Image - that's the terminology upstream
Docker uses:

I think in the context of Docker, i.e. when you already know you are
talking about the Docker daemon and Docker containers, then Docker
Base Image is clear enough.

I think when you don't have that context to begin with and you hear
Docker Base Image then it is not so clear. I'm fine with
incorporating their terminology so we can be more clear though:

 Docker Container Base Image ?

Unfortunately we have to balance clarity with convenience. The longer
it gets the more people won't like it so that is something to

I agree with Colin - Docker Base Image is what we should use when 
talking about Docker images which are then used in Docker Layered Images 
as a base layer on top of which you can build. Please don't make the 
terminology too complicated.

If you are in context of Docker you can safely use Base Image and 
Layered Image. If you talk in general, adding Docker will bring you to 
the right namespace.

Do we need a documentation of this somewhere on Fedora Wiki?



Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic

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Re: fakesystemd package breaking builds

2014-08-27 Thread Václav Pavlín


There is new fakesystemd build for F21 which should fix the breakage, 


On St 27. srpen 2014, 15:23:27 CEST, Jerry Vonau wrote:

On August 27, 2014 at 7:28 AM Rex Dieter wrote:

Seems the fakesystemd package is breaking some rawhide builds,
because it is getting pulled into the buildroot and that it contains:
Conflicts: systemd

Example qt:

That has a sub-build[1] that is failing but for a different reason:
Error: Package: harfbuzz-icu-0.9.35-2.fc22.x86_64 (build)

Might be fallout from the gcc mass rebuild.

I don't see where fakesystemd is being pulled into the buildroot[2], can
you point that out for me?




Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: fakesystemd package breaking builds

2014-08-27 Thread Václav Pavlín

Hi Lennart,

It's a package that fakes systemd presence in system. It's solely 
intended for Docker images as we don't want systemd there (at least as 
long as it takes to prepare systemd-container Michal is working on). I 
made a mistake and it ended up being pulled in buildroot.

Ping me on IRC if you have more questions or comments.


On St 27. srpen 2014, 20:16:20 CEST, Lennart Poettering wrote:

On Wed, 27.08.14 07:28, Rex Dieter ( wrote:

Seems the fakesystemd package is breaking some rawhide builds, particularly
because it is getting pulled into the buildroot and that it contains:
Conflicts: systemd

Example qt:

(which is no direct systemd dependencies, mind you)

I can guess why this fakesystemd package came into existence, but I question
the wisdom behind it's implementation.  As far as I can tell, it contains
Provides: systemd
(and a few other systemd-related dependencies)

What is fakesystemd supposed to be? Wouldn't it be a good idea to pass
such things by me or so before introducing this? I mean, people are
welcome to ignore me, but it would be nice to at least inform me about
this... There was already a systemd-mini, and now a fakesystemd, I mean,
what is this all about?




Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: fakesystemd package breaking builds

2014-08-27 Thread Václav Pavlín

On St 27. srpen 2014, 20:27:51 CEST, Lennart Poettering wrote:

On Wed, 27.08.14 20:20, Václav Pavlín ( wrote:


It's a package that fakes systemd presence in system. It's solely
intended for Docker images as we don't want systemd there (at least
as long as it takes to prepare systemd-container Michal is working
on). I made a mistake and it ended up being pulled in buildroot.

Ping me on IRC if you have more questions or comments.

So what is systemd-container supposed to do? And what precisely is
fakesystemd supposed to do? And that mini thing?
fakesystemd owns same directories systemd does and has set provides to 
fulfill most RPM dependencies for systemd. For example you want to run 
httpd in your Docker container which brings systemd, devicemapper, 
kmod... in. If the base image contains fakesystemd none of these 
dependencies is installed. If you really need systemd in you container 
you can use following command:

yum swap -- remove fakesystemd -- install systemd systemd-libs

systemd-container (I think it's the same thing you refer to as mini) 
should remove dependencies which does not make sense in container (again 
devicemapper, kmod...) and hwdb and should run as init in multi-service 
containers. Well I am not sure if it ends up being really 
systemd-container or simply fixed systemd. If I am not mistaken this 
was second topic for last Base WG meeting which we didn't get to:) So 
hopefully this week?


This sounds all very much not thought to the end.

Can you please explain what these packages precisely do, and why they 



Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: fakesystemd package breaking builds

2014-08-27 Thread Václav Pavlín

On St 27. srpen 2014, 20:47:33 CEST, Lennart Poettering wrote:

On Wed, 27.08.14 20:35, Václav Pavlín ( wrote:

So what is systemd-container supposed to do? And what precisely is
fakesystemd supposed to do? And that mini thing?

fakesystemd owns same directories systemd does and has set provides
to fulfill most RPM dependencies for systemd. For example you want
to run httpd in your Docker container which brings systemd,
devicemapper, kmod... in. If the base image contains fakesystemd
none of these dependencies is installed. If you really need systemd
in you container you can use following command:

yum swap -- remove fakesystemd -- install systemd systemd-libs

systemd-container (I think it's the same thing you refer to as
mini) should remove dependencies which does not make sense in
container (again devicemapper, kmod...) and hwdb and should run as
init in multi-service containers. Well I am not sure if it ends up
being really systemd-container or simply fixed systemd. If I am
not mistaken this was second topic for last Base WG meeting which we
didn't get to:) So hopefully this week?

I am not on the base WG. I was not selected for it. If you come up with
schemes like this, it is really a good idea to actually ask the people
who work on the package you are trying to work on or work around...
Well you was very helpful on last meeting and I guess you'll be invited 
to the next one as systemd should be on the plate again.

Can we please do this stuff more systematically?

I also offered to split out the hwdb in Brno, if you remember. If this
is about the hwdb, then let's just do that...
Talk to Michal Sekletar about it then - he is working on something we 
call systemd-container internally. We need systemd running in Docker 
container. I don't like to have needless stuff in images but if the 
result is just drop the hwdb then I am fine with that.

But regarding kmod/devicemapper, can we please get some stats about how
big this individually are, and how much is saved by this? kmod at least
is 150K or so only. Is there really any value in doing this weird stuff
for a fricking 150K?! Fedora has no bigger fishes to fry?

I'll prepare stats for you tomorrow.

The systemd-container or fakesystemd stuff sounds awfully adhoc. Can we
please always discuss this first, and see if we can find a different
solution? We don't need three different solutions, if one works too...
We've talked about this on Flock - it's not only about disk space but 
also about security reasons (CC'ing Dan Walsh). My goal was not to have 
needless junk in base image - if we are not going to use systemd to 
manage services there, why should it be there with all it's dependencies?




Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: [Base] Base Design WG agenda meeting 25 July 2014 15:00 UTC on #fedora-meeting

2014-07-28 Thread Václav Pavlín
WRT discussion on the WG meeting about adding systemd to comps to block 
fakesystemd [1] installation to real OS - systemd is in @core group 
since F14 [2].



On Pá 25. červenec 2014, 15:06:11 CEST, Václav Pavlín wrote:

Thanks Matt, I was going ask for discussion about this for today's

On Pá 25. červenec 2014, 14:57:53 CEST, Matthew Miller wrote:

On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 01:25:12PM +0200, Phil Knirsch wrote:

  - Status update builrequires cleanup
  - Really talk with Vaclav Pavlin as candidate for WG :)
  - Open floor

I saw in the Env  Stacks minutes the suggestion that the Base WG should
produce the Docker base image. If that's not agreed on by both sides
figure that out rather than making it a hot potato.

I may or may not be online during the meeting, so throwing this out
now. :)


Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic


Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: [Base] Base Design WG agenda meeting 25 July 2014 15:00 UTC on #fedora-meeting

2014-07-25 Thread Václav Pavlín
Thanks Matt, I was going ask for discussion about this for today's 

On Pá 25. červenec 2014, 14:57:53 CEST, Matthew Miller wrote:

On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 01:25:12PM +0200, Phil Knirsch wrote:

  - Status update builrequires cleanup
  - Really talk with Vaclav Pavlin as candidate for WG :)
  - Open floor

I saw in the Env  Stacks minutes the suggestion that the Base WG should
produce the Docker base image. If that's not agreed on by both sides let's
figure that out rather than making it a hot potato.

I may or may not be online during the meeting, so throwing this out now. :)


Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: [Base] The Base Design WG is looking for a new committee member!

2014-07-11 Thread Václav Pavlín

On 27.6.2014 18:13, Phil Knirsch wrote:

Hi everyone.

As Bill Nottingham has decided to resign from the committee we now 
have a free seat that we'd like to fill with another person.

In order to fill this seat i'm therefore reaching out here to Fedora 
development to offer allow any applicant from the community to get in 
touch with us and let us know you're interested, why you're 
interested, why you think you'd be a good fit and maybe even the 
things you'd like to drive or accomplish in the Base Design WG.

For more background on what the Base WG does, here our Fedora wiki:

In order to contact us you can either reply directly to me or join us 
during our regular meetings each Friday at 15:00 UTC on #fedora-meeting.

I strongly suspect next weeks meeting will be canceled due to the US 
holiday, but after that we'll be doing weekly meetings again.

Looking forward to see you there!

Thanks  regards, Phil

Hi all,

I decided to sign up for the seat in Base Working Group.

To introduce myself - I work for Red Hat for two years and during that 
time I moved from grub1 maintainer to systemd and initscripts 
co-maintainer to someone who maintains and defines Docker base images. 
Apart from that I am responsible for distribution bugs and there is some 
more stuff on my plate.

As the WG member I would like to contribute to discussions around Docker 
and build-req minimization. I've already worked on Fedora base images a 
bit and you can see the results here:

But as Fedora isn't only about Docker (luckily) I'd like to also help 
with defining what *base* really mean in Fedora and how to integrate it 
with other WGs' work.

I am already member of Environment  Stack WG so I'd like to use this 
opportunity to become a binding element of these groups.

Thanks  regards,
Vaclav Pavlin


Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic

devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Meeting minutes from Env-and-Stacks WG meeting (2014-07-08)

2014-07-08 Thread Václav Pavlín

#fedora-meeting: Env and Stacks (2014-07-08)

Meeting started by mmaslano at 12:00:30 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* init process  (mmaslano, 12:02:24)

* docker plans  (mmaslano, 12:05:59)
  * vpavlin will take a look at current Fedora images and try to
minimize them as much as possible.  (mmaslano, 12:07:42)
  * LINK:
(juhp_, 12:17:53)
  * vpavlin will ask scollier to cooperate on Fedora Dockerfiles with WG
(vpavlin, 12:24:25)
  * LINK:
(juhp_, 12:30:40)
  * vpavlin to check with other WGs about their Docker plans (vpavlin,
  * sicampbell will take a look at Docker integration with copr
(vpavlin, 12:48:08)

* Tasklist  (vpavlin, 12:51:04)
  * vpavlin to add tasks related to Docker to tasklist  (vpavlin,

Meeting ended at 12:56:30 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* vpavlin (44)
* mmaslano (32)
* sicampbell (13)
* juhp_ (10)
* zodbot (5)
* jreznik (5)
* bkabrda (4)
* sgallagh (2)
* pingou (1)
* samkottler (0)
* tjanez (0)
* juhp (0)
* sic (0)
* hhorak (0)
* pkovar (0)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`:
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: free seats in Env and Stacks WG - volunteers wanted

2014-07-01 Thread Václav Pavlín

On Út 1. červenec 2014, 11:31:35 CEST, Marcela Maslanova wrote:

Env and Stacks Working Group has noble plan to make development in
Fedora easier and also work with new technologies, which are not in
Fedora yet.

The whole statement can be found here:
There is missing Atomic and/or Docker, because all members were mostly
interested in things mentioned in the document than looking at
containers. I believe we need someone who can pick what will be in Fedora base
image. Details can be found in Matt statement:

We don't have manpower to work on all projects, but we started to work
or co-operate on these:
1/ testing additional repositories – Playground repo
Playground plugin is similar to Copr plugin
2/ automation – Automated packages review tools
3/ automation – Taskotron
tool for Fedora tests
4/ Build Systems – Copr
5/ Software Collections in Fedora
6/ DevAssistant
7/ Continuous Integration - prototype of few projects

If you are interested in current topics or containers, then please let
us know on what you want to do and what 
you did until now.
I received some private replies, but I'd like to give opportunity to wider 

env-and-stacks mailing list


I would like to sign up for one of these seats. I am already working 
with Docker and  Docker images - I define and maintain RHEL Docker base 
images, thus I think I could help with these tasks in Fedora as well.

When base images are ready, I'd like to concentrate on building layered 
images in Copr, which, in my opinion, would help Fedora QA with 
automation of image testing.

Vaclav Pavlin


Lead Infrastructure Engineer
Developer Experience
Brno, Czech Republic
devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Proposal to WGs and rel-eng: Move 90-default.preset from systemd to fedora-release

2014-02-13 Thread Václav Pavlín


With current changes in Fedora regarding and productization 
of Fedora distribution I would like to suggest following change.

Package systemd ships file 90-default.preset [1] (full path: 
/usr/lib/systemd/system-preset/90-default.preset) which contains rules 
for command 'systemctl preset NAME'. This command enables/disables the 
unit represented by NAME based on the entry in preset file.

File 90-default.preset for example contains line 'enable sshd.service' 
which enables sshd when command mentioned above is called (mostly from 
rpm macro %systemd_post [1]).

Currently this file is part of systemd package which doesn't seem to be 
right. It contains default values specific for distribution, is not part 
of systemd upstream repository and is maintained downstream.

Based on these arguments, I'd like to propose to move this file to the 
fedora-release package (or elsewhere, if you can suggest better place). 
This package is specific to Fedora distribution as well and contains 
Fedora specific configuration files (i.e. Fedora repo files). The 
question of moving the file somewhere else than systemd might be really 
interesting for working groups either. It defines which services should 
be enabled by default after installation, which might differ for 
different products. (Or not, has anybody thought about this yet?) An 
example off top of my head - we would like to have sshd enabled after 
installation by default on server, but disabled on workstation.

I would like to ask release engineering for any feedback and 
representatives of working groups to discuss this on their meetings.

Thanks  Regards,
Vaclav Pavlin


devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: ABRT in the comps group 'standard'

2013-12-11 Thread Václav Pavlín

On 6.12.2013 10:56, Jakub Filak wrote:

I'd like to add abrt-cli package to the comps group 'standard'.

Regarding the discussion, there are two main concernes about adding 
abrt-cli to Standard comps group:

1) There will be some notifications popping up which can confuse users.

Not true. Nothing changes for desktop environments. Package abrt-desktop 
is already part of GNOME and Cinnamon comps groups. What we are talking 
about here is abrt-cli [1] - command line interface, which will let 
users to list, review and report crashes on their systems caught by 
abrt. Root is informed about crashes by email, normal users should not 
be affected.

2) Abrt is sending information by default without opt-in.

Not true. Abrt only stores crash details localy unless user calls 
'abrt-cli report' command, or enables uReports [2].

Abrt actually helps to find and solve problems [3] so we decided to add 
abrt-cli to Standard comps group for F21.



devel mailing list
Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: ABRT in the comps group 'standard'

2013-12-06 Thread Václav Pavlín

On Pá 6. prosinec 2013, 12:39:09 CET, Miroslav Suchý wrote:

On 12/06/2013 12:14 PM, Jóhann B. Guðmundsson wrote:

I would say that abrt should not be installed et all unless user has
agreed to it at install time.

I think abrt serves as good source of info in case of unexpected 
crashes, which is quite important to have stable system. So although 
being puzzled is not very nice, being disappointed by crashing 
applications is much worse from my point of view.

So try to look at it from broader perspective - I see more benefits in 
having abrt installed.


My mother would be puzzled, if ABRT would popup on her Fedora box.

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