Re: Rawhide is annoying me!

2011-02-07 Thread Jóhann B. Guðmundsson
On 02/07/2011 01:18 AM, David wrote:
> On 2/6/2011 5:41 PM, Christopher Aillon wrote:
>> On 02/06/2011 01:38 PM, David wrote:
>> Well...  this is one of the things we want to get out of the GNOME 3
>> test days.  If you aren't getting either a shell or fallback mode, we
>> need to know what hardware you're using so we can make sure it's handled
>> appropriately.  Filing a bug with a smolt profile would help with that,
>> or check out the GNOME 3 test day page and enter your data there.

Will there be a spin for us that already know that our hw is Gnome3 
compatible without out all that backwards compatibility cruff that will 
give us a pristine Gnome3 experience? :)

> Well yeah. That part I understand. But..
> As of late it seems to me that *some* not *all* devs have taken the
> attitude that 'you will accept what we think that you need' and you will
> be quiet'.

A lot if not most of those decisions are made by the Gnome UI Designers 
not the developers themselves so a lot of existing *features* have not 
been coded out they simply no longer are exposed to the end user as an 
*option* in the UI but *power* users are still able to tweak those 
setting via gconf/dconf editors and some of that UI Design is debatable 
to say the least from ( my ) usage perspective.

>   Or your hardware is really old and/or crappy so we no longer
> care about you.

We currently support [1].

> And the Linux that I first started using was a 'works for everyone' type
> of OS system. From the rich guy with the state of the art equipment to
> those less fortunate with older equipment or systems and slow dial-up
> access that is 'as good as it get here' in 'my country'.
> A people OS. Meant for all and not just mean for the privileged few.

If you are running/relying on a steam powered technology then use *DE 
that are designed specially support that like XFCE or LXDE.

Fallout Gnome users on older hw will only ensure healthy grows usage and 
community surrounding the other *DE .

As I see it Gnome is taking unavoidable necessary steps to keep it self 
as a viable Desktop option in the *modern* age on a *modern* hw and from 
my perspective they are about 1 - 2 years to late in the game which is 
probably due to various reason like for other components not being in 
ready enough state for them to take these necessary steps.

And from my perspective they should focus only as best as they can with 
integration and support on one platform GNU/Linux and stop supporting 
altogether any other *nix platform out there to be competitive to other 
Desktops on other OS out there.

> As I said. I can deal with this. But my mother could not. nor her
> husband. Nor my brother. Nor my sister. One out of five, 20%, in just my
> immediate family is not a good ratio.

If Gnome is not suitable for you family usage is there anything 
preventing you from using any of the other *DE alternatives we ship?

And why do you want to jump to F15 why don't you and or family just 
stick with F14 until it EOL's then check the status then?

F14 was relativley feature less which many may consider a feature in 
it's self but given our current feature set that we are introducing in 
F15 to get the best experience out of those features you will need to be 
on relatively modern hw preferably with SSD drive ( to take fully 
advantage of Systemd ) and it's my personal recommendation to you should 
you decide to switch to F15 that you do not upgrade you current 
installation but rather back up you data and do a clean install for the 
F15 release and from that point on can choose to upgrade to newer Fedora 



devel mailing list

Re: Unavailable Maintainer: Peter Gordon

2011-02-07 Thread Mohamed El Morabity
Le samedi 05 février 2011 à 16:31 -0700, Kevin Fenzi a écrit :
> Greetings. 
> It seems that Peter has been unavailable for Fedora packaging work for
> a while now. I have been maintaining two of his packages, (midori and
> webkitgtk) but there are a number of others which may need attention. 

I also tried to contact Peter about this bug on epiphany-extensions,
without any success:
I sent him a first mail about this issue and to help him maintaining
this package, but (still) no answer.

devel mailing list

Re: Rawhide is annoying me!

2011-02-07 Thread David
On 2/6/2011 11:34 PM, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 06, 2011 at 23:12:06 -0500,
>   David  wrote:
>> 5800 GTX card to work properly. The Linux drivers do not work as they
>> should. For me. And something about the version of Xorg and this, or a
>> combination of theses, makes major problems for me. Broke my desktop and
>> the general Gnome 'expected to work things'.
>> No one else has these problems? Maybe. More than likely 'no one else'
>> *yet*! What for now? After the release? Best wishes.
> I agree that video driver support should be a higher priority in Fedora.
> I waste a lot of time in rawhide because of video driver regressions.
> Unfortunately it would take a long time for me to get good enough at video
> drivers and dropping what I work on now to help out there doesn't see to
> be a good idea.

For some reason Fedora has serious problems with my old CRT monitor that
is connected to my test machine. Fedora see 'nothing' while another
distro that shall be nameless sees 1600x00 but not the maker. Since
Fedora removed system-config-display I can no longer get a good 2D
resolution and it takes real drivers for that. Also the Linux drivers do
not control the GPU speed or the cooling fan speed.

>> Do as you wish of course. I would suggest that you offer this as a
>> option. A 'try this' and if it works *great* but if it blows up get
>> easily back this way.
> The gnome 3 introduction could have been smoother. At the least some better
> help on what to do, as there were quirks for people already running rawhide.
> In general this has been a pretty sucky rawhide for me, but I really needed
> to use it to work on ogre and the lzma live image stuff.

All of that *I* understand I have 'tried' development Linux install for
8-10 years and   broken, stopped working, is crap, is an expected thing.
This, however, without an opt-in or at least a very easy 'OMG it is
killed!! Click-here [] to fix' is going to create a world of grief.

>> I appreecaite all of the work that you people do. Really. But there are
>> times that I disagree with the marketing paths you take.
>> The 'fallback' IMO should not be that but be a 'try this' with the
>> 'fallback' defaulted if a failure happens.
> While I am not a fan of gnome 3 so far, I think that making it the default
> does fit with the Fedora development model.

Again not a problem for me. i can fix this. But as long as those that
can not fix this are not run off to other distributions. Or back to Windows.


devel mailing list

Re: Rawhide is annoying me!

2011-02-07 Thread David
On 2/7/2011 4:07 AM, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:
> On 02/07/2011 01:18 AM, David wrote:
>> On 2/6/2011 5:41 PM, Christopher Aillon wrote:
>>> On 02/06/2011 01:38 PM, David wrote:
>>> Well...  this is one of the things we want to get out of the GNOME 3
>>> test days.  If you aren't getting either a shell or fallback mode, we
>>> need to know what hardware you're using so we can make sure it's handled
>>> appropriately.  Filing a bug with a smolt profile would help with that,
>>> or check out the GNOME 3 test day page and enter your data there.
> Will there be a spin for us that already know that our hw is Gnome3 
> compatible without out all that backwards compatibility cruff that will 
> give us a pristine Gnome3 experience? :)
>> Well yeah. That part I understand. But..
>> As of late it seems to me that *some* not *all* devs have taken the
>> attitude that 'you will accept what we think that you need' and you will
>> be quiet'.
> A lot if not most of those decisions are made by the Gnome UI Designers 
> not the developers themselves so a lot of existing *features* have not 
> been coded out they simply no longer are exposed to the end user as an 
> *option* in the UI but *power* users are still able to tweak those 
> setting via gconf/dconf editors and some of that UI Design is debatable 
> to say the least from ( my ) usage perspective.
>>   Or your hardware is really old and/or crappy so we no longer
>> care about you.
> We currently support [1].
>> And the Linux that I first started using was a 'works for everyone' type
>> of OS system. From the rich guy with the state of the art equipment to
>> those less fortunate with older equipment or systems and slow dial-up
>> access that is 'as good as it get here' in 'my country'.
>> A people OS. Meant for all and not just mean for the privileged few.
> If you are running/relying on a steam powered technology then use *DE 
> that are designed specially support that like XFCE or LXDE.
> Fallout Gnome users on older hw will only ensure healthy grows usage and 
> community surrounding the other *DE .
> As I see it Gnome is taking unavoidable necessary steps to keep it self 
> as a viable Desktop option in the *modern* age on a *modern* hw and from 
> my perspective they are about 1 - 2 years to late in the game which is 
> probably due to various reason like for other components not being in 
> ready enough state for them to take these necessary steps.
> And from my perspective they should focus only as best as they can with 
> integration and support on one platform GNU/Linux and stop supporting 
> altogether any other *nix platform out there to be competitive to other 
> Desktops on other OS out there.
>> As I said. I can deal with this. But my mother could not. nor her
>> husband. Nor my brother. Nor my sister. One out of five, 20%, in just my
>> immediate family is not a good ratio.
> If Gnome is not suitable for you family usage is there anything 
> preventing you from using any of the other *DE alternatives we ship?
> And why do you want to jump to F15 why don't you and or family just 
> stick with F14 until it EOL's then check the status then?
> F14 was relativley feature less which many may consider a feature in 
> it's self but given our current feature set that we are introducing in 
> F15 to get the best experience out of those features you will need to be 
> on relatively modern hw preferably with SSD drive ( to take fully 
> advantage of Systemd ) and it's my personal recommendation to you should 
> you decide to switch to F15 that you do not upgrade you current 
> installation but rather back up you data and do a clean install for the 
> F15 release and from that point on can choose to upgrade to newer Fedora 
> releases.
> 1. 

"steam powered technology". This is pretty much what I was talking about
here. My 'real' machine, the one that I use for work, is modern within
12 months. My 'made from taken out parts' machine is not. As I said I
can deal with that.

But there are others in the Fedora Community, no offense meant to anyone
here, that are not in a position to deal with the 'latest and greatest
eye-candy Desktops. First came KDE 4.x. And now come Gnome 3. At least
the 'fancy fluff' in KDE is easily disabled. It sounds like Gnome 3 can
not. Is that true?

There are always users on the Fedora Users list with older equipment
looking for help. What is your answer to them when they discover that
their 8-10 year old computer is 5 years too old when it is the best that
they have? Or can afford? Go buy a new computer? Or will it be - Go
away? That would be sad.

Do as you wish. I am sure that you will. But IMO the default should
work. Or the fallback should be auto-magic with a polite explanation to
the user of what just happene

Re: Rawhide is annoying me!

2011-02-07 Thread Jóhann B. Guðmundsson
On 02/07/2011 12:29 PM, David wrote:
> "steam powered technology". This is pretty much what I was talking about
> here. My 'real' machine, the one that I use for work, is modern within
> 12 months. My 'made from taken out parts' machine is not. As I said I
> can deal with that.
> But there are others in the Fedora Community, no offense meant to anyone
> here, that are not in a position to deal with the 'latest and greatest
> eye-candy Desktops. First came KDE 4.x. And now come Gnome 3. At least
> the 'fancy fluff' in KDE is easily disabled. It sounds like Gnome 3 can
> not. Is that true?

Well I'm pretty sure you can force Gnome3 in compatibility mode ( worst 
case scenario remove mutter/gnome-shell that I believe should suffice ) 
but if you want too but it should not be necessary since it should 
fallback automatically to that mode if your HW does not support Gnome 
Shell but I'm pretty sure that compatibility mode will not give you the 
same end user experience ( it did not for me when I hit it playing 
around in rawhide it looked like this [1] ) as you have with gnome 2.x. 
and eventually in the long run I'm pretty sure they will remove that 
backwards compatibility altogether.

> There are always users on the Fedora Users list with older equipment
> looking for help. What is your answer to them when they discover that
> their 8-10 year old computer is 5 years too old when it is the best that
> they have? Or can afford? Go buy a new computer? Or will it be - Go
> away? That would be sad.

Any particular reason you refuse to accept XFCE and LXDE as alternatives 
to run on old hardware it is after all part of their target user base 
and those users should simply be directed their way...

> Do as you wish. I am sure that you will. But IMO the default should
> work. Or the fallback should be auto-magic with a polite explanation to
> the user of what just happened.

It should if not do as Christopher mentioned and remember bugs that 
don't get reported wont get fixed...

"If you aren't getting either a shell or fallback mode, we  need to know 
what hardware you're using so we can make sure it's handled 
appropriately. Filing a bug with a smolt profile would help with that."

Not a bad idea providing a polite explanation which asks users to 
upgrade their hw or refer them to use alternatives to Gnome such as XFCE 
and LXDE which might be better suited to run on their old hw..


devel mailing list

Re: Rawhide is annoying me!

2011-02-07 Thread Bastien Nocera
On Sat, 2011-02-05 at 18:01 +, Paul F. Johnson wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having two problems on two different boxes, both running rawhide.
> Problem 1 (my main box) - whoever decided to remove the default
> applications thing from the menu, please put it back. I can understand
> the rational, but it currently means that on firing up my desktop, I
> don't have nautilus running as soon as I log in which is an absolute
> pain. I have to configure my sound every time to use the soundblaster
> rather than the on board card and it's generally just annoying.
> Is there a way that I can set the start up applications now?

The same way the old app used to do it, but by hand. The "login items"
preferences for the user accounts panel isn't implemented yet.

> Problem 2 (laptop). Gnome is dead. I can use KDE for my desktop but
> gnome, irrespective of the user, gives me a blue stripy screen and
> that's it. I've tried creating a new user in case it was my settings,
> but nope, blue stripy screen. I am not sure if it's related to gnome-do
> (I installed it, didn't like it, yum removed it) removing something it
> shouldn't have, but it does mean my laptop, unless using KDE, is no use.

Login at the console, and check your ~/.xsession-errors. My guess is
that there's a mismatch between the mutter, or gnome-shell plugins and
the gtk3 package installed (I saw this on my laptop as well).

Upgrading the machine should fix it.


devel mailing list

Re: [Test-Announce] Fedora GNOME 3 Test Day #1 coming up tomorrow

2011-02-07 Thread Bastien Nocera
On Fri, 2011-02-04 at 22:16 +0100, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> On Fri, 4 Feb 2011 21:09:41 +0100, Christoph wrote:
> > > * At the graphical login screen, I cannot log in. I did the useradd
> > > manually, and it appears as an empty entry to click on. Authentication
> > > fails. Cursor doesn't show any asterisk characters either when typing
> > > in the passphrase.
> > 
> > The entry is empty because you did not provide a full name to useradd.
> I know that, just didn't mention it. IMO, it's a usability bug if the
> login manager isn't clever enough to fall back to the username.

File a bug about that, against gdm.

> > Click other user, enter username, then password and you are done. This
> > also works when the user list is empty which happens randomly. ~C
> As mentioned on test-list, keyboard input in X doesn't work for me at all.

There were ibus and at-spi2-atk bugs. Remove those packages and text
input will work again.

The at-spi2-atk bugs are fixed upstream, and I believe the ibus ones are
already fixed in rawhide.

> Hence I cannot enter anything. Not in GNOME and not in XFCE either.
> I *would* have tested the snapshot a bit, but so far I can't. The
> GNOME Shell is strange, btw. The names below the various icons are
> truncated with "...", and not even moving the mouse over them expands
> them.

There's a bug about that. See my blog post:


devel mailing list

Re: Preferred & Startup applications gone?

2011-02-07 Thread Bastien Nocera
On Fri, 2011-02-04 at 08:52 +0100, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Adam Williamson wrote:
> > it's a design feature, we are told. the intent is that applications
> > should offer the option to set themselves as the default, instead of the
> > desktop providing a central config point.
> To the GNOME developers (Adam, I know you are just the messenger):
> This is very broken. You cannot expect non-GNOME applications to support 
> setting themselves as the default in GNOME. (For example, if you want to 
> use, say, Konqueror as your default browser, how would you set that? 
> Konqueror obviously does not support GNOME preferences.)

There's no GNOME preferences involved. Make sure Konqueror sets itself
as the handler for x-scheme-handler/http (and https) and you're done.

> Plus, we have seen where leaving this to the applications leads to on 
> Window$: applications fight for being the default and the user never gets 
> asked! Instead, merely running an app will change his/her file associations, 
> leading to a ping-pong effect. Please do not head down that road!

We're talking about browsers and mailers. Browsers already do that.

devel mailing list

Re: Rawhide is annoying me!

2011-02-07 Thread Adam Jackson
David Boles wrote:

> For some reason Fedora has serious problems with my old CRT monitor
> is connected to my test machine. Fedora see 'nothing' while another
> distro that shall be nameless sees 1600x00 but not the maker. Since
> Fedora removed system-config-display I can no longer get a good 2D
> resolution and it takes real drivers for that.

This is either because:

a) there's a timing bug in the DDC code that we're hitting and they're
b) your monitor no longer works with DDC (or never did) and they're
   installing enough xorg.conf to compensate.

The former is a bug, and you could detect if it were the case by
comparing the X logs from the two OSes. If one prints an EDID block and
the other does not, there you go.

For the other, feel free to hack s-c-d into shape, or (more preferably)
add the support to gnome-display-properties or whatever your DE's tool
of choice for that is.

(Actually now that I'm re-reading you, it's not clear if you're using
"real drivers" and "the Linux drivers" to refer to different things,
for example, nvidia versus nouveau.  If that's what you're doing, and
nvidia is succeeding at DDC where we're not, then the RE challenge
seems pretty obvious.)

> Also the Linux drivers do not control the GPU speed or the cooling
> fan speed.

This may well be true, but it's hardly fair to blame Fedora for that.

- ajax
devel mailing list

rails 3 is in rawhide

2011-02-07 Thread Mohammed Morsi
  I am pleased to announce that the last packages required for Rails 3 
support in Fedora have been pushed to rawhide and successfully built in 
anticipation of the Fedora 15 release. Rails 3.0.3 is a major upgrade 
from 2.3.8 which brings some API incompatibilities as a trade off for 
many new features. Rails 3 has been submitted and accepted as a feature 
for Fedora 15.

Many many thanks goes to Fedora contributors Vit Ondruch and Minnikhanov 
for all of their hard work packaging gems and reviewing packages. I look 
forward to continuing to work with them and seeing their contributions 
in the future.


devel mailing list

Re: boost 1.46.0

2011-02-07 Thread Zach Carter
On Friday, February 04, 2011 05:33:24 am Petr Machata wrote:
> Hi,
> beta of boost-1.46.0 was released recently and packaged yesterday.  It's
> now in the git, and a scratch build[2] was done.  This is in preparation
> for final release that should be out on 7th, just before the feature
> freeze.  Providing boost-1.46.0 is one of features of F15[1].
> I'm in the process of test-driving a couple packages locally to make
> sure that the new boost works.  If that turns out well, I'll do a
> non-scratch build of boost-1.46.0-0.beta1 later today.
> PM
> References:
> [1]
> [2]

I believe my package schroot may have been hit by a 1.46 issue that is fixed in 

Is there a plan to update to 1.47 or backport the fixes?

>From the 1.47 changelog:

Doc fixes: Update release history, add tables of macros and deprecated names.
Bug fix: convenience.hpp didn't fully apply BOOST_FILESYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED to 
name changes.
Bug fix: Ticket #1972 'remove' fixes.
Bug fix: Restore deprecated basic_directory_entry names inadvertently removed.
Bug fix: Provide deprecated functions has_branch_path and has_leaf, 
inadvertently omitted from 1.36.0
Add workarounds for Codegear/Borland C++ Builder 2009.

>From In member function 'void 
sbuild::chroot_config::add_config_directory(const string&, const string&)': error: 'class 
boost::filesystem3::directory_entry' has no member named 'leaf'
devel mailing list

[389-devel] Please review: [Bug 675265] preventryusn gets added to entries on a failed delete

2011-02-07 Thread Noriko Hosoi

Description: When an entry is deleted with Entry USN plugin enabled,
an operational attribute preventryusn is added to handle indexes and
entryusn tombstone.  The attribute must have been added only when
the delete was successful, but it was added regardless of the result
from the operation.  This patch checks the delete result in the
newly added entryusn delete bepost plugin (usn_bepostop_delete).
If it is not successful, the bepost plugin cleans up the attribute.

389-devel mailing list

[389-devel] Please Review: (583652) Console caches magic numbers instead of DNA-generated values

2011-02-07 Thread Nathan Kinder
389-devel mailing list

Re: [rhythmbox] Don't forget the changelog

2011-02-07 Thread Michael Schwendt
On Mon,  7 Feb 2011 19:27:12 + (UTC), Cosimo wrote:

>  %changelog
> +* Mon Feb  7 2011 Cosimo Cecchi  cosimoc redhat com  - 2.91.0-1.git20110207
> +- Update to a 2.91.0 git snapshot
> +- Disable DAAP sharing plugin, as it requires a newer libdmapsharing
> +- Depend on gtk3
> +

A newer libdmapsharing such as the following one?
If so, why not add a comment?
devel mailing list

Re: changes to base-x comps group

2011-02-07 Thread Bill Nottingham
Bill Nottingham ( said: 
> (Attempting to CC relevant spins/groups maintainers)
> I'm looking to do some rework of the base-x comps group. Right now, its
> main purpose in life is to provide the X server that is used by the
> various desktops (and the window-managers group, I suppose). However, given
> that, it has stuff in it that it really shouldn't - configuration tools,
> applets, session services, and so on.
> Attached is a patch series that attempts to remove this cruft from the
> base-x group, and place it, where relevant, in the appropriate desktop
> groups. (At least, the cruft that was on by default - I haven't attempted
> to weed out the optional packages yet.)

Thanks for the comments... merged now.

devel mailing list

[ACTION REQUIRED] orphaned packages in rawhide

2011-02-07 Thread Bill Nottingham
Each release, we undergo the effort to track down owners for orphaned
packages in the release, and block those orphaned packages where
necessary. It's that time again for Fedora 15.

The following packages are currently orphaned and exist in F-15. As
you can see, there are a lot of dependencies on these packages. Please
pick up these packages if you have a need for them.

Orphan Io-language
Orphan TeXmacs
Orphan abcMIDI
Orphan abcm2ps
Orphan aduna-commons-concurrent
Orphan aduna-commons-pom
Orphan aduna-commons-text
Orphan aduna-root-poms
Orphan apache-resource-bundles
Orphan atomix
Orphan aumix
Orphan beagle
Orphan bigloo
comaintained by: salimma
Orphan cel
Orphan compat-erlang
Orphan cook
Orphan crystalspace
comaintained by: lkundrak
Orphan curry
Orphan dtdparser
comaintained by: dbhole
Orphan eclipse-demos
comaintained by: jjohnstn
Orphan eclipse-slice2java
Orphan eina
Orphan emacs-common-pmd
Orphan fedora-devshell
Orphan ffcall
comaintained by: salimma
Orphan fonttools
Orphan g2ipmsg
Orphan gauche-gl
Orphan gauche-gtk
Orphan gedit-vala
comaintained by: salimma
Orphan geglmm
Orphan genesis
Orphan geronimo-jms
Orphan geronimo-jta
Orphan geronimo-parent-poms
Orphan gimmage
Orphan gmixer
comaintained by: tomspur
Orphan gnome-gmail-notifier
Orphan gnome-nettool
Orphan gnome-vfsmm26
Orphan gpa
Orphan gsh
Orphan gsql
Orphan gtkglarea2
comaintained by: rjones
Orphan gtklp
Orphan ice
Orphan idw-gpl
Orphan incollector
Orphan janino
Orphan jgoodies-forms
Orphan jgoodies-looks
Orphan jokosher
Orphan k3b
comaintained by: jreznik rdieter rnovacek
Orphan kcm_touchpad
Orphan ldapjdk
Orphan libfakekey
Orphan libflaim
Orphan libgle
Orphan libgnomecanvasmm26
Orphan libmatchbox
comaintained by: cwickert
Orphan libpanelappletmm
Orphan libtlen
Orphan log4net
Orphan logback
Orphan man-pages-uk
Orphan marlin
Orphan matchbox-keyboard
Orphan matchbox-window-manager
comaintained by: cwickert
Orphan maven-doxia-tools
Orphan maven-javadoc-plugin
Orphan ncmpcpp
Orphan ocaml-lablgl
comaintained by: rjones
Orphan odfpy
comaintained by: pfrields
Orphan pdfbook
Orphan plexus-cli
Orphan plexus-registry
comaintained by: akurtakov
Orphan plt-scheme
Orphan pmd
Orphan pop-before-smtp
Orphan pybackpack
Orphan pyorbit
Orphan pytc
Orphan python-cly
Orphan python-flickrapi
Orphan python-hash_ring
Orphan python-id3
Orphan python-line_profiler
Orphan python-mwlib
comaintained by: pfrields
Orphan python-transitfeed
Orphan pytyrant
Orphan q
Orphan qstat
Orphan rsstool
Orphan rubygem-ParseTree
Orphan rubygem-RubyInline
Orphan rubygem-ZenTest
Orphan rubygem-abstract
Orphan rubygem-amqp
Orphan rubygem-archive-tar-minitar
Orphan rubygem-bunny
Orphan rubygem-extlib
Orphan rubygem-fastthread
comaintained by: kanarip
Orphan rubygem-gem_plugin
Orphan rubygem-merb-gen
Orphan rubygem-merb-slices
Orphan rubygem-mime-types
Orphan rubygem-mixlib-authentication
Orphan rubygem-mixlib-cli
Orphan rubygem-mixlib-config
Orphan rubygem-mixlib-log
Orphan rubygem-moneta
Orphan rubygem-mongrel
comaintained by: kanarip
Orphan rubygem-ohai
Orphan rubygem-rcov
Orphan rubygem-ruby2ruby
Orphan rubygem-ruby_parser
Orphan rubygem-sexp_processor
Orphan rubygem-systemu
Orphan rubygem-templater
Orphan rubygem-uuidtools
Orphan sil-doulos-fonts
Orphan sil-gentium-fonts
Orphan smolt
Orphan sweep
Orphan taglib
comaintained by: rdieter
Orphan tclabc
Orphan tetex-tex4ht
comaintained by: pertusus
Orphan tigase-server
Orphan tigase-utils
Orphan tigase-xmltools
Orphan tiger
Orphan tla
comaintained by: jzeleny
Orphan trove4j
Orphan twitter-glib
Orphan update-ca-certificates
Orphan valide
Orphan wmctrl
Orphan wordpress-plugin-add-to-any
Orphan wordpress-plugin-add-to-any-subscribe
Orphan xca
Orphan zikula-module-feeds

List of deps left behind by orphan removal:

Orphan: Io-language
TnL requires Io-language-devel = 20080330-3.fc15
TnL requires

Orphan: abcm2ps
tclabc requires abcm2ps = 5.9.21-1.fc15

Orphan: aduna-commons-pom
aduna-commons-concurrent requires aduna-commons-pom = 16-1.fc13
aduna-commons-text requires aduna-commons-pom = 16-1.fc13

Orphan: aduna-root-poms
aduna-commons-pom requires aduna-root-poms = 13-1.fc13

Orphan: apache-resource-bundles
geronimo-parent-poms requires apache-resource-bundles = 2-5.fc15
maven2 requires apache-resource-bundles = 2-5.fc15
xmltool requires apache-resource-bundles = 2-5.fc15

Orphan: beagle
kerry requires beagle = 0.3.9-19.fc14

Orphan: bigloo
scheme2js requires bigloo = 3.4a-1.fc14

Orphan: crystalspace
cel requires crystalspace-devel = 1.2.1-8.fc14
cel requires
cel requires
cel-demos requires

Orphan: ffcall
clisp requires ffcall = 1.10-4.20080704cvs.fc12.1

Orphan: fonttools
python-compositor r

Re: [ACTION REQUIRED] orphaned packages in rawhide

2011-02-07 Thread Mohamed El Morabity
Le lundi 07 février 2011 à 15:59 -0500, Bill Nottingham a écrit :
> Each release, we undergo the effort to track down owners for orphaned
> packages in the release, and block those orphaned packages where
> necessary. It's that time again for Fedora 15.
> The following packages are currently orphaned and exist in F-15. As
> you can see, there are a lot of dependencies on these packages. Please
> pick up these packages if you have a need for them.

> Orphan jgoodies-forms
> Orphan jgoodies-looks
I take these packages, required by antlrworks.

devel mailing list

Re: [ACTION REQUIRED] orphaned packages in rawhide

2011-02-07 Thread Jon Ciesla
Bill Nottingham wrote:
> Each release, we undergo the effort to track down owners for orphaned
> packages in the release, and block those orphaned packages where
> necessary. It's that time again for Fedora 15.
> The following packages are currently orphaned and exist in F-15. As
> you can see, there are a lot of dependencies on these packages. Please
> pick up these packages if you have a need for them.
> Orphan Io-language
> Orphan TeXmacs
> Orphan abcMIDI
> Orphan abcm2ps
> Orphan aduna-commons-concurrent
> Orphan aduna-commons-pom
> Orphan aduna-commons-text
> Orphan aduna-root-poms
> Orphan apache-resource-bundles
> Orphan atomix
> Orphan aumix
> Orphan beagle
> Orphan bigloo
>   comaintained by: salimma
> Orphan cel
> Orphan compat-erlang
> Orphan cook
> Orphan crystalspace
>   comaintained by: lkundrak
> Orphan curry
> Orphan dtdparser
>   comaintained by: dbhole
> Orphan eclipse-demos
>   comaintained by: jjohnstn
> Orphan eclipse-slice2java
> Orphan eina
> Orphan emacs-common-pmd
> Orphan fedora-devshell
> Orphan ffcall
>   comaintained by: salimma
> Orphan fonttools
> Orphan g2ipmsg
> Orphan gauche-gl
> Orphan gauche-gtk
> Orphan gedit-vala
>   comaintained by: salimma
> Orphan geglmm
> Orphan genesis
> Orphan geronimo-jms
> Orphan geronimo-jta
> Orphan geronimo-parent-poms
> Orphan gimmage
> Orphan gmixer
>   comaintained by: tomspur
> Orphan gnome-gmail-notifier
> Orphan gnome-nettool
> Orphan gnome-vfsmm26
> Orphan gpa
> Orphan gsh
> Orphan gsql
> Orphan gtkglarea2
>   comaintained by: rjones
> Orphan gtklp
> Orphan ice
> Orphan idw-gpl
> Orphan incollector
> Orphan janino
> Orphan jgoodies-forms
> Orphan jgoodies-looks
> Orphan jokosher
> Orphan k3b
>   comaintained by: jreznik rdieter rnovacek
> Orphan kcm_touchpad
> Orphan ldapjdk
> Orphan libfakekey
> Orphan libflaim
> Orphan libgle
> Orphan libgnomecanvasmm26
> Orphan libmatchbox
>   comaintained by: cwickert
> Orphan libpanelappletmm
> Orphan libtlen
> Orphan log4net
> Orphan logback
> Orphan man-pages-uk
> Orphan marlin
> Orphan matchbox-keyboard
> Orphan matchbox-window-manager
>   comaintained by: cwickert
> Orphan maven-doxia-tools
> Orphan maven-javadoc-plugin
> Orphan ncmpcpp
> Orphan ocaml-lablgl
>   comaintained by: rjones
> Orphan odfpy
>   comaintained by: pfrields
> Orphan
> Orphan pdfbook
> Orphan plexus-cli
> Orphan plexus-registry
>   comaintained by: akurtakov
> Orphan plt-scheme
> Orphan pmd
> Orphan pop-before-smtp
> Orphan pybackpack
> Orphan pyorbit
> Orphan pytc
> Orphan python-cly
> Orphan python-flickrapi
> Orphan python-hash_ring
> Orphan python-id3
> Orphan python-line_profiler
> Orphan python-mwlib
>   comaintained by: pfrields
> Orphan python-transitfeed
> Orphan pytyrant
> Orphan q
> Orphan qstat
> Orphan rsstool
> Orphan rubygem-ParseTree
> Orphan rubygem-RubyInline
> Orphan rubygem-ZenTest
> Orphan rubygem-abstract
> Orphan rubygem-amqp
> Orphan rubygem-archive-tar-minitar
> Orphan rubygem-bunny
> Orphan rubygem-extlib
> Orphan rubygem-fastthread
>   comaintained by: kanarip
> Orphan rubygem-gem_plugin
> Orphan rubygem-merb-gen
> Orphan rubygem-merb-slices
> Orphan rubygem-mime-types
> Orphan rubygem-mixlib-authentication
> Orphan rubygem-mixlib-cli
> Orphan rubygem-mixlib-config
> Orphan rubygem-mixlib-log
> Orphan rubygem-moneta
> Orphan rubygem-mongrel
>   comaintained by: kanarip
> Orphan rubygem-ohai
> Orphan rubygem-rcov
> Orphan rubygem-ruby2ruby
> Orphan rubygem-ruby_parser
> Orphan rubygem-sexp_processor
> Orphan rubygem-systemu
> Orphan rubygem-templater
> Orphan rubygem-uuidtools
> Orphan sil-doulos-fonts
> Orphan sil-gentium-fonts
> Orphan smolt
> Orphan sweep
> Orphan taglib
>   comaintained by: rdieter
> Orphan tclabc
> Orphan tetex-tex4ht
>   comaintained by: pertusus
> Orphan tigase-server
> Orphan tigase-utils
> Orphan tigase-xmltools
> Orphan tiger
> Orphan tla
>   comaintained by: jzeleny
> Orphan trove4j
> Orphan twitter-glib
> Orphan update-ca-certificates
> Orphan valide
> Orphan wmctrl
> Orphan wordpress-plugin-add-to-any
> Orphan wordpress-plugin-add-to-any-subscribe
> Orphan xca
> Orphan zikula-module-feeds
> List of deps left behind by orphan removal:
> Orphan: Io-language
> TnL requires Io-language-devel = 20080330-3.fc15
> TnL requires
> Orphan: abcm2ps
> tclabc requires abcm2ps = 5.9.21-1.fc15
> Orphan: aduna-commons-pom
> aduna-commons-concurrent requires aduna-commons-pom = 16-1.fc13
> aduna-commons-text requires aduna-commons-pom = 16-1.fc13
> Orphan: aduna-root-poms
> aduna-commons-pom requires aduna-root-poms = 13-1.fc13
> Orphan: apache-resource-bundles
> geronimo-parent-poms requires apache-resource-bundles = 2-5.fc15
> maven2 requires apache-resource-bundles = 2-5.fc15
> xmltool requires apache-resource-bundles = 2-5.fc15
> Orphan: beagle
> kerry requires beagle = 0.3.9-19.fc14
> Orphan: big

Re: [ACTION REQUIRED] orphaned packages in rawhide

2011-02-07 Thread Dominic Hopf
Am Montag, den 07.02.2011, 15:59 -0500 schrieb Bill Nottingham:
> Each release, we undergo the effort to track down owners for orphaned
> packages in the release, and block those orphaned packages where
> necessary. It's that time again for Fedora 15.
> The following packages are currently orphaned and exist in F-15. As
> you can see, there are a lot of dependencies on these packages. Please
> pick up these packages if you have a need for them.
> Orphan Io-language
> Orphan TeXmacs
> Orphan abcMIDI
> Orphan abcm2ps
> Orphan aduna-commons-concurrent
> Orphan aduna-commons-pom
> Orphan aduna-commons-text
> Orphan aduna-root-poms
> Orphan apache-resource-bundles
> Orphan atomix
> Orphan aumix
> Orphan beagle
> Orphan bigloo
>   comaintained by: salimma
> Orphan cel
> Orphan compat-erlang
> Orphan cook
> Orphan crystalspace
>   comaintained by: lkundrak
> Orphan curry
> Orphan dtdparser
>   comaintained by: dbhole
> Orphan eclipse-demos
>   comaintained by: jjohnstn
> Orphan eclipse-slice2java
> Orphan eina
> Orphan emacs-common-pmd
> Orphan fedora-devshell
> Orphan ffcall
>   comaintained by: salimma
> Orphan fonttools
> Orphan g2ipmsg
> Orphan gauche-gl
> Orphan gauche-gtk
> Orphan gedit-vala
>   comaintained by: salimma
> Orphan geglmm
> Orphan genesis
> Orphan geronimo-jms
> Orphan geronimo-jta
> Orphan geronimo-parent-poms
> Orphan gimmage
> Orphan gmixer
>   comaintained by: tomspur
> Orphan gnome-gmail-notifier
> Orphan gnome-nettool
> Orphan gnome-vfsmm26
> Orphan gpa
> Orphan gsh
> Orphan gsql
> Orphan gtkglarea2
>   comaintained by: rjones
> Orphan gtklp
> Orphan ice
> Orphan idw-gpl
> Orphan incollector
> Orphan janino
> Orphan jgoodies-forms
> Orphan jgoodies-looks
> Orphan jokosher
> Orphan k3b
>   comaintained by: jreznik rdieter rnovacek
> Orphan kcm_touchpad
> Orphan ldapjdk
> Orphan libfakekey
> Orphan libflaim
> Orphan libgle
> Orphan libgnomecanvasmm26
> Orphan libmatchbox
>   comaintained by: cwickert
> Orphan libpanelappletmm
> Orphan libtlen
> Orphan log4net
> Orphan logback
> Orphan man-pages-uk
> Orphan marlin
> Orphan matchbox-keyboard
> Orphan matchbox-window-manager
>   comaintained by: cwickert
> Orphan maven-doxia-tools
> Orphan maven-javadoc-plugin
> Orphan ncmpcpp
> Orphan ocaml-lablgl
>   comaintained by: rjones
> Orphan odfpy
>   comaintained by: pfrields
> Orphan
> Orphan pdfbook
> Orphan plexus-cli
> Orphan plexus-registry
>   comaintained by: akurtakov
> Orphan plt-scheme
> Orphan pmd
> Orphan pop-before-smtp
> Orphan pybackpack
> Orphan pyorbit
> Orphan pytc
> Orphan python-cly
> Orphan python-flickrapi
> Orphan python-hash_ring
> Orphan python-id3
> Orphan python-line_profiler
> Orphan python-mwlib
>   comaintained by: pfrields
> Orphan python-transitfeed
> Orphan pytyrant
> Orphan q
> Orphan qstat
> Orphan rsstool
> Orphan rubygem-ParseTree
> Orphan rubygem-RubyInline
> Orphan rubygem-ZenTest
> Orphan rubygem-abstract
> Orphan rubygem-amqp
> Orphan rubygem-archive-tar-minitar
> Orphan rubygem-bunny
> Orphan rubygem-extlib
> Orphan rubygem-fastthread
>   comaintained by: kanarip
> Orphan rubygem-gem_plugin
> Orphan rubygem-merb-gen
> Orphan rubygem-merb-slices
> Orphan rubygem-mime-types
> Orphan rubygem-mixlib-authentication
> Orphan rubygem-mixlib-cli
> Orphan rubygem-mixlib-config
> Orphan rubygem-mixlib-log
> Orphan rubygem-moneta
> Orphan rubygem-mongrel
>   comaintained by: kanarip
> Orphan rubygem-ohai
> Orphan rubygem-rcov
> Orphan rubygem-ruby2ruby
> Orphan rubygem-ruby_parser
> Orphan rubygem-sexp_processor
> Orphan rubygem-systemu
> Orphan rubygem-templater
> Orphan rubygem-uuidtools
> Orphan sil-doulos-fonts
> Orphan sil-gentium-fonts
> Orphan smolt
> Orphan sweep
> Orphan taglib
>   comaintained by: rdieter
> Orphan tclabc
> Orphan tetex-tex4ht
>   comaintained by: pertusus
> Orphan tigase-server
> Orphan tigase-utils
> Orphan tigase-xmltools
> Orphan tiger
> Orphan tla
>   comaintained by: jzeleny
> Orphan trove4j
> Orphan twitter-glib
> Orphan update-ca-certificates
> Orphan valide
> Orphan wmctrl
> Orphan wordpress-plugin-add-to-any
> Orphan wordpress-plugin-add-to-any-subscribe
> Orphan xca
> Orphan zikula-module-feeds
> List of deps left behind by orphan removal:
> Orphan: Io-language
> TnL requires Io-language-devel = 20080330-3.fc15
> TnL requires
> Orphan: abcm2ps
> tclabc requires abcm2ps = 5.9.21-1.fc15
> Orphan: aduna-commons-pom
> aduna-commons-concurrent requires aduna-commons-pom = 16-1.fc13
> aduna-commons-text requires aduna-commons-pom = 16-1.fc13
> Orphan: aduna-root-poms
> aduna-commons-pom requires aduna-root-poms = 13-1.fc13
> Orphan: apache-resource-bundles
> geronimo-parent-poms requires apache-resource-bundles = 2-5.fc15
> maven2 requires apache-resource-bundles = 2-5.fc15
> xmltool requires apache-resource-bundles = 2-5.fc15
> Orphan: beagle
> ke

Could not find debuginfo pkg for dependency package. . .

2011-02-07 Thread B.
I've been experiencing some mutter crashes when trying to report it via
abrt, abrt informed me that reporting was disabled because the backtrace
is unusable and suggested I installed debuginfo-install mutter then
refresh and try again which revealed. .. 

Could not find debuginfo pkg for dependency package
Could not find debuginfo pkg for dependency package

I'm a bit curious if we cant automatically check for missing debuginfo
pacakges for relevant component(s) and inform the packager/maintainer
encase they dont exist to prevent encounters like this?


devel mailing list

[pkgdb] ocaml-lablgl ownership changed

2011-02-07 Thread Fedora PackageDB
Package ocaml-lablgl in Fedora devel is now owned by rjones

To make changes to this package see:
ocaml-devel mailing list

[pkgdb] ocaml-lablgl ownership changed

2011-02-07 Thread Fedora PackageDB
Package ocaml-lablgl in Fedora 14 is now owned by rjones

To make changes to this package see:
ocaml-devel mailing list

Re: [ACTION REQUIRED] orphaned packages in rawhide

2011-02-07 Thread Richard W.M. Jones
On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 03:59:42PM -0500, Bill Nottingham wrote:
> Orphan ocaml-lablgl
>   comaintained by: rjones
> Orphan: gtkglarea2

I took these two.


Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
New in Fedora 11: Fedora Windows cross-compiler. Compile Windows
programs, test, and build Windows installers. Over 70 libraries supprt'd
devel mailing list

Re: perl @INC (paths) again

2011-02-07 Thread Emmanuel Seyman
* Iain Arnell [03/02/2011 09:31] :
> I agree. Marcela's proposal is fine in principle, but unlikely to
> achieve much in practice.

I have to admit this is my conclusion as well.

> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Paul Howarth  wrote:
> > So overall I'm in favour of using the F-15 set of paths (assuming the
> > typos are fixed) but sticking with the vendor directories for everything
> > apart from the perl core.
> +1 to that.

Add my +1 to the list.


Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list

Re: Could not find debuginfo pkg for dependency package. . .

2011-02-07 Thread Kevin Fenzi
On Mon, 07 Feb 2011 22:23:11 +
Jóhann "B." Guðmundsson  wrote:

> I've been experiencing some mutter crashes when trying to report it
> via abrt, abrt informed me that reporting was disabled because the
> backtrace is unusable and suggested I installed debuginfo-install
> mutter then refresh and try again which revealed. .. 
> Could not find debuginfo pkg for dependency package
> glibc-2.13.90-2.x86_64
> Could not find debuginfo pkg for dependency package
> clutter-1.6.2-1.fc15.x86_64

Where did you install glibc from ? Koji? 

> I'm a bit curious if we cant automatically check for missing debuginfo
> pacakges for relevant component(s) and inform the packager/maintainer
> encase they dont exist to prevent encounters like this?

The problem is that that version of glibc was built today, so it's not
in repos and thus it's debuginfo isn't in repos either. 

I don't think the koji static repos include debuginfo, so if you are
installing from there you will need to download and install the
debuginfo manually. 


Description: PGP signature
devel mailing list

Re: Could not find debuginfo pkg for dependency package. . .

2011-02-07 Thread B.
On Mon, 2011-02-07 at 16:01 -0700, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> On Mon, 07 Feb 2011 22:23:11 +
> Jóhann "B." Guðmundsson  wrote:
> > I've been experiencing some mutter crashes when trying to report it
> > via abrt, abrt informed me that reporting was disabled because the
> > backtrace is unusable and suggested I installed debuginfo-install
> > mutter then refresh and try again which revealed. .. 
> > 
> > Could not find debuginfo pkg for dependency package
> > glibc-2.13.90-2.x86_64
> > Could not find debuginfo pkg for dependency package
> > clutter-1.6.2-1.fc15.x86_64
> Where did you install glibc from ? Koji? 
> > I'm a bit curious if we cant automatically check for missing debuginfo
> > pacakges for relevant component(s) and inform the packager/maintainer
> > encase they dont exist to prevent encounters like this?
> The problem is that that version of glibc was built today, so it's not
> in repos and thus it's debuginfo isn't in repos either. 
> I don't think the koji static repos include debuginfo, so if you are
> installing from there you will need to download and install the
> debuginfo manually. 

Yup using static repo from koji

Thanks for the heads up will add those packages manually 


devel mailing list

Re: perl @INC (paths) again

2011-02-07 Thread Ralf Corsepius
On 02/07/2011 11:43 PM, Emmanuel Seyman wrote:
> * Iain Arnell [03/02/2011 09:31] :
>> I agree. Marcela's proposal is fine in principle, but unlikely to
>> achieve much in practice.
> I have to admit this is my conclusion as well.
>> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Paul Howarth  wrote:
>>> So overall I'm in favour of using the F-15 set of paths (assuming the
>>> typos are fixed) but sticking with the vendor directories for everything
>>> apart from the perl core.
>> +1 to that.
> Add my +1 to the list.

Then you are likely able to explain why you want to see this implemented?

I fail to see _any_ advantage this approach provides, but consider it to 
provide only regressons what Fedora 14 had.

Fedora Extras Perl SIG
perl-devel mailing list

Check your KDE application's license

2011-02-07 Thread Julian Aloofi
Hi everybody,
if you're maintaining a KDE application in Fedora, there might be a
chance that it is using a modified GPL license header (see this thread
on the legal list ). I 
only know of this being the case with Yakuake and amaroK (see 
src/widgets/FlowLayout.cpp), but possibly other applications are affected as 

If you find this or a similar header in one of your packages, please
change your License tag to the one pointed out on the legal list here:

Happy grepping,

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
devel mailing list

[389-devel] Please Review: (668950) Add posixGroup support to Console

2011-02-07 Thread Nathan Kinder
389-devel mailing list

new raid1 read balance working, please test it! kernel 2.6.37 based

2011-02-07 Thread Roberto Spadim
hi guys, i made some changes to md raid1 software, could fedora test
it? for me it work very nice =)
the raid1 new code is based in kernel 2.6.37
here is the new and old code:

just read_balance changed (4 modes: near_head(today)
round_robin(counter per mirror) stripe (like raid0, with shift for
make stripe less or more intensive), time based (depending on head
positioning time and read size it calculate the fasted mirror, some
new improvement must be done but it works, improvements= get io queue
of each mirror and many a time estimation of queue time, with it get
more close best disk)

it´s open source please help me testing it, neil at raid kernel must
some benchmarks to put it inside kernel source
for mixed speed mirrors time based is good,
for ssd only round_Robin is good (per mirror count, put 230 for
230mb/s, 150 for mb/s or multiples to make a good round robin)
for disks and/or ssd mixed or not, stripe is good
for disks only near head is good

Roberto Spadim
Spadim Technology / SPAEmpresarial
devel mailing list

Re: [ACTION REQUIRED] orphaned packages in rawhide

2011-02-07 Thread Jerry James
On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 1:59 PM, Bill Nottingham  wrote:

> Orphan bigloo
>comaintained by: salimma

> Orphan ffcall
>comaintained by: salimma

I need these two to work, so I can either maintain or comaintain if the
existing comaintainer would like me to.
Jerry James
devel mailing list

libedit update

2011-02-07 Thread Jerry James
I need a libedit update to attempt to resolve bug #511303.  In particular,
the latest version includes wide character (Unicode) support.  I've just
done the rebuild.  This should not effect other programs that use libedit,
but just in case, check your programs for any weirdness.  If I've broken
something for you, let me know, and I'll try to fix it.

Repoquery tells me that the following may be affected:


Jerry James
devel mailing list

Re: incompatible screen update

2011-02-07 Thread Lennart Poettering
On Fri, 04.02.11 16:30, Miroslav Lichvar ( wrote:

> Hi,
> just a heads up, the screen package in rawhide was updated to a pre
> 4.1.0 git snapshot and after the update you won't be able to reattach
> to your old screen session.
> There are actually three incompatible changes:
> - the change in screen protocol
> - $HOME/.screen is used as socket directory instead of
>   /var/run/screen
> - unix sockets are used instead of named pipes
> The socket directory switch means that it's now not possibly to enable
> the multiuser feature just by adding suid root to the screen binary
> and chmoding the directory. To enable the feature, the package has to
> be recompiled with --with multiuser, it will switch the directory
> back, add suid bit and include tmpfs so systemd creates the directory
> on start.

$HOME is no place to place unix sockets. Unfortunately $HOME might be
one weirdo file systems which do not support that. Expect bug reports
about this soon.

Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.
devel mailing list